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At last, we reach the most recent Kung Fu Panda film.

As usual, all OC responses are welcome.

Also, quick note: though Lady Umbra did offer to try and write Kung Fu Equestria 4, I was honestly burned out on it, and turned down the offer to help edit that story. Hence why Wing will be acting a little... different for this one.

A week had passed since the play adaptation of Kung Fu Panda 3.

And once again, the call came out.


And sure enough, Wing was on stage, dancing her heart out while Jazz sang in the background.

As your OCs approached, Star did front flip off the stage and somersaulted over to them, hugging them in greeting.

"Last one, guys," she noted with a grin, whipping out her casting list. "You ready for this?"

(Extra note: for this one, I'm only going to include the characters that are brand new and make their debut in the fourth film. You can find the characters that have been mainstays here, here, and here.)

  • Zhen (the deuteragonist of the film; a fox thief who attempts to rob the Hall of Heroes before being caught by Po. She assists him in stopping the Chameleon. If Kung Fu Equestria 4 had continued, I like to believe that she would've been played by Capper. In OSAF's adaptation, she would be played by Red, and have some adaptational changes: Red's hesitation and worry for Star despite betraying her would get her targeted by the Chameleon and even nearly killed, with her barely surviving an assassination attempt that would push her more firmly towards the heroes' side. But, of course, who's the Chameleon in OSAF's adaptation, you might be wondering. Well...
  • The Chameleon (The Big Bad of the Fourth Film; a nefarious shape-shifting chameleon sorceress that can copy other's kung fu by absorbing their abilities and commands a fearsome army of komodo dragons. In Kung Fu Equestria, I think it would've been interesting if she was played by the Flim-Flam Brothers. In OSAF's adaptation, her role would be filled by Connors, who plays her as being even more sneaky and devious than before, taking out Myst with a sneak attack rather than letting her have the chance at a fair fight, and similarly trying to stab Red in the back in cold blood just for feeling bad about betraying Star Wing. Unlike the Chameleon, he fails to steal the abilities of Diamondback or Kodo - learning that DB didn't go to the spirit realm since she wasn't a martial artist, and Kodo was rendered Deader than Dead by the events of the third adventure, leaving him with only Myst's abilities to utilize against Star Wing. He also actually had no interest in learning kung fu in his backstory, instead deriding it as an outdated technique, wanting to prove that sorcery and magic are more powerful than martial arts. Of course, Star, Red and even a de-powered Myst prove his theory wrong, and Myst gets to have the same catharsis Tai Lung did when she throws Connors into the spirit realm, only pausing in going after him to ask Star to give a message to Lupa, telling her that Myst is sorry for everything that happened between them and that she hopes one day, they will reunite and make amends.
  • Han (A Sunda pangolin who is the leader of the Den of Thieves and Zhen's adoptive father. In Kung Fu Equestria, he would've been played by Grandpa Gruff. In OSAF's adaptation, he would be played by Logan, which yes, would be a comical inversion of how Red's his mother, yet now he gets to be the parental figure.)
  • Fish and Chip (A mother son duo who share the rank of captain on their vessel. They give Po and Zhen a ride to Juniper City, for a price. In Kung Fu Equestria, they would've been played by Steven Magnet. In OSAF's adaptation, Danielle Dolores Dixon and Bang fill in for their roles, Bang trying very hard to make himself look different from his performance as Storming Ox in the second film. Extra note: Dixon would make it very clear that 'she's' the captain, and that Bang is her loyal first mate.)
  • Panda Pig (A pig with black and white paint who is one of the standout candidates for the next Dragon Warrior. In Kung Fu Equestria, I like the idea of the CMC filling his role, while in OSAF's adaptation, he would be played by Ricochet.)


And sure enough, Wing was on stage, dancing her heart out while Jazz sang in the background.

I find it easier to picture Star dancing like this than Luna for sure :rainbowlaugh:.

Group Admin

Agreed. 😄

I don't have any artwork of Wing herself doing this, but since she's Luna's daughter, I was hoping that using artwork of Luna doing goofy stuff like that would suffice.

Group Admin


At last, we reach the most recent Kung Fu Panda film.

Oh, thank God! I almost ran out of my OCs at this point.

Also, quick note: though Lady Umbra did offer to try and write Kung Fu Equestria 4, I was honestly burned out on it, and turned down the offer to help edit that story. Hence why Wing will be acting a little... different for this one.

I don't blame you... she did took forever to finish Kung Fu Equestria 3... though, it would be interested how she tackle on the fourth one since that's only movie where Furious Five doesn't play major roles since they went off mission and didn't appear until at the end of the movie.

Anyway, let's see what I can do with the fourth movie.

A week had passed since the play adaptation of Kung Fu Panda 3.

And once again, the call came out.

"Well, look like our times with Kung Fu Panda play come to the end." Cyrus stated.

"All good things come to the end." Speed said, solemnly.

  • Zhen- Rover Danger (Okay, I know he's not exactly sneaking-type but if you remember, when he was a superhero, he uses gadgets as a way to make it look like he's a superhero even though he's Fake Ultimate Hero. He's more of a con artist who conned people out of not just their money but all of their goodies by claiming he's superhero with actual powers even though he relays on his gadgets which get him in a lot of trouble with Speed. He's only works for his master because he genuinely thought his master would grant him real powers and he wasn't happy when he betrayed Speed and he ultimately rejects the powers as he values his friendship with Speed more than ever)
  • The Chameleon- Nivens/Cher/Arthur (I know, very unconventional choice of having 3 characters playing same character. If you remember, Nivens/Cher/Arthur are meant to be split personalities for a Demon Lord after he becomes obsessed with Alice in Wonderland so much that he forgot who he was and ends up letting his split personalities consumes him. In this adaptation, they would be a failed stage actor who gains 3 dangerous split personalities after using the forbidden technique called "Split off" which gives them an ability to creates different kind of split personalities which make them even more dangerous. They kidnapped Raziel as they wanted him to help him to creates more of split personalities so they would make the fights unpredictable... basically, they would be Lost in Character as by the time they defeats him, they would said this words "There is no me. I do not exist.", implying that they ends up forgetting who they truly were before the split personalities consumes him.)
  • Han- Elektra (Instead of adoptive mother, she would be Rover's estranged ex-lover who initially wasn't happy to see him again after their unfortunate incident that cause them to be estranged... though, they refuses to elaborate it... she ultimately reconcile with Rover after he helps Speed of stopping Nivens, Cher and Arthur)
  • Fish and Chip- Dark Mark (Composite character, he claimed he's a boat captain but turns out, he actually stole the boat since he was planning to head west, implying he's Hero of Another Story when Speed asked him if he's coming with them, Dark Mark's response "No, this is ain't my story, I'm not built for Kung Fu setting, I'm heading to the western setting where there's bunch of gun-fighting." He pulls out his revolver. "That's more of my style.")
  • Panda Pig- Ryder (I knows, a bit cheating but you did have Bang playing 2 roles and Panda Pig is a cameo role... though, in Ryder's case, he paints his normal red scales with vibrant blue colors as reference to MrBeast's logo and he wouldn't be playing same characters)

Group Admin


Oh, thank God! I almost ran out of my OCs at this point.

True; though considering I did technically nullify the 'only one OC per character' rule by letting Bang be both Ox and Chip, I don't think you need to worry too much about that.

Tex: Sure, aside from leaving those of us who didn't get a role high and dry.

Tex, you're a desert dweller. You like being high and dry.

Tex: Only when it's with Swift. Don't mistake me for Wildvine, okay?

Wouldn't dream of it. :twilightsmile:

I don't blame you... she did take forever to finish Kung Fu Equestria 3... though, it would be interested how she tackle on the fourth one since that's only movie where Furious Five doesn't play major roles since they went off mission and didn't appear until at the end of the movie.

Very true.

Funny enough, the CMC did make an early cameo in Kung Fu Equestria 1 as students of the Furious Five, hence why I put them in Panda Pig's role. I liked the idea of them coming back and seeing if their training with the Five paid off.

It's also implied as a running joke in Kung Fu Equestria that Luna broke Tempest Shadow's horn. Part of me wonders if she would've come back and played a part later on, though I ultimately decided against it.

Though now that I think about it, Tempest would've been interesting as the Chameleon, since she'd have that grudge against Luna for breaking her horn... but I don't know if it works as well as the Flim-Flam brothers, who's machines could pass for the Chameleon's illusion abilities.


Zhen- Rover Danger

I think that still works out.

So, just to clarify, instead of robbing the Jade Palace like Zhen did, Rover would probably put on some kind of show... :pinkiegasp: oh, would he audition for the role of the Dragon Warrior and try to pass himself off as a superhero, only for Speed to dismiss him as a fake, and get Rover angry enough that he tries again or something like that? Because that'd be kind of a nice development arc: Rover initially starts off as a show-boater that Speed doesn't think can handle the job, but then proves himself by helping Speed take down the Demon Lord.

Also, what would fully turn Rover against Nivens/Cher/Arthur? In my adaptation, Connors directedly tried to kill Red, while The Chameleon merely threatened Zhen with it on top of revealing she never cared about Zhen. What would do it for Rover?

The Chameleon- Nivens/Cher/Arthur

I know, very unconventional choice

Not really; you've established that those three do share the same body, so them sticking together does make sense.

In this adaptation, they would be a failed stage actor who gains 3 dangerous split personalities after using the forbidden technique called "Split off" which gives them an ability to creates different kind of split personalities which make them even more dangerous.

Very interesting. :raritystarry:

They kidnapped Raziel as they wanted him to help him to creates more of split personalities so they would make the fights unpredictable

And Raziel trying to fight them off would be how Speed got alerted to them, right? In the film, Po learned about the Chameleon after she framed Tai Lung for destroying an entire quarry. From the sound of it, Raziel's attempts at fighting off the Demon Lord would cause the miners to think he was going back to his villain ways, causing Speed to decide to confront him, only to find out that it was the Demon Lord's fault.

