Cinematic Adventures 250 members · 24 stories
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That's it! I've got something else that you may like as well.

Sonata:Guys, we should put a sign on Adagio about her shiny bald head

Spike:What's it going to say, Sonata?


*Everyone laughs at it*

Adagio:(raging and seething) I.....AM.....GOING.....TO.....KILL YOU, YOU TRAITOROUS SCUM OF AN EX-SISTER!! (she starts bawling heavily) I....HATE....MY....LIFE.....SO.....MUCH!! Why?! Oh why?! Why did I have to lose my beautiful locks!

I can imagine them doing the Conga Line whilst circling Baldagio Dazzle.

That's what this siren bitch gets for all the harmful things she's done to the whole Multiverse and Equestria!

How many bits or gems do we get from this aside from the ticket?

Now those are literal "Pea-Brains".

Group Admin


“You know darn well what we’re talking about,” Spike frowned. “Twilight was right! Wasn’t she? There was actually MORE to the story than what you were seeing! You haven’t learned your lesson since Star Wars! Haven’t you?”

Nice job on this line. But I think you should also add, "You're no better than your friends from Canterlot High when they accused you of being Anon-a-miss!!"

Group Admin




Sonata: I looked up to you all my life, and yet you treated me like garbage!! You did before we went to attack Equestria, after we were banished, and after our defeats!! I didn't even do anything to you!! You dragged me into this when I never wanted any part of it!! What the heck did I ever do to you that made you hate me so much?!!

“You really want to know?” Aria scowled. “Because you’re you! That’s why! Of all the sirens we ever had to be stuck, it had to be someone who would rather make friends instead of wrecking ships, or plunder a village, or even spread chaos! And by chaos, I meant on another level than that washed up has-been of a draconequss.”

"That's what you're blaming me for?! Just being myself?!" said Sonata, "I'm not the one who convinced us to go on a power hungry conquest!! I'm not the one who got us banished from our home to the Rainbooms' world!! I'm not the one who got us to lose our powers to them!! I'm not the one who convinced us to work for the Emperor just so we could have a chance to get back at Sunset instead of the entire Rainbooms!! And I'm not the one who secretly sent that message that caused Spike to turn the Television on!! And I'm not the one who got chose to work for the Benefactor when we don't even know anything about him!!"

Group Admin





Sunset Shimmer is an Equestria girl first and foremost, even if she wasn't born in the Equestria Girls universe. It's always important that no matter what changes are made with her, that she never forgets her origins.


Harry: Hagrid was my friend!! And you framed him.

Tom Riddle: And got a certain Jedi here to turn on her own friends.

Sunset Shimmer: Wait, you knew I would lash at Twilight?!

Tom Riddle: Of course, I did. We have eyes and ears all over the Castle and none of you knew it. *Sunset growls at him* Ah-ah-ah, no need to get angry, for you know what happens when you get angry. Then again, at least I'm not the one pretending here.

Sunset Shimmer: Pretending to be a Jedi? I've heard that before.

Tom Riddle: No. Pretending to be a human. *Sunset was confused by this* When you chose to run away from Equestria the first time and to the human world, you ended up adopting their customs rather than your own kind's. You embraced everything they had. Including believing everything the media says. Which is why your friends from Canterlot High were so easily fooled when you turned them against each other, and believed you to be Anon-a-miss when their sisters framed you.

Sunset began to slowly piece it:

Tom Riddle: So not only did you betray your friends, you also betrayed your kind as well. Only difference, the ponies believed in the lie by word of mouth that challenges their pride. Whilst humans on the other hand, believe everything the media says, no matter by whom it is written. So ask me this...are you a pony pretending to be a human, or are you a human pretending to be a pony? You cannot be both.

(And that, everyone, is how you give a certain someone an identity crisis. That and this song came to mind)

(check from 00:14)

Group Admin

Hmm... this is a very touchy subject. We will definitely need to consider this carefully.

Group Admin

Sorry I got carried away, but then again you have to admit, this is somewhat true.

And as the old saying goes; a hero is a hero, but everybody loves a good villain.

Where the villain really gets under the hero's skin.

Plus, nobody said being a hero is easy.

Group Admin

I'm just merely implying that it taps on the subject of Sunset Shimmer. People mainly remember her as an Equestria Girl, but she started as a pony first. But ever since she ventured into the human world, she grew accustomed to the culture of humanity that she thought more like a human and less as a pony. It is no wonder why some would feel she is betraying her own race. It would be like a foreigner choosing to repress 'everything' about the lifestyle they grew with in pursuit of the American dream.

Group Admin

*breathes through teeth* Riiiiight, there's also that factor that's always been overlooked.

Group Admin

Branching into that topic just a bit, everyone comes to America for different reasons. That they believe there is more opportunity and freedom to do things they couldn't do in their old countries. That they'd be eating apple pie off of China plates, that they can say 'anything' they want, and they don't have to worry about terrorism or dictatorship or other diplomatic parties appealing to their own interests and not the people. They want freedom and justice so much; these people will do anything. And that's probably why most countries dislike us. By offering them certain liberties they didn't have back home, it means giving up on their traditions, their cultures, their very identities just to be an American. But the truth of the matter is this:

We are the narrators of our own story; how we live is entirely up to us.

