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don’t give a darn of you guys saying that she isn’t a self-absorbed hypocrite or one-dimensional Mary Sue, because that’s how she came across to me personally

Self-absorbed? Her entire motivation for helping the umbrum was thinking that they'd been wrongly maligned. Her entire motivation for doing so, as shown in the comic panel that you yourself posted, was to help Sombra. On learning that the umbrum were truly evil she's immediately concerned about the safety of the Crystal Empire and Equestria. And she ends her arc trying to help her friend Sombra put Princess Amore back together, help him make up for one of his mistakes.

You're gonna have to walk me through how she's "self-absorbed" because her entire motivation is wrapped up in trying to help others, often at her own expense.

As for her being a Mary Sue, a character can't come across as a Mary Sue to you. "Mary Sue" is an actual (if somewhat informal) literary term with an actual definition and criteria, so it's not about whether you think she's a Mary Sue, it's about whether or not she fits the actual definition. To be a Mary Sue, she has to:

  1. Unrealistically lack in flaws or weaknesses;
  2. Be inexplicably competent at anything she attempts;
  3. Be inexplicably liked or loved by other characters;
  4. Sideline the main characters despite their own competence

If she meets those criteria, she's a Mary Sue. If she doesn't, then she isn't. This isn't about what you feel, Please note that I am not saying that Radiant Hope isn't a Mary Sue, though nor am I saying that she is. I am only saying that your opinion on the matter is irrelevant, unless you're using the drooling two-braincell colloquial definition of a Mary Sue, e.g., "female character I don't like".

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Self-absorbed? Her entire motivation for helping the umbrum was thinking that they'd been wrongly maligned. Her entire motivation for doing so, as shown in the comic panel that you yourself posted, was to help Sombra. On learning that the umbrum were truly evil she's immediately concerned about the safety of the Crystal Empire and Equestria. And she ends her arc trying to help her friend Sombra put Princess Amore back together, help him make up for one of his mistakes.

You're gonna have to walk me through how she's "self-absorbed" because her entire motivation is wrapped up in trying to help others, often at her own expense.

Because she got what she wanted in the end! She got Sombra back, and all in the most impossible and illogical way possible. She wanted Sombra and have him be her lover, and her success in getting him back basically made Sombra fall in a destiny that was not out of his own choosing or his free will! That’s also why I think she set up a pretty toxic standard for the overall morals and themes, and literally gives friendship and love a bad name. Basically, for a pony who believes choice is what determines destiny, Hope never gave Sombra a choice at all!

  1. Unrealistically lack in flaws or weaknesses;
  2. Be inexplicably competent at anything she attempts;
  3. Be inexplicably liked or loved by other characters;
  4. Sideline the main characters despite their own competence

Yep. Hope meets all of those qualifications to a tee. That’s why I consider her a Mary Sue. The fact that she also faced no consequences or punishment for her actions only fuels this belief of mine more, along with how idiotic and unlikable the Main Six were being in favor of her getting the story’s focus.


Because she got what she wanted in the end!

…right, so we’re adding “self-absorbed” to the list of words and phrases that you don’t actually know the meaning of. Man, listening to you talk in real life must be a Hell of a roller coaster.


Man, listening to you talk in real life must be a Hell of a roller coaster.


A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Look who’s talking.

Also, I happen to know what self-absorbed means, which is a term for arrogance and thinking only of oneself.

Yeah, so how does the fact that things work out for her have anything to do with Radiant Hope being self-absorbed, then? Because Radiant clearly does not think only of herself since every almost action she takes is motivated by concern for someone else. She literally - and I do mean “literally” - can’t be self-absorbed.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Yeah, so how does the fact that things work out for her have anything to do with Radiant Hope being self-absorbed, then?

Yes. Because regardless of her being deceived, she always thought of herself as right about everything. The story basically kept playing to her favor by making her the right one, including when it came to Sombra.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Man, listening to you talk in real life must be a Hell of a roller coaster.

