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With only one chapter remaining in the Greatest Showman, it’s time to start looking for quotes for our next story. So everyone feel free to leave your ideas in the comments below

There’s only one chapter left!?
Dang! We whizzed right through this one!

If I come up with anything, I’ll jot it down, sir!

Group Admin

It's hard to believe that we're already near the end of this story as it wasn't exactly a short and sweet movie. But we have something special planned for this upcoming chapter which is currently in production as we speak. In the meantime, any 'good' suggestions as far as quotes are concerned for this upcoming project are more than welcome in this thread.

The announcer saying, “But what’s this? The Ghost Bear has gotten its second wind! And it doesn’t look too happy! Things do not look good, folks!”

Group Admin

I think I got one

Daphne and Velma: You didn't bring the luggage?!
Shaggy and Scooby: Uh oh.

Rarity: How could the two of you forget to bring the luggage?!

Daphne: Of all the food-induced insane things you two have done, this really takes the cake.

Shaggy and Scooby: mmm, cake.
Pinkie pie: here you go.

Pinkie hands them a cake

Daphne: I mean it!!

Applejack: Uh, beg pardon Daphne, but uh, we don't wear clothes.

Rainbow Dash: and besides, did you really expect these two of all people to pack stuff in that isn't food based.

Pinkie pie: that's what I do everyday.

Shaggy: like, what's the big deal, we all wear the same outfits every single day anyway.

They all blinked in surprise:

Fred: well you have to admit it, he does have a point.

Velma looks at her clothes and Daphne Huffs. Rarity on the other hand had one eye twitching rapidly
Rarity: every... Single... Day?
Rarity faints dramatically.

The ponies and wrestler have Tirek on the ropes. The crowd chants.
Tirek: (gets an idea.) Yes... yes, I do suck!
(Tirek sucks out the ponies' magic and gets stronger)

One of the best lines in scooby Doo when it comes to 4th wall breaks/4th wall awareness :rainbowlaugh:

And rarity reaction is also priceless to

Help from A.J Lee

Fred: Could you help them, Cookie?

Scooby and Shaggy: Yes! Please-please-please!

Spike: If I can't use my fire or even fly that's an advantage out the window for me.

Cookie: Well, I think I can train them enough so they could survive... For a few minutes.

The three boys looked glum knowing they were still going to get dominated by Kane.

Cookie: A.J, you wanna help me here?

A.J Lee: Sure, Cookie. (Skips over) Hi, boys.

Spike: (Gasp) A.J Lee.

A.J: I heard you could use some practice sessions (pats Scooby's head). Wouldn't want those itty bitty whiskers or those spikey spines to get bent (tickles Shaggy's chin and stroke's Spike's spines).

Spike blushed, as Shaggy giggled.

Shaggy: You know guys, maybe like this won't be so bad after all.

Spike: This'll definitely be an experience.

Suddenly A.J's sweet demeanor was replaced with a firm look as she grabbed Shaggy and Spike and pulled them closer to her.

A.J: Never underestimate a diva (smirks).

Spike: Shaggy, I'm scared now.

Rainbow: (To Applejack) They're doomed, huh?

Applejack: Oh, yeah.

Group Admin

:rainbowlaugh:, yeah, I agree with you there

Group Admin

That actually draws up a very good point with some cartoon characters. In most shows, we question why they usually end up with nearly the same exact outfits in nearly every episode. But in more modern questions, creators take that similar concept and find ways of explaining that circumstance without going into too much detail. Like for example, when looking in said character's closet, they have the same exact style and colors of their usual choice in garbs and some of which set for a specific day in the week.

Yeah, it’s fun when cartoons make and poke fun of/at themselves and meta!

Man, it's been so long, I forgot about AJ Lee.

Maybe it would be funny to have a running gag with people calling out for "AJ" and Applejack and AJ Lee get confused.

Rainbow: Hey, AJ!
AJ Lee: Yeah?
Rainbow: Not you, I'm looking for Applejack.
AJ Lee: Oh

Shaggy: Where's AJ?
Applejack: Uh, I'm right here.
Shaggy: Oh, no, sorry I meant AJ Lee.
Applejack: Oh.

Twilight: I got an idea! AJ!
Both Applejack and AJ Lee: Yeah?
Pinkie: OK, this is getting old, we really need to find one of them a nickname or something.

i wonder how the girls and tirek will react to the undertaker and that include his entrance music

I wonder that too, but what music is he going to have? American Badass, Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down, The Corporate Ministry theme, or just the theme he had for most of his career?

i think the fourth one cause that is what define undertaker: epic and awesome and awe-inspiring

You mean the Corporate Ministry theme? I'd be cool with that. But I think American Badass, and Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down would fit him more, but that's just me.

i ment the the fourth one i didn’t noticed the corporates ministry

so what would be their reaction when the music come on

The Mane Six, Spike, and Mystery Inc. probably would be scared, and Tirek probably would be unfazed.

but when Tirek see the Deadman and his power that might send a shiver down his spine also that give me an idea

how about all of the above?
Maybe he could going up against the four forms of undertaker.

