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Now I'm reply 400!

I'm super wucky! :rainbowkiss:

What's got you down?

Group Admin

You okay, Lula?

I wish

I can’t sleep at night
My older sister gets her own home, boyfriend and such! While the only think I do is sit on a screen because I’m too nervous to do anything different in case I get asked questions
My dad’s an alcoholic and gets so verbally abusive on the weekends
I’ve been hurting my mental health with this think I’ve been doing, been trying to stop but keep wanting to go back
I miss going to school because I at least went outside and walked around and such

I thought being optimistic was going to get easier... but it just got harder

Group Admin

Oof, I'm soo sorry to hear that hon. I know the feeling of not fitting in, the terror of the spotlight upon you and the uncertainty if you can handle or push through the moment. I live most of my social life on screen too, it can be harsh on some days. But things can slowly get better over time, I promise. My father was abusive towards me too, it can be such a burden on one's mental outlook, I won't lie, I've been pushed to the edge more times than I can count, but giving up is never the answer, you need to be strong and rely on those who you feel you bonded with.

I really have only one true friend, but he's given me hope in my darkest hours. Just keep on pushing forward, the darkness never really lasts.

I've lost my little sister, mother, father, and aunt....but I still keep trying.

It's what we do in life, we try.

I don’t usually talk about my troubles here but... I feel kinda sad

Yesterday I went somewhere, took photos of these things that were scattered across the... Area. Anyway, it was a long drive to get there (about just over an hour? Maybe an hour and a half?) Anyway, I went with two other relatives of mine

So I took a lot of pictures, to show my... Another relative (I don’t want to use any family titles here, or use a different but similar one. It doesn’t feel right for me)

Unlike usually when I have a trip and show her the pictures. Usually she’s shows more interest, maybe a few she’s not interested in, but that’s fine. But when I showed her all the pictures from yesterday. She seemed a bit disappointed, she said the only interesting thing was when I filmed some dolphins in the water (it was near the sea). She also was disappointed that I didn’t take a picture of the last statue thing we were going to see. Because it was too far.

When I filmed parts of the drive there, to each statue’s location and the drive home (I wasn’t driving, I don’t have a license) she said that she doesn’t have all day and that it was going to take too long. Some of it was the rain, coloured overpasses, trains going past, the railway and a bit of just driving past scenery.

This kinda makes me sad and regret going...


Like... she didn’t go, she should be grateful I even took some photos :raritydespair:

Comment posted by Lulamoon-Crystal deleted Sep 26th, 2023

I need some happy vibes to lift me up :fluttercry:
I got into a car accident yesterday, and now the car I absolutely loved to bits is sitting on the side of the road waiting to be picked up.

In case you were wondering, I'm do g fine physically. It's mentally I'm not doing so great.


Any updates on the car situation?


Damn. You two make the 2nd and 3rd people on this site I've recently learned have/had abusive, alcoholic dads. One of my uncles was an alcoholic most of his life until he died in his 40s. It was actually a miracle he lived that long based on how much he drank and mixed his alcohol with opioids.

Good luck to both of you with everything. That said, fixing real life, even if the fix is small, is always better than hiding on a screen. My joint issues definitely made me hide away on a screen sometimes, and it was almost always a gigantic waste of time.

Unfortunately, it’s getting scrapped. :fluttercry:
But, lucky for me, my dad gave me his car while he got himself a new truck, so I still have transportation. I’ve been doing a lot better at staying awake at the wheel, and coupled with caffeine, a better sleep schedule, and the car’s safety features, hopefully I won’t get into another accident.

I keep seeing bad news, and I keep thinking that either the human race is going to self-destruct with how bad things are getting (war, for example) or the world will just outright end (I've been seeing snippets of news about a black hole and a solar storm and I'm afraid to look further).

I hope this makes sense.

Aaaaand now I've seen a headline saying that scientists are saying society could collapse this century...

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Don't spend your time fully listening to stuff like that. You can't always take that kind of stuff seriously.

My cat is so ill. I don’t wanna lose him, he hasn’t been getting much better since that surgery. The vets said it’s likely cancer or a heart disease or something like that But he has to get better. I don’t wanna say goodbye to him so soon, I just hope he gets better so we don’t have to put him down.

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

So sorry to hear!


Feeling a bit pathetic having to type this rn, but I just need to vent about a little something.

To put is as succinctly as I can... I'm lonely.

I long for human connection, someone to talk to on a scale that isn't just surface-level.

I thought of starting a thread, but the idea of a buncha strangers online mocking my loneliness terrifies me.

... sorry for wasting your time. :twilightsheepish:

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

I'm sure we all have that feeling one way or another. You're not alone!


This community has always been pretty chill and open, I doubt anyone would turn you away. Loneliness is very common nowadays we all seem so distant, despite the closeness ppl have created. Never forget, you're never alone!

Thanks... I guess I just needed the reassurance. If anything, it helps to know that there's still little communities like this that help people feel welcome and appreciated.

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Always here for you!

Things will get better, hon. We all have those days in our lives that seem bleak or endless, but I'm a testament that after those rough periods , things get better. Just stay positive and hopeful.

If you ever need to just chat, don't be a stranger.

Didn't want to bring this up on this site tbh, but I just got really angry with a family member- I was overreacting to something. I'd rather not talk about the details. We're okay now, but I'm still not feeling completely better.

Group Admin

Oi, sometimes it's best to just forgive.

Living with anger is full of regret, time spent in spite could be used to enjoy the love of your family.

Time it slips away so quickly, we tend to forget that.

Cherish these moments, too soon are they faded moments.

My blood sugar was a pain in the but today. It was not that bad but it felt like forever to get it down. A troll got on my nerves with their edgy humor and tried to blame me for everything so I had to call in an admin to get them to lay off.

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Oof, sorry to hear

Yeah with the high blood sugar and the troll. I nearly snapped at the troll between trying to take care of that mess. I am glad I got an admin to handle him because I really was not in the mood.

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