Free Speech Group 72 members · 71 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

But it's good to know I wasn't the only one who noticed the similarities between the left and the right. Two sides of the same coin, eh?



Yup, that pretty much summarizes it. I always think of it as a bell curve where you have idiots on the far-right and idiots on the far-left, and normal people are stuck somewhere in the middle leaning right or left depending on their views. It's the people on both extremes that are always causing problems.

Group Admin

You can say that again.

Group Admin


You go too far right, you get Hitler. Go too far left you get Stalin.

Both groups tend to do the following, censorship and mass murdering. They have so much in commmon.

Unfortunately, sometimes your only choice is either Hitler or Stalin. 'Great' choices.... as both of these groups point guns at you and demand that you join them. You are not allowed to think for yourself.

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