The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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Group Admin

GOOD MORNING FIMFICTION FANATICS! This is the Dramamaster829; critic, actor, writer, motivational speaker, and occasional singer. So, I was strolling through Twitter during work today (Mostly because I was bored) and I happened to stumble upon this post from some random user. Hence, this is where the subject of the title above comes in. I don't know exactly how legit this list is, but this Mario Emmet guy seems certain this is how Walt Disney Animation Studios arranged it (And perhaps this could be useful for this series as a whole). Without further ado... the list:

65 Million Years Ago Dinosaur
10,000 Years Ago Brother Bear
442 B.C. Hercules
300 B.C. Raya and the Last Dragon
100s Moana
400s Mulan
500s The Sword in the Stone
600s The Black Cauldron
1194 Robin Hood
1200s Wish
1300s Sleeping Beauty
1481 Aladdin
1482 The Hunchback of Note Drame
1500s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs / The Emperor's New Groove
1607 Pocahontas
1790 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow / Beauty and the Beast / The Little Mermaid
1840s Tangled / Frozen 1 & 2 / Mickey and the Beanstalk (Fun and Fancy Free)
1860s Pinocchio / Cinderella / Alice in Wonderland
1880s Tarzan
1890 The Jungle Book / Home on the Range
1897 The Great Mouse Detective
1908 Peter Pan / Wind in the Willows
1910 Lady and the Tramp / The Aristocats
1914 Atlantis: The Lost Empire / Strange World
1926 (Many Adventures of) Winnie the Pooh (This counts as two movies) / Bambi / The Princess and the Frog
1941 Dumbo / Bongo (Fun and Fancy Free) / Fantasia
1945 Saludos Amigos / The Three Caballeros
1948 Make Mine Music / Melody Time
1952 Encanto / The Fox and the Hound
1958 101 Dalmations
1977 The Rescuers / Down Under
1988 Oliver and Company
1994 The Lion King
1999 Fantasia 2000
2002 Lilo & Stitch
2005 Chicken Little
2008 Bolt
2012 Wreck-It Ralph / 2018 Ralph Breaks the Internet*
2016 Zootopia+ (Don't ask what the plus is for)
2037 Meet the Robinsons
2150 Big Hero 6
101st Century Treasure Planet

This list will be updated either prior to when a new feature is released or to correct any errors (Specifically dates).

In the meantime, feel free to enjoy, like (Or dislike for reasons people 'refuse' to be upfront about... you know who you are, so start talking), and comment to your heart's content.

This is the Dramamaster829... signing off!

*: After the 'Zootopia' movies but before 'Meet the Robinsons'.

The Emperor's New Groove is set at same year as Snow White and Sleepy Hollow?! :pinkiegasp: That's crazy!

I can't believe Kuzco was having an adventure as an llama while Snow White hangs out with Seven dwarfs and a headless horseman chasing after Ichabod Crane... mind blown. 🤯

Huh. Some of these are closer together than I thought here.

Hmm, Disney animated movies set in a timeline for when they took place, that's something I never thought about before.

Group Admin

I couldn't believe it myself. But it would seem as though the company itself said themselves this is where it sits in the timeline. Then again, when we think of all the magical circumstances during this period (Even though Kuzco's case was slightly scientific)... it kind of makes sense.

Group Admin

And what was it that you previously imagined? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious.

I'll admit I found this surprising myself.

Group Admin

Who'd have thunk it? But when we think about it, this kind of makes the connection between the movies all the more intriguing. And this isn't even counting the Pixar movies.

Group Contributor

Not a bad layout. And it's good to know which stories take place around the same year or close to each other compared to many with gaps in between them

Group Admin

Well, really it was the Twitter guy who found this information on Walt Disney Animation Studios and how they set up the timeline. But when you think about it, it's actually funny how the events of these movies took place during a specific year or a set of years and no one would even guess all of this was going on around that time.

