For Those Who get Bored 85 members · 355 stories
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My Sister Tia
Group Admin

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Come up with something

Can't draw, antisocial (mostly), Cant write, dont have the attention span to, not popular enough to do that, to lazy to.

My Sister Tia
Group Admin

Oh, that's okay.


Hi, I can write but it take me a while because I have a disability called cerebral palsy, in my stories you’ll often find a character who has a similar disability.

My Sister Tia
Group Admin

Oh. Well, I´m glad that you are a tough cookie!

~When the though gets going, the going gets tough!~

My Sister Tia
Group Admin

You´re welcome, and I really mean it!

I t s
W r i t t i n g
T i m e

My Sister Tia
Group Admin

Oh, I'm sorry if the stuff I came with doesn't work. I'm hoping that you find some fun things to do, though! Plus, I'll be thinking.


Come up with something

I came up with flu, does that count?

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