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I'm still looking foa a weapon to give a character.

She's a pirate captain with isopod features, hair as hard as steel that goes down to her ankles. She has an ability that she uses in gambling. Before she and her opponents start gambling, each one must wager something and it ensures the pice is paid afterward.

She's very manipulative and sadistic and prefers her gambling to actual combat, but she is super strong when she actually engages.

I though of a run of the mill saber, but that's a bit too simple for my tastes.

Any of you got any interesting ideas?

6866333 No weapon, just her spiky hair.

Cutlass maybe. Or perhaps she can use a roulette wheel as a boomerang/shield a la Captain America.

No no no. No spikes. Smooth. Like the glorious shell of an Isopod.

6866363 Smooth spikes of death.


What kind of world is it? Are magical weapons available? If so use gambling to it's most, she carries a pair of magic dice that when she throws them they turn into a weapon or weapons according to the roll. They magically then return to her hands.

There is some magic, but not inate to humans or other species. Three ways to use magic:

1. Defeat one of the various magical Beasts and claim their mana in a crystal. You are then able to manipulate it at your will, with some training required.

2. Find or create a magical artifact. Magic stored in an artefact doesn't run out, but it is a lengthy and very complicated process.

3. Be chosen as one of the Twelve Gods' champion. Those chosen, will have an extraordinary amount of Magic, which often manifests as some sort of ability or Avatar. This is where her gambling ability came from, as she was chosen by the God of Fortune, Krabra.

4. That is an awesome idea with the dice.


The types of magic definitely sound interesting.

Use the dice if you like, you can say Krabra gave them to her. Here are a couple of my thoughts on what they might turn into:

Snake eyes (1 +1): twin daggers imbued with lightning abilities and/or gives user enhanced speed and agility

(1 + 2): short word and dagger.

(2 + 2): sword and shield. Think small round shield, can be thrown and always returns to user.

(2 + 3): large kite or tower shield. Enhanced mobility and defense when defending someone other than the user.

I'll try to think of some others.

I think my quest to find equipment for her just got a whole lot more difficult, though she only really gets two actual combat scenes overall. I already gave so many others unique weapons.

Krabra represents the Zodiac Sign Cancer, so maybe I should look up crab related fighting styles and weapons.


Most definitely. I'd stay with either short razor sharp blades representing claws or shields representing the carapace. Another option is nearly impermeable armor with cancer / Krabra insignia.

I'll have to think some more on this.

I looked into crab style kung fu and it seems to primarily focus on tripping, parrying, trapping and snapping.

Keeping that in mind, Sais or Hook Swords seem to be the best choice if I actually do end up giving her a weapon. Maybe fish hooks.

6867715 Smooth Hook Swords of Doom.


I personally like the idea of the hook swords. Sounds like you might have a plan now though.

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