Cinematic Adventures 250 members · 24 stories
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I don't know a quote, but here's a suggestion: When the last match is over, Fluttershy should do her cheer from the episode "Sonic Rainboom" when Scooby wins the cage match.

Group Admin

A very simple request... but I'm sure we can fill it in somehow. If you can't find any quotes, don't sweat it. Not everyone is cut out for it. We don't mind if you're just the spectator.

You might want to put the spoiler text all over this for those who don’t want to be spoiled.

Thanks, just a little something I threw together. Hopefully mr enigma and Drama Master enjoys them to.

Group Admin

We already have a few things planned which will be unveiled during the first chapter. A chapter, I might add, I'm currently putting the finishing touches upon at this time.

ok i have a crazy idea for the dazzling ,the core three and the undertaker
picture it
“the villians are hiding in wwe city where unknowly they stumble upon the undertaker’s grave yard where they nocited a couple of empty holes with tombstones when they look closer to thier horror they saw thier names on the tombstones ( instert thier reactions here) they turn around and they are face to face with the deadman and he say
“ At Wrestlemaina you’ll all REST....IN...PEACE.”
needless to say that would send them hightailing out of the graveyard.”

Group Admin

No bear is 'ever' happy especially given its nature. And this bear that our heroes will encounter shall certainly prove to be no different.

Just in case you didn’t know, this happens in the final battle at 2:05-2:22.

Group Admin

Well like I said, I never 'saw' this movie in my entire time. But as I also mentioned, this will be quite a learning experience for me.

Group Admin

*Wolf whistles*

"In this corner, fighting dirty, are the triple threats of villainy, beguiling, bedazzling, bitches of brutality, the badass of asses, the big-headed, the big egomaniac, the bumbling bumblebee, of Baddest of Bad…"

Group Admin

In the other CORNER, all the way from Equestria, and a Jedi Master from a Galaxy far, far away, here to assist her fellow legends and heroines of friendship, magic, and harmony, we have the EQUESTRIAN HEROES!!!

Group Admin

Oh yeah! And Ultra Instinct Shaggy, man!

I laugh so hard when I saw this that they put the meme in this :rainbowlaugh:

Fluttershy: Eep! Don't they have anything less... revealing?
Pinkie: Nope. It's standard wrestling gear. Also fanservice.
Rainbow: This is actually less revealing than what Jabba had me wear, and at least this doesn't include a choke chain.
Applejack: Still don't seem too practical.
Rainbow: (smirks and whispers to Applejack) By the way, you're keeping this outfit.


Rainbow: This is actually less revealing than what Jabba had me wear, and at least this doesn't include a choke chain.
Applejack: Still don't seem too practical.
Rainbow: (smirks and whispers to Applejack) By the way, you're keeping this outfit.

When the magic gets involved in the final battle, Shaggy should totally get zapped and go Ultra Instinct.

since bray wayatt is gonna be in the story i wonder how our heroes of the story is gonna react to him

Group Admin


Oh yes, the outfits look very nice indeed. Albeit, a slight repetitive in design but nice all the same.

Group Admin

To be fair, Mr. E did used them in his "Equestrian Smackdown" fic, before he deleted it. I just thought he'd appreciate to have a few blasts from the past in this next Cinematic Adventure.

Group Admin

Well, I suppose that's fair. It's been a while since that even came up. We were working on it one moment then it became a faded memory. I've seen it happen before. We start on one project but when we focus so much more on the next one, we neglect some of the ones we initially started.

Here's a throwback for Scooby Doo fans.

John Cena: Can we help you kids out?
Shaggy and Scooby: John Cena! Wow...
Pinkie: You were expecting maybe the Harlem Globetrotters?

Group Admin

Well those guys used to team with Scooby and the Gang for several mysteries in the past. Practically as much time as 'The Three Stooges' even.


[Whistles] YAH-HOO!! HUBBA HUBBA!! [Barks and howls]
Don't forget about The Adams Family.

Group Admin

Foxfan... I was going... to get to that... eventually.

Anyways, seeing the Sirens in their garbs reminds me of the works I edit from that SunTwi author. Specifically her Siren AU stories.

Comment posted by Toonwriter deleted Mar 1st, 2022


Foxfan... I was going... to get to that... eventually.

Oh... sorry.

Anyways, seeing the Sirens in their garbs reminds me of the works I edit from that SunTwi author. Specifically her Siren AU stories.

Really? I haven't heard of the works of that SunTwi author, specifically her Siren AU stories.

Group Admin

Oh yeah, they are pretty entertaining stories. They mostly focus on the Dazzlings living with this guy who took them in after their house broke down. It doesn't really follow the continuity of their initial appearances but there's a reference to the series on occasion. It's mostly a sitcom like set of shorts involving the girls and their crazy shenanigans.

You know that whole "Rarity fights a giant crab" meme? I got an idea.

Rarity's fighting Bray Wyatt.
Michael Cole: The Fiend is doing the crab walk!
Rarity: ...Crab? (gets PTSD, then snarls) IT. IS. ON, YOU FIEND!
(Rarity proceeds to beat the living hell out of Wyatt. Then hits him with her finisher.)
Michael Cole: She's setting him up! RKO! Rarity hits an RKO on the Fiend!
Shaggy: That was no RKO! That was a Diamond Cutter, if I ever saw one!

