Free Speech Group 72 members · 71 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Admin

A small, yet vocal fringe group of bronies are actively attacking other bronies for simply writing stories. Okay, some of these stories are controversial in nature. But they are just stories.

Perhaps I write an evil character who does evil things, but that doesn't necessarily mean I agree with said evil character. Have we reached the point where you must write it in your description that I do not agree with what my characters actions do in the story?

There plenty of other problems in this world than pony fan fiction. Maybe do your crazy crusading there rather than on a pony site. Just a thought.


You're talking about the whole situation involving the foalcon writer, right?

Group Admin

A mix bag. She was not the first. There were others beforehand. Like Realitycheck from years ago. I don't know the full details about that one.


Foalcon is one of those things that are a very controversial issue. I think the thing that drove people so against her was one blog she made that people viewed as her advocating real life pedophilia. She did ultimately leave the site which is sad but when people think someone is advocating adults have sex with minors in real life, the shit is going to hit the fan. I'm personally not a fan of foalcon but I don't think people should be getting death threats the way she did.

Fighting one another is part of human nature, it isn't going to stop....ever.

Group Admin

I dislike foalcon myself, but I simply don't read it.

Fighting one another is part of human nature, it isn't going to stop....ever.

Bronies are already hated by pretty much everyone. Left and right, really dumb for us to fight each other.


I don't like foalcon either....I dislike it to the point that I banned it in my promo group and it must be disliked and even hated by more people than you'd think given the ban was met rather positively.

That is what I do too, if I see it show up in my news feed, I just scroll past it.

Bad Dragon
Group Admin


really dumb for us to fight each other

That's what I thought about the LGBT community. They know what it's like to not be accepted, I thought. But when one of their own gay members added an LGBT story about a gay couple to the group, they removed the story, banned the member from the group she called her only home and brought her to the brink of suicide.

It used to be the case when I heard 'promoting tolerance', I thought of the LGBT community. Such is not the case anymore. And if that population that was based around tolerance was capable of falling so far from grace, I'm starting to think that 7528765 is right.

Fighting one another is part of human nature, it isn't going to stop....ever.

Wild Zontars
Group Admin

I wasn't "friends" with RC, but I enjoyed his stories and commented a lot. We politely argued politics a lot.

The short version is: he's the stereotype of Christian Republican. This was back when the US was still deciding whether or not to have gay marriage, and what to do about the terrorists and fighters they kept putting in Gitmo. RC was not a fan of gay marriage or terrorists, which were Bad Opinions around here.

Anyway, a bandwagon meme fic thing was on the go, about "so what if a major character was secretly a changeling" and stuff. Everyone did their own spin about the implied politics: I'm secretly LGBTQ+, I'm secretly a different religion, I'm secretly whatever. RC did it as an analogy of "secretly a reformed member of ISIS/al-Qaeda/Taliban/etc" and said "yes it does matter, you need to go talk to the princesses about this, and I'm calling the guards" type deal.

People got butthurt and called the mods. Mods came up with bullshit reasons to yank the fic. RC kept fixing what they said the reason was, and mods kept yanking it back down again. Eventually they just told him "look, story is never approved. Fuck off." So he put it in a blog post. Deleted by mods. Then he linked to it offsite. Deleted by mods. Eventually he got sick of the bullshit and left, which is what they wanted.

Group Admin

Damn, that's crazy. it sounds like a good story. I don't care about his political affiliation. A story is a story. Would be cool to have an outside voice like his around here.

Was kind of swept under the rug. Since nobody cared about him since he was a hardcore Christian Republican.

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