Group Admin

Very true words.

Though many may not see that way, for others it can be an opportunity, something that others wouldn't understand, whether by blood or by one's social circle.

Ignorism tends to get in the way of growth.

Group Admin

Unfortunately, we cannot hope for the entire population to see it that way. Until we truly embrace the notion to evolve in order to ensure our own survival as a race, it is inevitable that there are certain portions of the human race who will be stuck in their ways when it comes to tradition. People fear and hate what they do not understand, but that does not mean they are stupid by any means. It just means that they truly have more to learn about themselves as people beyond any form of text and teachings they have been granted growing up.

Group Admin

Well said Mr. Drama. Well said.

Group Admin

She definitely cannot stand taking all the responsibility for her sister's actions. In a way, it's like my girlfriend who can't stand her sister giving her a hard time just because she's going through her rebellious phase... and dating a guy who smokes.

“But... what about Mrs. Norris? We can't just leave her like that!” Whisper pointed out. “I mean... she may not be a nice kitty, but... no creature deserves to suffer, right?”

Group Admin

Just another prank Discord and Peeves play on Sunset Shimmer.

Peppers in the mask

It was Halloween at Hogwarts, when Sunset decides to entertain some students and Discord (but mostly Discord), by wearing her old mask — crudely repaired with tapes and glues.

“Give into the—OW! OH! My EYES!” Sunset screamed, pulling her mask off. “No, no, seriously! THERE’S PEPPERS IN MY EYES!”

As soon as Sunset pulled her mask off, she reveals her eyes were watering and red from irritation. Discord, Peeves, and some students pointed and laughed out loud at Sunset’s misfortune.

“It stings! HEY! STOP LAUGHING! THIS IS SERIOUS!” Sunset scowled at Discord, before she walks towards the movie screen. “Oh stop the camera!”

At this point it's not even funny anymore. This is just bullying.
I'm not sure on this running joke of Peeves and Discord [violently] bullying Sunset. Maybe you should tone it down?

Group Admin

I just realized something.

Up until now, this will be the Student Six and CMCs first meeting of Darth Andromedas and Demetria, (as well as some other villains).

However, for continuity, say that the students and CMCs will “potentially” make references from the commentaries, then…

Student Six and CMCs meet Darth Andromedas…for the first time

“What the…” The CMCs and Student Six looked at the Sith and their eyes widened in horror.

“Oh no!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“Not him!” Apple Bloom moaned.

“Darth Andromedas,” Gallus frowned.

“Oh?” Darth Andromedas exclaimed, somewhat surprised. “So you’ve heard of me…”

“We may have had the displeasure of seeing your work up close,” Smolder frowned. “That, and the messed up stuffs that you Sith did in Sunset’s head.”

“Also…absorbing your girlfriend’s ghost into your own body? Not cool!” Silverstream spatted.

“Wait…he did what?!” Sunset asked the hippogriff.

“Oh, didn’t you know?” Silverstream asked. “While you were…cuckoo, on the Death Star Mark 2, Andromedas was visited by one of those Force Ghosts of past Jedi Masters friends of yours! She looks almost like Ahsoka, but not. What was her name again?”

“You speak of Ashara?” Andromedas answered.

“Yeah! That’s her!” Silverstream snapped her fingers, before she glared at the Sith. “You’re a really bad boyfriend! You know that?! You’re suppose to be helping Sunset, and your girlfriend! Not absorb her into your own body!“

“Hmph! You pathetic simple minded children,” Andromedas shook his head. “Why should I bother helping others less deserving, when I should use my time and resources to get exactly what I want?”

“It’s called being generous!” Smolder spatted. “You should try it sometimes! Even us dragons enjoy it now and then…”

“Hold on, back up for a minute,” Sunset began, turning to the Student Six and CMCs. “Is it true with what you guys said? He absorbed Ashara? How do you know about this?”

The Students and CMCs looked at Sunset, as if she had asked them an obvious question.

“Uh…because we’ve been watching the whole Cinematic Adventure from Discord’s Theater, back home, in Ponyville?” Scootaloo answered, a matter-a-factly.

“Oh! Right…” Sunset mentally facepalmed herself.

“Uh..DUH!” Yona said to the Jedi Sorceress.

Group Admin

Just need to come back and build up more on this. (Possibly rewriting if I need to)

Sunset’s slump

“I…can’t…help…” Sunset Shimmer sighed, huddling herself up in a corner, with the Student Six, the CMCs, Spike, Fluttershy, Sonata, Storm Shield, Harry, Ron, even Discord and Peeves looking at her with concerns

“What the bloody hell are you talking about?” Ron asked.

“Professor! We need you!” Harry exclaimed.

