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Wild Zontars
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David Johnson, who is a Harvey Nash packaging engineer contracting with Hasbro, sat down with Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe, to discuss the CRT training in which he was forced to participate. Johnson leaked a video to Veritas showing “Conscious Kids” co-founders Katie Ishizuka and Ramón Stephens lecturing Hasbro employees about infants’ inherent racism.

“I decided to come to Project Veritas because I oppose the indoctrination of children that they wanted to push, and I felt that more people needed to know about it,” Johnson said.

“They want to introduce children into racial bias at an early age before they're really able to understand what race and racism is,” he said.

Katie Ishizuka, one of the “Conscious Kids” co-founders that trained Hasbro employees, was recorded explaining how young children are prone to racist behavior.

“By three to six months, babies are beginning to notice and already express preference by race,” Ishizuka said.

“[Babies] as young as two are already using race to reason about people's behaviors. We may see this play out in daycare or on the playground -- and how kids are starting to choose or exclude playmates and friends,” she said.

“It's absurd to just state as fact that at two years old, children are going to be racist and using race to reason about who they're going to play with,” Johnson said to O’Keefe in response to the recording.

These people go after children because they know it is the only way their batshit insane ideas can survive any kind of scrutiny.

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I have bad feeling about G5 of MLP. But I'll give it a chance.

When you are so anti-racist... you become racist is basically what this critical race thing is. Your skin and where you were born are what defines you. If you are born white, you are evil and racist by default. Imagine being condemned for simply being born the wrong way?

I wonder what Martin Luther King Jr would think of critical race theory?

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Unless it turns out to be miraculously amazing, I can safely say that My Little Pony: A New Generation (which is a stupid name BTW) is going to suck. It's going to be the new Emoji Movie with sprinkles of Chibnall-era Doctor Who sprinkled in there.

He'd probably hate it.

7536147 He would be horrified at it, probably see the disturbing similarities to it and old school white supremacy.

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