And what would Nivens/Cher/Arthur's relationship be with Rover? Zhen saw the Chameleon as a mother figure, only to be left devastated when the Chameleon revealed Zhen was only ever a useful tool. Connors similarly thought the same, and even tried to kill Red when she outlived her usefulness.

Basically, they would be Lost in Character as by the time they defeats him, they would said this words "There is no me. I do not exist.", implying that they ends up forgetting who they truly were before the split personalities consumes him.)

Wing would shudder at that. "That sounds like a fate worse than death to me," she noted. (Remember; her biggest fear is losing who she is as a soul or a person. It's worse for her since in Of Scales and Fur, she's at risk of Kodo rewriting her personality and replacing it with Myst's)

So, as a result of losing who they truly were, would they need to have Raziel defeat them or send them to the Spirit Realm? Wing would imagine that losing who they truly were would be a horrible enough fate.

Han- Elektra (Instead of adoptive mother, she would be Rover's estranged ex-lover who initially wasn't happy to see him again

Considering their friendship on the forums, that makes a lot of sense for them.

Does Elektra still help them fight Nivens/Cher/Arthur? Han agreed to help Zhen not because he had a change of heart, but because he wanted to overthrow the Chameleon so he and his criminals could live free of her tyranny. Logan would claim the same thing, but it'd be pretty clear that was just an excuse to cover up that he wanted to help Red out since he still considered her family. :twilightsmile:

she ultimately reconcile with Rover after he helps Speed of stopping Nivens, Cher and Arthur)

Aww... :rainbowkiss: I love it when previously strained relationships manage to get repaired. Always so heartwarming. :scootangel:

Fish and Chip- Dark Mark (Composite character, he claimed he's a boat captain but turns out, he actually stole the boat since he was planning to head west, implying he's Hero of Another Story when Speed asked him if he's coming with them, Dark Mark's response "No, this is ain't my story, I'm not built for Kung Fu setting, I'm heading to the western setting where there's bunch of gun-fighting." He pulls out his revolver. "That's more of my style.")

That's awesome. Makes him sound way more badass.

Does Dark Mark drink at all? There's a little running gag where Chip feeds Fish water from a canteen, and he acts like a pirate who had too much rum. Dixon would play with that joke a little, getting absolutely wasted while at the bar (a reference to how she's based on Daxter from Jak and Daxter). But when she's behind the wheel of a ship, she's much more sober and focused, proving that she's the captain and the pilot for a reason.

Also, there was a kinda sweet moment where Fish bonded with Po over both of them being adopted, with Dixon similarly bonding with Star and noting how families come in all shapes and sizes.

Panda Pig- Ryder (I knows, a bit cheating but you did have Bang playing 2 roles and Panda Pig is a cameo role...

Yeah no worries there. Ryder checks out fine as Panda Pig. :twilightsmile: 👍

In Ryder's case, he paints his normal red scales with vibrant blue colors as reference to MrBeast's logo

OOO, interesting. :raritystarry:

So, what would make Speed decide that Ryder wasn't ready to be the Dragon Warrior? Po pretty clearly didn't want to give up his status as the Dragon Warrior, while Wing was more worried that Rico was going to get herself killed with how cocky she was acting, and didn't want to live with the guilt she'd feel for sending Rico into a role she wasn't ready for.

A week had passed since the play adaptation of Kung Fu Panda 3.

And once again, the call came out.

Free Verse turned to the OCs with her: Cosmic Crest and Leroy. "The time has come," she noted seriously. "We can't let him discover anything too revealing, guys. Remember what we discussed, and proceed with caution."

Cosmic nodded.

Leroy saluted. "Aye aye."

Together, the three resolutely walked in the direction of the stage, and sure enough, Wing was on stage, dancing her heart out while Jazz sang in the background.

As they approached, Star did a front flip off the stage and somersaulted over to them, hugging them in greeting.

"Last one, guys," she noted with a grin, whipping out her casting list.


At Free Verse's command, the trio immediately jumped away from the casting list. Cosmic pulled his mane over his eyes, and Leroy held his hat in front of his face, with Free Verse keeping the list outside her point of fixation (basically, out of sight or in her peripheral vision; not what her eyes are focusing on).


"Please forgive us, Star Wing," Free Verse said. "Anti–spoiler protocols. Our writer hasn't seen Kung Fu Panda 4, and as a self-imposed unwritten rule, we don't allow our onscreen—or on–comment, if you will—selves to see, hear, or play something he hasn't at least seen but wants to. That way, we ensure a spoiler–free time for him."


Free Verse turned towards Cosmic and Leroy with a nod. "The coast is clear, we can look."

The two nodded and regrouped with her around the casting list.

After a few seconds of overlooking it, they turned to Star. "We have a faint idea of who should play who, but we're gonna get the gang together and go watch the trailer real quick to make sure. Don't worry, he's seen the trailer at least."

The trio set off with a wave to Star.

A few minutes later, they returned to her along with most of my OCs. Cosmic stepped forward. "I'll be the Chameleon. With my emotions able to take on different forms as well as cloak me when need be, I'll do well."


Crescent looked at Cosmic in confusion. "Why not me? I can summon my emotions too."

"Your emotions take forms according to your heart, not your mind. Mine work under my guidance, so I can have them change shape as I see fit, meaning they can morph into the form of anything they and I want them to, even specific people. Besides, you already played Soothsayer."

Crescent thought about it, then shrugged. "Fair point."

"As for Zhen..." Free Verse chuckled. "Of course it's gonna be me. I'm short, I give off the most ‘thief’ vibes in my Showstopper form, and I've also got a mildly snarky attitude that could work as her sass."


My other OCs mumbled in agreement, though Helix had concerns. "There's a problem with that, however. At the end of the trailer, Zhen's tail threatens to invoke a sneeze from Po that would awaken the soldiers; you don't have a tail, Free Verse, so there's nothing that'd cause them to wake up."

Free Verse crossed her arms with a disappointed sigh. "Dang, you're right. What a shame, it would've been fun to potentially blue–ball someone watching the stageplay..."

Cosmic gave Free Verse a very bemused look. :rainbowhuh:"...?"

"Rule 34, Cos. If it exists, there's most likely a kink for it." Free Verse deadpanned at Helix. "And Mr. Fun Fact Fountain over here once informed me that sternutation is among the few fetishes out there that actually make a lick of sense."


Helix nodded. "After all, sneezing and a certain other bodily action are both an explosive reflex that comes from intense stimulation of a tender—"


A dropkick from Crescent was enough to shut Helix up.


"Good job, kiddo," Free Verse said as she gave Crescent a fist bump. "But yeah, Helix had a point. How would the soldiers be roused from slumber?"

Torrent looked over Flux with a piercing gaze. "...Flux's legs are quite short, and she's pretty clumsy."

"Guilty as charged," Flux laughed.

"So... Maybe the script could be changed so that instead of sneezing, she almost wakes them up by tripping?"

Free Verse pondered the idea, then grinned. "Mm, that's a good idea. You're sharp, Torrent; all that survival knowledge is doing us some good! But..." She paced back and forth. "How would I stop her from hitting the ground and thus alarming the soldiers, only to trigger something else that does the job?"

"Just use your feet," Splash Hoof replied. "You've used them to get a lotta other stuff done, like punishing perverts where it hurts."

Free Verse stared at Splash Hoof, then it hit her. :raritystarry:"Ohh, you mean like propping her up? Yeah, I could do a handstand and raise my feet high so she hits them instead of the stony stairs! Though, how'd that make the troops awaken?"

"Surprise me!" Flux pitched in. "Even if you don't expect a thing to take place, the initial shock of something sudden is usually gonna be enough to impact you a bit, and I've been known to let out a little zap when I'm surprised!"

Free Verse grinned. "I think I'm picking up what you're putting down. So when you trip, I prop you up by shoving these feet of mine somewhere that'd initially surprise you—without hurting ya, of course—then that causes you to do something like release a tiny harmless jolt from your tail that manages to zing between all the soldiers, waking each of them up?"

"That's what I'm talking about, baby!" Flux and Free Verse shared a high-five.

Group Admin


Funny enough, the CMC did make an early cameo in Kung Fu Equestria 1 as students of the Furious Five, hence why I put them in Panda Pig's role. I liked the idea of them coming back and seeing if their training with the Five paid off.

That would be a great way to bring them back for the fourth one.

It's also implied as a running joke in Kung Fu Equestria that Luna broke Tempest Shadow's horn. Part of me wonders if she would've come back and played a part later on, though I ultimately decided against it.

Though now that I think about it, Tempest would've been interesting as the Chameleon, since she'd have that grudge against Luna for breaking her horn... but I don't know if it works as well as the Flim-Flam brothers, who's machines could pass for the Chameleon's illusion abilities.


That would be interesting... though, she didn't have illusion powers compare to the Chameleon.

So, just to clarify, instead of robbing the Jade Palace like Zhen did, Rover would probably put on some kind of show... :pinkiegasp: oh, would he audition for the role of the Dragon Warrior and try to pass himself off as a superhero, only for Speed to dismiss him as a fake, and get Rover angry enough that he tries again or something like that? Because that'd be kind of a nice development arc: Rover initially starts off as a show-boater that Speed doesn't think can handle the job, but then proves himself by helping Speed take down the Demon Lord.

I can see him attempts to audition for the role of Dragon Warrior and Speed rejecting him would causes Rover to be angry that he ends up constantly pestering Speed by trying to impress him with his so-called powers which making Speed more annoyed than impressed.

Though, like you said, he ends up becoming a real hero and him helping Speed take down the Demon Lord would be enough to finally gains Speed's respect.

Also, what would fully turn Rover against Nivens/Cher/Arthur? In my adaptation, Connors directedly tried to kill Red, while The Chameleon merely threatened Zhen with it on top of revealing she never cared about Zhen. What would do it for Rover?