Says the person who often communicates with me via internet rather than in-person. I’m pretty much going to tell you that you’re incredibly difficult to talk to.


Yes. Because regardless of her being deceived, she always thought of herself as right about everything. The story basically kept playing to her favor by making her the right one, including when it came to Sombra.

How can the story keep playing into her favor by making her the right one when she actually was wrong about the Umbrum? Plus, of course she thought she was right about them, they had manipulated her since childhood. For over a thousand years. It's pretty understandable that she thought she was right, but she immediately switched to trying to stop them the instant she was shown she was wrong. The only thing she turned out to be right about was that there was goodness in Sombra and that he wasn't destined to be a monster. Speaking of...

She wanted Sombra and have him be her lover, and her success in getting him back basically made Sombra fall in a destiny that was not out of his own choosing or his free will! That’s also why I think she set up a pretty toxic standard for the overall morals and themes, and literally gives friendship and love a bad name. Basically, for a pony who believes choice is what determines destiny, Hope never gave Sombra a choice at all!

How did Hope not give Sombra a choice? She spends the whole comic as the only person trying to convince him that he does have a choice! Sombra thinks he is destined to be a monster and he can't be anything else due to his vision in the Crystal Heart and the Umbrum manipulating him. Hope is trying to tell him that's bullcrap and he can choose to be whatever he wants. She never manipulates him, never intentionally lies to him, and never tries to force him to do anything. Yes she wants him to be good, believes he still can be and tries to convince him, but she's never manipulative or forceful about it. Your entire argument here is nonsense.

That's the whole point of the ending, when Sombra turns on the Umbrum and places the Crystal Heart in it's proper place, that is him making a choice. Just like he chose to be a monster, even though he thought he didn't. It's just this time it's a choice he's making fully of his own desires because he wants to do it. Even though he knows it's about to kill him too. And then he's saved by Hope and the Princesses, who decided to help due to him making such a choice.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


How can the story keep playing into her favor by making her the right one when she actually waswrong about the Umbrum?

She still believed that Sombra was good inside, and that he could be a better pony, to which the story purposefully supported her belief by the end.

How did Hope not give Sombra a choice? She spends the whole comic as the only person trying to convince him that he does have a choice!

Because Sombra turning good and becoming Hope’s official lover feels too much like it was part of a destiny built by her, not to mention it seemed too story-convenient. If he had ever made a choice of his own to begin with, he should’ve actually carved a destiny that’s far from what happens in the story.

That's the whole point of the ending, when Sombra turns on the Umbrum and places the Crystal Heart in it's proper place, that is him making a choice.

Honestly, that part seemed too much like it was purposefully intended by Hope. Like she secretly made him do it based on her desires to get him back.


She still believed that Sombra was good inside, and that he could be a better pony, to which the story purposefully supported her belief by the end.

She was wrong about the Umbrum and right about Sombra. That's 50/50 on what she was right about. Even then she was clearly getting frustrated with Sombra as shown in the page you yourself posted, she might have given up on him eventually if he hadn't stopped. She wasn't ready to give up on her childhood best friend yet though. Besides, convincing Sombra to stop was pretty much the only thing she could even do anymore, if that didn't work she couldn't do much else against him and the Umbrum.

Because Sombra turning good and becoming Hope’s official lover feels too much like it was part of a destiny built by her, not to mention it seemed too story-convenient. If he had ever made a choice of his own to begin with, he should’ve actually carved a destiny that’s far from what happens in the story.

He never officially became her lover. People ship them and you can read their bond as romantic but nothing in the comic says they officially became a couple. They're still just good, close friends by the end. Sombra had for the most part never wanted to be a monster and had always wanted to be with Hope in the comics, so his choice in the end makes perfect sense, it was what both he and Hope wanted. It sounds like you're just mad Sombra made a choice you didn't want him to and blame Hope for it. It's fine if you didn't like the direction the story took but your ranting about Radiant Hope and how supposedly terrible of a person she is doesn't really hold up.

Honestly, that part seemed too much like it was purposefully intended by Hope. Like she secretly made him do it based on her desires to get him back.