“I’m sorry, Harry,” Sunset cried. “But…I can’t help. I just can’t. I’ll just mess it up again, like all I’ve been doing ever since I came back. I’m nothing but a screw-up. A loser…

“Sunset?” Fluttershy asked in worry.

“Sunset…” Spike turned to Discord and Peeves, “What did you guys—“

“No, they were right,” Sunset stopped Spike. “Everyone’s been right about me. I am a loser. Not to mention the biggest idiot of the whole Multiverse, like I confessed. And on top of that, a horrible friend to Twilight.”

Sunset sniffled some tears, “And that’s all she’ll remember me, before I’m taken to Azkaban to rot…and it’s all my fault…”

“Sunset…” Fluttershy whimpered.

Even though everyone were still mad at Sunset for her recent falling out with Twilight and their other friends, they were still saddened and sympathize for her.

It was clear as day that Sunset’s just as hurt as everyone is for their friends’ ailments. And that she’s taken the hurt to heart. It’s even hurting that Sunset was considering resigning herself to a super max prison in the Wizarding World.

“You listen to me, Bacon Head!” Discord reprimanded. “I’ve made myself a living of being a horrible friend! And you, young lady…are not even deserving of Azkaban!”

Sunset and friends looked up, surprised at Discord for suddenly saying something so profound to Sunset.

“Since when are you saying something uplifting to her?” Spike asked skeptically.

“Oh don’t get me wrong. I still hate her,” Discord replied. “And for awhile, Peeves and I were enjoying her karma suffering. But it’s starting to bum us out.”

“Sunset no longer a fun set. Boo-hoo~” Peeves an in agreement.

“But I’m not doing this for Sunset,” Discord lectured. “I’m doing this for Twilight. And Twilight is Fluttershy’s friend. Therefore cannot I’m also doing this for Fluttershy. Get the mathematic?”

“Now uh…what was I talking about again?” Discord asked.

“You were talking about the part of how Sunset doesn’t deserve Azkaban?” Fluttershy reminded.

“Oh yes! That!” Discord nodded, before he said sternly to Sunset. “Miss Sunset Shimmer! There is no beating around the bush. You are an idiot! A screw-up! And a loser! But guess what? So am I. So are Lulu’s Nightmare Knights! Even the Author of the whole Cinematic Adventure was a loser at one point in his life.”

Narrator: “HEY!”

“But the point is, we still have a purpose,” Discord stated. “Because if you still don’t have a purpose to play to keep the story going, then you would’ve already been sent off to Azkaban, with Hagrid, by now. And Mr. E would’ve gotten with it too, if it weren’t for a certain meddling commentator. Not mentioning names. Phantom-Dragon.”

Me: “Et từ, Discord?”

Everyone looked at Discord strangely.

“What are you talking about, Professor Discord?” Harry Potter asked.

“Uh! Do I have to spell it out?” Discord zips over to a blackboard, writing on the board: “We have work to do!”

Discord underlines the “we” while drawing pictures of him as a muscular superhero, carrying Fluttershy in a flowing white dress, and Sunset Shimmer…as a donkey.

Cranky Doodle Donkey: “That’s just offensive…”

“I never thought I’d say this, but Discord’s right,” Spike turned to Sunset. “Loser or not. Jedi or Sith. We still need you, Sunset. Twilight and everyone else who have been petrified are counting on us. All of us!”

“For realsies!” Sonata agreed. “We gotta set everything right again, for Mr. Hagrid!”

“I wish I could help,” Sunset sobbed. “I really do. But no matter how hard I try, I…I’m just so bad at being good… Now I’m trapped in a world where I’m public enemy, with a whole squadron of wizard policemen outside the school, and on top of that…our friends are bedridden. I just don’t know what else to do anymore…”

Fluttershy walked over to the distraught Jedi Sorceress, and wrapped her hooves around Sunset.

“Shhhh,” Fluttershy soothed Sunset. “It’s going to be okay.”

“How can you say that?” Sunset sobbed. “How can everything be okay? How can you still have so much faith in me? Even after all I’ve done?”

“I know you were bad,” Fluttershy frowned sadly. “But I know how hard you worked on trying to be good! And how you were trying to help. But…maybe you’re going about it the wrong way…”

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked.

“Well…you’re trying to approach the problems the way a Jedi would. Even a Sorceress of the Wizarding World,” Fluttershy guessed. “But have you wondered how Sunset Shimmer would approach the problems?”

“Huh?” Sunset asked.

“I think she’s onto something,” Spike agreed.

“For realsies!” Sonata followed. “We may have been enemies before. But if there’s one thing I know about Sunset Shimmer…is that she’s always there for her friends!”

“And she never gives up on them!” Spike smiled. “That’s what she wrote in Twilight’s book. Yeah. I read.”

“Honestly, I’d choose you over Lockhart any other day,” Ron Weasley admitted.

Soon, the rest of the remaining friends all voice their agreements, until they all turn to Sunset.

“So, what do you say, teach?” Gallus asked.

“Yona ready to help save school and friends!” Yona declares.

“Just say the world and we’ll follow you into battle!” Storm Shield added.

