Humans falling in love with ponies. 6,117 members · 2,427 stories
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A human has been living in Ponyville for quite some time now. In that time he has become best friends with the main six. Through all the adventures and challenges they've been together, they developed romantic feelings for him. But there is one problem: he is aromantic and asexual. 

This next paragraph will explain what those words mean. It will be a quick explanation, so if you want greater detail I recommend you look up. There are Youtube videos that explain it better than me. If you already know, feel free to skip ahead. 

Aromanticism is a romantic orientation where a person has little to no romantic attraction. They are satisfied with friendships and may never develop to more than that. Romantic gestures like giving a heart shaped box of chocolates might have no effect on them. Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction. They are fine with not having sex but that doesn’t mean they are repulse to it. They can see a hot chick in a bikini and they won’t be turned on by it. Not all aromantics are asexual and vice versa. 

You can have him as a stereotypical anime protagonist but I think that will be lazy. You can have him aware of his orientation which is why he turns them down because he won’t be able to feel the same. The girl will think that he is afraid of commitment or has been in a horrible relationship. So they get Cadence to help with the issue. Cadence will have the human talk about his love; he then tells that he doesn’t have one and never had the need to find a romantic partner. Cadence will be shocked by this and probably think that something is wrong. So she and the mane six find ways to get him romantically attracted. 

Now I wrote this out, see how this can be a horrible fanfic. Do not write this unless you know what you are doing. Sorry for wasting your time. 

Sounds a bit like My Family and Other Equestrians except that has the entire family coming but follows the person described above and the pony in question is AJ. It’s a very good story actually.

Has already been done but the human is gay and with Big Mac. They beat him up at the end. Forgot the story name.

You mean this one:
I wouldn't count that one because Anon is romantically attracted to big mac

I'd read it in a heartbeat. Ace and Aro representation and acceptance are important.

Yes that's it.

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