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I'm hopped up on caffeine again. :pinkiehappy:

And that's given me this very strange, but hopefully amusing little short story that takes one of my scary but bland OCs, and hopefully makes him more fun or at least funny.

All OC reactions are welcome; it's my hope that their reactions - whether they be the straight men/women to my OCs wacky guys/gals or join in on the madness - will make this even more funny.

Also apologies for the length. Please remember that I wrote this while hopped up on energy drinks, so it's going to get very weird, especially near the end. :rainbowhuh: :derpytongue2:

We begin once again with another pleasant day in Ponyville. One that was even more peaceful than usual, since it was Star's Sabbath; a day where she did literally nothing but sleep.

[Thoughts on Wing having an entire day where she just slept?]

Unfortunately, the peace and quiet was interrupted by a sudden outburst of song (start at 0:33)

However, instead of 'Gaston', the name used was... Bai Long.

[Reactions to that name?]

Soon enough, your OCs saw a crowd of ponies singing the song, marching behind a completely different version of Bai Long.

Where some familiar with the name might remember a fearsome dragon slayer, this version of Bai Long was more of a classic knight in shining armor.

[Reactions to Bai Long's complete revision?]

Before your OCs could confront him, however, Bai Long arrived at Gaian Gizmos, the home of Diamondback.

"Come forth, Beast of Greed and Wrrrath!" Bai Long declared (even sounding like Brad Starlight, having the voice of James Marsden). "Sir Bai Long - Defender of the Innocents (especially from dragons) - knows you have a fair princess locked away in this tower!"

Diamondback poked her head out. "First of all, good sir, this is a forest, not a tower." She indicated that Gaian Gizmos was indeed set in a forest now, instead of the tower Terra Tech had been. "Second of all, what princess? All the princesses are back in Canterlot."

"Oh ARE THEY?!" Sir Bai Long declared, before marching right past a flabbergasted Diamondback and ripping away a bush to reveal... Star Wing fast asleep.

Diamondback's jaw dropped. :pinkiegasp: "Wh... how? When? Where? Why?!"

[Reactions to Star being asleep in Gaian Gizmos]

"Ah-ha!" Sir Bai Long declared. "I knew it!" He turned to Diamondback and produced a classic knight's sword. "This foul dragon has kidnapped the lovely princess, and now I must save her with my magic sword of justice!" He charged. "HAVE AT THEE, FOUL BEAST!"

Diamondback quickly defended herself with her rapier, flinching as the song of steel rang out between their blades. "Sir, please!" she stammered, backing up as he battled her. "You don't want to wake Star when she's like this! This is her Sabbath! The noise!"

"You shall not fool this brave knight, foul dragon!" Sir Bai Long declared as he battled the diamond dragon. "Your evil comes to an end today!"


Before your OCs could step in to help, however, Diamondback noticed Star... and her eyes bugged out as she saw one of Star's eyes open.

"Too late!" she whimpered, before dropping her rapier and fleeing for her life. "TAKE COVER!" she yelled to your OCs.


"Yes!" Bai Long declared, blissfully unaware of his impending doom. "Flee, foul beast! Flee from the might of Sir Bai..."

"I'm trying TO SLEEP!"

Bai Long went stock still as Star Wing's roar sent a shockwave that nearly knocked over all the trees in Gaian Gizmos, as well as throwing your OCs onto their rears and sending Bai Long's entourage fleeing for the hills. When they recovered, they saw a very ticked off Star in her Night Fire form standing behind a visibly terrified Sir Bai Long.


Somehow, Bai Long found the courage to turn around. "G-Great King Arthur's Blade!" Bai Long stammered. "A demon has possessed the fair princess!" He hefted his sword. "Never fear, my good lady. My sword shall free you from this..."

With a single pimp slap, Wing knocked the sword clean out of Bai Long's grip, and sent it flying over the horizon.


Bai Long's reaction? (0:13 to 0:16)

Those were his last words before Star smacked him over the horizon as well, turning him into a star in the sky.

Star turned her bleary eyes around. "Anyone else?" she muttered.

If any OCs tried to say anything, Diamondback clamped her hands over their mouth, silencing them long enough for Star to mutter, "Didn't think so," topple backward onto her back, and return to sleep.

[OCs reactions and possibly them returning Wing to her room]

Once Wing was safely returned to her sleeping quarters, Diamondback patted her head with a rag.

"That... was terrifying," she muttered. "How in Equestria did Wing get put into my home? And who was that rude knight? Why was he calling himself Bai Long?"

Before your OC could respond...

"Luco!" Connors declared, revealing himself to be dressed like Ricky Ricardo.

"You got some 'splaining to do," Connors said, pointing at Luco, who was dressed as Lucy from I Love Lucy.

"WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Luco cried out, before fleeing for his life with Connors marching after him like he was ready to tan Luco's hide for his daily dose of chaos.


Group Admin


Also apologies for the length. Please remember that I wrote this while hopped up on energy drinks, so it's going to get very weird, especially near the end. :rainbowhuh: :derpytongue2:

Don't worry, man... I understand.

Alright (crack my knuckles) let's have some fun... I am going to use 2 of my biggest straight man cause why not?

We begin once again with another pleasant day in Ponyville. One that was even more peaceful than usual, since it was Star's Sabbath; a day where she did literally nothing but sleep.

Slade raises an eyebrow. "When did she decide to pick this day to sleep on?"

Cyrus shrugs. "Beat me, that girl is unpredictable."

"Perhaps, too unpredictable." Slade said in deadpan tone.

Unfortunately, the peace and quiet was interrupted by a sudden outburst of song (start at 0:33)

However, instead of 'Gaston', the name used was... Bai Long.

"Bai Long? I thought they killed him." Slade asked in confusion. "And why they are playing Disney music?"

