Shipping 💖 9,764 members · 11,726 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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We Love Shipping! It's a group where all ship-loving people can celebrate their favorite genre.

You post an ad for your Shipping Group inside another Shipping Group. I am sorry to say but that just seems like a dick move. Why have two groups about the same thing? Did you make that group just so you could admin/mod it? Your actions do not add up into anything logical.


742093 If you'd click on it, you'll find that the group is very unique.

Well that was certainly worth your time and effort. I'm sure this will become a popular group, and isn't something that will be funny for a day (if at all) and then end up ignored at the bottom of the group list.

I thought your intro was a pun... do you really mean Battleships? If so then... wait this is a website about fan-fiction of a TV show about magical ponies... Why was I trying to bring logic to this.. Well I am sorry for jumping the gun, I made a mistake. But I still have to ask, why?

742113 Yes, because I was definitely aiming for the stars on this one.
May Popeye shine his forgiveness upon you.

We need more pony shipping involving shipping. Just think of all the mareitime romance potential!

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