The Conversion Bureau 769 members · 387 stories
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I'm about to write my first true "Human becomes pony" TCB fic. Any advice?

I may not have ever written one those kinds of stories but my advice. Don't be too one sided. Try to show the good and the bad in both being human and being a pony

In mine I am trying to be careful to keep the personality of the changed the same, while showing the underlying hardware so to speak, is changed, so basically still the same person.

Skip the whole 'personality death' angle, and instead focus on new instincts and losing the old, consider the practical aspects that the change in species would bring.

Add snuggles and softness.

Establish your characters first before writing the story. Each character should have some history, and their history should have an influence on their personality. Characters who are a product of their history are much more belivable. (Compassionate characters don't come from abusive families)

Maybe check out some guides on how to establish some characters. Remember characters are living people, they are
flexible and change over time as they grow.

Most important is not to use TCB as the focus of yourstory. Just use it as the setting, and focus on your character development.

I'm a compassionate person, and I came from an abusive family.

Wasn't the point. Sorry to hear that.

Imagine this character:
Gary Stu grows up in a really poor family, is a master pianist.
Where did he learn to play the piano? He's poor so his family probably couldn't afford one. If they had a piano they would probably sell it for food. (Kid wouldn't win an argument to keep the piano) Can't learn to be a good piano player without a working piano. Did he know someone with access to a piano? Why would they let a complete stranger play their piano? Sure he could sneak into a school or something, but wouldn't he get caught after X amount of years? Pianos are noisy.

The point is if you make a character the way they are, give them a history to back it up.

The other thing with making really good characters is not to reveal everything. Don't reveal details about a characters past unless it becomes relevant and the characters start talking about it.

Yeah, that makes more sense. Thanks!

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