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Comments ( 16 )
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If you love "If the Emperor had a text-to-speech device" then you'll love this.

Credit goes to Eliphas the Inheritor.

Damn, now I have to wait for part 2.

4192238 Well since I've been on the site a year and a half longer than you I think we have to conclude that you are the doppelganger.

4192252 It's right in your name corpse worshipper; you are 'Me Lite'.

4192263 Actually it says 'rion', but we'll ignore that for now since you can't spell groin without 'roin',

So what you're saying is you are me without the g'roin'? sounds about right. They chemically castrate you or something so the pretty daemons and xenos wouldn't make your willy feel funny anymore? I guess your faith starts to flag when your dick raises its own.

This was glorious!

4192306 Okay I think this little RP of ours has gotten a bit too silly, We should probably stop before Sanguinius starts to get mad over all the pointless notifications we must be spamming him with.

Not as funny as Text-to-Speech Device, but the actual Ultramarine battle was masterfully done.
And I did enjoy seeing the "Ultrabar".

Alas, in the end, it doesn't matter. That fat Ogryn/Matt Ward wannabe Cruddance will nerf them to the Warp and back again at some point.

Music choices for the battle of Macragge scene

1. Pokemon alpha sapphire/Omega Ruby: Wally battle theme
2. Starfox Assault - Space battleground
3. Ultramarines movie: Proud astartes

sorry for the thread necro, but It's finally out.

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