Pinkie Pie: Pinkamena Diane Pie 1,626 members · 1,868 stories
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Donnys Boy
Group Admin

So, there was a season finale! How 'bout THAT?

Some possible discussion points:

- Party cannon: Not just good for parties anymore!
- Pinkie and Cadance (the real Cadance): Were they river-dancing, or what the heck was that? I have questions.
- Pinkie and DJ-P0N3: Is something goin' on with those two, or are they just good friends? HMM.

Oh, and if you want to share any Pinkie-related plans you have for the show hiatus--who you're gonna ship her with, who you're gonna have her murder, stuff like that--feel free to share that too! :pinkiehappy:

I think it was an old music-hall style of dance that Cadance and Pinkie were doing - dancing off-stage or something like that?

I've seen at least one clopfic already based on what Vinyl was doing to Pinkie under the booth until she popped back up. :trollestia:

Pinkie's assault cannon is nice, but no match for her Gatling Twilight.

Well, it's still in planning, but I want to write a comedy in the style of Dirk Gently. Pinkie Pie's Harmonistic Detective Agency

Sounds like you're up to something, plans for Pinkie and her DJ friend?

I enjoyed the crap out of the finale. New villain is gonna get some mileage in the off season, and Pinkie was awesome. I wasn't as annoyed by shining armor or cadance as I thought I would be either, so that's good.

I want to try my hands at a ship-fic at some point during the break, but I don't know who would be involved, besides Pinkie obviously. I'm a little apprehensive about writing shipping though. I'm not sure it's in the cards for me.

Donnys Boy
Group Admin

Ooooh. You're probably right about that. I wonder if Pinkie had a whole musical planned for the reception, and we just didn't get to see that part of the proceedings.

Gatling Twilight is best magical gun, hands down. *nod*

AWESOME. Sounds fab. I'm surprised that we haven't seen more Twi and/or Pinkie detective stories since "MMMystery on the Friendship Express," actually.

Ha, no, not really. :pinkiehappy: I mostly just thought that it was funny that Pinkie pulled Vinyl out of NOWHERE. Also, I'm trying to provoke more people into writing shippy stories with Pinkie, because I am of the belief that there can never be enough shippy stories with Pinkie.

New villain had an AMAZING character design. She looked stunning. Also, I've been listening to "This Day Aria" on repeat all day while working.

I may actually use the break to write more NON-shipping stories with Pinkie, since it'd be a nice change of pace for me. We shall see! (I understand your apprehension, by the way--Pinkie's a hard character to work with in general and especially in romances.)

293710 She's not too bad if you literally throw away every sense of logic and reason. Every scene she is in she steals. You handle her amazingly well. I could not believe how well you made her behave in Seeking Beauty, and yet I never stopped believing this was in fact Pinkie.

'This Day Aria' is now I think my second-favourite song of the entire show. And it's so clever musically!

The finale was beautiful. LYRA SPEAKING! AWESOME ACTION SEQUENCES! VILLAIN SONG! Seriously amazing.

And yeah, I could definitely go for some Vinyl/Pinkie now. Kind of sad when two characters standing next to each other in one scene means I start shipping them... but hey, it makes sense!

Donnys Boy
Group Admin

Heh, thanks. :twilightblush: Though, really, if you want some quality Pinkie being in character while still expressing Serious Emotions, Cloudy Skies' "Where Your Heart Is" is the go-to fic for that.

It's clever musically? How so? (I know nothing about music, really, so all I can say about the song is "I think it's pretty!")

Oh my gosh, ACTION! It's the first time the Mane Six has really, truly gotten into a fight--and they kicked butt!

Isn't "standing next to each other" pretty much the entire genesis of Lyra x Bon Bon? Besides, you just KNOW Pinkie and Vinyl go to tons of the same parties.

OK, I misremembered - the clever bit is in 'BBBFF'. I'll quote Kwulhu from Reddit:

There was actually a double meaning in the song. The song is in the key of Db Major (just like winter wrap up!) . That means that the root chord is a Db major chord. Usually, a Ab major chord will lead into a Db major. This is the V-I chord progression and it is also known as the Authentic Cadence (stick with me here). Now, it seems to resolve to a sadder chord at the end of the phrase. Instead of ending on Db major around 1:16, it lands on Bb minor: the relative minor of Db major. Now, when a chord progression seems to be heading to the root chord but lands on the relative minor instead, that is called a...
Deceptive Cadence



Keeping Pinkie in character is a pain in the ass. She doesn't show up that much in the fics I've done so far, which makes me cry a little. She needs to be front and center! Also, why would you evr write non-shipping?

I've been listening to that song for hours. I love it to death. I like bbbff a lot too, but fr whatever reason I can't listen to it without thinking of the ending credits to super mario 64. Something about the music is very similar.

I may actually use the break to write more shipping stories with Pinkie and Twilight, since it's the best ship besides RainbowPie.

Fixed it for you.

Anyway, that finale was epic; there are no other words for it. The changelings, the songs, the battle... Everything was simply amazing, I felt. I've seen some diatribes calling the finale some of the worst episodes, but every time, I can't help but feel that they are from those who just can't accept change, who can't accept that the problem wasn't solved by the Elements of Harmony, that new characters might be introduced that might mean you have to adjust your fanon, or that Vinyl Scratch's eyes are magenta. :pinkiecrazy:

Additional discussion points for Pinkie specifically include Gatling Twilight (like I've said before, Pinkie really knows how to crank Twilight's tail) and her reaction to her changeling clone ("Meh, I've seen better"? When and where did Pinkie encounter a shapeshifter or mimic in the past? There is gold in this valley, I can feel it! :pinkiehappy:)

As for plans, there's, uh, this story that, um, I should probably go finish the second chapter of... :scootangel:

Donnys Boy
Group Admin

LOVE. THAT. We are so, so lucky to have Daniel Ingram working on this show, in my opinion. I'm always so impressed with his consistently high-quality work.

Also, why would you ever write non-shipping?

That ... is an excellent question. *smacks forehead* I can be so silly something.

Fluttershy is the one whom I have most trouble writing, myself, and consequently tend to neglect in my stories. I feel so bad for her. Maybe I should write something 'Shy-centric.

HA! Thank you for correcting my grievous error. :pinkiehappy:

I think there are some legit critiques of the finale--I think it's a reasonable point, for example, that it's a shame that the Mane Six kinda took a backseat to two characters whom we were just meeting. But overall, I really liked the finale, and I really appreciate that they were trying to do something so unique and epic in scope. (I think they succeeded, overall, too.)

That ... is a really good point about the changeling. HUH. The mysteries of Pinkamena Diane Pie are truly endless.

And yes, you should! Rumor has it that the story's really good so far--even got featured. :twilightsmile:

I think the only parts I didn't like were:
- God-empress of Equestria getting punked in her own throne room.
- Other god-empress and soundest sleeper in Equestria only appearing thrice, thrice I say and done.
- Dinky and Carrot-Top appearing with ponies they are NOT related to, they are NOT do you hear me :flutterrage:

Yeah, to be honest I did feel like they introduced too many characters too fast. Queen Chrysalis pretty much stole the show in my opinion; I could really do without the other two if they weren't plot-relevant. :twilightblush:

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