Brawlhalla x WWE

Unique Weapon Unlocked!:coolphoto:


Group Admin

i got another one related to the clothes thing

Rarity got up from her fainting
Twilight: Come to think of it, my friends from Canterlot High wore the same clothes every day too.
Rarity heard that in shock, causing her to faint dramatically again.

I can also see Rarity fainting when she sees John Cena.

Group Admin

That would be a pretty funny gag. Especially with the two A.J.'s deal going on.

Undertaker did not appear in that movie, he appeared in the sequel "Curse of the Demon Speed"

Read the intro post, they announced he's going to be in this one.

Meeting Mystery Inc,.....again?

Based of a scene of dialogue from this game:

From 1:28:24 to 1:29:14

Twilight: SCOOBY! Guys! What are you doing here?

Shaggy: Whoa Man! Like, Talking horses! That's Wild!

Scooby: Reah! Rild!

Spike: Wait, what are you taking about? It's us!

Fred: Do we know you?

Rainbow: We're The Mane Six and Spike; Equestrian Heroes!!

The Gang: (in unison) Never heard of you....

Fluttershy: (Somberly) But, don't remember us?

Rarity: Surely you all gest!

Applejack: You know us guys! The Coolsonium Criminology Museum! Thrilling car and motorbike chases! Adventures in your home town!
Spooky Island!!

Pinkie Pie: A fake reporter ruining your reputation! Swapping our bodies with our protoplasms! Running for our lives from Chrysalis and her hordes of monsters twice! Pointing and laughing when Shaggy turned into a lady!

Shaggy: Like, Say what now?

Velma: Ridiculous! All of it! Are you guys animatronics or something like-

Daphne: Wait? Is this one of those hidden camera shows?

Pinkie: No, this is real life. Though now that i look at you guys, there is something different about you guys...….hmmmmm…….A-Ha! I got it!...You're wearing your old outfits!

Applejack: and they look like teenagers again.

Rarity: and this is not Coolsville.

Storm Shield: and they kinda

[It was then that it finally struck Twilight.]

Twilight: aaaaah,.....i think i know what's going on here..... I think we might be in another alternate completely different dimension that just so happens to have people who look like the same friends that we know already.

Storm: Like your friends at Canterlot High?

Twilight: YES! Exactly!.... This isn't OUR Mystery Incorporated, Everypony.

Storm: Huh. ....... Quantum Theory........ that would also explains why most of the other humans and the animals here look close to us. Sorry for the Confusion.

My Little Pony: Cinematic Adventures: Scooby-Doo! WrestleMania Mystery

The Mystery Solved!

As John Cena and Sin Cara got their hold on the Ghost Bear, everyone has gathered around in the ring to find out who's behind all of this. The Mane Six, Storm Shield, Spike, The Mystery Inc. and Vince McMahon came into the ring as Fred walked towards the Ghost Bear.

Fred: Now let's see who this Ghost Bear really is. (he took off the Ghost Bear's mask as everyone around the arena gasped in shock as the face revealed to be Cookie...)

John Cena: (stunned) Cookie?

Vince McMahon: (stunned) Cookie?

WWE Wrestlers: (shocked) Cookie!?

The Mane Six, Storm Shield and Spike were shocked as well.

Twilight Sparkle: (shocked) Cookie!?

Rarity: (stunned) Oh my...

Applejack: (stunned) Well, Ah'll be...

Rainbow Dash: (shocked) I didn't see that coming.

Pinkie Pie: (shocked) Me neither.

Ruben: Uncle Cookie... (he walked up to Cookie) Why? WWE is your life.

Velma: WWE was his life, but sadly your Uncle Cookie never got the glory.

Daphne: And his injury put him out of the spotlight.

Fred: Permanently.

Daphne: He started to truly resent WWE, because he knew he could never be the champion he always dreamed of being.

Velma: The resentment grew into hatred over the years as he trained others to be what he could not.

Fred: That's when he developed his plan for revenge.

Daphne: But that wouldn't be enough. He needed a pawn to steal the championship belt.

Velma: That's when he devised the idea of hacking into a video game, and placing post-hypnotic suggestions into it.