Cyrus rolled his eyes. "Don't ask me, the world is already crazy."

Soon enough, both Cyrus and Slade saw a crowd of ponies singing the song, marching behind a completely different version of Bai Long.

Where some familiar with the name might remember a fearsome dragon slayer, this version of Bai Long was more of a classic knight in shining armor.

Cyrus struggles to not laugh at this while Slade look absolutely baffled as he stares this Bai Long in shock.

"What the world did I got myself into?" Slade asked in disbelief. :rainbowderp:

Before Slade could confront him, however, Bai Long arrived at Gaian Gizmos, the home of Diamondback.

"Come forth, Beast of Greed and Wrrrath!" Bai Long declared (even sounding like Brad Starlight, having the voice of James Marsden). "Sir Bai Long - Defender of the Innocents (especially from dragons) - knows you have a fair princess locked away in this tower!"

Diamondback poked her head out. "First of all, good sir, this is a forest, not a tower." She indicated that Gaian Gizmos was indeed set in a forest now, instead of the tower Terra Tech had been. "Second of all, what princess? All the princesses are back in Canterlot."

"Oh ARE THEY?!" Sir Bai Long declared, before marching right past a flabbergasted Diamondback and ripping away a bush to reveal... Star Wing fast asleep.

Diamondback's jaw dropped. :pinkiegasp: "Wh... how? When? Where? Why?!"

Slade is now even more confused. "First, we are dealing with a delusional knight in shining armor who think he's so-called hero and now, Diamondback have Star Wing sleeping at her home for no reason?" He shook his head. "How much crazy the world can get?"

"Diamondback!" Cyrus started. "Why the fuck did you let Star Wing sleep in your home?"

[Diamondback's response?]

"Ah-ha!" Sir Bai Long declared. "I knew it!" He turned to Diamondback and produced a classic knight's sword. "This foul dragon has kidnapped the lovely princess, and now I must save her with my magic sword of justice!" He charged. "HAVE AT THEE, FOUL BEAST!"

Diamondback quickly defended herself with her rapier, flinching as the song of steel rang out between their blades. "Sir, please!" she stammered, backing up as he battled her. "You don't want to wake Star when she's like this! This is her Sabbath! The noise!"

"You shall not fool this brave knight, foul dragon!" Sir Bai Long declared as he battled the diamond dragon. "Your evil comes to an end today!"

Cyrus glances at Slade. "Do you want to stop him?"

Slade gives an unamused expression to the whole scene.

"This is too ridiculous for my standard." He spoke in deadpan tone.

Before Cyrus could step in to help, however, Diamondback noticed Star... and her eyes bugged out as she saw one of Star's eyes open.

"Too late!" she whimpered, before dropping her rapier and fleeing for her life. "TAKE COVER!" she yelled to Cyrus and Slade.

Slade uses his powers to produce invisible force field around him and Cyrus so Star Wing wouldn't be able to see them.

"This is why I don't deal with this nonsense." Slade shook his head. "Too much nonsense."

"Yes!" Bai Long declared, blissfully unaware of his impending doom. "Flee, foul beast! Flee from the might of Sir Bai..."

"I'm trying TO SLEEP!"

Bai Long went stock still as Star Wing's roar sent a shockwave that nearly knocked over all the trees in Gaian Gizmos, as well as making a crack in Slade's invisible force field and sending Bai Long's entourage fleeing for the hills. When they recovered, they saw a very ticked off Star in her Night Fire form standing behind a visibly terrified Sir Bai Long.

"You're fuck." Slade spoke in calm tone.

"I couldn't said it better." Cyrus agreed before he doing RIP sign to Bai Long.

Somehow, Bai Long found the courage to turn around. "G-Great King Arthur's Blade!" Bai Long stammered. "A demon has possessed the fair princess!" He hefted his sword. "Never fear, my good lady. My sword shall free you from this..."

With a single pimp slap, Wing knocked the sword clean out of Bai Long's grip, and sent it flying over the horizon.

Slade facepalm at this. "This man thought Star is possessed by a demon."

"To be fair, Bai Long probably read too much bedtime stories that Drake used to read when he was child." Cyrus grimaced at what Star did to Bai Long. "I can say that he perhaps read the stories a bit too much."

Bai Long's reaction? (0:13 to 0:16)

Those were his last words before Star smacked him over the horizon as well, turning him into a star in the sky.

Star turned her bleary eyes around. "Anyone else?" she muttered.

Diamondback tried to clamped her hands over Slade's mouth but Slade immediately grabs her hands as he stared at Diamondback with his trademark glare while having the intimidating aura around him.

[Diamondback's reaction to Slade basically telling her "Touch me and you will spend 666 hours in Hell"]

NOTE: Slade is rather touchy about someone touching him after Hunter literally backstabbing him in his back with a knife... touching him is a huge No-No for Slade as Diamondback learns that the hard way... so, you could says Slade is not biggest fan of hugging since he would believe anyone who tried to hug him would ends up stabbing him in his back like Hunter did to him.

Silencing them long enough for Star to mutter, "Didn't think so," topple backward onto her back, and return to sleep.

Cyrus gently carried sleeping Star Wing. "I can't believe she can be scary when someone interrupted her sleep."

Slade scoffed. "Everyone have their own scary side, Cyrus... trust me... I ain't taking chance on that one."

"Agreed." Cyrus said.

Once Wing was safely returned to her sleeping quarters, Diamondback patted her head with a rag.

"That... was terrifying," she muttered. "How in Equestria did Wing get put into my home? And who was that rude knight? Why was he calling himself Bai Long?"

Before Slade and Cyrus could respond...

"Luco!" Connors declared, revealing himself to be dressed like Ricky Ricardo.

"You got some 'splaining to do," Connors said, pointing at Luco, who was dressed as Lucy from I Love Lucy.

"WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Luco cried out, before fleeing for his life with Connors marching after him like he was ready to tan Luco's hide for his daily dose of chaos.

Slade facepalm again. "It was Luco, isn't it?" :ajbemused:

"Yep." Cyrus have a deadpan expression as he knew it was Luco's doing. "And not that surprising."

We begin once again with another pleasant day in Ponyville. One that was even more peaceful than usual, since it was Star's Sabbath; a day where she did literally nothing but sleep.

"This seems a bit random even by Star's standards," Pearl mumbled, as she passed through the market.

Unfortunately, the peace and quiet was interrupted by a sudden outburst of song. However, instead of 'Gaston', the name used was... Bai Long.

Pearl blinked. She hadn't been around during that time, but she had heard second-hand about Bai Long. Hadn't he been taken care of? She hadn't heard of someone resembling him coming back any time recently and none of the resident dragons had seemed worried about anything recently either.

Soon enough, your OCs saw a crowd of ponies singing the song, marching behind a completely different version of Bai Long. Where some familiar with the name might remember a fearsome dragon slayer, this version of Bai Long was more of a classic knight in shining armor.

"Oh, brother. Does he want some cheese with that ham?" Pearl snorted.

Before she could confront him, however, Bai Long arrived at Gaian Gizmos, the home of Diamondback.

"Come forth, Beast of Greed and Wrath!" Bai Long declared (even sounding like Brad Starlight, having the voice of James Marsden). "Sir Bai Long - Defender of the Innocents (especially from dragons) - knows you have a fair princess locked away in this tower!"

Diamondback poked her head out. "First of all, good sir, this is a forest, not a tower." She indicated that Gaian Gizmos was indeed set in a forest now, instead of the tower Terra Tech had been. "Second of all, what princess? All the princesses are back in Canterlot."

"Oh, ARE THEY?!" Sir Bai Long declared, before marching right past a flabbergasted Diamondback and ripping away a bush to reveal... Star Wing fast asleep.

Diamondback's jaw dropped. :pinkiegasp: "Wh... how? When? Where? Why?!"

"Odd place for a nap. Did everyone Star love kick her out of the house?"

"Ah-ha!" Sir Bai Long declared. "I knew it!" He turned to Diamondback and produced a classic knight's sword. "This foul dragon has kidnapped the lovely princess, and now I must save her with my magic sword of justice!" He charged. "HAVE AT THEE, FOUL BEAST!"

Diamondback quickly defended herself with her rapier, flinching as the song of steel rang out between their blades. "Sir, please!" she stammered, backing up as he battled her. "You don't want to wake Star when she's like this! This is her Sabbath! The noise!"

"You shall not fool this brave knight, foul dragon!" Sir Bai Long declared as he battled the diamond dragon. "Your evil comes to an end today!"

"You shall not fool this brave knight, foul dragon!" Sir Bai Long declared as he battled the diamond dragon. "Your evil comes to an end today!"

Oh now that seemed a bit of an overreaction, Pearl thought. Diamondback could be a pain sometimes (and even worse in the past if the stories were true), but she would hardly call her evil. Before she could step in to help, however, Diamondback noticed Star... and her eyes bugged out as she saw one of Star's eyes open.

"Too late!" she whimpered, before dropping her rapier and fleeing for her life. "TAKE COVER!" she yelled to your OCs.

"... Um. Why?'

"Yes!" Bai Long declared, blissfully unaware of his impending doom. "Flee, foul beast! Flee from the might of Sir Bai..."

"I'm trying TO SLEEP!"

Bai Long went stock still as Star Wing's roar sent a shockwave that nearly knocked over all the trees in Gaian Gizmos, as well as throwing your OCs onto their rears and sending Bai Long's entourage fleeing for the hills. When they recovered, they saw a very ticked-off Star in her Night Fire form standing behind a visibly terrified Sir Bai Long.

"... meep," Pearl squeaked. It was easy to forget that, underneath Star's endearingly crazy and eccentric exterior, was the daughter and niece of two of the most powerful ponies in Equestria, someone who had endured so much in her life that it still sometimes surprised Pearl that Star had remained her lovable joyous self for so long.

Somehow, Bai Long found the courage to turn around. "G-Great King Arthur's Blade!" Bai Long stammered. "A demon has possessed the fair princess!" He hefted his sword. "Never fear, my good lady. My sword shall free you from this..."

With a single pimp slap, Wing knocked the sword clean out of Bai Long's grip and sent it flying over the horizon.

"That. Was. Awesome!"

Bai Long's reaction? (0:13 to 0:16)

Those were his last words before Star smacked him over the horizon as well, turning him into a star in the sky.

Star turned her bleary eyes around. "Anyone else?" she muttered.

If any OCs tried to say anything, Diamondback clamped her hands over their mouth, silencing them long enough for Star to mutter, "Didn't think so," topple backward onto her back and return to sleep.

Pearl sighed, before helping get Star Wing back to her room. It was the least she could do. "This family is crazy!"

Once Wing was safely returned to her sleeping quarters, Diamondback patted her head with a rag.

"That... was terrifying," she muttered. "How in Equestria did Wing get put into my home? And who was that rude knight? Why was he calling himself Bai Long?"

Before Pearl could respond...

"Luco!" Connors declared, revealing himself to be dressed like Ricky Ricardo. "You got some 'splaining to do," Connors said, pointing at Luco, who was dressed as Lucy from I Love Lucy.

"WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Luco cried out, before fleeing for his life with Connors marching after him like he was ready to tan Luco's hide for his daily dose of chaos.

"Why do we keep him around again?" Pearl grumbled.

Group Admin


"This seems a bit random even by Star's standards," Pearl mumbled, as she passed through the market.