The demon lord reveals to Rover that they lies about giving him powers and they were planning to kill him once he captured Speed as they find more usefulness in Raziel... they also casually reveals they find him joke and no one will ever take him seriously which triggers Rover fully turn against them.

And Raziel trying to fight them off would be how Speed got alerted to them, right? In the film, Po learned about the Chameleon after she framed Tai Lung for destroying an entire quarry. From the sound of it, Raziel's attempts at fighting off the Demon Lord would cause the miners to think he was going back to his villain ways, causing Speed to decide to confront him, only to find out that it was the Demon Lord's fault.

Yes, Raziel did tried to fight them off but he was overpowered by Demon Lords' split off technique and he ends up getting captured by them.

I imagine Speed would initially be shocked at the thought of Raziel going back to his villain ways only to be relieved when he learned it was Demon Lord.

Another reason why he want to go to Juniper City was to rescue Raziel from the Demon Lord's clutch.

And what would Nivens/Cher/Arthur's relationship be with Rover? Zhen saw the Chameleon as a mother figure, only to be left devastated when the Chameleon revealed Zhen was only ever a useful tool. Connors similarly thought the same, and even tried to kill Red when she outlived her usefulness.

They viewed Rover as a tool as they need Rover in order to lured Speed into their trap, once they captures him, they were going to kill Rover since they find Raziel more useful tool than him and have no reason to keep him around.

So, as a result of losing who they truly were, would they need to have Raziel defeat them or send them to the Spirit Realm? Wing would imagine that losing who they truly were would be a horrible enough fate.

They figure it was enough since they are too damaged (in term of mental) to fight back.

They instead send the Demon Lord to the insane asylum... so, in this scene, the Demon Lord would be in straitjacket as they repeats same words like a broken record as Nivens, Cher and Arthur said same words in unison, showing them unable to remember their original identity and they are unable to perform that technique anymore.

"Split off. Split off. Split off. Split off. Split off. Split off. Split off."

Does Elektra still help them fight Nivens/Cher/Arthur? Han agreed to help Zhen not because he had a change of heart, but because he wanted to overthrow the Chameleon so he and his criminals could live free of her tyranny. Logan would claim the same thing, but it'd be pretty clear that was just an excuse to cover up that he wanted to help Red out since he still considered her family. :twilightsmile:

Yep. Despite their strained relationship, Elektra still loved Rover and she could tell he's genuinely feeling sorry for his actions toward her and Speed.

Does Dark Mark drink at all? There's a little running gag where Chip feeds Fish water from a canteen, and he acts like a pirate who had too much rum. Dixon would play with that joke a little, getting absolutely wasted while at the bar (a reference to how she's based on Daxter from Jak and Daxter). But when she's behind the wheel of a ship, she's much more sober and focused, proving that she's the captain and the pilot for a reason.

Yep... though, in his case, he would be drinking beer cans that Stone Cold Steve Austin love to drank.

Everytime he drink beer cans, he would smash 2 beer cans together before drinking two of them in same time.

His running gag would involve him constantly asking Speed to drink the beer with him which he politely decline him, Dark Mark would said this to him. "You are a coward like those New York Yankees... nobody wants to be New York Yankees."

If Star was in Speed's place, how would she react to Dark Mark offers her beer cans? And if she turns him down, how would she feel when he called her coward and compares her unfavorable to New York Yankees.

NOTE: Dark Mark have a huge disdain toward New York Yankees as he viewed them as "Kardashians of Baseball"... yes, he actually said that.

I have to warn you, everytime your OCs bring up about New York Yankees, it would cause Dark Mark to give whoever told him about Yankees 10 hours lecture about why he cannot stand the Yankees.

Think like this scene where Holt go crazy when Rosa said the B word.

Jackknife: I got tickets for New York Yankees game.

Speed: (shuttered in horror)

Dark Mark: (raised an eyebrow) What did you said?

Speed: (whispered) Don't say it again.

Jackknife: I said I got tickets for New York Yankees game.

Speed: Damn it, Jackknife!

Dark Mark: (offended) How... DARE you, Hurricane Jackknife... I DO NOT LIKE NEW YORK YANKEES!!!! :flutterrage:

1 Hour Later

Dark Mark: YANKEES!!!!!!

2 Hours Later

Dark Mark: (lecturing to Jackknife) New York Yankees are like that rich kid in high school who got a Ferrari for his first car because his parents bought it for him.

3 Hours Later

Dark Mark: YANKEES!!!!

4 Hours Later

Dark Mark: (to Jackknife) Fuck you and fuck the Yankees, i'm out.

Speed: (approaching Jackknife) Why did you do that?!

So yeah, Outcasts put on the sign that said "NO FUCKING YANKEES!" all because they didn't want to spend 10 hours with Dark Mark ranting about how much he despises the team.

Also, there was a kinda sweet moment where Fish bonded with Po over both of them being adopted, with Dixon similarly bonding with Star and noting how families come in all shapes and sizes.

They would bonded over being adopted with Dark Mark admitted that he's glad he was adopted since he cannot stand his biological father and considered his adopted father as his daddy.

So, what would make Speed decide that Ryder wasn't ready to be the Dragon Warrior? Po pretty clearly didn't want to give up his status as the Dragon Warrior, while Wing was more worried that Rico was going to get herself killed with how cocky she was acting, and didn't want to live with the guilt she'd feel for sending Rico into a role she wasn't ready for.

Speed rejects him and all other candidates was because he's hesitant of giving up his title as Dragon Warrior to them as he didn't want to hand his title to someone who would use the title for fame and glory.

He also want to make sure his candidate is humble and lacks arrogance compare to Blaze/Tigress as he already went hell with her and rest of the Furious Five and didn't want his successor to go through like that.

Speed would highlights one of the biggest problems in the world of kung fu: It was originally about self-improvement, but eventually the meaning became tainted, and people began focusing more on pride, superiority, talent, and power. Teachers and students alike would bully and turn away anyone who didn't have a natural aptitude for fighting, something both Shifu and the Furious Five did to Po. Oogway may have known about this, which was why he chose the more open-minded Po to be the Dragon Warrior instead of someone experienced like Tigress.

A YouTube commentator said it best:

Beowulf DW: As a martial artist myself, this scene displayed the worst parts of the culture of martial arts: the pride, the sense of superiority, the tendency to forget that everyone had to start somewhere, and that not everyone is naturally gifted. When I earned my black belt, my master took me aside and told me that I had no talent for the martial arts, and that when I first showed up for lessons, he honestly didn't think that I would last two months. That changed when I showed up to my first belt test with a broken toe. My teacher told me that that same will to persevere would serve me better than any natural talent ever could.

TLDR: this movie hits me where I live.ďťż

Speed refuses to pick any candidates as his successor as they would focus more on their pride, superiority, talent, and power rather than self-improvement.

One of the candidates that Speed automatically rejected is Edward O'Brian as he find Edward too arrogant to be the Dragon Warrior and it doesn't help that Edward keep taunting to his opponents like bringing up their personal issues too many times.

As for how would he handle Rico? Speed would bring all of the kids that Rico wronged them in the past (he would only bring the innocent kids that Rico wronged them by tattletale on the teachers).

"One of the key parts of being the Dragon Warrior, Ricochet is humbleness." Speed explains to her as he stands with all of Rico's former classmates. "Sometimes, we have to swallow our pride if we did something bad." He glances at the innocent kids. "Tell me, kids... what did Rico do to you that you felt were wronged by her... be honest with me."

[What would Rico's victims said about what Rico did to them in the past?]

Speed sternly gazes at Rico. "Rico, you may be the daughter of a police officer but if you want to prove yourself as the dragon warrior, I want you to apologize to them in the most sincere way."

Before Rico could respond, Speed raises his finger up.

"And you have to be their maid for [Insert how many kids that Rico wronged in the past so he can say like 10 days or 20 days] Months." Speed firmly said.

[Rico's response]

If Rico refuses to swallow her pride, Speed would sighed. "I'm sorry, Rico but I'm afraid I can't give you the title, your inability to swallow your pride made you unqualified for the Dragon Warrior."

NOTE: Speed wasn't trying to be mean or belittled Rico, he didn't want to put his faith on someone who have inability to swallow their pride... humble is the key factor of being Speed's successor.

Group Admin


That would be interesting... though, she didn't have illusion powers compare to the Chameleon.

Exactly. That was making me hesitate too.

Unless... :derpyderp1: Maybe she could've been Zhen with the Storm King being the Chameleon. Granted, the Storm King doesn't have the illusion power, but he was still after a staff the same way the Chameleon was after Po's Staff of Wisdom that he got from Oogway. And since Tai Lung actually got Spared by the Adaptation in Kung Fu Equestria, we could go the same route that we did with Raziel and the Demon Lord where Tai Lung getting kidnapped was what alerted Twilight to go after the Storm King.

I can see him attempts to audition for the role of Dragon Warrior and Speed rejecting him would causes Rover to be angry that he ends up constantly pestering Speed by trying to impress him with his so-called powers which making Speed more annoyed than impressed.

Though, like you said, he ends up becoming a real hero and him helping Speed take down the Demon Lord would be enough to finally gains Speed's respect.

That would be an awesome arc for him. :pinkiehappy:

The demon lord reveals to Rover that they lies about giving him powers and they were planning to kill him once he captured Speed as they find more usefulness in Raziel... they also casually reveals they find him joke and no one will ever take him seriously which triggers Rover fully turn against them.

Lesson learned; never call Rover a joke. :rainbowdetermined2: He won't like it.

I imagine Speed would initially be shocked at the thought of Raziel going back to his villain ways only to be relieved when he learned it was Demon Lord.


Raziel was terrifying as V (little known fact, but what he said about the Guardians has stuck with Shiva and sort of been part of the reason why she's always so suspicious of them. I always considered a scenario where Aura accidentally angered Shiva so much that she admitted Raziel was right about him, but Aura and his guys never did anything bad enough to make the declaration feel warranted, so it never came up :twilightsmile:). The idea of him going back would definitely be something the others wouldn't want.

