Members of the EaW #fanfiction-zone writing competitively. The main theme of their fic must be about the effects of any war of the author's choosing in a postwar context.
Fics submitted are to be:
1. Submitted by December 31st 2021 11:59PM CST.
2. No longer than 10k words.
3. The main theme must be fairly evident.

Contestants will be judged by myself and Justanotherguard.

The winner of the contest will receive an art commission pooled together by #fanfiction-zone.
Any funds remaining from this commission will go towards a commission for the second place winner of the contest.
(Please note that requested commissions of explicit pornographic nature will be rejected.)

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Attention my fellow fanfiction-zone goers! Just two months ago it appealed to me to make an in-house writing competition for us. Unfortunately due to a variety of factors not all could submit, but of those who did congratulations. Though of course not all will win thoroughly enjoyed reading all of them. It was very difficult for me to choose the ranking, particularly the second place winner, and I hope I do not spread ill will. Anyways, thank you all for joining me in this enterprise. All four stories have been read, weighed, and judged.

The official rankings for the first ever fanfiction-zone writing contest are.....
First Place: Feathers, Flaws, and Family by DraconianHorizons.
Second Place: No Sudden Flame by The Great Scribbly One
Tied for Third Place: All Quit on the Home Front and When Shadows Rise, by Eltirions and Baron/Big Saij respectively.

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