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Hey everypony, I'm looking for an editor for my future project "To Equestria And Beyond".

TTo Equestria And Beyond (Rewrite In Progress)
A new friend joins Equestria and makes his mark
NightFurySpeedey8156 · 608k words  ·  35  21 · 1.6k views

My goal is to have a g4 oc story that goes from season 2 to season 9, and I need some help with the writing and edits on this project. Here are a few things I want to go through...

1. Most importantly, if you don't think you have the time to take on this mega project with me and can stick around for the ride, STEER CLEAR!

2.If you want to give suggestions, give them! No need to think that I'm going to be the only one writing this and that you shouldn't have an opinion just because I'm the author.

3.If you have a preferred way in keeping in contact with me so we can make sure things go smoothly, please let me know.

4.If you need a break from writing/editing this story for any reason, be it personal or otherwise, don't be afraid to tell me if you need to do something or if you have something come up during the process, I'm all ears!

5. I will be using Google docs to get the editing done for this project.

6.Have fun! Make jokes, be funny, add your own bits into the story of you wish, you will not be judged! (As long as you keep it respectful)

Synopsis: A new creature has taken interest in the land of Equestria for it's beauty and love. He wants to take a new step in his life towards a new beginning, after being sheltered from the "danger" that lurked outside of his forest home, and with an invitation to a wedding from Princess Celestia herself, he just might get his chance.

Bonus: I also have a free spot for a co-writer! I want to share the glory of this project with someone besides myself. If you feel like you would want the honor of joining me on the journey to glory and fame, let me know!

And that's it! I hope you take interest in my proposal for an editor/possible co-writer in this story and find it to your liking. If you accept this offer, please feel free to send me a PM and I will get to you as soon as I can! Thanks, and I hope you have a great day!

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