Diamondback, who was selling jewelry, heard her. "Indeed," she agreed. "Though considering I've heard rumors about Star Wing and Pinkie Pie sharing an ancestor, it does line up with their eccentricities." She polished an opal. "Also, Star Wing rarely sleeps, she's always off doing something or other. I suppose these 'Sabbaths', as she calls them, are a way to ensure she doesn't burn herself out, or crash and burn at an inconvenient time."

"Odd place for a nap. Did everyone Star love kick her out of the house?"

"Improbable!" Diamondback replied. "She's not that obnoxious, is she?" Before Pearl could reply, Bai Long turned his sights on Diamondback.

"... meep," Pearl squeaked. It was easy to forget that, underneath Star's endearingly crazy and eccentric exterior, was the daughter and niece of two of the most powerful ponies in Equestria, someone who had endured so much in her life that it still sometimes surprised Pearl that Star had remained her lovable joyous self for so long.

Diamondback, for her part, tried to put herself between Star and Pearl just to be safe. Though thankfully, Star seemed mainly set on Bai Long.

Pearl sighed, before helping get Star Wing back to her room. It was the least she could do. "This family is crazy!"

"Oh, don't I know it," Diamondback replied with a resigned sigh, helping Pearl carry the now unconscious Star back to her room.

"WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Luco cried out, before fleeing for his life with Connors marching after him like he was ready to tan Luco's hide for his daily dose of chaos.

"Why do we keep him around again?" Pearl grumbled.

Diamondback rolled her eyes at Luco's antics. "I suppose you could call him the Uncle of Gaian Dragons," she replied. "He helped provide a lot of the resources used to make... well... us." She indicated herself, but meant Gaian Dragons as a whole. "He's aggravating, yes, but I suppose it would be ungrateful of us to just throw him out after what he contributed." She sighed as Connors chased Luco into the sunset. "I just wish he was a bit more gracious about our gratitude." :ajbemused:

Awesome work. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for sharing. 👍

Group Admin


I am going to use 2 of my biggest straight man cause why not?

Why not, indeed. :pinkiehappy: This is gonna be fun.

Slade raises an eyebrow. "When did she decide to pick this day to sleep on?"

Cyrus shrugs. "Beat me, that girl is unpredictable."

"Perhaps, too unpredictable." Slade said in deadpan tone.

Diamondback, who was selling jewelry from Gaian Gizmos nearby, heard them. "It wouldn't be Star Wing if it was sane," she noted with a knowing grin.

Cyrus struggles to not laugh at this while Slade look absolutely baffled as he stares this Bai Long in shock.

"What the world did I got myself into?" Slade asked in disbelief. :rainbowderp:

Diamondback could only shake her head with a sigh. "Welcome to Equestria, I suppose," she replied, before her attention was grabbed by Bai Long marching up to her doorstep - or whatever passed for a doorstep with a forest.

"Diamondback!" Cyrus started. "Why did you let Star Wing sleep in your home?"

"I didn't!" Diamondback insisted. "I swear, I don't know how she got there!"

"Lies!" Sir Bai Long declared. He turned to Diamondback and produced a classic knight's sword. "This foul dragon has kidnapped the lovely princess, and now I must save her with my magic sword of justice!" He charged. "HAVE AT THEE, FOUL BEAST!"

:raritystarry: Oh, just thought of something I could've used.

"Yes!" Bai Long declared, blissfully unaware of his impending doom. "Flee, foul beast! Flee from the might of Sir Bai..."

Suddenly, a rumbling roar silenced him and sent his entourage running for the hills:

Bai Long went stock still as a very ticked off Star in her Night Fire form standing behind a visibly terrified Sir Bai Long.

"You're f@cked." Slade spoke in calm tone.

"I couldn't said it better." Cyrus agreed before he doing RIP sign to Bai Long, while Diamondback peeked up over Cyrus' shoulder, still trembling in fright.

Note: I actually used that Aladdin voice clip when a spam call woke me up. I accepted the call, and the guy on the other end kept saying, "Hello? Hello?" So I just opened up the video, played the 'who disturbs my slumber' line... :rainbowlaugh: and the guy on the other end was silent for about five seconds before he hung up.

I still wish I could've seen his expression. Judging by how silent he went, I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting that. 🤣

Slade facepalm at this. "This man thought Star is possessed by a demon."

"To be fair, Bai Long probably read too much bedtime stories that Drake used to read when he was child." Cyrus grimaced at what Star did to Bai Long. "I can say that he perhaps read the stories a bit too much."

"And now I think he's going to pay for it," Diamondback agreed.

Star turned her bleary eyes around. "Anyone else?" she muttered.

Diamondback tried to clamped her hands over Slade's mouth but Slade immediately grabs her hands as he stared at Diamondback with his trademark glare while having the intimidating aura around him.

Diamondback somehow got even more pale, as she glanced between Star and Slade. She was clearly thinking, 'Crap, I can either die to a sleep-deprived Star Wing or a pissed off Slade! I don't know which is more terrifying!" :raritydespair:

NOTE: Slade is rather touchy about someone touching him after Hunter literally backstabbing him in his back with a knife... touching him is a huge No-No for Slade as Diamondback learns that the hard way... so, you could says Slade is not biggest fan of hugging since he would believe anyone who tried to hug him would ends up stabbing him in his back like Hunter did to him.

:twilightoops: Oh yeah, Slade definitely made it clear he is not to be touched.

Poor Diamondback just wanted to make sure no one incurred Star's wrath. Ever since Reign kidnapped Star during one of her previous Sabbaths, she's tried to train herself to be like Sandy Cheeks when she was hibernating, where her body will throw hands with whoever disturbed her slumber.

It's not perfect - given how Luco was able to sneak Star into Diamondback's home without waking her - but Star's still hoping it will make her a little less helpless if anyone decides to try and target her while she's sleeping.