There's no evidence of this. You're getting angry about something that never happened.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Well, in the end, everything I stated is basically how I interpreted the entire story and Hope’s character. I don’t care whether anyone would say otherwise because what they see is not what I see.

And ergo, you are not capable of distinguishing between personal feelings and facts.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

🙄There you go again.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

You might as well come out and say that you’re a biased fan of “Siege of the Crystal Empire” and Radiant Hope, because all the excuses you created for defending her and the story are 100% give aways on that.

And here’s the comedy: I’ve never read Siege. I’ve just skimmed through it, in response to your assertions about it, to see if what you’re saying holds up to any degree of scrutiny.

Spoiler: it doesn’t.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

You certainly do a good job at making yourself sound like you read it, I’ll tell you that.

That’s because critical reading is a skill I’ve practiced extensively at thanks to my hobbies.

On top of that, though, I worked at a movie theater for 3 years, and before that I had a friend who worked at the theater for 10 years. For thirteen years I did not pay to see moves, and as a result I saw essentially every movie released into the English-language market between 2005 and 2018, many of them multiple times. And a direct effect of that has been that I’ve become very familiar with storytelling and all the parts of it.

So it’s why I can, for example, correctly identify that Radiant Hope isn’t in any way selfish. Nor is she a Mary Sue.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


So it’s why I can, for example, correctly identify that Radiant Hope isn’t in any way selfish. Nor is she a Mary Sue.

You realize that’s still nothing more than an opinion, right?

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Spoiler: it doesn’t.

That’s your opinion.

I personally don’t believe that your background in the theater entitles what you perceive as fact, because frankly…differences in opinions and perceptions are part of the human condition. Therefore, anything about Whitley’s Sombra comics that you claim to be fact is still highly opinionated.

At least I’m man enough to admit that everything I’m saying about the comics is my own personal opinion.

Is it? Again, there are certain things that are pretty easy to identify as facts. For example, it is a fact that Radiant Hope is not self-absorbed, because virtually every choice and action she takes is made with the intention of helping others, even when it comes at her own personal expense, and always for the sake of helping those others, not herself. She can’t be self-absorbed.


differences in opinions and perceptions are part of the human condition

Of course they are!

Too bad that what you state is frequently neither framed as an opinion, nor holds up as being an opinion when actually examined. You make assertions that you believe to be factually true. Which means that you can be - and incidentally frequently are - factually wrong.

everything I’m saying about the comics is my own personal opinion

But no, it’s not, RE: whether or not Radiant Hope is self-absorbed, for example.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Too bad that what you state is frequently neither framed as an opinion, nor holds up as being an opinion when actually examined. You make assertions that you believe to be factually true. Which means that you can be - and incidentally frequently are - factually wrong.

But no, it’s not, RE: whether or not Radiant Hope is self-absorbed, for example.

And there it is.

Proof that you’re arrogant and that you believe yourself to always be the right one.

I don’t care what you say. An opinion is an opinion, and a perception is a perception. I think Hope is a self-absorbed Mary Sue, while you don’t. Everything I’ve stated about Hope is only what I think, nothing more than that. Just like what you’ve stated about Discord, if I recall correctly.

Frankly speaking, we’re getting nowhere with this debate, and it’s for this very reason:

We’re both clearly very headstrong and stubborn individuals who refuse to believe one another or take each other seriously. And that is a fact.


I don’t care what you say. An opinion is an opinion, and a perception is a perception. I think Hope is a self-absorbed Mary Sue, while you don’t. Everything I’ve stated about Hope is only what I think, nothing more than that.

Self-Absorbed: Preoccupied with one's own feelings, interests, or situation.

This is the definition of Self-Absorbed I immediately found when I looked it up. Does this description fit Radiant Hope as a character? Well, looking just at the comic page of her interacting with Sombra that you posted I would say no. She says in that page that she gave up on her training and dream of being a Princess in order to try and help Sombra. She considered helping her friend to be more important than her own goals. Not something that someone who is self-absorbed would do.

