Free Speech Group 72 members · 71 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Wild Zontars
Group Admin

Same shit, different week. "Ban this filth! And these other things I also don't like! But not these things you don't like, stop oppressing me!"

I wish this site had booru-style tags, so we could say "use your fucking filters" and move on. Instead, I've got authors I follow making blogs about all the "pedos" on the site.

Group Admin

They get so worked over pony fan fiction. Like this is the big issue of our time... pony fan fiction.

They can... simply not read the stories. Like me.

Honestly, the most important part about this is that they aren't acting out their fetish on real people. The ones making and/or reading the foalcon fics.

Group Admin


Tell me about it. Don't these people know they nearly drove a person to suicide?

Unless the person went through with it anyway after deleting their account.

Group Admin

I think some do. I made a blog post about the issue.

Well, yeah. As as it kept in fiction. No harm done then.

I just wish people would just find something else and move on.

The only Mature story I see in the box is "Scarfaced Stallion". Is there just coincidentally no popular porn right now, or have they blocked it from appearing?

Group Admin

You are late. There was one at the time of this thread posting.

Wish I could've seen it. Snooze and lose, I guess.

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