The Cult of Prey 111 members · 7 stories
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First off, huge shout out to Fatail, who created the first of hopefully many PaaL fan-works! Go give it a read and a like, you won't regret it!

Anyway, as I was reading said story, I was admiring the creativity of the idea and trying to think of my own idea (because I really want to take a stab at exploring this universe). I couldn't think of one, and thought about how nice it would be if there was a prompt I could build off of. Thus, this thread was born.

Whether you want someone to bounce ideas off of, or you would like to share an idea you wouldn't mind seeing someone else write about, feel free to post about them in this thread. Tragedy, horror, and even comedy prompts are welcome here! Hopefully, the writers among us can use this as a resource to find and develop ideas for more lamb words.

Well I had a thought, but as I can't make a story to save my life (trust me I've tried) I'll just give out the idea.

A story about how after Lemon Pink is free she and randy go on a classic romcom adventure where eventually randy learns about her origins liar revealed style then eventually Randy learns to love her despite her past. Happily ever after

I imagine there'd have to be a lot of development on Lemon's part for that to happen without a memory wipe.

well, the only safe idea I really had would be the Time after Crimson. I mean, Crimson WILL die one day, which I don´t really see for Prey. Prey will get a new body and will try to live a new life one day. Maybe even watching over the Offsprings of his friends. Who won´t say Crimson will have kids? Lemon will have kids someday. Same with Scenic. Not sure about Lily, but maybe she will spring some offshoots. Or a quick romance.

SO I can see Prey coming back after the retirement of the Sun Wolf, watching over some teenagers in some sort of Detective Club, getting way over their head with real crimes. Kinda like a more grown-up version of Detective Conan.

a prompt thread, huh?
i remember someone in the epilogue's comments mentioning it would be funny to see zecora's reaction to crimson or prey. zecora being freaked out by the ribbon would be a nice little story, i think.


Counld make a fic for after Crimson is gone and Prey remains in his rather peckish doll form. You could have it where Crimson eventually has kids and Prey unknowingly watches over them, that one creepy doll that for some reason brings a sense of safety amd care. Like an eternal protector over Crimson's descendents.


Could specifically have it where a bully does their thing to one of Crimson's descendents and make fun of the doll. Said doll, Prey, of course proceeds to scare the child but not actually harm them. He has moved from that.

I would like to see more of Selenia's life, personally. How did she end up settling down to make her hell-abomination children on the dozenth try? Where did she get the souls for them? Celestia says murder, but this is a powerful ewe who had, for whatever reason, married a faithless husband and died trying to put out a fire miles from her own home. And of course, Celestia is a liar.

Miscarriage? Accident? Are those souls happier to have been given a chance, their parents? There's a lot to unpack there. Did Fleece get to move on, or was he stuck, like Prey, somewhelse no mind can stay sane, there to this day with his still-sane brother? Would Prey recognize him if that was the case?

Yeah, that would make sense. Although Prey would probably overprotect, scaring the bully for their life, which would make adults get into the matter.

Biggest issue I see would be to give Crimson a stable relationship. I mean, he really is not the type for that. Maybe an one-night stand would be more logical, being "seduced" after a few drinks too many.

Crimson must be ded by then though... I doubt Prey would move from the little hideout or let anyone move him as long as Crimson is around. Maybe he died in the Changeling Invasion, keeping Prey lonely, waiting for him forever in their hideout, which would rot and / or make a good hideout for a bullied child...

I kinda can see a fun little / longer story. Maybe with a distanced mother it makes it easier to run away to Canterlot... I wonder if the room with all the runes is being taken already...

Oh yeah, I wonder who works in the ISND's office now? It certainly seems unlikely Crimson works in there what with him doing regular guard duty.

Ive been asking this ever since i read the first few chapters, but:

How about how Prey got caught and put in Dreverton?

Hey peeps, mind if I hijack the thread for a little while? No, of course not, thanks.

After writing the first fan story I quickly found myself going back to wanting more from Lambs Prey, as we all do I'm sure, but I also found a mere week later I already had a few ideas bouncing around in my head. So, like a little snowball, they rolled down a hill so long they turned into an avalanche and I could no longer ignore them by mid July.

I could really use your input. So, here goes.

First idea is another pseudo-mystery genre story, akin to my first one (big surprise). It's basically about the scene in which Pinkie Pie "dies". She wakes up in a void and meets Death/Harmony/SomethingElseUseYourImagination, I haven't decided yet. Most probably a one shot, couldn't see this as anything else... unless we go full on Devine Comedy, but I don't think that would stick. It would be more of its own separate fanfic than a PaaL story, so I'm kinda meh about it.

Second idea is a comedy! Surprise! Laughs aplenty! So.. ISND unit continues after the conclusion of the story, as it was, in theory, a highly successful branch of the Night Guard. The new members try to live up to the quite unobtainable standard in a few chapters filled with non linear simplification of the criminal cases assigned to them. I could see a five-ish chapter story from that. Crimson lurks in the background. Absurd would commence. Yes.

What do you think? Yay or nay for any of these? Maybe you have a waaaaay better idea of your own, now that we all had a while to think? Do share!
Also, no Zecora story ideas. I can't rhyme for diddly squat. Don't make me rhyme. Pls.

Here is an idea, do you know of the new game Cult of the Lamb? A crossover story about Prey and the cult leader interacting would be cool.

I don't think much was ever said about Crimson's father during the story. Maybe there could be an interesting backstory made for him.

What about Snake’s backstory? A big chunk of him merged with Prey after all. Might be interesting to view the world from his eyes.

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