Almost every action Hope takes is done to try and help someone else, mainly Sombra, as well as the Umbrum before she realized they were evil. She even goes as far as to throw herself in front of one of Twilight's blasts that was meant for Sombra in another page, she'd rather herself be harmed than him. In the end of the story she joins Sombra on his quest to restore Princess Amore, wanting to help both him and the Princess. At no point in the story does Hope ever act in a manner that is "Self-Absorbed". Words have meanings, self-absorbed doesn't just mean whatever you would like it to mean. You are factually incorrect about her character.

Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted Jan 6th, 2023


Proof that you’re arrogant and that you believe yourself to always be the right one.

AMU, have you ever noticed how many downvotes your posts tend to get when compared to mine in these arguments? Despite the fact that I have well-earned reputation on this site for being an argumentative bastard? It’s one thing to take the stance that I’m wrong; it’s another thing entirely to reject the clear consensus of the majority.

This is an appeal to popularity, yes, which is a logical fallacy, but I’ve been trying to argue logically with you for three years now and it just never works because you flat refuse to engage with logical arguments. You refuse to listen to logic, so maybe you’ll take a step back, take a deep breath, and ponder this question:

If everyone else is telling you that you’re wrong about something, and can provide paragraphs and paragraphs of evidence that you’re wrong about that thing, doesn’t it at least merit some consideration that you might, in fact, be wrong?

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

So what?

She may not be self-absorbed, but does having a caring nature make her any better? Or excuse how terribly written and poorly characterized she was?

No. It doesn’t.

If anything, she deserves either a lifelong imprisonment in Tartarus or a permanent petrification in stone, particularly because I noted that she never expressed a single bit of regret or apology for all she did. And again, she got what she wanted in the end, which was to get Sombra back and prove that there’s good in him. All of these things still make her an unlikable Mary Sue, at least to me.


So what?

So we’re expecting you to concede that you were wrong about her being self-absorbed.

And we’re expecting you to reflect on the possibility that if you were wrong about that, perhaps you were also wrong about other things, feelings be damned.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


If everyone else is telling you that you’re wrong, doesn’t it at least merit some consideration that you might, in fact, be wrong?

In terms of the downvotes, no. In the past, I’ve always gotten downvotes simply because there are people who don’t like me or just enjoy trolling me, so I’m never able to tell for sure why I get downvotes. The only time I’m even able to tell if I get a downvote out of a disagreement is if there aren’t any trolling comments, and whenever there are…well, that’s where I can no longer tell.

I’ve been trying to argue logically with you for three years now and it just never works. You refuse to listen to logic

Because I can’t understand what you’re telling me in the first place. Every time you explain something to me, it always feels like you’re talking to me in a different language or you’re speaking in gibberish. A lot of times, I’d get more confused than understanding because your words tend to be hard for me to keep up with or get.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


So we’re expecting you to concede that you were wrong about her being self-absorbed.

I’m saying that I don’t care if I’m wrong about that. Radiant Hope is still one of the most terribly-written and poorly-characterized characters I ever saw.

She’s still incredibly hypocritical and one-dimensional beyond compare, or two-dimensional if you really think she had even a remote sense of development. She’s also still a Mary Sue because she got Sombra back and was coming across as Mrs. Always Right by the end of the fourth issue.


I’ve always gotten downvotes simply because there are people who don’t like me or just enjoy trolling me

Are you sure it’s that, and not the fact that you’ve been flat wrong but refused to believe such?

Every time you explain something to me, it always feels like you’re talking to me in a different language or you’re speaking in gibberish

Then you need remedial English courses because while I can definitely wax poetic when I want to, I don’t write above a 12th grade level on my best day and usually more like an 8th or 9th grade level. Assuming you are an adult who finished High School, you shouldn’t be having trouble understanding me and, notably, in twenty years of being on various message boards on the Internet arguing about all sorts of things you are the only person who has ever claimed to have a consistent problem understanding me.