Another reason why he want to go to Juniper City was to rescue Raziel from the Demon Lord's clutch.

Aw, looking out for his former rival turned friend. Good on Speed.

I wonder if he did that for Raya's sake too. A lot of critiques I saw on the film were sad that Tai Lung and Shifu never got the chance to talk to each other and have some sort of final goodbye or something like that. It'd be kind of nice if Raya sent Speed off to find Raziel and gave him some sort of message letting Raz know that she still loved and cared about him, or something like that.

They viewed Rover as a tool as they need Rover in order to lured Speed into their trap, once they captures him, they were going to kill Rover since they find Raziel more useful tool than him and have no reason to keep him around.

And did Rover know about this, or were they able to fool him into thinking they cared about him, the same way the Chameleon made Zhen think that she cared about the fox thief, or how Evil Connors managed to convince Red that he was good?

They instead send the Demon Lord to the insane asylum... so, in this scene, the Demon Lord would be in straitjacket as they repeats same words like a broken record as Nivens, Cher and Arthur said same words in unison, showing them unable to remember their original identity and they are unable to perform that technique anymore.

"Split off. Split off. Split off. Split off. Split off. Split off. Split off."

:twilightoops: :fluttercry: That's honestly both sad and a little terrifying. Just like Two-Face, so... great use of video comparison. 👍

Yep. Despite their strained relationship, Elektra still loved Rover and she could tell he's genuinely feeling sorry for his actions toward her and Speed.

Nice. :twilightsmile:

If Star was in Speed's place, how would she react to Dark Mark offers her beer cans? And if she turns him down, how would she feel when he called her coward and compares her unfavorable to New York Yankees.

When she saw him smashing the beer cans together, she'd gleefully take them and smash them together as well, though she'd probably just let the beer soak her face and try not to actually drink any of it.

If Dark Mark noticed that and called her a coward and a Yankee, she'd give him a baffled look and say, "Confederacy?"

Note: this is because she read Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters, where - long story short - the titular Percy Jackson had to hitch a ride with a ship of undead Civil War confederate soldiers. They were initially interested in Jackson, since his last name was like the General, but once he told them he was from New York, they started hissing and muttered curses about Yankees.

Wing would be thinking about that when Dark Mark called her a Yankee. And considering I've thought about her being a California Girl if she was ever born and raised on Earth, I think they'd still see her as a Yankee since California was in the Union as well.

And yes, she'd be a California Girl mainly so she could sing the song:

NOTE: Dark Mark have a huge disdain toward New York Yankees as he viewed them as "Kardashians of Baseball"... yes, he actually said that.

So, he'd probably like the play, "Damn Yankees," wouldn't he?

It's about a guy who makes a Deal with the Devil where he becomes a great baseball player so he can help the Washington State Senators finally score a win against, as they're so lovingly referred to in the play, "Them Damn Yankees!"

I have to warn you, everytime your OCs bring up about New York Yankees, it would cause Dark Mark to give whoever told him about Yankees 10 hours lecture about why he cannot stand the Yankees.

:rainbowlaugh: Only thing I'd change about this is instead of Jackknife, it'd be Luke or Lizzie who gets the tickets, since both of them love fetch. Though I also imagine both would also be banned from several stadiums because they kept ruining home runs by trampling everyone in their eagerness to get the balls.

So, it'd go like...


Cue the 10 hour long lecture...

Speed: (approaching Luke, who looks completely spaced out) Why did you do that?!

Luke: (Grins stupidly, and merely holds up a baseball) BAAAAALLLLLLLL....

Imagine him saying 'ball' the same way Red XIII says 'buffet'. (2:57 to 3:07)

So yeah, Outcasts put on the sign that said "NO FUCKING YANKEES!" all because they didn't want to spend 10 hours with Dark Mark ranting about how much he despises the team.

Fair enough. 👍

They would bonded over being adopted with Dark Mark admitted that he's glad he was adopted since he cannot stand his biological father and considered his adopted father as his daddy.

I love moments like that. :scootangel:

Speed would highlights one of the biggest problems in the world of kung fu: It was originally about self-improvement, but eventually the meaning became tainted, and people began focusing more on pride, superiority, talent, and power. Teachers and students alike would bully and turn away anyone who didn't have a natural aptitude for fighting, something both Shifu and the Furious Five did to Po. Oogway may have known about this, which was why he chose the more open-minded Po to be the Dragon Warrior instead of someone experienced like Tigress.

:raritystarry: I remember seeing that quote and agreeing so much with it.

Speed is definitely wise beyond his years. Kyan was right to pick him. :twilightsmile:

One of the candidates that Speed automatically rejected is Edward O'Brian as he find Edward too arrogant to be the Dragon Warrior and it doesn't help that Edward keep taunting to his opponents like bringing up their personal issues too many times.

:rainbowlaugh: Ed is never going to live that down, is he?

"One of the key parts of being the Dragon Warrior, Ricochet is humbleness." Speed explains to her as he stands with all of Rico's former classmates. "Sometimes, we have to swallow our pride if we did something bad." He glances at the innocent kids. "Tell me, kids... what did Rico do to you that you felt were wronged by her... be honest with me."

One kid would say, "I was recently diagnosed with asthma and had to start bringing in an inhaler, but she thought I was smuggling drugs or something and called the teacher on me. Now everyone knows me as the Asthma kid, because she 'HAD' to bring my condition to the forefront."

As Rico squirmed in guilt, another kid noted, "And one time, during a test, I glanced at another student's paper. I didn't write anything down, but Rico saw it and flipped her lid, calling the teacher and accusing me of cheating."

Rico hunched down. "I just... wanted to make sure you weren't."

The kid glared angrily at her. "Well, the teacher knows I didn't... because I then had to spend my recess re-doing the test instead of getting to have fun with my friends."

"And what's wrong with having jelly doughnuts?" a third kid demanded. "All I wanted was something sweet for lunch, but you got ticked about it."

"Okay, that was just because I saw Full Metal Jacket," Rico tried to explain, "And..."

"YOU ARE NOT DRILL SERGEANT HARTMAN!" the kid barked back at her. "When he did it, it was scary. When you did it, it was cringe!"

Rico had a similar reaction to Roxy being called Cringe. (0:16)

Speed sternly gazes at Rico. "Rico, you may be the daughter of a police officer but if you want to prove yourself as the dragon warrior, I want you to apologize to them in the most sincere way."

Before Rico could respond, Speed raises his finger up.

"And you have to be their maid for three months." Speed firmly said.

Rico gaped at him. :pinkiegasp: "T-Three Months! But..." she looked at the kids and then at Speed. "But..."

Speed sighed. "I'm sorry, Rico but I'm afraid I can't give you the title, your inability to swallow your pride made you unqualified for the Dragon Warrior."

"No, I wasn't...!" Rico realized she was just digging herself deeper, and lowered her head in defeat, while Star pat her back.

"C'mon, Rico," she said, guiding her away and motioning for the kids to follow. "I got a nice maid's outfit. It'll look great on you. Let's go."

NOTE: Speed wasn't trying to be mean or belittled Rico, he didn't want to put his faith on someone who have inability to swallow their pride... humble is the key factor of being Speed's successor.

That's what's even better. Rico was about to scream that she wasn't refusing to swallow her pride, before realizing that wouldn't make sense and that just saying it wouldn't prove anything.

Next time Speed saw her, she'd be doing maid work for the kids she wronged.

Awesome work. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


"Last one, guys," she noted with a grin, whipping out her casting list.


At Free Verse's command, the trio immediately jumped away from the casting list. Cosmic pulled his mane over his eyes, and Leroy held his hat in front of his face, with Free Verse keeping the list outside her point of fixation (basically, out of sight or in her peripheral vision; not what her eyes are focusing on).

Wing blinked, glancing at the casting list and hesitantly rolling it up. "Um... did I miss something here?"

"Please forgive us, Star Wing," Free Verse said. "Anti–spoiler protocols. Our writer hasn't seen Kung Fu Panda 4, and as a self-imposed unwritten rule, we don't allow our onscreen—or on–comment, if you will—selves to see, hear, or play something he hasn't at least seen but wants to. That way, we ensure a spoiler–free time for him."

Wing winced. :twilightoops: "Oof, that's right. Don't want to spoil the surprise for him." She put the cast list away with a sheepish grin. "You, uh, didn't read too much of the notes I had planned for other adaptations did you?"

Free Verse turned towards Cosmic and Leroy with a nod. "The coast is clear, we can look."

The two nodded and regrouped with her around the casting list, Wing sharing it hesitantly, since she was still worried about spoiling it for them.

After a few seconds of overlooking it, they turned to Star. "We have a faint idea of who should play who, but we're gonna get the gang together and go watch the trailer real quick to make sure. Don't worry, he's seen the trailer at least."

The trio set off with a wave to Star.

A few minutes later, they returned to her along with most of my OCs. Cosmic stepped forward. "I'll be the Chameleon. With my emotions able to take on different forms as well as cloak me when need be, I'll do well."

Wing nodded. "Yeah. That's pretty cool. Yeah."

Crescent looked at Cosmic in confusion. "Why not me? I can summon my emotions too."

"Your emotions take forms according to your heart, not your mind. Mine work under my guidance, so I can have them change shape as I see fit, meaning they can morph into the form of anything they and I want them to, even specific people. Besides, you already played Soothsayer."

Crescent thought about it, then shrugged. "Fair point."

"As for Zhen..." Free Verse chuckled. "Of course it's gonna be me. I'm short, I give off the most ‘thief’ vibes in my Showstopper form, and I've also got a mildly snarky attitude that could work as her sass."

Wing chuckled. "Oh yeah, it would."

