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So in Marvel VS Capcom 3, each and every character has their own special ending. You can watch them all here:

So here's my challenge to everybody who's interested, what kind of ending do you think the MLP cast would have if they were in the game?

You may choose any of the following characters:
Twilight Sparkle
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Princess Celestia
Princess Luna
Princess Cadence
Shining Armor
Daring Do
Sunset Shimmer
Queen Chrysalis
Nightmare Moon
King Sombra
Adagio Dazzle
Iron Will

King Sombra

*Sombra is seen in a dark smog, eyes glowing red*

Sombra: So, the Power Cosmic itself was naught but a trifle in the end. Such a pity. But at least he proved for good amusement, no matter how small it might seem.

*Comic book flips to reveal Sombra's grinning face zoomed in, but only showing his right side as an imposing figure stood behind him*

Sombra: Yet another who wishes to challenge me? How laughable.

Thanos: Puny beast of burden. You'll learn to eat your words when you recognize the true power of Thanos...

Sombra: You can try, peon. At your ready...

Lord Tirek

*Doctor Doom, Reed Richards, and Twilight Sparkle stood in front of several other characters, all looking up with varying expressions*

Doctor Doom: I never thought I'd see the day where I'd team up with you lesser beings again.

Reed Richards: The feeling's mutual, Doom, but you have to recognize that we're gonna need all the help we can get!

Twilight Sparkle: He's right, you know. This is the worst battle yet for us!

*Comic book flips to reveal countless heroes and villains swarming Tirek, who was the size of a planet*

Lord Tirek: Foolish mortals! I hold inside of me the power of Galactus! Not even the Rainbow Power can stop me! All shall succumb to my dominion or perish!

Twilight Sparkle

*Twilight trotting down the halls of some stone building with an unseen someone.*

Twilight: I can still barely believe that there's so many worlds and dimensions out there. It's almost mind boggling. If Starswirl could've seen this.

???: I am glad to see you are excited, Princess of Friendship. I look forward to helping you spread the light of Harmony across theses universes.

Twilight: Oh please, just call me Twilight. But you're right, as a Princess it's my duty to learn as much as I can, not just about all theses new kinds of magics and technologies, but cultures, species and dimensions as well.

*page flip to Twilight jumping for joy as Dr. Strange looks on and smiles*

Twilight: And I'm so lucky to have such a great teacher to start me off. Thank you, Sorcerer Supreme.

Dr. Strange: Please, Twilight. Call me Strange. Now how would you like to get started?

Twilight: Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!



*Galactus is being subjected to The Stare*

Fluttershy: Listen here, buster! I get that you're a world eating being that travels universes, but that doesn't give you the right to extinguish whole planets full of civilizations that have just as much a right to live as you do!

Galactus: B-But I require the n-nurishment of worlds to s-survive! You would tell me to starve!?

Fluttershy: Of course not, but you can't just go around hurting others, especially those that can't even defend themselves. But don't you worry, I think I've got a friend who can help.

*page turn to Discord lying exhausted on the ground, Fluttershy by his side while Galactus consumes a planet in the distance*

Discord: Ugh… I can't believe you had me make a whole planet. That wasn't easy, you know.

Fluttershy: I understand, but I really appreciate it. And don't you worry, we've got him on a diet so you won't have to help feed him for a while.

Discord: And how long would that be?

Fluttershy: Oh, about five years.

Discord: And long will this go on?

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm not exactly sure, but from what I understand he's even older than his whole universe, so I'd really appreciate it if you could keep helping him. Um, if you don't mind, that is.

Discord: You're lucky you're cute, you know that?

Fluttershy: Yay!


I'll come up with more when I can think of them.

Got some more ideas.

Shining Armor

*Shining puts on an outfit, the closeup obscuring the details.*

Shining: I might be a prince now, but I guess I'll always be a Guard at heart. Look out, world! Here comes...

*Page turn to Shining dressed in a gaudy superhero outfit with a shield as Cadance looks on and smiles sheepishly*

Shining: Captain Equestria! What do you think, Cady?

Cadance: Um, Shiny? What's with the outfit?

Shining: Well there was this one guy who had a similar costume, and he's one of the most respected heroes in his world! I figure I shoul be able to pull it off too! So, how about it?

Cadance: Uh... It definitely suits you, dear.


Rainbow Dash

*Rainbow adjusts a red coat, the camera zoomed in*

Rainbow: Aww yeah! I always knew I was awesome, but even I didn't know I was 'kicking the flank of planet-eaters' awesome! But, the universe is a big place, and now there's three of them! Even a pony like me can only do so much. So I guess I'll need a little help.

*Page flip to Rainbow and Dante, dressed the same, posing with their guns*

Rainbow: And who better than the only person as cool as me?

Dante: Thanks kid. I'd say not to slow me down, but I guess that's the last thing you'll have a problem with. So, ready to get started?

Rainbow: You know it!

Both: Let's rock, baby!

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