AI art group 43 members · 6 stories
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I am more curious than anything.

Why do you keep asking this? If you want to make a game, make a game. When you hit a roadblock, you can choose an ai that works for what you need.
For example, I'm working on a doom mod and there's one part of a secret level where the gameplay changes slightly (you're looking for clues, not items) and I couldn't figure out how to use hudmessage to show what you needed and how to update it once you had; and I also wanted a specific message when the player attempted to leave before completing all three objectives. The code the bing ai gave me wasn't perfect (had to move the int up outside the block and it said 'condition A / B / C' so I had to rename everything) but it worked for what I needed.
What kind of game do you want to make? Start with that, see how far you get on your own, and then we can recommend an ai for you from there.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It is one of these spots where, sure, you could probably use an ai to generate art for it or such, but there's also plenty of free or cheap assets you could use that aren't ai.

If you head over here:

Kinney has plenty of free assets with extra stuff if you buy them... or you could just shell out $20 and get his entire pack, which, honestly looks worth it to me.

--Sweetie Belle

That fair can you recommend some YouTube videos that can teach this and what math I would need?

Are you making a platformer? A first-person shooter? A visual novel? An RPG?
I guess a better question is, what kind of game do you want to play?

Well favorite games are

Mario 1000 year door
Luigi mansion
Jak and daxter series
Ratchet and clank series
Sly cooper

Alright, platformers, a classic genre! So for your game, what kind of story are you telling? Is it pony related, or maybe something brand new of your own creations? Is it more of a lighthearted romp to find friends and discover secrets, or are you going for something darker and/or bloodier? Once you know that, you’ll have a better idea on how to start with your protagonist.
That said, you don’t need something incredibly deep to start. Doom’s story boils down to ‘shoot demons with guns’. FNAF is ‘close the doors to keep out animatronics’. Deeper lore can come later.

7958365 You can employ AI agents to help you develop the game.

Kinda brand new I want to follow a character who works as a sanitarian engineer and clean up messes using various tools and equipment. The tone be more comical and a focus on puzzles and platforming.

Oh, I like that. You've got a built-in mechanic for upgrades right there: the more messes / problems solved, the more things / parts found, the more they can upgrade their equipment and clean bigger messes.
So where are they? Regular city? Cyberpunk future? More rural?

For upgrades I was thinking be more of a buy and design upgrade.

It be set in the future and much of the waste coming from various sources

Group Admin

7959102 7959103

So where are they? Regular city? Cyberpunk future? More rural?

What about SolarPunk ?

I’m not sure what solarpunk is

Future! Fun. This might be an ok place to start using AI for concept art. You'll probably need to keep the style simple. More round, cartoony. Maybe start with the main character, the basic vehicle. Maybe what the pickups will look like. Some buildings. Once you've got some placeholder stuff, you can look at the mechanics of the game, like what the pickups will be, how to upgrade, what will be upgraded...

This is a great concept, but you might need to keep the scope a little smaller to start with, especially since it's your first game.

Ok thank you

Though I be designing the concept myself I was looking to have ai developed the programming for me. Thought it might be advantageous to maybe hire a game developer .

Possibly. But for just getting started, you’re probably better off finding a tutorial for the engine you want to use (godot is free and open source, unreal is free but heavier and needs a more powerful computer, unity did some weird pricing things so no one trusts it anymore) and then once you get further and get into more specific situations, then maybe break out the cash. :twilightsmile:


Yeah that good since I’m doing this on a budget should I look for videos that specifically go into platforming and weapons use?

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