Daphne: That game would become part of a contest, which Cookie set up with fake emails he sent throughout WWE.

Velma: That's why he used the bear to attack your video game studio to cover his tracks.

Fred: The contest assured that only the most skilled pond would arrive at WWE City to aid in the theft. Cookie then used flashing lights to activate Scooby's post-hypnotic programming.

Daphne: When Cookie identified the belt in Scooby's bed as the championship belt, he was lying. He'd already switched them.

Velma: With Scooby taking the blame, Cookie was free to carry his ultimate plan.

The Mane Six, Storm Shield and Spike then turned to Ms. Richards as they disappointedly glared at her for accusing Scooby and Shaggy from earlier. Ms. Richards knew that they were right, and she was wrong.

Fred: Which was to turn out the lights. And with the help of the bear create so much panic and injury, that WrestleMania would be completely ruined and WWE would never recover.

John Cena: But thanks to Fred here, we got the lights back on pretty quick. Good work. (he tapped Fred's back as a job well done)

Fred: Uh, thanks.

Pinkie Pie: (she stand next to John Cena) What about me? I helped too.

John Cena: (smiled) Yes, yes, Pinkie. (he rubbed Pinkie's mane) You helped a lot too.

Pinkie Pie: (smiled with a squee)

The policemen arrived and got their hold on Cookie. Vince McMahon walked up to the Mystery Inc.

Vince McMahon: And the real championship belt, where is it now?

Velma: Elementary my dear, Mr. McMahon. Cookie's wearing it.

John Cena walked up to Cookie as he opened his Ghost Bear costume, and there it is, the championship belt.

John Cena: (he takes the championship belt from Cookie) Sorry, Cookie. But championship belt isn't for cheaters, it's for champions.

John Cena turned back to the crowd as he held up the championship belt high into the air. The crowd cheered and applauded. Ms. Richards came up to Vince McMahon.

Ms. Richards: Good call hiring these kids and ponies, sir. I thought they might come in handy.

Vince McMahon: Just get Cookie out of here!

Ms. Richards: Yes, sir. Will do, sir. You bet. (she lead the policemen as they took Cookie away from the arena)

The Mane Six, Storm Shield, Spike, the Mystery Inc. and John Cena came up to Vince McMahon.

Velma: The championship belt was the icing on the cake, Mr. McMahon. Cookie could live off its golden jewels for the rest of his life.

John Cena hands Vince McMahon the championship belt as Cookie is being dragged away by the policemen, being booed by the crowd.

Cookie: Then I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you, meddling kids, ponies and your gay crazy dog!

Fluttershy: (she shouted out to Cookie) And don't you frame our friend, Scooby-Doo ever again! (she sighed as Rainbow Dash came up to her)

Rainbow Dash: Feel a little better, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: (she nodded her head) Uh-huh, a whole lot better now that Scooby's not suspected anymore.

Stemming from my favorite scene! (It's been awhile so pardon my paraphrasing. Hope You all Like It!)

*The Persuasion*
Shaggy: We got to go! We just got to go! It's the ultimate slamtastic moment of a lifetime! It's Wrestle Mania!
Scooby Doo: *Nods Excitedly* Yeah Yeah Yeah yeah!
Fred: I don't know guys, it doesn't really sound like something were into.
Velma: And I have alot of reading to catchup on.
Daphne: *Scrolls through her phone looking bored* Uh no thanks.

The Mane 6 looked surprised to see the Mystery Inc crew turning down a chance of going on a adventure and sat looking over at Shaggy and Scooby wondering how they were gonna react. Luckily the food obessed teen had planned for this. Rainbow Dash especially was very annoyed nobody even suggested chaperoning the group because she was just as excited to visit WWE city as well. The blue pegasus lived for the action and excitement! This seemed like a dream come true for her!

Now what do we do? Fluttershy asked nervously.

This is so unfair! Dash or (Scootaloo if you want to use her as a guest) said pouting slightly.

Don't worry girls, I got this! Shaggy said facing this group of mystery solving friends. Come On Guys, Scoob and I don't really ask for anything!

Aside from Scooby Snacks? Pinkie mentioned breifly

Aside from that. I can't even count how many times we were both used as bait to catch some crazy mask wearing villian!

Scooby Doo:*nods in agreement* Yeah!

Twilight Sparkle: Come to think of it, you 2 both seem to do that a lot.

Shaggy: I got the Photos to prove it! *takes out a huge stack of black photos surprising all the girls*

Rainbow Dash: Where the heck did those all come from?

Applejack: Don't Ask Hun, Just Don't

Shaggy: take a good look people! Exhibit A! Here's the time you made us dressed up as giant tools to catch the Monsterous Mechanic!

