Sad 2,625 members · 4,384 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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I am working my first sad story right now, which is almost complete, but I need the help of someone who really knows what they're doing. I am aiming for heartbreaking, but, reading through it, it doesn't quite seem to hit that at this point.

Can anyone help me with this? I want the person to be trustworthy, as well as skilled, so as not to ruin my story nor clog up the comments section with criticism.

I really want to make this a good one, so thanks in advance!

I think even two people helping might be okay, as long as we have some private means of communication. I'll even put up with Regidar if he decides to take this up. :P

Do you have a link? I could look at it. I won't edit grammar, just try to make it sad. Even though I never wrote sad published, I will give you a link or type up a planned scene that could be heart breaking.

Also is this My little Dashie sad? Or what kind of sad?


I will PM you a link and give you the viewing password in a minute.

Also, tell me if it is chapter story, or one shot. It would be nice to know. :)


It is a one shot (3000~4000 words).

1383127 Might I suggest google docs, in the future? No worries about comment sections and passwords.


I would do that, but GDocs seems to be blocked, for whatever reason, where I am.

1383127 I could try to help. I may not be the best at writing sad fics but I have made a fair few people cry. Mind if I take a peek?

>implying I am not a sad little man
PM me, I'll help. I've been known to dish out a case of the feels now and then.


I tried to send it to you but the page pooped itself and didn't send. Anyway, I've got CometTail and Regidar helping now, both of whom I respect to a high degree. Thanks for your offer though. :P

1383127 Is this sad enough? Because if my style of sadness is what you're looking for, I could give you some pointers

Are you going for empty sad or more along the lines of happy sad?

It is a one shot (3000~4000 words).

Ooh I'm good at those. I'll help ya out a bit if you still need help :pinkiehappy:


1384302 1385620
I think I've got it under control now. Thanks though. :P

1383127 Me ! Me ! I'll help, i'm not really experienced but I'm good at writing sad stuff ! :):pinkiehappy:


Thanks, but it's already finished:
Fragility of Ambition

Oh, okay good luck :) :pinkiehappy:

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