But Sunset was unsure, and her response was silence.

<Cue Mane Family>

Group Admin

Nice one.

Oh, and phantom, remember that scene where Postwar and Sunset had a falling out before they entered the forest? I always wondered what the audience reaction would be, even Celestia and Luna given the chance.

But that can wait until the chapter does come out. Or feel free If you want to. No rush or anything.

Group Admin


At this point it's not even funny anymore. This is just bullying.
I'm not sure on this running joke of Peeves and Discord [violently] bullying Sunset. Maybe you should tone it down?

I don’t know exactly how to “tone it down.” Honestly, I wanted Discord and Peeves beefs with Sunset to be played for laughs.

But here’s the klutzy Draconequss’s reasoning, based on a parody from Shark Tale.

“Seriously? What’s wrong with you guys?” Sunset Shimmer scowled. “What did I ever do to you? You have some complaints? Say it to me!”

“Ok. You want to know what the problem is?” Discord huffed, with one of his eyeballs stretching out, pointing in an exaggerated cartoon way towards Sunset. “The problem is you! You stupid Equestria Girl! You made me look bad!”

“What?!” Sunset exclaimed in utter confusion. “I made you look bad? How? And when?”

“Simple. The Reformed Baddies pyramid!” Discord explained as he somehow pulls a screen down from thin air, and snaps a pointer.

“Check out this pyramid of reformed bad guys! Up at the top, you have me, Peeves, and Princess Luna. Beneath us are lesser reformed baddies.”

“Like me?” Sunset guessed.

“No, no, no!” Discord smacked Sunset’s hands. “Not yet! Those are the Nightmare Knights, which surprisingly includes the Self-Absorbed, Below-Average Trixie. Further down are regular secondary characters, which includes Rarity’s husband, Erik, and Carrie White, my daughter.”

“Daughter?!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“It’s an adoptive relationship, my dear,” Discord explained to Fluttershy, before he resumes. “As I was saying, those are the regular secondary characters of reformed bad guys, which included the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts.”

“Oh! And then there’s me!” Sunset guessed, only for Discord to smack her hand again.

“Hang on, hang on! I’m gettin’ there,” Discord resumed. “There’s Diamond Tiara. There’s Wallflower Blush and Juniper Montage with J. Jonah Jameson. There’s Sonata Dusk. There’re some random reformed Equestria bad girls. There’s Prince Blueblood trapped in a chimney! There’s pigeon poops. AND THEN there’s you(Sunset) at the bottom!”

Discord pointed to a mocking stick figure drawing of Sunset, with the most exaggerated scowl on her face, wearing a dunce cap on her head, sucking her thumb, and holding a mop.

“Now I know you guys are just having a laugh…” Sunset frowned at the drawing. “But what’s the point, exactly?”

“The point is…if you look bad on TV, then YOU MAKE US ALL LOOK BAD!” Discord snapped the screen away, as he picks up Sunset by the collar of her shirt.

“YOU. YOU! OVERCOOKED! BACON! HEADED!” Discord bellowed. “You had one chance to escape. ONE! CHANCE! You had it! But you didn’t take it when the getting’s good! And ALL because you willingly threw your life away when you gave into the DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE! And you were supposed to be representing us reformed bad guys!”

“NOW THE WHOLE MULTIVERSE CAN NO LONGER LOOK AT US THE SAME WAY, for fear that we’re all ticking time bombs like you are, set to go off and give into the Dark Side of the Force!” Discord moaned. “And we have you to thank for that!”

“Naughty, naughty, Sunny,” Peeves wagged his finger. “You made a boo-boo, to our boo-hoo.”

“Aren’t you guys being irrational?” Sunset sighed, only for Discord to interrupt her again.


“That’s enough!” Fluttershy shouted, shoving both Sunset and Discord apart.

Group Admin

In the Discord’s Cut, or subplot…

Sunset Shimmer and the Nightmare Knights sizing each other up

Sunset Shimmer: “I was a prisoner of the Empire…”

Princess Luna: “I got my spirit trapped inside a magic orb, trying to reach you via astral projection…and was practically gift wrapped to Anakin…”

Stygian: “But we rescued her!”

Trixie: “The Great and Powerful Trixie’s most daring escape ever!”

Sunset Shimmer: “Wish I had friends like you. You guys sounded like you pulled off one successful rescue.”

Capper: “Successful? Yes. Exiting? Not so much.”

Sunset Shimmer: “What do you mean?”

Tempest Shadow: “We were chased by thousand of Storm Troopers in TIE fighters when we rescued Princess Luna. But I fought them back.”

Trixie: (To Tempest) “And then you crashed every. Single. Spaceships. We’ve. Been on!”

Tempest Shadow: (To Trixie) “Landing was never my…expertise…”

Stygian: (To Tempest) “But it was proven useful later when we stole Seraphina’s flagship — the Furnace — and crashed it into the Death Star Mark 2. And all that was left of it…was a seat.”

Sunset Shimmer: (To Stygian) “You…crashed my ship?”

