Pinkie Pie: Pinkamena Diane Pie 1,626 members · 1,867 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Okay, i am here report a horrible act of stealing!

Many of you know about Magpiepony, the creator of the Princess Trixie Sparkle Audio Drama and the Pinkie Tales.

Now, someone is DARING to put some of mag's videos on their own channel, without her permission and acting like they belong to them. They haven't even given a disclaimer that they're originally mag's. they just uploaded them and that was that.

Go to THIS CHANNEL and report the living shit out of this jerk!

Yes, i have two of Scribbler Productions readings reupoaded on my own channel, but they are the two taken down from hers for rather dumb reasons in my book and i make sure to point out that i had nothing to do with the videos save reuploading them and that all credit for the works go to scribbler and those that worked with her.

this person has just gone and grabbed some of Magpie's hard work and put it on their own channel without mentioning Mag AT ALL and acts like no one will notice. One's a fucking song with Mag's name appearing IN THE VIDEO!

Spread the word to everyone you know. This person needs to pay and i think losing her channel doesn't even come close to paying in full. She even has one of Mag's videos where Mag's talking about how the false copyright strike claimed she'd gotten was taken away. How fucking stupid is that?!

Yeah, posted a stolen video about mag talking about how someone caused her problems by doing JUST THAT. No one will notice AT ALL, i'm sure.


That's nice, dear.

5777376 you kinda don't have a leg to stand on if you're posting someone else's work, credited or not.

5777871 still, at least i had my reasons for it. this person just took mag's stuff and reuploaded it for no reason other than i bet to score subs... which is funny, because they still haven't gotten any

5777887 did you get the creators permission?

Cause if not then we're just talking degrees.

5777893 sorta yes, sorta no. it's kinda hard to explain without going over several years back. i basically told her i was doing it to honour her and so others could still enjoy the work she had put into them after the originals had been taken down for the dumb reasons they had been. from what i got in response, she was okay with it so long as i didn't claim any of it myself, which i made sure not to, since that would defeat the whole purpose of trying honour someone.

Just so you know, the only person who can report something for copyright violation on Youtube is the copyright holder, so getting tons of people to report it isn't going to do anything, why don't you contact the creator and have them report it.

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