My other OCs mumbled in agreement, though Helix had concerns. "There's a problem with that, however. At the end of the trailer, Zhen's tail threatens to invoke a sneeze from Po that would awaken the soldiers; you don't have a tail, Free Verse, so there's nothing that'd cause them to wake up."

Free Verse crossed her arms with a disappointed sigh. "Dang, you're right. What a shame, it would've been fun to potentially blue–ball someone watching the stageplay..."

"Actually, that doesn't mean you can't to play her," Star noted. "You just..." Then it hit her. "Wait a minute, blue-ball someone?"

Cosmic gave Free Verse a very bemused look. :rainbowhuh:"...?"

"Rule 34, Cos. If it exists, there's most likely a kink for it." Free Verse deadpanned at Helix. "And Mr. Fun Fact Fountain over here once informed me that sternutation is among the few fetishes out there that actually make a lick of sense."


Helix nodded. "After all, sneezing and a certain other bodily action are both an explosive reflex that comes from intense stimulation of a tender—"


A dropkick from Crescent was enough to shut Helix up.

Wing jumped back in surprise. "Well... you learn something new every day, huh?"

"Good job, kiddo," Free Verse said as she gave Crescent a fist bump. "But yeah, Helix had a point. How would the soldiers be roused from slumber?"

Torrent looked over Flux with a piercing gaze. "...Flux's legs are quite short, and she's pretty clumsy."

"Guilty as charged," Flux laughed.

"So... Maybe the script could be changed so that instead of sneezing, she almost wakes them up by tripping?"

"Exactly," Wing agreed. "That's the fun of these things; seeing how our characters would alter the variables a little."

Free Verse pondered the idea, then grinned. "Mm, that's a good idea. You're sharp, Torrent; all that survival knowledge is doing us some good! But..." She paced back and forth. "How would I stop her from hitting the ground and thus alarming the soldiers, only to trigger something else that does the job?"

"Just use your feet," Splash Hoof replied. "You've used them to get a lotta other stuff done, like punishing perverts where it hurts."

Free Verse stared at Splash Hoof, then it hit her. :raritystarry:"Ohh, you mean like propping her up? Yeah, I could do a handstand and raise my feet high so she hits them instead of the stony stairs! Though, how'd that make the troops awaken?"

"Let them have that moment of 'phew, we avoided waking them up'," Star offered. "And then fall on your back? Or something else, maybe?"

"Surprise me!" Flux pitched in. "Even if you don't expect a thing to take place, the initial shock of something sudden is usually gonna be enough to impact you a bit, and I've been known to let out a little zap when I'm surprised!"

Free Verse grinned. "I think I'm picking up what you're putting down. So when you trip, I prop you up by shoving these feet of mine somewhere that'd initially surprise you—without hurting ya, of course—then that causes you to do something like release a tiny harmless jolt from your tail that manages to zing between all the soldiers, waking each of them up?"

"That's what I'm talking about, baby!" Flux and Free Verse shared a high-five.

"Nice!" Wing cheered. "I love it, you guys. Perfect!" She glanced at her list again. "Now, since your writer hasn't seen the film yet, I didn't want to ask some of the more spoilery questions I had in mind, as I don't want to ruin it for him. So, I guess that'll be it for now." She rolled up her casting list and grinned at them. "Thanks again for doing this with me. This is a lot of fun." :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Unless... :derpyderp1: Maybe she could've been Zhen with the Storm King being the Chameleon. Granted, the Storm King doesn't have the illusion power, but he was still after a staff the same way the Chameleon was after Po's Staff of Wisdom that he got from Oogway. And since Tai Lung actually got Spared by the Adaptation in Kung Fu Equestria, we could go the same route that we did with Raziel and the Demon Lord where Tai Lung getting kidnapped was what alerted Twilight to go after the Storm King.

Well, it's up to her to decide who would be good Chameleon.

Beside Tai Lung, I notices most of major villains for the sequels were filled by Sombra and Tirek, so it's possibly she could pick either Storm King or one of major MLP villains.

Raziel was terrifying as V (little known fact, but what he said about the Guardians has stuck with Shiva and sort of been part of the reason why she's always so suspicious of them. I always considered a scenario where Aura accidentally angered Shiva so much that she admitted Raziel was right about him, but Aura and his guys never did anything bad enough to make the declaration feel warranted, so it never came up :twilightsmile:). The idea of him going back would definitely be something the others wouldn't want.

Don't worry, Raz have no intention of going back to his old ways.

I wonder if he did that for Raya's sake too. A lot of critiques I saw on the film were sad that Tai Lung and Shifu never got the chance to talk to each other and have some sort of final goodbye or something like that. It'd be kind of nice if Raya sent Speed off to find Raziel and gave him some sort of message letting Raz know that she still loved and cared about him, or something like that.

She actually did gave him a message to assures Raz that she still loved and cared about him no matter what and she officially forgive him.

Her forgiveness would be a great way to conclude Raziel's redemption arc.

And did Rover know about this, or were they able to fool him into thinking they cared about him, the same way the Chameleon made Zhen think that she cared about the fox thief, or how Evil Connors managed to convince Red that he was good?

Rover was too naĂŻve to know about this as he was more focus on wanting to prove he's a big deal to Speed.

:twilightoops: :fluttercry: That's honestly both sad and a little terrifying. Just like Two-Face, so... great use of video comparison. 👍

Thanks. :twilightsmile:

When she saw him smashing the beer cans together, she'd gleefully take them and smash them together as well, though she'd probably just let the beer soak her face and try not to actually drink any of it.

Is there's a reason why she doesn't like drinking beers?

If Dark Mark noticed that and called her a coward and a Yankee, she'd give him a baffled look and say, "Confederacy?"

Note: this is because she read Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters, where - long story short - the titular Percy Jackson had to hitch a ride with a ship of undead Civil War confederate soldiers. They were initially interested in Jackson, since his last name was like the General, but once he told them he was from New York, they started hissing and muttered curses about Yankees.

I can tell confederate are not fans of New York.

Wing would be thinking about that when Dark Mark called her a Yankee. And considering I've thought about her being a California Girl if she was ever born and raised on Earth, I think they'd still see her as a Yankee since California was in the Union as well.

And yes, she'd be a California Girl mainly so she could sing the song:

Yeah, I can see her being from California.

So, he'd probably like the play, "Damn Yankees," wouldn't he?

It's about a guy who makes a Deal with the Devil where he becomes a great baseball player so he can help the Washington State Senators finally score a win against, as they're so lovingly referred to in the play, "Them Damn Yankees!"

Dark Mark would absolutely take a joy of watching the play... he would be rooting for Senators while he would boo at Yankees.

:rainbowlaugh: Only thing I'd change about this is instead of Jackknife, it'd be Luke or Lizzie who gets the tickets, since both of them love fetch. Though I also imagine both would also be banned from several stadiums because they kept ruining home runs by trampling everyone in their eagerness to get the balls.

So, it'd go like...


Cue the 10 hour long lecture...

Speed: (approaching Luke, who looks completely spaced out) Why did you do that?!

Luke: (Grins stupidly, and merely holds up a baseball) BAAAAALLLLLLLL....

Imagine him saying 'ball' the same way Red XIII says 'buffet'. (2:57 to 3:07)

Not surprisingly. :ajbemused: :rainbowlaugh:

I pick Jackknife cause he's a New Yorker... speaking of... how does Jackknife reacts when someone called him a Yankee since they assumes Jackknife is fan boy of Yankees due to Yankees being from New York.

:raritystarry: I remember seeing that quote and agreeing so much with it.

Speed is definitely wise beyond his years. Kyan was right to pick him. :twilightsmile:

Yup, Speed is a humble person.

Even if someone offers him godhood, Speed would politely declines this offer as he uses a famous quote from Hercules movie to explains why he turns down the godhood.

"But, a life without Meg, even an immortal life would be empty."

I find irony how Star Wing thinks she's same as Hercules and yet, she's an immortal, something that goes against what Hercules eventually choose at the end since he didn't want a life without Meg.

:rainbowlaugh: Ed is never going to live that down, is he?

Yep, he's my punching bag... he's my Kenny.

One kid would say, "I was recently diagnosed with asthma and had to start bringing in an inhaler, but she thought I was smuggling drugs or something and called the teacher on me. Now everyone knows me as the Asthma kid, because she 'HAD' to bring my condition to the forefront."

Speed gives a stern father look to Rico. "Are you aware that by revealing their asthma, you unintentionally cause them to get bullied?"

[Was Rico aware that her action unintentionally causes that kid to get bullied?]

"You claims you don't bullying and yet, you ends up letting a kid to get bullied." He shook his head. "I wouldn't be surprised if you are related to Brittany."

As Rico squirmed in guilt, another kid noted, "And one time, during a test, I glanced at another student's paper. I didn't write anything down, but Rico saw it and flipped her lid, calling the teacher and accusing me of cheating."

Rico hunched down. "I just... wanted to make sure you weren't."

The kid glared angrily at her. "Well, the teacher knows I didn't... because I then had to spend my recess re-doing the test instead of getting to have fun with my friends."

Speed look more disappointed than ever. "Rico, you basically snitched on them... I get why you did that but sooner or later, you snitching would ends up becoming your own undoing and the next thing you knows, you find yourself sleeping with the fishes."

He handed her a bag contain actual dead fishes... think like this clip.

[Does Rico understand the whole "Sleeping with the fishes" metaphor?]

"And what's wrong with having jelly doughnuts?" a third kid demanded. "All I wanted was something sweet for lunch, but you got ticked about it."

"Okay, that was just because I saw Full Metal Jacket," Rico tried to explain, "And..."

"YOU ARE NOT DRILL SERGEANT HARTMAN!" the kid barked back at her. "When he did it, it was scary. When you did it, it was cringe!"