Nightmare Knights: “…Jar-Jar’s fault.”

Sunset Shimmer: (To the Nightmare Knights) “Don’t get me wrong. That’s actually very impressive! And honestly…after everything…that old ship’s become an eyesore.” (To Princess Luna) “But also…you knew Anakin Skywalker?”

Princess Luna: “Correction. I know Ani. And I’ve once trained alongside him.”

Sunset Shimmer: “Well…I trained alongside him, when he was Darth Vader. For four years!”

Trixie: (To Sunset) “HA! That’s nothing. We trained with Tusken Raiders for a whole year on Tatooine! You could say we’re honorary Tusken Raiders!”

Sunset Shimmer: (To Trixie) “I was trained to kill…”

Tempest Shadow: (To Sunset) “We killed a Krayt Dragon…the size of a mountain!”

Trixie: “And we got a giant pearl to show for it!”

Sunset Shimmer: (To Trixie) “Oh really? Where is it?”

Trixie: (To Sunset) “It’s…back on Tatooine…with the rest of our Tusken friends…”

Group Admin

Maybe after the adventure, after the Mane Six have been cured and Sunset Shimmer fully makes amend of herself and her friends.

The CMCs shows Adagio’s embarrassing snapshot

As the Mane Six were taking their seats, Scootaloo snickered along with her friends, which caught the grown mares’ attentions.

“What’s so funny, squirt?” Rainbow asked.

“Take a look at this!” Scootaloo snickered as she and the Crusaders showed Rainbow Dash a snapshot of Adagio Dazzle’s reaction, at the loss of her hair.

Needless to say, the Pegasus couldn’t contain her laughter.

Rainbow Dash laughed out loud and fell to the floor, which catches the attention of her friends and some students who came over to see what the commotion was about.

Upon seeing the snapshot of Adagio Dazzle, rendered bald, they all laughed along with Rainbow Dash. Even an owl was laughing at the hilarious picture.

“We are definitely selling this to the Daily Prophet!” George exclaimed.

“Think of how much galleons we’ll be making from this one picture!” Fred laughed.

Group Admin


Oh, and phantom, remember that scene where Postwar and Sunset had a falling out before they entered the forest? I always wondered what the audience reaction would be, even Celestia and Luna given the chance.

But that can wait until the chapter does come out. Or feel free If you want to. No rush or anything.

I’ll get to it when I have a moment to.


Oh yes, selling this embarrassing photo to multiple people and it’s spread over the world fast will be priceless :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

Oh man, I don't even wanna know where you got that picture, but it's just too funny.

Group Admin


“YOU. YOU! OVERCOOKED! BACON! HEADED!” Discord bellowed. “You had one chance to escape. ONE! CHANCE! You had it! But you didn’t take it when the getting’s good! And ALL because you willingly threw your life away when you gave into the DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE! And you were supposed to be representing us reformed bad guys!”

“NOW THE WHOLE MULTIVERSE CAN NO LONGER LOOK AT US THE SAME WAY, for fear that we’re all ticking time bombs like you are, set to go off and give into the Dark Side of the Force!” Discord moaned. “And we have you to thank for that!”

Surprisingly Discord has a point there.

Group Admin

Wouldn't be surprised if that was based off any concept art. Next thing you know they make the same effect as that brief scene of 'We're Back!' when a woman was so scared, her hair exploded.

Group Admin


Discord and Peeves were throwing fruits and vegetables at Sunset Shimmer, who dodged every single projectiles thrown at her. Otherwise, she would cut them down with her lightsaber.

“Ha ha!” Sunset sang tauntingly. “You missed me, you missed me! Now you got to kiss me! OOH!”

Much to her regret, Sunset had tempted fate when Peeves kissed Sunset…ON THE LIPS!

And now, a word from Ice Cube Friday and Chris Tucker

This has been a word from Ice Cube Friday and Chris Tucker

“UGH! YUCK!” Sunset spatted, working up a drool, wiping her mouth with her arms. “Do you ever brush your teeth?”

“Blech!” Peeves stuck his tongue out. “You don’t taste like bacon at all! Sunset’s a liar she is!”

“Serves you right Sunset for inviting someone to kiss you,” Discord wagged his fingers. “10 points from Gryffindor!”

Group Admin


Surprisingly Discord has a point there.

Discord: “10 points to me, to be precise!”

Me: “Discord. Why do you have such a beef with Sunset?”

Discord: “Think of this Cinematic Adventure as her ‘re-take final exam’ for the one she botched in Season 1. C’mon, man! I’m a teacher here! This is how teachers abuse their students at Hogwarts! I humiliate Sunset, I test her patience, and I grade on her reactions!”

But seriously. Discord does care for his friends…in his own twisted chaotic trollishly kind of way.

Group Admin

Discord: “Let me tell you something, Bacon Head. In the Galaxy, or in the human world, whichever comes first, you may have been a big shot. But when you’re at Hogwarts, you’re in my house baby! And here, I am the teacher, and you are the lowly stooge!”