Cyrus gently carried sleeping Star Wing. "I can't believe she can be scary when someone interrupted her sleep."

Slade scoffed. "Everyone have their own scary side, Cyrus... trust me... I ain't taking chance on that one."

"And do consider," Diamondback noted. "She is still the daughter of Princess Luna. And Luna had Nightmare Moon. I shudder to think what Nightmares might be lurking underneath Star's happy-go-lucky exterior."

"Agreed." Cyrus said.

"WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Luco cried out, before fleeing for his life with Connors marching after him like he was ready to tan Luco's hide for his daily dose of chaos.

Slade facepalm again. "It was Luco, isn't it?" :ajbemused:

"Yep." Cyrus have a deadpan expression as he knew it was Luco's doing. "And not that surprising."

Diamondback sighed. "Not that surprising at all." She shook her head before glancing at the two. "Well, thank you for your help with her. I'm going to..." she gave Slade a very nervous look. "Leave you be... for the next thousand years, if fate allows it." She then all but ran away from Slade, very eager to not incur his wrath again. :twilightoops:

Nice job, buddy. Thanks for sharing. :pinkiehappy: 👍

We begin once again with another pleasant day in Ponyville. One that was even more peaceful than usual, since it was Star's Sabbath; a day where she did literally nothing but sleep.

Torrent Blast came back to his and Star Wing's home from the store, Crescent helping him put up the items he bought. “So you're saying she has a sabbath?” Crescent asked.

“That's right,” Torrent replied with a grin. “She keeps herself energized with disturbing amounts of caffeine and sweets, which inflicts no harm on her at all because she's immortal due to being an alicorn. That doesn't count the extreme sugar crash afterwards, though.”

“Unless?” Crescent nodded in intrigue. “Oh! She doesn't get sick or anything from all that junk food because she's an alicorn, but she's still vulnerable to a sugar crash. That's why she spends a lot of time snoozing, to recover after the rush!”

“Bingo. We refer to that time as Star's Sabbath—” Torrent opened the door to Star's room so Crescent could see how hard she crashed...

But there was nobody inside.

Torrent's gaze turned stern. :ajbemused:“Put up the rest of the stuff we got from the store. I'm off to find my mate.”

“Yes, sir!” Crescent saluted and began putting away the things Torrent purchased while he teleported away in search of Star Wing.

By the time Torrent started scouring Ponyville in his hunt for his lover, the peace and quiet was interrupted by a sudden outburst of song. However, instead of 'Gaston', the name used was... Bai Long.

Torrent blinked. “The dragon slayer?” After a pause, he went pale. :twilightoops:“...Night Fire!”

Soon enough, Torrent saw a crowd of ponies singing the song led by Free Verse, marching behind a completely different version of Bai Long.

Where some familiar with the name might remember a fearsome dragon slayer, this version of Bai Long was more of a classic knight in shining armor.

All signs of fear for Torrent's mate left him and were replaced with confusion. “Wait, that isn't the Bai Long I was thinking of...”

Free Verse noticed Torrent and casually floated over to him. “Don't worry about it, probably just another one-off version of him for this scenario only.”

“But what about Star Wing? Today's her Sabbath, and I can't find her!”

:applejackunsure:“Oh. That complicates things.”

Before the two could confront him, however, Bai Long arrived at Gaian Gizmos, the home of Diamondback.

"Come forth, Beast of Greed and Wrrrath!" Bai Long declared (even sounding like Brad Starlight, having the voice of James Marsden). "Sir Bai Long - Defender of the Innocents (especially from dragons) - knows you have a fair princess locked away in this tower!"

Diamondback poked her head out. "First of all, good sir, this is a forest, not a tower." She indicated that Gaian Gizmos was indeed set in a forest now, instead of the tower Terra Tech had been. "Second of all, what princess? All the princesses are back in Canterlot."

"Oh ARE THEY?!" Sir Bai Long declared, before marching right past a flabbergasted Diamondback and ripping away a bush to reveal... Star Wing fast asleep.

Diamondback's jaw dropped. :pinkiegasp: "Wh... how? When? Where? Why?!"

“Star? Outside Gaian Gizmos?” Torrent did a double take, looking at his snoozing mate then back at Sir Bai Long with a worried gaze. “Er, Sir, I wouldn't jump to—”

"Ah-ha!" Sir Bai Long declared. "I knew it!" He turned to Diamondback and produced a classic knight's sword. "This foul dragon has kidnapped the lovely princess, and now I must save her with my magic sword of justice!"

Splash Hoof briefly glanced around with an offended look as he performed his mobile laundromat service at the Love Bug Lounge. “Why do I suddenly feel like a copyright should be attached to the Swords of Justice?”


Diamondback quickly defended herself with her rapier, flinching as the song of steel rang out between their blades. "Sir, please!" she stammered, backing up as he battled her. "You don't want to wake Star when she's like this! This is her Sabbath! The noise!"

"You shall not fool this brave knight, foul dragon!" Sir Bai Long declared as he battled the diamond dragon. "Your evil comes to an end today!"

Free Verse took a momentary glance at Star... before turning invisible out of fear as she very quietly played a tune that strikes terror into Kid Icarus Uprising and Smash 4 players: the theme of Orne (an invincible enemy from Uprising that insta-kills the player on contact; it returned as one of the Smash Run enemies in Smash Bros for 3DS).

Torrent was similarly worried, but before he could step in to voice his warning, Diamondback noticed Star... and her eyes bugged out as she saw one of Star's eyes open.

"Too late!" she whimpered, before dropping her rapier and fleeing for her life. "TAKE COVER!" she yelled to Torrent.

He was already hiding in a bush behind a thick tree stump. “Way ahead of you.”

