The Cult of Prey 111 members · 7 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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Hey. Hi everyone.

So, I wondered lately. We have 87 members as of now, which is quite a few people under one banner.

Yet no one is posting any forum threads or posts or well.. anything really. At first I thought that maybe people just weren't online much. Hey, life happens. Most of us have it (I hope).

But being the "maniac with too much time on his hands" that I am, out of curiosity I actually checked every single member of the group. As it turns out, most of us were online a mere few hours ago/yesterday or are just outright online. Kay, I thought. I mean, some people have a lot going on, joining groups left and right, actively participating in the community and they can't be everywhere at once.

But as I was checkin' log-in times I glanced at joined groups too. Surprise, most of our people have up to three groups or just ours. After that I was like "Did some people just lost interest? That happens too". But I don't have any way of checking that... Or do I?

And so I'm finding myself writing this forum thread.

I know how this whole rant sounded, but I don't want anyone to think I'm angry at anyone or anything. Just genuinely curious why the whole group is as quiet as it is. Is it just because Fimfiction system won't give you individual posts in your notifications lest they're full forum threads and most people don't check the group? Or just maybe everyone is waiting in darkness, buying their time till Mr. Lambs Prey writes more stories? Just lost interest? Any other reason?

Now, even though I'm not the founder of the group or don't admin it, I would like to think it's not only here to discuss our most liked story, but to interact with like minded people on a day to day basis too and we could use it this way. After all, most forums have off-topic corners. Would like to know your thoughts about it.

And thank you if you withstood this wall of text. Kudos to you. I would just go TL;DR

I don't know about the rest. But personally, I'm too socially awkward to post personal stuff, too artistically incapable to post art or fan fiction (or would it be fan fan fiction? Fan fiction fiction? I'll workshop it later).

I had a few theories I wanted to post, especially about prey's mother, but I can't seem to get any real conclusions out of it, too unfocused.

But I'm still very connected to the fix. Still lurking on its page, reading new comments, I find myself visiting the page nearly daily, mostly by habit, but sometimes out of hope for more. I am planning a re read soon, first I must finish a few things I started (house of leaves, austraeoh, the tragedy of [Fortuna]).


I have started playing Cult of the Lamb, and predictably called the cult "Prey and the Lamb".

I tried to use dall-e 2 to generate some art, kinda worked, now stable diffusion released, so that's good.

I started my own dnd campaign as a dm, never played before, so that's a disaster waiting to happen, but I took a lot of inspiration from Prey and the Lamb, they are currently fighting "the Resistance".

That's about it I guess...

I still haven't lost interest though!

I usually only comment on stories :) I don't think I'll ever forget about P&L though.

I have a story board I like, love, infact, but plain and simple I can't do dialogue between characters, it always comes out bland and cheesy to me, so I've hit writers block a paragraph in.

Any pointers?

what earth said. im not really incredibly social lol

Comment posted by Fatail deleted Aug 31st, 2022

Yeah I lurk around but do little more than that.

Oh, I get you all. I'm also as socially awkward as they get, being relatively normal just comes more easily to me when online.

7734119 Good luck on the Austraeoh. Even omitting its length, it's a trip and a half. Fun fact, I have a character there named after me. Also used dall-e 2 for a bit, got too freaked out by the smart algorithms that will evolve into AI one day, so stopped using it. Also, I wish I had some friends that were into D&D.

7734133 I too struggle in dialog, like you wouldn't believe. So, writer's block is like a brick. Rather hard and quite annoying when it falls on your head. But hey... supposedly an apple fell on Newton's head. If not for that maybe he would never get around to making his theory.

So, getting back to writing topic, what I always do, I just write out what I want to say, just how it looks and sounds in my head. And most times it's simply horrible. But now you have a framework you can work on. You can physically see what's wrong and what needs changing. You correct those and get a second draft. Then you find some more things wrong and do a third draft. As so forth until you're confident enough to consider it at least "fine" and publish it. At least that's what I always do.


Oh, also, I have made a post in the PaaL Fan-Works Prompt Thread on our forum, would appreciate any input. Who knows, maybe I'll get some lamb words from it.

i mean i wont try to speak for anyone but most people are lurkers and their isn't much of a universe or much of anything substantial content wise or to talk about i guess i mean it a really good fanfic but its kind of hard to go into depth or explain why you like a story longer than all the harry potter books with no companion material and not much fluff for one i mean the stories all about prey and his perception of the world the next most fleshed out character is crimson and gloom, but gloom is well ... and crimson pretty much wrapped up his arc by becoming the next prey ? and doesn't really lead onto "what next ?" necessarily , put together that's pretty self contained and by the end wraps up most of the plot, i mean until preys lamb releases the side stories he talked about or someone made a alternate reality where preys story didn't end before season 2 started or ended ? and maybe through crimson have him goes through the rest of the seasons which "prey" tags along , idk there's plenty of stories to do that fans could try but considering how closed the story is imo any fan is gonna have to do the heavy lifting and well writers block is hell or so i heard then again fimfiction doesn't have a very active community which isn't unusual but then again the most popular stories are mostly stories that were around near when the site started or were stuff that started the fandom really like cupcakes and i think only 2 pass 250,000 views and most stories have maybe a whispers about it if it isn't cupcakes or my little dashie (which hasn't been relevant since like 2014 don't know why its still at the top ) sorry didnt mean for this to be long but this post got me thinking the longer ive though about why the community is silent

I'm not much of a talker in real life and that had led to me not really 'talking' here. I think of stories and ideas, but I don't ever write anything thanks to a combination of laziness and fear (heck I almost didn't post this comment).

But if anyone else would post something you can be sure that I will be there to show my support, as quiet as it would probably be

Maybe not the right use of groups but I usually join so I avoid missing out on things, rather than social stuff - ie, if someone uploads a new related story, I don't miss it, I get an alert. It might be the same for others, why they're in here.
I might have a go at writing something, but I'd rather it be my own ideas.

I'm still interested in the story and I'm looking forward to more fics related to it, I'm just not social. Same as most commenters here really

Well.,... I planned to write a spin-off of Prey but I have neither time nor energy atm due to work overwhelming. Still, the story is the reason I registered so why should I not stay in the group.

Like others have said, I am not usually the kind of person to start a conversation. I do have a PaaL fan story I've been working on for a bit and have committed myself to finishing, even though I write just like I read, slowly and methodically. I'm confident I will have my third draft done within two weeks then the forth draft will just be touching up the grammar and tense consistency.

Just lurking, as always.

Personally I replaced that bi-weekly dopamine hit I came to rely on from PaaL with genuinely concerning mare schizoposting with my friends on Discord. Trying to get all the active users to read PaaL (but they're slow and for some reason decided to read Project Horizons very slowly first). That's because our mare larp is heavily PaaL inspired. If I was a writer I could write our bullshit down, but at the moment it's an oral history as it were.

If I could teleport PaaL back in time before the fandom was half dead and generate that wealth of interaction I would. It certainly deserves to be as notorious as PH, but better.

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