Rico had a similar reaction to Roxy being called Cringe. (0:16)

"You were trying to reenact that scene from Full Metal Jacket?" Speed asked in disbelief. "Rico, how would you reacts when some Gen Z kids said this to you?" He clears his throat as he did his best impression of Gen Z kids. "Yo! Those kicks are lit!" He points at Rico's shoes.

[Does that make Rico cringe?]

Next time Speed saw her, she'd be doing maid work for the kids she wronged.

I imagine Speed would appreciated Rico for swallowing her pride.

He would paid her with money but he would said this to her. "Don't get too cocky or else, I will be calling you Edgelord like that O'Brian kid."

[Rico's reaction to Speed considered calling her edgelord like Edward O'Brian if she get too cocky again?]

Awesome work. :pinkiehappy:

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:


Wing jumped back in surprise. "Well... you learn something new every day, huh?"

"Helix is a regular Adam Conover," Free Verse said apologetically. "Let him get his foot in the door, and you might just never be able to look at something the same way." She glanced at the fourth wall. "That's a reference, by the way. Adam Ruins Everything, a TruTV show about a guy who spouts surprising information about stuff which involuntarily has negative emotional impacts on those he tells the info to. Look it up, it's fun if you don't mind surprising fun facts about your favorite things."

"Nice!" Wing cheered. "I love it, you guys. Perfect!" She glanced at her list again. "Now, since your writer hasn't seen the film yet, I didn't want to ask some of the more spoilery questions I had in mind, as I don't want to ruin it for him. So, I guess that'll be it for now."

Flux nodded. "Yep, though we're gonna be back to answer the spoiler–y stuff you got for us after he's watched the movie. That probably ain't gonna be until summer vacay, though; he's hard at work on his classes."

Star rolled up her casting list and grinned at them. "Thanks again for doing this with me. This is a lot of fun." :pinkiehappy:

Free Verse beamed. "Same to you. I love a good stage play, especially getting to act in one."

Sorry about potentially flipping your entire viewpoint of a completely normal reflex, but now I'm not the only one who has to suffer with that knowledge.:trollestia:

Group Admin


Well, it's up to her to decide who would be good Chameleon.

Beside Tai Lung, I notices most of major villains for the sequels were filled by Sombra and Tirek, so it's possibly she could pick either Storm King or one of major MLP villains.

Very true.

Don't worry, Raz have no intention of going back to his old ways.

Just like Kodo. :twilightsmile:

She actually did gave him a message to assures Raz that she still loved and cared about him no matter what and she officially forgive him.

Her forgiveness would be a great way to conclude Raziel's redemption arc.

:pinkiehappy: Perfect.

Rover was too naĂŻve to know about this as he was more focus on wanting to prove he's a big deal to Speed.

:fluttershyouch: It always makes me sad when the naive character has reality slap sense into them with things like the Demon Lord revealing he always saw Rover as a tool.

It's good, since it got Rover to turn good and complete his arc, but it's also sad in a way to see innocence get crushed like that.

Is there's a reason why she doesn't like drinking beers?

It's not sweet enough for her. And she doesn't like how she feels slower and more lethargic after drinking it. She prefers the rush she gets from sugar a bit more.

I can tell Confederate are not fans of New York.

Mainly because New York was one of the Union States, so they were technically the enemy to the Confederacy.

Yeah, I can see her being from California.

Wing: "Forget Valley-Girls! You got a Cally-Girl, right here!" :pinkiehappy:

Dark Mark would absolutely take a joy of watching the play... he would be rooting for Senators while he would boo at Yankees.

He'd love the ending, as despite some ups and downs, the protagonist manages to win the Senators the pennant.

How does Jackknife reacts when someone called him a Yankee since they assumes Jackknife is fan boy of Yankees due to Yankees being from New York.

Jackknife would be all set to deliver a tirade against that person for stereotyping him...

...before realizing that since he likes New York, he probably should like the Yankees, since they're the home team.

Problem is, he's been so focused on either fighting or having adventures that he never considered things like baseball or sports. And upon hearing that the Yankees aren't that well-liked, he'd wonder if he should honestly show any support for them, leading to him having a massive crisis of identity since he's not sure he can call himself a New Yorker if he doesn't like the Yankees.

The next time anyone saw him, he'd be locked up in a room with a massive conspiracy board linking the Yankees to the rest of New York Stereotypes with questions on whether or not someone can still be called a New Yorker if they don't care about the Yankees or baseball.

"Who am I?" Jackknife would be muttering as he went over the conspiraces again and again. "Who am I? Am I a New Yorker? I don't know! I don't like baseball! I don't care about the Yankees! Does that make me a bad excuse for a New Yorker?"

Yeah, he'd be going mad from that particular revelation.

Even if someone offers him godhood, Speed would politely declines this offer

Reminds me of my biggest regret: I really wish Luke had turned down Aura's offer. For the same reason Hercules did with Meg.

In Luke's case, his quote would've been:

Aura: "Luke. I would like for you to become one of my team; as a member of the "Dimension Guardians."

Luke: "Aura... it's a big honor... (He looked to Shiva) But, I already have a team. A family. (Hugs Shiva) And I wouldn't trade them for anything."

I find irony how Star Wing thinks she's same as Hercules and yet, she's an immortal, something that goes against what Hercules eventually choose at the end since he didn't want a life without Meg.

Technically, Wing can make the argument that Disney's Hercules is different from the classic Greek Mythology Hercules, since the Hercules of Greek Myths (let's call him 'Herakles') wasn't quite the wide-eyed boy scout that Disney's Hercules was.

Also, she'd want it to be known that she's not a full immortal, but a demigoddess. Which technically, the original Herakles was, since he was born to Zeus and a mortal woman, as opposed to Disney's Hercules, who is implied to be born from Zeus and Hera, and was less earning godhood as much as getting it back.

And as for how being a demigoddess makes her not quite immortal, she'd clarify that she can age - albeit very-very-very slowly - and is more than capable of dying if a stronger combatant kills her. But she'd note that it's honestly better than being a full immortal, since full immortality isn't all it's cracked up to be, in her eyes.

Speed gives a stern father look to Rico. "Are you aware that by revealing their asthma, you unintentionally cause them to get bullied?"

"No," Rico admitted, horrified at the idea. "I just wanted to make sure that they had help. Asthma's dangerous to handle alone, after all."

"You claims you don't bullying and yet, you ends up letting a kid to get bullied." He shook his head. "I wouldn't be surprised if you are related to Brittany."

Rico's jaw dropped, and she sat down, unable to even speak. That was an incredibly low blow.

Even the kids were horrified. "Mr. Speed, she did some things wrong, but she was never that mean!"

"Yeah, that's a horrible comparison to make!" the second kid agreed. "That's just cruel!"

[Speed's reaction to going way too far by comparing Rico to Brittany?]

[Does Rico understand the whole "Sleeping with the fishes" metaphor?]

Rico gave Speed a deadpan look. "My father was a criminal," she said quietly. "I'm aware of what that phrase means."

"You were trying to reenact that scene from Full Metal Jacket?" Speed asked in disbelief. "Rico, how would you reacts when some Gen Z kids said this to you?" He clears his throat as he did his best impression of Gen Z kids. "Yo! Those kicks are lit!" He points at Rico's shoes.

Rico blinked and stared down at her shoes. "I... don't get it," she admitted.

He would paid her with money but he would said this to her. "Don't get too cocky or else, I will be calling you Edgelord like that O'Brian kid."

Rico would actually be in tears at that point. :fluttercry: "First Brittany and now O'Brian? Do you really hate me that much?"

[Does Speed hate her that much? Because comparing her to those characters is pretty low.]

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"Helix is a regular Adam Conover," Free Verse said apologetically.

"Oh, I wasn't saying that because it was bad," Wing clarified. "I only jumped back because the drop-kick surprised me. I personally thought that was kinda cool." She paused. "Er... the facts, I mean. Not the... well, the drop-kick was pretty cool, though..." She sighed. "Sorry, I lost my train of thought there." :twilightsheepish:

Flux nodded. "Yep, though we're gonna be back to answer the spoiler–y stuff you got for us after he's watched the movie. That probably ain't gonna be until summer vacay, though; he's hard at work on his classes."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Star agreed, rolling up her casting list. "Thanks again for doing this with me. This is a lot of fun." :pinkiehappy:

Free Verse beamed. "Same to you. I love a good stage play, especially getting to act in one."

"They are the best," Star agreed with a happy laugh. She added wistfully. "Those bards and stage plays were probably the one thing above everything else that got me through all those years of exile outside Equestria.

Sorry about potentially flipping your entire viewpoint of a completely normal reflex, but now I'm not the only one who has to suffer with that knowledge.:trollestia:

No worries; like Wing said, it was interesting to know about. 👍

Thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


It's not sweet enough for her. And she doesn't like how she feels slower and more lethargic after drinking it. She prefers the rush she gets from sugar a bit more.

Make sense... she's more into sugar than beers.

Yeah, he'd be going mad from that particular revelation.

I can see that. :twilightoops:

Technically, Wing can make the argument that Disney's Hercules is different from the classic Greek Mythology Hercules, since the Hercules of Greek Myths (let's call him 'Herakles') wasn't quite the wide-eyed boy scout that Disney's Hercules was.

Also, she'd want it to be known that she's not a full immortal, but a demigoddess. Which technically, the original Herakles was, since he was born to Zeus and a mortal woman, as opposed to Disney's Hercules, who is implied to be born from Zeus and Hera, and was less earning godhood as much as getting it back.

And as for how being a demigoddess makes her not quite immortal, she'd clarify that she can age - albeit very-very-very slowly - and is more than capable of dying if a stronger combatant kills her. But she'd note that it's honestly better than being a full immortal, since full immortality isn't all it's cracked up to be, in her eyes.

Oh, thank you for clarification... yeah, Disney's Hercules is a lot different than Herakles.

Rico's jaw dropped, and she sat down, unable to even speak. That was an incredibly low blow.

Even the kids were horrified. "Mr. Speed, she did some things wrong, but she was never that mean!"