"Yes!" Bai Long declared, blissfully unaware of his impending doom. "Flee, foul beast! Flee from the might of Sir Bai..."

"I'm trying TO SLEEP!"

Bai Long went stock still as Star Wing's roar sent a shockwave that nearly knocked over all the trees in Gaian Gizmos, as well as throwing Torrent and Free Verse onto their rears and sending Bai Long's entourage fleeing for the hills. When they recovered, they saw a very ticked off Star in her Night Fire form standing behind a visibly terrified Sir Bai Long.

Free Verse stared shakily at Night Fire, her already invisible form becoming as clear as the Fuchsia Gym’s maze while Orne’s theme faded away into silence.

Torrent poked his head out from behind the tree and cautiously glanced up at the rudely awakened Night Fire as well. “First time for you too?” he telepathically muttered to Free Verse. “I've never participated in any adventures where she got prematurely woken up from a sugar crash.”

Somehow, Bai Long found the courage to turn around. "G-Great King Arthur's Blade!" Bai Long stammered. "A demon has possessed the fair princess!" He hefted his sword. "Never fear, my good lady. My sword shall free you from this..."

With a single pimp slap, Wing knocked the sword clean out of Bai Long's grip, and sent it flying over the horizon.

Torrent managed to find it in him to wave :pinkiehappy:‘see ya’ to Bai Long cheekily.

Bai Long's reaction? (0:13 to 0:16)

Those were his last words before Star smacked him over the horizon as well, turning him into a star in the sky.

Star turned her bleary eyes around. "Anyone else?" she muttered.

Torrent ducked back behind the tree, himself and Free Verse remaining silent long enough for Star to mutter, "Didn't think so," topple backward onto her back, and return to sleep.

Regaining her opaqueness, Free Verse took a few careful steps towards Star, signaling for everyone to stay quiet a while longer.

A few seconds passed, and she nodded. “It's okay, now,” she noted. “Just keep your voices down.”

Torrent smiled appreciatively. “I'll take it from here.” He slowly hefted Star Wing onto his back and started walking off. “Meet me outside mine and Star's place, the three of us will discuss things there.”

The unicorn Pokemon cautiously laid Star down in her bed, pulling her blanket over her exhausted body. After he asked Cosmic to stay with her and keep her comfy, Torrent came back outside to meet up with Free Verse and Diamondback.

Diamondback patted her head with a rag. "That... was terrifying," she muttered. "How in Equestria did Wing get put into my home? And who was that rude knight? Why was he calling himself Bai Long?"

Before Free Verse or Torrent could respond...

"Luco!" Connors declared, revealing himself to be dressed like Ricky Ricardo. "You got some 'splaining to do," Connors said, pointing at Luco, who was dressed as Lucy from I Love Lucy.

"WAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Luco cried out, before fleeing for his life with Connors marching after him like he was ready to tan Luco's hide for his daily dose of chaos.

“Ah, things just made a lot more sense.” Free Verse stepped after Connors and Luco with a grin. “Shall I go after the conflict lover?”

“No, this is Luco we're talking about. If you wanna catch him...” Torrent walked back in his home, then came out with Crescent, the latter holding a banana like a gun. “You gotta use his logic against him!”

Crescent aimed the banana at Luco as the perpetually grinning conflict creator scurried away from Connors... only to turn around and launch the banana out of the peel in the opposite direction.

Not long after that, the group could see the banana coming at Luco from the horizon, implying that it somehow got shot out so hard that it orbited the world before striking Luco from the other direction.

And exploding.

“He's all yours, Connors!” Crescent called into the distance.


Group Admin


Note: I actually used that Aladdin voice clip when a spam call woke me up. I accepted the call, and the guy on the other end kept saying, "Hello? Hello?" So I just opened up the video, played the 'who disturbs my slumber' line... :rainbowlaugh: and the guy on the other end was silent for about five seconds before he hung up.

I still wish I could've seen his expression. Judging by how silent he went, I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting that. 🤣

Indeed. :rainbowlaugh:

Diamondback somehow got even more pale, as she glanced between Star and Slade. She was clearly thinking, 'Crap, I can either die to a sleep-deprived Star Wing or a pissed off Slade! I don't know which is more terrifying!" :raritydespair:

The fact that Diamondback, one of your most dangerous villain OC, is actually terrified of sleep-deprived Star Wing and a pissed off Slade make me laugh harder. :rainbowlaugh:

Poor Diamondback just wanted to make sure no one incurred Star's wrath. Ever since Reign kidnapped Star during one of her previous Sabbaths, she's tried to train herself to be like Sandy Cheeks when she was hibernating, where her body will throw hands with whoever disturbed her slumber.

It's not perfect - given how Luco was able to sneak Star into Diamondback's home without waking her - but Star's still hoping it will make her a little less helpless if anyone decides to try and target her while she's sleeping.

At least, she learned her lesson on that day, it did gave Luna a massive heart attack when she got kidnapped.

Diamondback sighed. "Not that surprising at all." She shook her head before glancing at the two. "Well, thank you for your help with her. I'm going to..." she gave Slade a very nervous look. "Leave you be... for the next thousand years, if fate allows it." She then all but ran away from Slade, very eager to not incur his wrath again. :twilightoops:

Slade may be one of more serious OC but he does provide humor by scaring DB so much that she ran off like Tom in this scene. (Skipped to 0:23) :rainbowlaugh:

Nice job, buddy. Thanks for sharing. :pinkiehappy: 👍

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


The fact that Diamondback, one of your most dangerous villain OC, is actually terrified of sleep-deprived Star Wing and a pissed off Slade make me laugh harder. :rainbowlaugh:

Diamondback: Ahem, 'former' villain OC. I'm past that whole superiority complex thing now, but I'd rather not have all my hard work and development be ignored, thank you.