Group Admin

But on a serious note.

After the Battle — Meeting with Dumbledore, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna

The next morning, Harry and friends were called to the Headmaster’s Office.

Sunset Shimmer had also joined them, in attendance with the heroes, after she left the Hospital Wings, with her injured arm in a sling.

Sonata had also joined with the group.

Upon arriving to the office, the young heroes were surprised to find Dumbledore waiting for them, with Fawkes on his perch, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Storm Shield at his sides.

After some recaps on recent events, Dumbledore spoke sternly to the heroes present.

“You all realize, of course, that in the past few hours, you have broken, perhaps, a dozen school rules,” Dumbledore said.

“Yes, sir,” Harry and Ron agreed, shamefully.

“And there is sufficient evidence to have you all expelled, as there is to have you arrested, Miss Shimmer,” Dumbledore continued, while directing towards Sunset at the last part.

Sunset Shimmer simply shuts her eyes and cringes, as she braces herself for what’s to come from the great wizard.

“I’ve heard a great deal about you, Sunset Shimmer,” Dumbledore began. “You were once a prized pupil of Princess Celestia, until you dabbled in the Dark Arts, ran away from home, attempted a coup d’tat, went on records to attempted murder of Princess Twilight twice! Revoking your allegiance to Equestria! Betraying your friends for your service in the Galaxtic Empire! Risking the exposure of the Wizarding World! Endangering the lives of children!”

“Go easy on her, please, sir?” Spike pleaded. “She did helped us on rescuing Ginny.”

“Plus, she realized her mistakes,” Harry added. “She’s been very helpful.”

“More than Lockhart ever was,” Ron snarked.

“And for the record,” Sonata spoke up. “The Galactic Empire was my fault as well. For realsies, I’m as much to blame than Sunset.”

“Still…whatever you decide, Headmaster,” Sunset frowned sadly, before she bowed her head. “I humbly accept your decision.”

Dumbledore turned to Celestia and Luna, then Storm Shield, before he turned to Sunset and friends.

“Therefore, it is only fitting...” The young heroes cringed as they brace themselves for Dumbledore’s final decision. “…that you all receive special awards for services to the school.”

Upon hearing that they were all being awarded, instead being arrested, Harry and his friends look at each other with smiles, then back at Dumbledore again.

“For realsies?!” Sonata asked with sparkling eyes.

Dumbledore, Celestia, and Luna all nodded in confirmation with smiles.

“YAY! We’re not being arrested!” Sonata threw her arms out and hugged Sunset, much to the patter’s discomfort.

“Ow! Easy Sonata…” Sunset groaned. “I’ve only got one good arm left…”


“Thanks, sir,” Ron smiled gratefully.

Dumbledore smiles at the young heroes, before he stands up while handing some papers to Ron and Sonata.

“And now, Mr. Weasley, if you and Miss Sonata would, have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban,” Dumbledore suggested. “I believe we... we want our gamekeeper back.”

“For sure!” Sonata smiled, happy and excited to see her boss, Hagrid again.

“Mind if we tag along?” Apple Bloom asks as she and friends followed both boy and siren out. “We all want to be there to welcome Hagrid back too!”

This leaves Harry alone, with the Student Six, Sunset Shimmer, and Spike, to continue some talks with Dumbledore, the Princesses, and Storm Shield.

“Harry...” Dumbledore began. “I want to thank you, Harry, and your friends here. You must've shown me real loyalty down in the Chamber. Nothing but that could've called Fawkes, Philomena, and Peewee to you.”

“I’ll say,” Spike smiled as he happily pets Peewee’s stomach. “Nice of you to come through for me, buddy!”

“Honestly, I don’t deserve such praise,” Sunset said modestly, while petting Philomena. “But…I’m grateful to you for believing in me.”

“You sell yourself very short, Sunset…” Luna said bluntly. “Just live in the moment…”


Dumbledore looked concerned to Harry and Sunset, “I sense something is troubling the both of you. Am I right?”

Knowing that there’s no fooling Dumbledore, Harry was the first to speak up.

“You see, sir,” Harry began. “I couldn't help but notice certain things... certain... certain similarities between... Tom Riddle and me.”

“I see,” Dumbledore replied. “Well, you can speak Parseltongue, Harry. Why? Because, Lord Voldemort can speak Parseltongue. If I'm not mistaken, Harry, he transferred some of his powers to you the night he gave you that scar.”

“Voldemort transferred some of his powers... to me?” Harry asked in amazement.

“Uh-huh. Not intentionally. But yes,” Dumbledore replied.

“It would look that way,” Luna expressed her opinion.

“So, the Sorting Hat was right,” Harry frowned sadly. “I should be in Slytherin.”

“Don’t say that, Harry!” Gallus shook his head.

“Yeah! Harry is great Gryffindor!” Yona exclaimed. “Better than Slytherin!”

“Gryffindor has never had a better student than you,” Sunset puts a hand on Harry’s shoulder.