If anything, she deserves either a lifelong imprisonment in Tartarus or a permanent petrification in stone, particularly because I noted that she never expressed a single bit of regret or apology for all she did. And again, she got what she wanted in the end, which was to get Sombra back and prove that there’s good in him. All of these things still make her an unlikable Mary Sue, at least to me.

Much as I think the comic throwing in an apology line in there would have been nice, I think a verbal apology is honestly the least important part of making amends for your mistakes. More important is working to fix or atone for your mistakes and resolving to do good in the future. Both of which Hope did in the story. If somebody like Discord, who has done worse than her in every single way, and has done so continuously despite all his apologies, doesn't deserve to be entombed in stone once more for his crimes, I don't see a single reason why Hope should be. I don't believe you have any genuine moral outrage at Radiant Hope's actions, you just personally hate her and want to see her suffer for that.

As for her getting what she wants in the end, it's called a Happy Ending. They're rather common in My Little Pony.


don’t care if I’m wrong about that.

Then it shouldn’t trouble you to just say that you were wrong.

She’s still incredibly hypocritical

Explain this, because my skimming showed her to be pretty consistent in her thoughts and actions and motivations.

Thought that some may want to see it for them self


A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Explain this, because my skimming showed her to be pretty consistent in her thoughts and actions and motivations.

There are plenty of reasons for why I consider her to be a hypocrite. For one, she cares a lot about Sombra and does practically everything for him, yet she never gives squat about the well-being of Equestria itself or the other inhabitants! Heck, Rainbow Dash gets hurt, yet she doesn’t do anything to help her at all!

If that’s not an example of hypocrisy, I don’t know what is.


There are plenty of reasons for why I consider her to be a hypocrite. For one, she cares a lot about Sombra and does practically everything for him, yet she never gives squat about the well-being of Equestria itself or the other inhabitants!

That's...not hypocritical. A hypocrite is someone who claims to have certain beliefs but then acts in a way that goes against those beliefs. To be hypocritical she'd have to do something like saying that she cares about Sombra while working against him, or saying she cares about everyone while obviously favoring one particular group over the others. She'd have to say something like "The Umbrum will help spread Friendship!" while they clearly are not. You aren't describing hypocrisy.

Heck, Rainbow Dash gets hurt, yet she doesn’t do anything to help her at all!

Did she say or imply she would, or say or imply that she would help someone else in a similar predicament?

If that’s not an example of hypocrisy, I don’t know what is.

You are correct: you don't know what hypocrisy is.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


You are correct: you don't know what hypocrisy is.

Actually, I do.

It’s where you have a belief or moral standing about something, yet you go against it regardless. Or more specifically, you set up some rules and boundaries, yet you break them nonetheless.

Did she say or imply she would, or say or imply that she would help someone else in a similar predicament?

She didn’t have to say or imply anything. It’s supposed to be in both her character and her cutie mark to help and heal others no matter what, and the only one she actually does help and heal is Sombra! No one else. Not even Rainbow Dash, despite the latter landing right in front of her in an injured state!

To be hypocritical she'd have to do something like saying that she cares about Sombra while working against him, or saying she cares about everyone while obviously favoring one particular group over the others.

Through her personality, she cares about Equestria, yet she works against it! That’s where she’s a hypocrite!


She didn’t have to say or imply anything. It’s supposed to be in both her character and her cutie mark to help and heal others no matter what, and the only one she actually does help and heal is Sombra!

But if she never says it is her duty to help and heal everyone, then how can she be a hypocrite when she doesn't do that? A hypocrite is when you claim to behave one way or have certain values and then act in a way that's contradictory. Like claiming to be an honest person and criticizing others for their dishonesty all while you're lying yourself. Hope isn't a hypocrite for not living up to your beliefs about her character.

Through her personality, she cares about Equestria, yet she works against it! That’s where she’s a hypocrite!