No one's ignoring your development, DB. We're just noting how it's funny that you're terrified of Star and Slade.

Diamondback: Excuse me, they ARE terrifying! :twilightoops: Did you not see the FIRE in Slade's eyes? The VENOM in Star's glare! There's a beast in every soul. And their beasts? :fluttershyouch: Their beasts are GIANTS!

Unfortunately, DB was saying this in such a hammy fashion, that it was just making me laugh harder as well. 🤣

At least, she learned her lesson on that day, it did give Luna a massive heart attack when she got kidnapped.

Yeah, probably reminded Luna of that time when Star got kidnapped by a cult who wanted to sacrifice her for their goddess.

Slade may be one of more serious OC but he does provide humor by scaring DB so much that she ran off like Tom

🤣 Yep. Sometimes people can be funny not by what they do, but by what others do around them.

Group Admin


Torrent Blast came back to his and Star Wing's home from the store, Crescent helping him put up the items he bought. “So you're saying she has a sabbath?” Crescent asked.

Loved this extra scene that ties into how Torrent and Star are mates. :pinkiehappy:

Makes me realize that I should've had something like that for the OCs that Star's intimate with. So, thanks for getting that for me. :twilightsmile: 👍

Free Verse noticed Torrent and casually floated over to him. “Don't worry about it, probably just another one-off version of him for this scenario only.”

“But what about Star Wing? Today's her Sabbath, and I can't find her!”

:applejackunsure:“Oh. That complicates things.”

Also, excellent idea to have Free Verse leading the song number.

Although, it does make me curious: this version of Bai Long is meant to be a classic example of a chivalrous knight (with the only problem being that he believes all dragons are evil, which doesn't bode well for Diamondback), and in this case, Bai Long knew that Star Wing was gone since Luco brought him there and then told him Star was being held by Diamondback.

So, would Free Verse still not know of that? Since I imagine Bai Long would've told his entourage how he was off to find Star and save her.

“Star? Outside Gaian Gizmos?” Torrent did a double take, looking at his snoozing mate then back at Sir Bai Long with a worried gaze. “Er, Sir, I wouldn't jump to—”

"Never fear, good sir," Sir Bai Long declared, as thankfully, Star was in her alicorn form. "The princess has been found!" He turned to Diamondback. "This foul beast has tried to kidnap her. And now I will free her with my magic sword of justice!"

Splash Hoof briefly glanced around with an offended look as he performed his mobile laundromat service at the Love Bug Lounge. “Why do I suddenly feel like a copyright should be attached to the Swords of Justice?”

:rainbowlaugh: Nice. 👍

Free Verse took a momentary glance at Star... before turning invisible out of fear as she very quietly played a tune that strikes terror into Kid Icarus Uprising and Smash 4 players: the theme of Orne (an invincible enemy from Uprising that insta-kills the player on contact; it returned as one of the Smash Run enemies in Smash Bros for 3DS).

:twilightoops: It's too bad Sir Bai Long never played those games; he might have managed to keep himself from getting a one-way trip over the horizon.

"I'm trying TO SLEEP!"

Part of me is curious if Torrent or Free Verse would react any differently if Star said this:

And yes, she'd say it in the same low, growling tone that the cave uses.

“Ah, things just made a lot more sense.” Free Verse stepped after Connors and Luco with a grin. “Shall I go after the conflict lover?”

“No, this is Luco we're talking about. If you wanna catch him...” Torrent walked back in his home, then came out with Crescent, the latter holding a banana like a gun. “You gotta use his logic against him!”

Crescent aimed the banana at Luco as the perpetually grinning conflict creator scurried away from Connors... only to turn around and launch the banana out of the peel in the opposite direction.

Not long after that, the group could see the banana coming at Luco from the horizon, implying that it somehow got shot out so hard that it orbited the world before striking Luco from the other direction.

And exploding.

“He's all yours, Connors!” Crescent called into the distance.

Connors could only stare around in disbelief, while Luco started cackling in utter glee at being taken down with his own logic.

"That was beautiful!" he praised. "Wonderful work, my friends! Wonderful..."

Getting over his shock, Connors seized Luco and dragged him away through a portal.

Diamondback breathed easier as the portal closed and Luco's laughter faded away. "Well, then." She gave a grin to Torrent and Free Verse, along with any jewelry or gems that they wanted. "Thank you both again for your assistance."

Awesome work, buddy. Thank you for sharing. :twilightsmile: 👍


Loved this extra scene that ties into how Torrent and Star are mates. :pinkiehappy:

Makes me realize that I should've had something like that for the OCs that Star's intimate with. So, thanks for getting that for me. :twilightsmile: 👍

No problem. I had to include Torrent in this one because he'd be first to notice she was missing; plus, I wanted to show off his husbandly side while she was in no position to do her stuff. He may be a feral Pokemon at heart and thus does necessary things in the wild, but he isn't above going to the store.

🤔 I guess in a way, that makes him a bit like Vegeta. Didn't Vegeta become a father? I'm not very familiar with Dragon Ball, but for some reason I recall him having a son at some point.

Although, it does make me curious: this version of Bai Long is meant to be a classic example of a chivalrous knight (with the only problem being that he believes all dragons are evil, which doesn't bode well for Diamondback), and in this case, Bai Long knew that Star Wing was gone since Luco brought him there and then told him Star was being held by Diamondback.

So, would Free Verse still not know of that? Since I imagine Bai Long would've told his entourage how he was off to find Star and save her.

Nope; she was minding her own business when she happened to see the entourage walking by while singing, and she joined in without a second thought due to musical arts being her thing.:derpytongue2:

Nice. 👍

Thanks. By the way, in case you're wondering why he was there (and will be seen there more in the future), the Love Bug Lounge is among the top places Splash Hoof offers his laundromat services at. The reason should be obvious, considering what happens there.:pinkiesick:

Part of me is curious if Torrent or Free Verse would react any differently if Star said this:

And yes, she'd say it in the same low, growling tone that the cave uses.