One point to note: For "The Sword in the Stone" you have it at 400s. But Merlin said this in the movie: "Can't wait for the London Times - first edition won't be out for at least... 1200 years." Now, the first issue was issued on January 1, 1785, so wouldn't that mean that the movie takes place in the late 500s, not the 400s?

Second, for the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the original is that it took place around 1790 in the late 18th century, after the Revolutionary War, not the 16th century (1500s).

Plus, some of those years seem based on the time the movies were released. My findings is that Mario Emmet should at least double-check his research before putting up something and portraying it as fact.

Also, I checked and he didn't seem to specify HOW he found this information, or offered a means to verify it.

Group Admin

1. I mean when we think of that line, it 'does' make sense. But that can be fixed.

2. That's a fair point. But again, it's an easy fix.

3. I never said how 'legit' this information was. But it was too intriguing to pass up. So cut me some slack, will you? But more importantly, cut this Mario guy some slack. I don't know if he can truly verify the information. I don't even know him.

Any other 'errors' you can point out?

Raya and the Last Dragon - There is no set date, as the design seems to only reflect what the world *could* have looked like thousands of years ago. So my best guess is... at least 2,000 years ago.
Mulan - Looking up the information for that, I found a TikTok video from someone who explains that Mulan takes place in the year 497 AD, during the Northern Wei dynasty (386 - 535).

Some of those ones between the 1400s and 1700s come to mind, mainly because you don't have one story in the back of your head with another, such as the idea of Sleepy Hollow taking place around the same time as the early Renaissance era films.

Group Admin

The Mulan one I can do... but I need you to be more specific with Raya. Otherwise, I'm keeping this there to be on the same side.

Group Admin

I'm doing some moving around. But unless someone is really intuitive on the possible timelines, this is all I've got to go on.

Maybe... approximately 300 BCE?

Group Admin

... Okay, I suppose that would make sense. I don't think there's an 'E' in 'B.C.' but what do I know about time?

BCE is essentially the same as BC, but they each mean different things.

BCE (Before Common Era) is secular
BC (Before Christ) is not so secular

One more thing: I researched on Aladdin's time period, and there's some common knowledge online to suggest that Aladdin takes place in the late 1400s, around approximately 1481.

One more thing: I also researched for Hercules, and rather than 1200 BC, the common knowledge seems to suggest that the movie takes place in Classical Greece (700 BC - 323 BC), not Mycenaean Greece (1600s BC - 1100s BC). Ballpark range is 560 BC to 323 BC, so I would say... going with an average of... 442 BC.

Group Admin

Okay, okay. To those two things, I’ll get to them when I can

Whoa:rainbowderp:! If this is for animated movies, I'm very curious to see what the live-action timeline is like.
I do know a few like:

1910 Mary Poppins
1916 The Happiest Millionaire
1940 Bedknobs & Broomsticks

Group Admin

Who knows? This is mainly focused on the 'animation' side of the spectrum, despite the animation 'elements' in the live action features.

Hmm.. I hate to burst a bubble but I believe Tarzan also took place in the Victorian times, like the late 1870s or 1880s. This is because as just Tarzan, Jane and Porter board their ship, they go on about Tarzan meeting famous people, and mention Darwin and Victoria, so it must take place between 1837 and 1882.

They're right. The official wiki page puts Tarzan (1999) in the 1880s

Group Admin


Okay... all right...

We'll make this change. It's no problem.

Cheers. I think the rest is spot on as well. Freaking awesome how the timeline goes. 👏

Group Admin

Looking at it, yes it does look spot on now. I did hear word of another timeline posted on social media. I'll look into it momentarily.

There’s a couple live action timeline entries with animated moments you forgot.

1867 Song of the South
1903 So Dear To My Heart


This was discussed in a prior post. This thread is for *only* all-animated features.

Group Admin

Exactly. This was a list strictly for a specific category of Disney features. Live action material wasn't included on the list.

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