Second Person Stories 1,827 members · 1,561 stories
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I've asked dozens of times, but get no answer, or one I hardly understand. I don't care if I look like an idiot for asking such a stupid question, but... how do I use italics here? I write the story in Word, italics included, but when I copy/paste it here, it's just normal text. I've tried highlighting the text and pressing "I" but it just becomes some weird text. Something along the lines of . That's actually what happens when I press the button. I've tried pressing the button and then typing afterwards, but all that comes up is this. In fact, none of the buttons quite work the way they're intended. Could someone please help me out.
Bold Underline Cross

You can use the hotkey ctrl+i to italicise things, ctrl+b for bold, ctrl+u for underline. On Fimfic, those surround the highlighted area with bbc code, which will turn into the desired format after you post your comment.

1681899 Before you type, you'll see 5 letters right above the description. The letter B, I, U, S, and A.

See the letter I? Click on the, and it should look like this, [ i ][ /i ] except with no spaces. Click between these two, right in the middle of the two ][ brackets, and type anything there. When your finish, click outside, and save your story. There you go. :3

Here, you can use this website for most of the stuff. Unfortunately, this website does not use the more advanced stuff like superscript, least in the BBcode I have tried.

1681899 If you type up your stories in Google Drive then transfer it to FIM it will automatically italicize what you did in Drive.

Alright, I think I've got it now. Thanks guys! You're the greatest!

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