Group Admin

Hmm... perhaps we might be able to work with something. Must've been some meme at the time. Least it wasn't actually 'crabs' like you get on your feet.

ok now i have to look this meme up

Group Admin

Well, if the girls wanted the 'less revealing' wrestling attire, they'd have to perform in Saudi Arabia where those people would be appalled with such outfits. I'd call it a gross exaggeration... but they're not joking.

Yo all this looks amazing

Especially that last one

Group Admin

Oh yes, definitely fits with the whole wrestling thing we got going on with this project.

I've been wondering about what if the Mane Six talk to the Animated Mystery Inc. about the Real Life Mystery Inc. they knew. That would be interesting. It's retelling the story of how they've met the Real Life Mystery Inc, how Flurry Heart bonding with the Real Life Scooby-Doo, how they've stopped Chrysalis' plan on Spooky Island, Scrappy-Doo reconciled with the Real Life Mystery Inc., and things like that.

Like a recap.

Here's a fun callback gag to Lesson Zero.

The girls are set to train with the Big Show, and everyone is laughing cause they think they'll get squashed. The rest of the girls do well, but everyone's expecting Fluttershy to get destroyed.

Big Show: Don't worry, I'll go easy on-ow!
Fluttershy: Oh are you alright?
Big Show: Yeah, just got a link in my back.
(Fluttershy suddenly runs and gives Big Show a flying kick to the back. She jumps on his back and yanks back his legs, as he yells in pain. Then grabs his head and snaps his neck.)
John Cena: Did... did she just...
Triple H: ... What just happened?
(The Big Show groans as Fluttershy massages his shoulders.)
Fluttershy: No wonder you were in pain. There was so much stress in your shoulders.
Big Show: Ohhh, that's so much better. Where have you been all my life, Fluttershy?
The Miz: ...Really?!
Rainbow: Really!

Group Admin

There could be some potential. Big Show may do some heel stuff at times, but for a while he can be a real softy. He did get his own sitcom for a brief period.

Group Admin

Ooh! Right. I forgot about that meme.

Again...How do these meme get snowballed again?

Group Admin

Who knows? People will make up a lot of things nowadays. But if somehow we can squeeze this into the project, it won't be because of the suggestion itself. But rather the fans would see this and be like, 'Hey! I remember that meme!'.

I just found out WWE did another crossover movie with Scooby do!

While I didn't like the Bad guy reveal or the Motivation for the Evil scheme.
I did enjoy the race itself, as well as the fight/action scenes.

Group Admin

Yes, we do know about this one. But we have doubts we'll actually cover this one. For now, we're focusing on just this one.

I know, i didn't want to pitch it, just wanted to share.

Group Admin

It's all right. And we made it very clear of our awareness. Even Mr. Enigma had mentioned it previously.

Comment posted by Heavens_Angel deleted Mar 6th, 2022

Quick running gag idea for the wrestling fans. There will be random accidents throughout the story, and something glass will always get broken (Windows, bottles, cups, car windshields, etc.) and every time it happens, Mr. McMahon gets scared and hides. The Mane 6 get curious.

Twilight: Uh, Mr. McMahon, why do you keep freaking out whenever you hear glass breaking?
Mr. McMahon: Oh, it's nothing, just... bad memories.

Then, maybe during the big fight, some wrestling legends join the fight against the Legion of Doom. HBK, Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan, and so on. And then they hear the glass shatter and Stone Cold Steve Austin joins the fight. And they clear it up after the fight.

Twilight: So, Mr. McMahon is scared of breaking glass because of your entrance music?
Stone Cold: Yep.
Mr. McMahon: Stone Cold and I have a... complicated history.
Stone Cold: You hated me from the second we met.
Mr. McMahon: Well, yeah... but you had a tendency to overreact. Like, the Zamboni incident, filling my car with cement, the monster truck...
Stone Cold: Did ya forget that you took every chance to screw me outta the title, and made my life a living hell for years?
Mr. McMahon: Uh... well, that's not important right now. What's important is, thanks to these wonderful ladies and their friends, Wrestlemania has been saved! So, how about we embrace the, uh, "Magic of Friendship" and put it all behind us?
(Mr. McMahon offers his hand to Stone Cold. Everyone stares, and Stone Cold eventually smiles.)
Stone Cold: Eh, why not?
(They shake hands and everyone cheers.)
Stone Cold: Oh wait, I know why not! Cause it just ain't Wrestlemania until Ol' Stone Cold does this!
(Stone Cold gives McMahon a Stunner.)
Twilight: That wasn't very friendly!
Pinkie: And yet, it was oddly satisfying.
Rainbow: You mean awesome!

This might also work if you guys want to have McMahon be revealed to be evil, since most of Vince's time on TV was as a heel.

Group Admin

We'll definitely think about it. McMahon and Austin do have a very intense history.

the texas rattlesnake awsome

Group Admin

Currently working on the latest chapter as of this moment. Should be ready either by today or as late as tomorrow.

How could be Fluttershy's reaction with the origin of the ghost bear?

Oh yes, especially now when it's confirmed Austin's going to be at WrestleMania.

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