“It's true, Harry. You possess many of the qualities that Voldemort himself prizes: Determination, resourcefulness, and if I may so, a certain disregard for the rules. Why then, did the Sorting Hat place you in Gryffindor?”

“Because I asked it to,” Harry answered.

“Exactly, Harry, exactly. Which makes you different from Voldemort. It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices. If you want proof why you belong in Gryffindor, then I suggest you look more closely at this.”

Dumbledore picks up the sword off his desk, holding it out for Harry to examine.

“Be careful,” Dumbledore cautioned, as the boy takes the sword by the blade with his left hand, and its hilt with his right.

Harry looks at the blade, to see a specific name written on it.

“Godric Gryffindor,” Harry reads.

“Whoa! As in the big man himself?” Smolder exclaimed as she and the others crowd around it.

“Ah. It would take a true Gryffindor to pull that out of the hat,” Dumbledore nodded knowingly, turning his attention to everyone present.

“Wow! You guys hear that?” Gallus smiled. “We’re all true Gryffindors!”

“Even Jedi Sorceress, Sunset Shimmer is true Gryffindor!” Yona exclaimed.

Sunset Simple’s blushed, while rubbing an arm sheepishly, before she felt a gentle touch on her shoulder, revealing itself to be Celestia and Luna.

“Storm Shield told us you were instrumental of creating this in the Chamber,” Celestia smiled, holding up the Sword of Harmony — Excalibur.

“I know what this means to you, Sunset,” Luna whispered quietly. “Your father would’ve been very proud.”

Sunset looked up at both sisters before she bowed her head, hiding a tear falling from her eyes.

A/N: Return to revise this later.

Man, that's an image I won't get out of my head. Damn!

Not bad, Phantom. I hope that mine also makes the cut due to the fact that I prefer the CMC sticking with Harry along with the Young 6, Sunset, Spike, Sonata,& Storm Shield while Ron along with Shining Armor and Cadence go to Azkaban in order to retrieve Hagrid.

Discord, sometimes you're a bit of a chaotic jerk, ain't it?

P.S. Takes place after Crabbe and Goyle eat the cakes.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


Ron:How thick can you get?

Smolder:Thicker than Harry's bratty cousin and jerky uncle

Gallus:Those 2 dimwitted Muggles are like the size of pigs

Harry:Guys, focus. Let's go get them before they wake up

Sweetie Belle:Say no more, Harry. Let's move it

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Gemstone and Lil' Cheese's 1st Hogwarts Christmas

*At the middle courtyard of Hogwarts, Rarity and Erik push the stroller with little Gemstone inside as she looks at the snow for the first time ever.*

Gemstone:(cooing) Snowy!

Rarity:Yes, Gemstone darling. It's snowy

Gemstone:(babbles) Snowy soft and cushy!

Erik:(chuckling) That's correct, my little sweetheart. It's soft and cushy

Rarity:(she and Erik chuckle as they kiss each other) Merry Christmas and Happy Hearth's Warming, Erik darling

Erik:And a Merry Christmas as well as a Happy Hearth's Warming to you too, Mi amore

*They continue strolling whilst the Pie family enjoy making snow angels*

Lil' Cheese:Mommy! Daddy! Look! I made a snow angel!

Pinkie:That's wonderful, Lil' Cheesey Weesey!

Cheese Sandwich:Hey, Pinkie. (she looks at him as he points to something) Look up! (she sees a mistletoe in which they decided to kiss each other on the lips) Merry Christmas, my little Pinkster!

Pinkie:That goes for you too, Cheesey

*The couple then join their son's playtime in the snow.*

Group Admin


I hope that mine also makes the cut due to the fact that I prefer the CMC sticking with Harry along with the Young 6, Sunset, Spike, Sonata,& Storm Shield while Ron along with Shining Armor and Cadence go to Azkaban in order to retrieve Hagrid.

I must’ve missed that. Where is it?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Equestrian Student Snowball Fight

*Snow Fort 1 contains Young 6 whilst Snow Fort 2 contains CMC as the 2 groups wage a snowball war at Hogwarts*

Smolder:Take this, Crusaders!

Apple Bloom:We're pinned down! We need to do something!

Sweetie Belle:Scootaloo, return fire! Apple Bloom, cover me!

Scootaloo:You got it! (she and Apple Bloom throw more snowballs) Take this, Friendship Students!

Yona:Sandbar, return fire to Crusaders for Yona and friends!

Sandbar:Copy that! (he throws more snowballs at them) Have at thee, you fillies!

Ocellus:Keep pushing on the attack! Let's win this war

Smolder:(shouting) FOR THE SCHOOL OF FRIENDSHIP!!!!!

Sweetie Belle:Hey, Student 6 (they peer over and see a horrifying sight in which she magically summons a snow bazooka) Have a load of this! (she fires while screaming) FOR THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!!!

Gallus:(shouting) TAKE COVER!!!! (they all duck down) We're pinned down this time

Silverstream:Not if we have something to say about it! (shouting) CHAAARRRGGGEEE!!!!!

