Chess Players of Fimfiction 38 members · 62 stories
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Group Admin


They got into a land war in Asia? :rainbowwild:

Group Admin

Almost. There were horses involved and it was very brutal, so Mongolia was probably an inspiration.


e5, N moves
Bxh7 Kxh7
Ng5+ looks promising


Seriously though, e5 attacking the knight, giving black the option of either moving it or getting a bad trade. If Ng4, Bxh7+, Kxh7, Ng5+, King retreats, Qxg4. The King can refuse to take the bishop of course, but the queen is on her way over regardless and the black knight is a bit trapped at that point.

Group Admin

Those are correct. Apparently the best move for black is to give up the knight on f6 immediately, else black does get the classic bishop sacrifice.
Interestingly, black in this game apparently thought they were fine, as they followed with Bxc3, I took back, and they played Nd5, threatening the pawn. Then it went:
Bxh7+! Kxh7
Ng5+ Kg8 (computer, as usual, suggests a picturesque suicide with Qxg5; the typical way of defending after the bishop sacrifice with Kg6 doesn't work as after Qd3+ black soon gets checkmated)
Qh5 Re8?? (again, Qxg5 is the only move)
Qh7+ Kf8

No idea, but advancing the e pawn looks good.

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