"Yeah, that's a horrible comparison to make!" the second kid agreed. "That's just cruel!"

Speed realizes his mistakes as he apologize. "I shouldn't said that to you, Rico... that was cruel on my part.... I'm sorry, Rico... I sometimes let my trauma get to me.... not everyone are perfect... even me." He sighed.

Rico would actually be in tears at that point. :fluttercry: "First Brittany and now O'Brian? Do you really hate me that much?"

Speed gaped. "NO! Don't say that, Rico!" He look at her. "I would never hate you... I..." He sighed. "I don't know what to say... I tend to say things that I didn't realize that I hurt others... why do I always let my trauma get to me? I shouldn't take my frustration on you, Rico... you are better than those who hurt me in the past... I'm... actually scared to relive those painful trauma." He said in genuinely remorseful tone.

[Does Speed hate her that much? Because comparing her to those characters is pretty low.]

No, he doesn't hate her.

The reason why Speed act this way was... remember, he was bullied in the past and those actually hurt him deeply.

That's why he was so scared of girls because what Brittany did to him.

And hearing about what Rico done to the kids cause Speed to relive his painful trauma.

Deep down, he's still wasn't able to get over his painful trauma of being bullied... he doesn't want to go through that experience again

This image summed up Speed's state.

So yeah, Speed is still messed up from him being bullied by Brittany and those who hurt him in the past.


"Oh, I wasn't saying that because it was bad," Wing clarified. "I only jumped back because the drop-kick surprised me. I personally thought that was kinda cool." She paused. "Er... the facts, I mean. Not the... well, the drop-kick was pretty cool, though..." She sighed. "Sorry, I lost my train of thought there." :twilightsheepish:

Free Verse chuckled. "I think I get you. I'm just glad that squeamishness–inducing fact didn't scar your mind."

"As for the dropkick, well..." Crescent flexed his legs, smiling. "What use are my hooves if I'm not going to use them? They're just as important to me as the rest of my body, like the body of Christ as some cultures believe in; every person plays a role, no matter how small."

Thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile:

Happy to share. And now I'm off to never return to this thread again until I watch the movie, lest I get blindsided by a spoiler.:facehoof:

Group Admin


Free Verse chuckled. "I think I get you. I'm just glad that squeamishness–inducing fact didn't scar your mind."

Wing chuckled. "Yeah, don't worry about that." She paused. "I wanted to make a joke about already seeing some stuff, but I'm worried that'd bring the mood down, so... yeah, again. Don't worry about it." :twilightsmile:

"As for the dropkick, well..." Crescent flexed his legs, smiling. "What use are my hooves if I'm not going to use them? They're just as important to me as the rest of my body, like the body of Christ as some cultures believe in; every person plays a role, no matter how small."

"Heck yeah!" Wing agreed, posing. "Our bodies are temples! Works of art! And everyone's got a part to play in the Play of Life!" :pinkiehappy:

Happy to share. And now I'm off to never return to this thread again until I watch the movie, lest I get blindsided by a spoiler.:facehoof:

Sounds good. 👍

Group Admin


Make sense... she's more into sugar than beers.

Though I will admit, she did partake one time during the post about Aura's bar, mainly because she wanted an excuse to replicate these videos:

Oh, thank you for clarification... yeah, Disney's Hercules is a lot different than Herakles.

Which, to be fair to Disney, was probably the smart move when making a kid's film. There's a lot of stuff in the original Greek Myth that I doubt would've made for a good family film. :twilightoops:

Speed realizes his mistakes as he apologize. "I shouldn't said that to you, Rico... that was cruel on my part.... I'm sorry, Rico... I sometimes let my trauma get to me.... not everyone are perfect... even me." He sighed.

Rico would still be quiet for a moment before she said, "I never wanted to be like... girls like that. I considered identifying as a nerd just so I wouldn't be associated with them."

Note: I know that in the high school post, I noted that Rico would be technically seen as a jock, but she also had a lot of nerd-like interests, which combined with her nosy nature, didn't earn her many popularity points in school.

It's admittedly a little ironic that Speed would compare Rico to Brittany when Rico was honestly pretty far from being the popular girl on campus that Brittany was.

Speed gaped. "NO! Don't say that, Rico!" He look at her. "I would never hate you... I..." He sighed. "I don't know what to say... I tend to say things that I didn't realize that I hurt others... why do I always let my trauma get to me? I shouldn't take my frustration on you, Rico... you are better than those who hurt me in the past... I'm... actually scared to relive those painful trauma." He said in genuinely remorseful tone.

Realizing where he was coming from, Rico dried her tears and hesitantly pat his shoulder.

"It's okay, Speed," she said. "I just... don't want to be like those people who hurt you. If anything, I wanted to be the one who should've stopped them. The one who protects." She looked down. "I'm sorry you had to go through what you did in the past." :ajsleepy: "Just... please know that I'd never want to do anything that cruel. And if I made mistakes in the past... I'll do my best to atone for them." She got a determined expression. "I'm not like Brittany, and I never will be. That's a promise." :rainbowdetermined2:

Deep down, he's still wasn't able to get over his painful trauma of being bullied... he doesn't want to go through that experience again

Makes sense.

Shiva and her wolves weren't able to get over her trauma with Orion and lost faith in Aura as a result of it.

I wonder if that's part of why they and Speed get along so well; they sense each other's pain and help each other through empathy and understanding.


Wing chuckled. "Yeah, don't worry about that." She paused. "I wanted to make a joke about already seeing some stuff, but I'm worried that'd bring the mood down, so... yeah, again. Don't worry about it." :twilightsmile:

"Oh, don't worry about that sorta joke bringing down the mood with me. I've had more than my fair share of blush–worthy encounters." Free Verse smirked, trying to hold back a giggle. "We need to have a chat later off–comment; you've gotta hear about the time my foot slipped while I was giving a female perv a bad time..."

"Heck yeah!" Wing agreed, posing. "Our bodies are temples! Works of art! And everyone's got a part to play in the Play of Life!" :pinkiehappy:

Actually, speaking of Christian OCs, there's something that's been on my mind. I imagine Storming Seas would make good friends with Flux; he's a Legend of Zelda maniac, and Flux was literally raised in Hyrule (albeit not the OoT/MM one like the installments Storm likes most, but still), so they'd probably have a ball talking about Zelda stuff.

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"Oh, don't worry about that sorta joke bringing down the mood with me. I've had more than my fair share of blush–worthy encounters." Free Verse smirked, trying to hold back a giggle. "We need to have a chat later off–comment; you've gotta hear about the time my foot slipped while I was giving a female perv a bad time..."

"I'll send you times when I'm free, and you can tell me all about them," Wing promised with a grin.

Actually, speaking of Christian OCs, there's something that's been on my mind. I imagine Storming Seas would make good friends with Flux; he's a Legend of Zelda maniac, and Flux was literally raised in Hyrule (albeit not the OoT/MM one like the installments Storm likes most, but still), so they'd probably have a ball talking about Zelda stuff.

:raritystarry: Absolutely, that's a fantastic idea. 👍

Group Admin


Rico would still be quiet for a moment before she said, "I never wanted to be like... girls like that. I considered identifying as a nerd just so I wouldn't be associated with them."

Note: I know that in the high school post, I noted that Rico would be technically seen as a jock, but she also had a lot of nerd-like interests, which combined with her nosy nature, didn't earn her many popularity points in school.

It's admittedly a little ironic that Speed would compare Rico to Brittany when Rico was honestly pretty far from being the popular girl on campus that Brittany was.

Yeah and it would cause Speed to be guilty for assuming the worst in Rico and he deeply apologize to her for what he said to her.

Realizing where he was coming from, Rico dried her tears and hesitantly pat his shoulder.

"It's okay, Speed," she said. "I just... don't want to be like those people who hurt you. If anything, I wanted to be the one who should've stopped them. The one who protects." She looked down. "I'm sorry you had to go through what you did in the past." :ajsleepy: "Just... please know that I'd never want to do anything that cruel. And if I made mistakes in the past... I'll do my best to atone for them." She got a determined expression. "I'm not like Brittany, and I never will be. That's a promise." :rainbowdetermined2:

To her surprise, Speed embraced Rico. "Thank you, Rico and I'm deeply sorry for my behavior..." He hugged her for few moments before he depart it. "Since I went too far on you, it would be fair if I take you something to eat... where do you want to eat? My treat."

[Rico's response?]

I wonder if that's part of why they and Speed get along so well; they sense each other's pain and help each other through empathy and understanding.

Yeah, I can see that... I think Speed got along with the dogs better than humans.

Awesome work! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


To her surprise, Speed embraced Rico. "Thank you, Rico and I'm deeply sorry for my behavior..." He hugged her for few moments before he depart it. "Since I went too far on you, it would be fair if I take you something to eat... where do you want to eat? My treat."

Rico's eyes brightened. "There's uh... this great little burger place I know about. I can show you it."

And so, she and Speed went out for burgers, and had a wonderful time. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, I can see that... I think Speed got along with the dogs better than humans.

To be fair, dogs are so much easier to get along with.

Awesome work! :pinkiehappy:

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

My OCs returned to Wing's stage.

"Betcha didn't expect us back so soon, huh Star?" Free Verse said with a grin. She rubbed the back of her head. "Turns out the last airing of Kung Fu Panda 4 in the theater our writer goes to is today, so he couldn't just wait to watch the movie until after his finals."

"That's why he went ahead and watched it today. Now ya don't have to wait no longer!" Flux spread her arms wide with a smile. "Since we don't gotta worry no more about spoilers and stuff, lay on the questions!":pinkiehappy:

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"Betcha didn't expect us back so soon, huh Star?" Free Verse said with a grin.

"I admit, I was expecting to wait for a little while," Star admitted with a grin of her own. "So, you guys saw it?"

