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Hey guys, Crimson here, I'm trying to catch up on writing Mother Knows Best, well...I'm stuck on a fight scene. Normally when it comes with fists and kicks and all that goodie violence, I'm good, but this is a straight up magic fight between him and a fully pissed off demonic unicorn child known as Umbre...

Can any one who is good with writing help me with this chapter? I can't pay, but I can add your OC somewhere in the story when it's finally finished.

Please help me?

if interested, please don't be afraid to contact me here.

If you'd like, I could brainstorm ideas with you, toss some advice this way or that, and do some simple error corrections.


a fully pissed off demonic unicorn child

It reminds me of a scene in my novel where Twilight has to fight a fully pissed off demonic unicorn child:
Chapter 41: Confrontation

Yo, I’m down to help if you need it still, I’m decent at writing magic fights.

I'd love to help! From spell ideas to scripted language and choreography, I hope you'd be willing to accept my assistance.


I have a basic idea in what to do. Just putting in details is hard. If you are up to it

Sure. What did you have in mind? I don't know what to work off of!

Fueled by rage and loss of Radiant Hope, his powers having a limiter due to Mother putting one there in case he tried to betry her, he goes after the child, the hybrid abomination to kill her. When he got close to her, she lets out a powerful scream, ultimately changing in her demon form.

Umbre, fueled by fear and loss of Hope, let's her demon side take hold. And since its stated that baby unicorns have unstable magic, she attacks Sombra.

Umbre shoots a black blast of magic energy, sombra jumps out of the way, where the blast hit melted the snow in q ball of dark fire. Before sombra could react, the demon blasted him again, shadowy tendrils shot out of her and latched onto him burning his skin on contact.

Sombra blasted her with his magic, trying to incase her in crystals. It holds her back before the crystals shattered by the baby scream.

(Imagine having flurry hearts magic times 2)

Sombra does what he could to defend himself and fight the child off. Unable to use his most powerful spells to fend off a creature with highly unstable magic.

Using shields, levitating debris around him, blasting her with his crystal magic, both ended up doing damaged to each other.

Both of them ended up taking the fight to the crystal empire

ponies screamed and scattered seeing Sombra back, while both fight, they cause destruction, unmeaning to but still, the guards were called trying to attack sombra and umbre.

Umbre, unable to literally control herself, screamed loudly, sending sharp crystals that had fallen off of buildings at them, ended up multiplying herself - five copies of herself and attacked sombra - that is actually a little hint of the sequel series of her Cutie Mark -

The two fought all the way towards the Crystal Heart, where it was activated with a voice coming from within screaming, "STOP!!"

The fight does end there

Wow. That's a lot to take in. I should make sure to read the story you have so far. So what, specifically, do you want me to do with this information?

Like I said, I got the key points, I just don't know how to put it into smaller details. Trying to have the fight at least 1k, or 500 words.

Here's the story here on site

And what I got on Docs so far for the seventh chapter

Thanks. I'll get back to you.

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