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If season nine really is the last season of the show, I'm hoping for a episode about Rarity being honest to Spike’s feelings that she don’t share the same feelings as him, but also tell him if he gets older she might return his feelings one day. Simple as that.

jw278 #2 · Nov 4th, 2018 · · 3 ·

i can see where your coming from but i'd rather see him hit growth spurt, have it turn out hes only 2years younger thank twi, 1 year younger than rarity & start dating, then flash forward to seeing them with a family manybe through a pic or a 1 off future episode where you see them with the family happy lol. I know its never gonna happen but still thats what i would like hahaha

I agree with you Peanuts. It would really end the Sparity fanbase suspension if Rarity feels the same way. Especially after the new Short that premiere d last Saturday with the song and "affection" she showed to Spike. My opinion is that she will tell him to find someone else or to physically grow up to try for it. (I have my doubts)

2 years older than Twi and 1 year older than Rairty? lmfao.

1st of all, he's a baby dragon.

2nd, Twilight is the youngest of the Mane 6, while Rarity is one of the oldest, so Spike can't be 1 year younger than her.

very true but i couldnt think of any reasonable way it could work hahaha other than some crap about dragons aging different & having his growth spurt making him an adult, guess that could work lol
dosnt really matter to me how just want them to end up together, think he deserves his happy ending hahaha

I'd hardly call him a baby.
Physically, sure - but his mind has developed so far beyond that by now.

Plus he won't age as long as he doesn't succumb to greed, so.

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Director Jim Miller considered Spike a pre-teen then a baby dragon.

cool didnt know that, dont tweet & stuff lol as for me i'd be happy seeing him finally end up with rarity, after watching the show i found this site cuz of spike/rarity, havnt stopped reading since lol i like other ships & stories on this site but will always hope for sparity lol

I hope nothing happens. Leave the relationship ambiguous. The fans already do a perfect job of exploring the ship. The less concrete answer they give the more room we have to work with.

I understand it being the last season and about closure, but as I stated, you beautiful bastards handle that perfectly through your awesome fics..

well said, you make a good point but would still be nice to see :) but i do love to read the stories people come up with

succumb to greed???


This is, like, season two stuff, dude. Maybe even season one.

I’m with 6649387.
My ideal for the final episode would be the barest hint that they’re continuing to spend time together, be that Spike heading over to the boutique or the two of them next to each other as the mane six gallop into the sunset. Anything more wouldn’t fit with the nature of the snow.

MOLT !!! He is not a baby anymore, adolescent at least. Besides, he was a baby DRAGON, in dragon terms, we don't know how old is in pony terms.

If you look at my blog: Spike can be any age we want there a link that show one of Jim Miller's twitter page. He say dragons age slower than ponies and that he consider Spike to be 10-12 in dragon year but 16-22 in pony year. For my headcannon, I put Twilight as six when she got her cutie mark and I also have ten years passing between this event and the first episode. So following what Jim Miller say, Spike would be ten in dragon year but 16 in pony year

Just like with 1 dog year x 7 aging rate = 7 human year, I did the following calculation:
10 dragons years x 1.6 aging rate = 16 ponies years or 12 dragons years x 1.84 aging rate = 22.08 ponies years.

Of course this doesn't take into account the maturing rate of ponies or dragons. A dog mature in an adult anywhere from 12-15 months up to two years depending on the breed while human sexually mature at 12-15 years. So if it take twenty years for a pony to mature, it could take a dragon ten years to mature
That and Spike doesn't eat meat like other dragons would. That and the no hoarding could have stunted his growth. Two point I make about Spike being older than he look, one is he work for Celestia on royal i.e. government business. In most government the earliest you can work for them is sixteen. The second is all the dragons that participated in the Gaunlet of Fire were all teenagers including Spike.

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