She rubbed the back of her head. "Turns out the last airing of Kung Fu Panda 4 in the theater our writer goes to is today, so he couldn't just wait to watch the movie until after his finals."

"That's why he went ahead and watched it today. Now ya don't have to wait no longer!" Flux spread her arms wide with a smile. "Since we don't gotta worry no more about spoilers and stuff, lay on the questions!":pinkiehappy:

Wing beamed. "Alright then. And just to clarify, Cosmic is the Chameleon while Free Verse is Zhen, correct?"


"Alright..." Wing consulted her casting list. "In the original, the Chameleon served as a maternal figure to Zhen, who latched onto her shows of affection. But unfortunately, the Chameleon only ever saw Zhen as a tool, and even told her so to her face, along with a threat that she would be killed if she outlived her usefulness. Is this similar to the relationship you two would depict Chameleon and Zhen having? For extra context, Connors and Red still portrayed the Chameleon with a parental attitude towards Zhen, but Connors' take was far more deceptive, as instead of merely threatening, he actually did try to kill Red/Zhen when her back was turned and she was regretting what happened with Star Wing/Po."


"Also, the Chameleon is mentioned to have very little in the way of actual villainy, with some noting that the worst she did was make threats and toss one guy down some stairs. Considering Connors/Chameleon tried to up the stakes by trying to murder Red/Zhen, as well as being a sneaky backstabber who took out Tai Lung/Myst from behind without giving her the chance for a fair fight, what would Cosmic's Chameleon bring to the table to make the Chameleon feel more villainous."


"Oh, and while we're on the subject of the Chameleon, she mentions that the reason she became a villain is because no one was willing to teach her because she was apparently too small, something that flies in the face of Masters Shifu and Mantis, who are smaller than she is and yet very skilled masters. Would Cosmic's Chameleon have a different reason for villainy? For extra context, Connors' Chameleon was slothful and didn't want to put in the actual work and training to become a kung fu master, instead taking shortcuts and cheating his way to the top, believing due to a childhood spent on the streets that fighting dirty and without honor was the only way to ensure victory."


"Also, if I recall correctly, Torrent Blast played both Tai Lung and Lord Shen, while Helix played General Kai. All three are brought back from the Spirit Realm by the Chameleon so she can steal their powers, but they also cause a plot hole due to Shen never being a martial artist or finding spiritual peace, and Kai being rendered deader than dead by the events of the third movie. Connors' Chameleon circumvented this by having only Myst/Tai Lung appear, with Connors' Chameleon getting frustrated and wanting to know where the other villains are, only to have it be spelled out to him about how they aren't in the spirit realm. Would Cosmic's Chameleon have a similar instance where Torrent's Shen and Helix's General Kai can't come back from the Spirit Realm?"


Wing beamed. "Alright then. And just to clarify, Cosmic is the Chameleon while Free Verse is Zhen, correct?"

"Nailed it," Free Verse replied.

"Alright..." Wing consulted her casting list. "In the original, the Chameleon served as a maternal figure to Zhen, who latched onto her shows of affection. But unfortunately, the Chameleon only ever saw Zhen as a tool, and even told her so to her face, along with a threat that she would be killed if she outlived her usefulness. Is this similar to the relationship you two would depict Chameleon and Zhen having? For extra context, Connors and Red still portrayed the Chameleon with a parental attitude towards Zhen, but Connors' take was far more deceptive, as instead of merely threatening, he actually did try to kill Red/Zhen when her back was turned and she was regretting what happened with Star Wing/Po."

Cosmic and Free Verse shared a look. "We'd be more like friends," Cosmic answered.

"Unlike Chameleon, Cosmic would actually care about me when he took me in," Free Verse added. "As a friend and as a tutor. Only when I turned on him would he try to end my life."

"Also, the Chameleon is mentioned to have very little in the way of actual villainy, with some noting that the worst she did was make threats and toss one guy down some stairs. Considering Connors/Chameleon tried to up the stakes by trying to murder Red/Zhen, as well as being a sneaky backstabber who took out Tai Lung/Myst from behind without giving her the chance for a fair fight, what would Cosmic's Chameleon bring to the table to make the Chameleon feel more villainous."

"Hmm..." Cosmic thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. Maybe I'll use my capabilities to pose as people and turn them against each other? Then once the city is fighting among themselves, I could show my real self; due to their conflicts with each other, they would ultimately turn to me as the only trustworthy person there."

"Oh, and while we're on the subject of the Chameleon, she mentions that the reason she became a villain is because no one was willing to teach her because she was apparently too small, something that flies in the face of Masters Shifu and Mantis, who are smaller than she is and yet very skilled masters. Would Cosmic's Chameleon have a different reason for villainy? For extra context, Connors' Chameleon was slothful and didn't want to put in the actual work and training to become a kung fu master, instead taking shortcuts and cheating his way to the top, believing due to a childhood spent on the streets that fighting dirty and without honor was the only way to ensure victory."

Cosmic shrugged. "Well, yes and no. Everyone would say I was too small to learn Kung Fu, but when I changed my form so I could be big enough, they would call me a poseur."

Free Verse did a facepalm.:facehoof: "D@mned if you do, d@mned if you don't..."


"My size would also be why I took her in," Cosmic said. "The only small OC besides us is Crescent, and he already played Soothsayer. The two of us will bond over our smallness and having to adapt to the big, cruel world around us."

"Also, if I recall correctly, Torrent Blast played both Tai Lung and Lord Shen, while Helix played General Kai."

My OC's eyes went wide.:twilightoops:

"All three are brought back from the Spirit Realm by the Chameleon so she can steal their powers, but they also cause a plot hole due to Shen never being a martial artist or finding spiritual peace, and Kai being rendered deader than dead by the events of the third movie. Connors' Chameleon circumvented this by having only Myst/Tai Lung appear, with Connors' Chameleon getting frustrated and wanting to know where the other villains are, only to have it be spelled out to him about how they aren't in the spirit realm. Would Cosmic's Chameleon have a similar instance where Torrent's Shen and Helix's General Kai can't come back from the Spirit Realm?"

"Right, uh..." My OCs talked amongst themselves, before Helix stepped forward. "We'll change the script for Kung Fu Panda 2 so that I play Lord Shen instead of Torrent Blast. My backstory will include studying martial arts to help circumvent my insecurity, and instead of trying to finish off Flux out of rage, I'll firmly request that she help me kill off my regrets through combat as I rush at her for one last attack."


"As for Kai..." Helix crossed his arms in thought. "We'll manage to change the Kung Fu Panda 3 script and find someone to play him, I'm sure."

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JNKing #25 · May 3rd · · ·


Cosmic and Free Verse shared a look. "We'd be more like friends," Cosmic answered.

"Unlike Chameleon, Cosmic would actually care about me when he took me in," Free Verse added. "As a friend and as a tutor. Only when I turned on him would he try to end my life."

"Ah, so a villainous friendship that was ultimately ended when one chose the path of the hero," Wing nodded. "Tragic, but relatable."

"Hmm..." Cosmic thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. Maybe I'll use my capabilities to pose as people and turn them against each other? Then once the city is fighting among themselves, I could show my real self; due to their conflicts with each other, they would ultimately turn to me as the only trustworthy person there."

"That would work well with how the thieves guild of the city wanted the Chameleon out since she had taken over their home," Wing agreed.

Cosmic shrugged. "Well, yes and no. Everyone would say I was too small to learn Kung Fu, but when I changed my form so I could be big enough, they would call me a poseur."

Free Verse did a facepalm.:facehoof: "D@mned if you do, d@mned if you don't..."

Wing winced. "Yeah, I can see how that would cause some frustrations..." :fluttershyouch:

"My size would also be why I took her in," Cosmic said. "The only small OC besides us is Crescent, and he already played Soothsayer. The two of us will bond over our smallness and having to adapt to the big, cruel world around us."

"I like that," Wing praised. "Gives you guys a good commonality connection to build your friendship over."

My OC's eyes went wide.:twilightoops:

"Oh, don't get worried, it's not a bad thing," Wing assured them. "I'm just curious..." leading to her explanation.

"Right, uh..." My OCs talked amongst themselves, before Helix stepped forward. "We'll change the script for Kung Fu Panda 2 so that I play Lord Shen instead of Torrent Blast. My backstory will include studying martial arts to help circumvent my insecurity, and instead of trying to finish off Flux out of rage, I'll firmly request that she help me kill off my regrets through combat as I rush at her for one last attack."

"So, in other words," Wing realized. "You'd make it so that your version of Shen could be in the Spirit Realm and therefore, allowing Cosmic's Chameleon to get at him."

"As for Kai..." Helix crossed his arms in thought. "We'll manage to change the Kung Fu Panda 3 script and find someone to play him, I'm sure."

"Like I said, it's okay if you're not sure who should play him," Wing noted. "He and Shen don't even get any speaking lines, and it kinda felt like they were only there to play up how the Chameleon was going to be the 'Ultimate Enemy' since she could take their forms." She re-checked her cast list before rolling it up. "Welp, that's all the questions I got for now. I might come back with more when my writer isn't working on making that new... oh, what is it? A dimension or something for us all to play in more? Either way, I don't want to add more to his plate, but we might come back to this or even make other posts where our OCs can take the roles in other movies or games." She cracked a salute. "Until then, my friends, thanks for sharing." :twilightsmile:

She re-checked her cast list before rolling it up. "Welp, that's all the questions I got for now. I might come back with more when my writer isn't working on making that new... oh, what is it? A dimension or something for us all to play in more? Either way, I don't want to add more to his plate, but we might come back to this or even make other posts where our OCs can take the roles in other movies or games." She cracked a salute. "Until then, my friends, thanks for sharing." :twilightsmile:

"Same to you." Flux saluted back. "Give us a holler when your writer's lightened his load a bunch, and we can talk about what we thought of the movie!":yay:

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JNKing #27 · May 3rd · · ·

"Sounds good." Wing replied with a thumbs up. 👍

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