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For those of you who know me, I am the create and mane(I will never stop) writer of Viva La Lunar, A fanfic taking place in an alternate universe of Mlp. though I have stated I would continue it after the finale until the story ran its course, now having seen the ending of the end, and the last friendship problem, I am left with an uncertainty of where to go from here. I would love to continue what has become my longest running fanfic, But I don't think I can. now this is not indefinent, perhaps when I am able to access my editor(Shadic Midnight Blitzer)'s new rewritten version of story it will give me more direction. but for now... I'd like to focus on something else.

I will not give many spoilers, but one thing is for sure equestria is no longer just ponies and a dragon after the finale. every race that has appeared in the series are inhabiting equestria(hell, it might need a new name). Now I was ahead of the curve having my version of the NLR being multi-species, but this is beyond what I was thinking.

So, what else could I think to do... What if I did a fanfic that shows the beginning of this new era, As well as finally revealing the canon version of myself oc, Tarantula "Inkwell" Brush, one of the oc's to appear in VLL. being part changeling and part pegasus allows him to be the perfect character to being this period of every race living in harmony. so in this fanfic I would like to have him and all of your OC's start a town where every Creature is allowed.

you want in? just reply with this template:
Species(anything but alicorns):
Appearance(pictures if possible):
Cutie mark(only required if pony or zebra)
anything else noteworthy:

I look forward to writing with all of your help:twilightsmile:.

Name: Dark fire
Age: 23
Species: Dragon without wings.
Personality: Short temper, care about others, tactical.
likes: Equality, democracy, meat ( I know they eat stones).
Dislike: Ponies, changelings, monarchy and dictatorship.

well won't he be fun to put in a room with everyone else, you setting him up for an antagonist role or just to see his reaction to being in a room with things he doesn't like?

Sounds interesting

Name: Kohaku
Nickname: Forestsong
Age: 13
Species(anything but alicorns): Kitsune
Personality: Mischevious (skilled prankster) and Carefree
Appearance(pictures if possible):

likes: Singing, Drawing, Reading, Fish, Playing pranks, Cats
dislikes: dogs, dragons
Magic: Foxfire, Illusions, Chloromancy, Healing, Shapeshifting (but only into a pony)
anything else noteworthy:
In terms of magic abilities, he is no more skilled then the average unicorn at his age.

Antagonist, I think it would be interesting to see someone to bring the idea of democracy.

I have another one if you like.
Name: Star blade
Age 14
species: Hippogriff.
appearance: a thin gold hippogriff without wings, and he had 2 katanas.
Personality: Respectful, have honor for himself and family, fighter.
Likes: His family, Equestria, martial arts and swords arts, Gardening
Dislike: Greed, corruption, taking advantage of others or powers for personal gain.
Also, Star blade was a student of one of the pillar, the japanese one. His motto is dream not of what you are but you want to be.

Oi! You know me well Ink so I think we already know who my OC will be.

Also I think I began to implement the changeling pony hybrid in chapter one so yeah.

Name: Silver

Age: 21

Species: Alien Dragon(Does that count?)

Personality: Stern, full of skepticism, but can be vary enthusiastic when discovering something that’s progressive.

Appearance: Gray dragonoid(looks like a dragon), with white melded with his scale color near tip of tail, feathery spikes on top of head, that’s tipped with black(almost like a Velociraptor), and bright turquoise(sky blue) eyes.

Likes: Finding advancements in science, being introverted, likes cool environments.

Dislikes: Ignorance in others, stupidity, being ignored, and seeing people knowingly harming others.

He hides any anger with sarcasm, and seeing stupidity is mostly the reason he’s introverted. He conducts experiments to see how Earthian materials react to Equestrian materials(but you’ll have to find out a bit later...)

Not really sure why I’ve decided to do this, but thought i’d be interesting to see the results.

So And my OC is already in right?

*Amf Studios (stupid autocorrect)

Name: Sunset Carnelian

Age: 17 (late teens)

Species(anything but alicorns): Pegasus

Personality: Cunning, Malicious, Diligent, aggressive and a tad narcissistic. she believes she's above everyone and deserves a royal status due to her powers (fire bending, this will be talked about better in extra notes). her dream is to run an empire and ascend to princes hood (this wont ever happen for many reasons , one including - alicorn oc too op lol) she always thinks before doing and takes care in her work.

Appearance(pictures if possible):

Cutie mark(only required if pony or zebra)

likes: (top 3) Spicy foods/glass blowing/dancing - (dancing reminds her alot of fire bending, as they both have similar forms and movements you need to perfect to get the best results)

dislikes: (top 3) Cold nights/sleeping in(weird.. i know it just stresses her to be wasting the daylight)/Princess Celestia(for banishing and "ending" her ancestors of fire benders

anything else noteworthy: The village she lived in was quite barren, as they had very few visitors that wanted to cross over the canyons to the east and the volcanoes to the west. Consequentially, there were very few families that lived there. She was raised alongside the majestic pegasi, and the humble and skilled Earth ponies. She also knew several dragons, all of whom were very kind to her. When she was 8, the tips of her wings burst into flames, leaving her sobbing with fear. It was a gift that hadn't been seen in all of Equestria for several thousands of years. The elders that knew of this strange gift gave her the scrolls she became obsessed with, but she lived in fear of burning them, her only knowledge about others who had the same condition as her. They advised her to not let anyone outside of the village know, and she practiced hiding and controlling her powers. They feared that Princess Celestia would somehow find out, and that she would be banished and forced to leave everyone behind, as the others she read in history ended up going mad on their conquest for power with their abilities. But there's no way that could happen to Sunset right?

^ ty for this opportunity <3

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