Her main loyalty throughout the comic is to Sombra and the Umbrum. Up until the Umbrum's evil is revealed to her, then it's mostly to Sombra. She never claimed any special loyalty to Equestria. That said, I'd like to point out that the way she originally thought her plan was going to end was that Sombra was going to free the Umbrum, who were going to be the nice and kind creatures she thought they were and they were going to show Sombra that being a monster wasn't his destiny, that he had misunderstood. The innocent Umbrum would be free, Sombra would realize his mistakes, and the conflict would basically end there.

Of course that's not what happened, because the Umbrum were lying to her. But her thought process was likely that it would be a short-term conflict that would be resolved the moment the Umbrum were free and revealed to not be evil. She wasn't trying to work against Equestria, but for the Umbrum and Sombra.


She never claimed any special loyalty to Equestria.

To be frank it would be weird if she did, given that she's a citizen of the Crystal Empire and it's not wholly clear that the Empire is actually considered to be part of Equestria (it's a part of the Equestria Games...but then again so is Griffonstone, so that clears up exactly nothing), or if it was 1,000 years ago when she was last running around the prime world instead of the Upside-Down.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


But if she never says it is her duty to help and heal everyone, then how can she be a hypocrite when she doesn't do that? A hypocrite is when you claim to behave one way or have certain values and then act in a way that's contradictory.

Because she’s supposed to be a good-hearted and kind individual that looks out for the well-being of others, yet despite becoming aware of the Umbrum’s true nature, she apparently only looks out for Sombra. You’d think that she’d care for the well-being of Twilight and Cadence as they’re imprisoned, or take a stand against the Umbrum, yet she never does any of that. It’s as if she’s only making room for one pony to give kindness and loyalty to, which is wrong.

She wasn't trying to work against Equestria, but for the Umbrum and Sombra.

That’s still working against Equestria.


yet despite becoming aware of the Umbrum’s true nature, she apparently only looks out for Sombra.

That's still not hypocritical. She never expressed any particular care for Equestria or the Mane-6. Her care for the umbrum was tied directly into her care for Sombra. She also wasn't exactly personally in a position to do anything, anyway.

she apparently only looks out for Sombra

Yes, Sombra and Sombra-adjacent things. Consistently. Ergo, she's not hypocritical.

Well, the Princesses did take her in to teach her. So that might give her some sense of loyalty to them, but she left them because all she could think about was Sombra and the Crystal Empire, even feeling she had betrayed Sombra by asking for the Princesses help with him when he turned evil. So yeah, I agree with you.


Because she’s supposed to be a good-hearted and kind individual that looks out for the well-being of others, yet despite becoming aware of the Umbrum’s true nature, she apparently only looks out for Sombra. You’d think that she’d care for the well-being of Twilight and Cadence as they’re imprisoned, or take a stand against the Umbrum, yet she never does any of that. It’s as if she’s only making room for one pony to give kindness and loyalty to, which is wrong.

Hope is meant to be a good-hearted and kind individual for the most part, but one who is doing questionable things for the sake of saving her friend and the Umbrum. As for why she doesn't take a stand against the Umbrum later, it's because it won't do any good, she's mainly focused on trying to reason with and get through to Sombra because at that point he is pretty much the only one who can stop them. It's not that she doesn't care, earlier in the comic she was shown as shocked when the Princesses got turned to stone and she tried talking Sombra out of it when he threatened something similar to Twilight. She cares but there's not much she can do, just try to talk sense into Sombra and hope he does the right thing.

You seemingly hate Hope for being a perfect "Mary Sue" but really it seems like you expected her to be one and are actually mad that she isn't.

That’s still working against Equestria.

No, because as far as she knew the Umbrum were not enemies of Equestria, and neither would Sombra once he learned the supposed truth about them.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


That's still not hypocritical.

Yes. She is.

SuperPinkBrony12 has once stated that he also believes that Hope was nothing but a hypocrite and a Mary Sue, and I’m sure he could explain why better than I ever could considering he’s a greater MLP expert than I am. And you, for that matter.

Yes, Sombra and Sombra-adjacent things. Consistently. Ergo, she's not hypocritical.

Then she’s truly a shallow individual!