They'd react about the same, but Torrent would distance himself even further away. As her mate, he knows full well not to get on her bad side.

Connors could only stare around in disbelief, while Luco started cackling in utter glee at being taken down with his own logic.

:rainbowlaugh:It's pretty funny how even the god of knowledge can be caught off guard.

Diamondback breathed easier as the portal closed and Luco's laughter faded away. "Well, then." She gave a grin to Torrent and Free Verse, along with any jewelry or gems that they wanted. "Thank you both again for your assistance."

Torrent nodded in response. "It's the least I could do for the alicorn–dragon who helped me grow the Keldeo family tree... although I didn't really do much other than watch that alternate Bai Long get slapped into the atmosphere." He turned to Free Verse, but she wasn't listening, instead wistfully looking back where Bai Long was sent flying. "Hm? What's the matter?"

Free Verse stayed quiet for a few seconds...

Then she pumped her fist in the air. "Nobody Star K.O.'s like Bai Long!"

Awesome work, buddy. Thank you for sharing. :twilightsmile: 👍

Happy to share. This was fun to write.:twilightsmile:

Group Admin


🤔 I guess in a way, that makes him a bit like Vegeta. Didn't Vegeta become a father? I'm not very familiar with Dragon Ball, but for some reason I recall him having a son at some point.

Yeah, Vegeta ended up marrying Bulma and having Trunks. It was a big part of his character development, showing how he progressed from an arrogant warrior prince to someone more humble.

It was also a good way to give him something to fight for other than his pride.

Nope; she was minding her own business when she happened to see the entourage walking by while singing, and she joined in without a second thought due to musical arts being her thing.:derpytongue2:

:rainbowlaugh: That is just so perfectly in character for Free Verse. I love it. :pinkiehappy: 👍

By the way, in case you're wondering why he was there (and will be seen there more in the future), the Love Bug Lounge is among the top places Splash Hoof offers his laundromat services at. The reason should be obvious, considering what happens there.:pinkiesick:

Yeah, his laundromat service would be very welcome there. Especially with Jimmy's introduction, since he convinced Winter to start charging for services, so Winter wants to make sure that the environment is worth paying money to be in. She'd definitely want Splash's help there.

They'd react about the same, but Torrent would distance himself even further away. As her mate, he knows full well not to get on her bad side.


I remember one time, my phone was getting blown up by a spam caller who kept leaving messages, so the next time the guy called, I had that Aladdin video ready and played it at full volume, with the phone's speaker inches from my computer's speaker.

The guy didn't call me again after that. :rainbowlaugh:

:rainbowlaugh:It's pretty funny how even the god of knowledge can be caught off guard.

I think some of the funniest moments are when all powerful beings have those moments where they show they can still be human. Connors getting caught off guard, Polybotes in The Son of Neptune getting stunned silent by the antics of the armless god Terminus, even Ronan in Guardians of the Galaxy having that hysterical moment where he's left baffled at Peter Quill's dance off challenge.

Really goes to show that no one in the universe can be truly prepared for how silly life can be at times.

Torrent nodded in response. "It's the least I could do for the alicorn–dragon who helped me grow the Keldeo family tree... although I didn't really do much other than watch that alternate Bai Long get slapped into the atmosphere."

"True, but you did give me someone to hide behind, so I appreciate that," Diamondback admitted, as yeah, she would've been hiding behind Torrent (or at least, under Torrent, since she'd have been underground at the time).

He turned to Free Verse, but she wasn't listening, instead wistfully looking back where Bai Long was sent flying. "Hm? What's the matter?"

Free Verse stayed quiet for a few seconds...

Then she pumped her fist in the air. "Nobody Star K.O.'s like Bai Long!"

Remembering the song she heard, Diamondback laughed. "Good one, Free Verse." 😆


Yeah, Vegeta ended up marrying Bulma and having Trunks. It was a big part of his character development, showing how he progressed from an arrogant warrior prince to someone more humble.

Oddly enough, Super gave an explanation that strangely makes sense. Saiyans are attracted to strong women, and Bulma very much fits the bill. As does Chi Chi, hence why she and Goku became a thing.


That is just so perfectly in character for Free Verse. I love it. :pinkiehappy: 👍

It's definitely in character for her. She may be a bad@$$ in battle, but above all, she just wants to sing, dance, and for people to have joy in their lives.

I remember one time, my phone was getting blown up by a spam caller who kept leaving messages, so the next time the guy called, I had that Aladdin video ready and played it at full volume, with the phone's speaker inches from my computer's speaker.

The guy didn't call me again after that. :rainbowlaugh:

Smart. Modern problems require modern solutions, after all.:moustache:

Group Admin


Oddly enough, Super gave an explanation that strangely makes sense. Saiyans are attracted to strong women, and Bulma very much fits the bill. As does Chi Chi, hence why she and Goku became a thing.

I remember reading about that, and yeah, it makes sense for a race of warriors to be Amazon Chasers.

If their mates are strong, then there's a chance that their children will be strong as well. As Trunks and Gohan proved when they ended up saving the day from Cell and his alternate universe self.

Group Admin


It's definitely in character for her. She may be a bad@$$ in battle, but above all, she just wants to sing, dance, and for people to have joy in their lives.

Oh yeah; life doesn't need to be one constant adventure.

This might be surprising, but Wing feels the same way. Granted, she'd likely spend a lot of her time regaling others with tales of her adventures, but she similarly just wants everyone to have a good time and especially loves being able to entertain others, whether that's through songs, dances or stories.

Smart. Modern problems require modern solutions, after all.:moustache:

Oh yeah. :twilightsmile:

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