*The Student 6 charge until the Crusaders overpower them and destroy their fort in an instant*

CMC:(unison cheery) We win!

Young 6:(unison groaning) Awww nuts!

Group Admin

Makes you wonder if you'd rather be kissed by Bugs Bunny... or Peeves.

I'd rather get a f****d up lip or tongue kiss by Bugs Bunny than Peeves to be honest.

Discord:(he appears out of nowhere and points at Sunset) 10 points deducted to Gryffindor because of you, Sparky!

P.S. Takes place after the Slytherin Common Room Infiltration.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Passed Note

*Unbeknownst to Ocellus who secretly passed a note to Whisper Dream, the other Equestrians noticed it whilst hiding in Harry's Invisibility Cloak and when they made it out of harm's way, the Equestrians removed the cloak out of them and confronted Ocellus on what she did*

Pinkie:Ocellus, can we ask you something?

Ocellus:Sure. What is it?

Spike:What did you slip to Whisper Dream whilst you, Harry,& Ron were talking to Draco?

Ocellus:(shocked) How did- (she figures it out) Of course, you can see through the cloak

Spike:Can you tell us or not?

Ocellus:Okay, I'll tell you guys what I placed. (they huddle closely to her as she whispers to them) I gave her a small note of assurance to her

Applejack:What'd it say, Sugarcube?

Ocellus:It said, "Hold tight and never lose hope". I made sure that Draco didn't caught sight on what I was doing

Apple Bloom:Ocellus.....that was so kind of you to do that

Ocellus:And while I was sleeping, I asked Princess Luna to also help me see Whisper's memories and I saw a horrifying sight. (they all listen to her attentively) It turns out the Seeds were responsible for poisoning these Muggles with their false beliefs as well as letting them kill her mother and the entire village she lived. (they're all horrified on this) And back on the Quidditch field whilst you Professors were tending to Harry, me and the others learned that she escaped from it only to end up at the Malfoy Manor in which they decide to take her in but on the condition is that she has to be their slave from now on

Rainbow:(snarling) Those heartless cultist jerks! I oughta give them a massive decking that they'll be praying backwards so badly that they'll be going straight to Tartarus at once!

Harry:(confused) Seeds? Who are you lot talking about?

Rarity:Long story short, Harry; they're a cult who became enemies of ours

Smolder:Dudes, we've got to go back to the Girls Bathroom and tell Hermione about this right now!

Sunset:Not gonna argue on that. Come on!

*They all head to the Girls Bathroom in order to tell Hermione on what they saw and heard from Draco.*

Group Admin

What-If: Predators in the Dark Forest

As the heroes hike through the forest, following the spiders, they stopped in their track when they came across a gruesome sight. A dead rooster.

“Ugh!” Silverstream stuck her tongue out, with Sunset immediately covering the CMCs eyes.

“Disgusting!” Sandbar groaned.

“Yona gonna be sick…” Yona moaned with her face turning green.

Spike crouched down to inspect the dead bird, with Gallus and Smolder joining by his side.

“It’s fresh…” Spike when he touched the blood.

“Yeah? Well it smells ripe too,” Smolder said. “That’s the last rooster for Hagrid…”

“You think maybe a weasel could’ve done this?” Gallus asked.

“I don’t think so…” Sunset shook her head as she joins the investigation. “Look at these paw prints.”

The group looked at the ground to see a mix of several large paw prints, and claw marks in the dirt.

“These look too big to belong to a weasel,” Sunset pointed, before she turned to Fluttershy. “What do you think, Fluttershy? You’re the animal expert. Do these look familiar to you?”

“Oh yes. They do!” Fluttershy nodded. “These look like wolf tracks. And these looked like lions, tigers, and bear tracks.”

“Lions?” Sunset asked.

“Tigers?” Spike followed.

“Bears?” Sandbar added.

“Oh my!” Silverstream finished.

“Really Silver?” The group looked at the hippogriff with unamused expressions.

“Sorry,” Silverstream grinned sheepishly.

“Hey, wait!” Spike exclaimed. “Look at these! Shoes!”

Everyone followed where Spike was pointing to see a trail of shoes prints, coming from the entrance of the forest, then turning back to leave the same way.

“I’m no detective,” Spike began. “But if I had to guess, it looks like someone’s been coming in and coming out of the forest to drop off Hagrid’s chickens and roosters to feed whatever’s been eating them.”

“You’re right, Spike,” Sunset nodded in agreement. “But who?”

“Who would do such horrible things to all these poor birds?” Fluttershy whimpered.

“We’ll worry about that later,” Harry replied, reminding the group of the situation at hand. “Right now, we still need to follow these spiders.”

Little did the heroes know, however, they were being watched by millions of hungry red eyes. Joining them are those of an even bigger, hungrier figure.

On disclaimer: This particular Wendigo is from Stephen King’s Pet Semetary. And as a continuity nod from some of my earlier commentaries, from Carrie, it is the leader of the Predators (Them’s Fightin’ Herds) — Hungary ghosts that take the forms of Predators (lions, tigers, and bears).

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