You seemingly hate Hope for being a perfect "Mary Sue" but really it seems like you expected her to be one and are actually mad that she isn't.

She’s still a Mary Sue. Like I said dozens of times already, she believed that Sombra was good inside, and the story basically made her the right one by the end. She got Sombra back in the most illogical and unnatural way possible by being unexplainably well-versed in whatever magic she used, and she had help on the matter despite not directly doing anything to make up for her actions. And no, convincing Sombra that he could turn against the Umbrum and become a better pony does not count.


She’s still a Mary Sue. Like I said dozens of times already, she believed that Sombra was good inside, and the story basically made her the right one by the end. She got Sombra back in the most illogical and unnatural way possible by being unexplainably well-versed in whatever magic she used, and she had help on the matter despite not directly doing anything to make up for her actions.

Her being right about Sombra in the end doesn't make her a Mary Sue. The reason she's so good at healing magic is that it's her Cutie Mark, which is really no different than say Rainbow Dash with her talent at flying letting her break the sound barrier, and even then as you say yourself, she couldn't save Sombra on her own. The four Princesses had to help her do that, and I'm pretty sure they helped more for Sombra than for her, as they had just watched him save them all, willingly sacrificing himself in the process to do so. Of course they weren't just going to stand by and let him die after that.

And no, convincing Sombra that he could turn against the Umbrum and become a better pony does not count.

I don't see why it wouldn't, but on top of that she also went out into the world to help Sombra find the pieces of Amore so they could bring her back. That's doing good.


which is really no different than say Rainbow Dash with her talent at flying

Actually point of order, Rainbow Dash's cutie mark isn't for flying. In "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" she specifies that she earned her mark when she realized that as much as she loves flying, what she loves even more is winning, and that's both when she earns her cutie mark and what her cutie mark represents. Her special talent is winning.


Yes. She is.

No, she isn't. Saying it doesn't make it so, and none of the "evidence' you've posted is actually evidence of hypocrisy as has been explained to you, in great detail.

Then she’s truly a shallow individual!

Maybe! But she ain't a hypocrite.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Even if she's not a hypocrite, it still doesn't excuse how idiotic and unlikable she was throughout the entire story.

Another reason as to why I classify her as a Mary Sue to begin with is because many of the established characters, particularly the Main Six and Spike, seemed to be reduced to getting the idiot and jerk ball in favor of her. And if I recall correctly, that's one of the many qualifications for either a Mary Sue or Gary Stu!

One of. But not the only. And the Mane-6 and Spike aren’t exactly geniuses in the comics to begin with most of the time anyway — Longhorn, natch.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Are you sure it’s that, and not the fact that you’ve been flat wrong but refused to believe such?

Yes. Especially considering, in this thread, I’m getting three dislikes while you get three likes.

Assuming you are an adult who finished High School, you shouldn’t be having trouble understanding me and, notably, in twenty years of being on various message boards on the Internet arguing about all sorts of things you are the only person who has ever claimed to have a consistent problem understanding me.

Well, what did you expect?

I’m an adult with disabilities that often cause me to struggle with various aspects of communication and brain processing, and that’s even despite being incredibly high-functioning. You can’t possibly expect me to understand everything you say by the way your messages come across, can you?

Yes, I can. I type in plain English. My intent should not be hard to grasp by anyone who understands English. More to the point you don’t extend that same complaint to anyone else but I don’t write in any meaningfully different way from anyone else.

I’m once again recommending that remedial English class, because at this point I don’t think your disabilities are the reason why you don’t understand my posts, only the excuse.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

No, it’s the reason.

I don’t need any English class. I’m very well-versed in English, and it was the language I always spoke with since childhood. What you yourself probably don’t realize is that you speak with too many big words, not to mention your texts tend to get extremely lengthy. I know I already said this, but rather than sounding refined or intelligent, your texts often come across like you’re speaking gibberish.

At least other users I talk to on here take the time to either clarify what they’re saying or ensure that said messages are understandable to me. You haven’t done any of that.


you speak with too many big words

…such as…?

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