Rarity:*slightly cringes* Oh dear, those costumes look positively dreadfull and uncomfortable!

Scooby Doo: Re were *Translation* They Were!

Shaggy Rogers: *continues* Or as ducks to catch the Horrific Huntsman! Or the time you had us be a cow to catch the Craze cowgirl from beyond the grave! Scooby Doo almost got milked!

(if she ends up coming) Flurry Heart: Aw poor Scooby, where at?

Pinkie: *Smiles eagerly ready to explain.* Well you see the girl had to touch!

Twilight:*sheepishly interupts not wanting her neice to find out* Ok Moving On!

Scooby Doo: *Looks down in shame* It was so humiluating!

Fluttershy attempted to comfort the shaking Great Dane as Shaggy took out one last photo.

Shaggy Rogers: And the peice of de la resitanciance! The time we posed as Senior Pepo Jose and his hairless dancing Chihuaha Granditio. To catch the ghastly convito of gualla Horra!

The Mane Six all gasped in a mix of shock horror and anger seeing that particular image while Rarity faints to the floor.



Fred: It seemed like a good idea at the time!

Velma; Yeah! besides fur grows back!

Scooby Doo:*whimpers and shakes his head sadly* The hair didn't even grow back in some places!

Shaggy:*emphasis his point by shoving the image closer* Scooby was naked! Look at him! Just look at him!

Pinkie*Imitates the bald fish from The Spongebob Squarepants Movie: AHH MY EYES!


Twilight: Ok Ok!

Velma: *finally gives in*We get it!

Fred: You Win Shaggy!

Daphne: *Does a spit take* Win? WAIT WHAT!

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin










Scooby Doo Wrestlemania Mystery The Parallel Timeline Theory Written by Tim Ribbert Proofread by Dramamaster829

The Mane Six, Spike, and Mystery Inc. were all settled in the mystery machine and together they made their way to WWE City. It was there that patrons could get their daily dose of Smackdown wrestling at any time. While most of Mystery Inc. were excited, especially Scooby and Shaggy, they were understandably confused over the fact they have a bunch of ponies for passengers (And a Dragon). They claim to be their friends despite the gang’s statement that they never met each other… ever.

“So like you met us before in some other universe where we broke up?” Shaggy asked, confused.

“Yes Shaggy,” Twilight replied. “I know it’s as confusing for you but trust me when I say we’re telling the truth.

Fred Jones, meanwhile, looked at the rear view mirror to catch a glimpse of the mysterious ponies all the while trying to understand what was going on.

“But if we met you guys before, wouldn’t we remember that day?” Fred asked. “It seems farfetched to be honest.”

“Not necessarily Fred,” Velma spoke up. “If I learned anything from the parallel timeline theory, anything is possible.”

But soon as she said it, almost everyone’s head tilt with confusion.

“The Parallel what?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow.

“The Parallel Timeline theory,” Twilight explained, standing up. “The theory goes that every single choice we make causes an opposite timeline. Sometimes they’re similar, while sometimes they’re different.”

“They can exist with other timelines so long as they don’t collide with each other,” Velma concluded.

“Oh great… double eggheads all over!” Rainbow groaned, rolling her eyes.

Needless to say, both Velma and Twilight frowned over that remark.

i like this one

WrestleMania Sure did have a lot of weird crossovers.

The Muppets

RoboCop And Chucky

Think we can have a joke about RoboCop chasing after an escaped convict Chucky?


Special training montage for Shaggy and Scooby.

Sony pictures animation surfs up also had a crossover with them to


"Surf's Up 2: WaveMania"

Group Admin

Wow, nice job:pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Huh, that was actually pretty good.

Is there going to be a reference to the Showtime story with the Wrestlemania? Because that would be interesting.

Can you do the scene where The Mane 6 meet The Undertaker? I just haven't seen this movie yet. I think it would be funny if the ponies mistake him for a zombie when they meet him the first time.

Is there going to be a villain from Equestria in this adventure? Because if so, I have an idea, but it doesn't make sense if the monster acts alone.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

Wow I never had someone ask me to do a quote

Group Admin

Weird is right... but then again, I've seen weirder. I've even seen Robocop in a few of those wrestling CAW leagues but this one... he was treated like a jobber.

Here's my suggestion, based on the Mickey Mouse short Tapped Out: During a match

Spike: Oh that *Insert name*! If I had the chance, I'd show him what for. I'd give him one of these! And some of this and this! And lights out! *performing fight moves while speaking*

Pinkie: *has a tray of nachos and avoids the moves* Hey! Watch the nachos bub! *growls*

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