The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
Comments ( 39 )
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Group Admin

Enough is enough! And I have had it up to hear with you and your childish antics!

The only way for this to end was to have Paulli, Dramamaster, and Tim be removed from Fimfiction and get new followers to take over and keep Disney Chronicles running. But to me, that wouldn’t do me justice to put closure on the incident.

You want to remove Paulli, Dramamaster, and Tim? You’ll have to remove ME first! And I can tell YOU do NOT want to remove me. Once I’m gone, then the Disney Chronicles Group will be gone with me, along with all our hard works to make Dinodisneylover1’s dreams become a reality! And it will be YOUR fault!

I don’t care WHAT petty squabbles you have to these three of our best people, but they have done NOTHING WRONG but CONTRIBUTE to both Dinodisneylover1 and Double E’s Disney Chronicles and Cinematic Adventure, respectfully AND professionally!

Go running and CRY to’s admins for all I care! If they won’t protect my people and KEEP YOU IDIOTS in line, then I won’t go down without a FIGHT! I’ve already lost a friend, and a potential business partner, on DeviantART, because I didn’t have the heart to stand up to this WOLF IN SHEEP CLOTHINGS of a former friend. But I’M NOT GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN AGAIN with Pauli, Tim, and especially Dramamaster ON MY WATCH!!

I’ve spent the last 9 years to see how friendship is magic, and I once had the chance to witness it in real life! I’m not going to let the likes of you idiots ruin it for me and everyone! Not now, not ever!

You want to mess with our people? You’ll have to deal with me first!

Group Admin

Your valued support for our cause means very much to me and my friends. If the Moderators of this site will not help us, at least we can count on you and Dino.

I completely agree with you there Phantom_Dragon. I will not let my administration as well as my friends being threatened like this. They have done absolutely nothing but kind deeds and helping to make some of the greatest FimFiction art I have ever read or wrote. If these skum want a fight then by god it is an all out war. And I promise you this, we will not go down easy. We will fight this.

And We. Will. WIN

Group Contributor

Those guys have gone too far to make a threat like that

That was beautiful!!!!

Group Admin

Yes indeed. It was only a matter of time before things start turning... 'Personal'.

And as much as they beg and as they cry... they will NOT make us bend to their will. They may be united in opinion but they are NOT united in cause, they are bullies and bullies will NEVER win. That is the absolute truth.

Group Contributor

Hearing you take a firm stand against the Trolls makes me smile greatly:raritystarry::raritystarry:

Group Admin

You gave me the finest opportunity any user can ask for. Whatever comes, I won't forget the time I've spent helping you bring your ideas to life.

Thank you my friend. And I swear with Celestia and Luna as my witness I will not let you or Tim or Paulli be kicked out

Group Admin

We know you won't. That's what makes you a true human being, not just words on a screen.

Who is the guy that threatened them?

Group Admin

Jeweliu a.k.a. Tiber Septim.

Group Admin

Anyways, for the moment we can only assume they are 'empty threats'. But since the major mods in this site won't be able to help because they do not understand our problems, it would be well advised to keep watch just in case. If there is any activity they are doing, they need to be looked into before any potential information disappears.

You said it right!

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

In fairness he did say he would do fantasia 2000 and isn't do it and like you said the monitors think we are a small group so it's not like they are gonna take notice of his problems even if he begged

Group Admin

I knew that we would be on our own the moment I tried reaching out to those Mods. I knew they would think we're too small for them to help, but I tried anyway. It's clear that the only way of getting this resolved is managing on our own. They are not our leaders, Dino and P.D. are. As far as most of us are concerned, they are the only ones we can trust.

I'm just reading this banter Jewelius is having with some other guy and honestly... I'm not really buying it. Just doesn't seem to make any sense.

I was that guy, and I agree. It makes little to no sense. It doesn't specify who was betrayed in the situation. Either he had a poor choice of words, or he simply made that blog for no reason whatsoever.

Group Admin

Bottom line is that people like him only make these kind of blogs hoping for attention. I've always said this guy was trouble, that if he were blocked by those who don't need that shit in their lives, then he would truly understand the repercussions of his behavior. I mean when I see these blogs it's like you're wondering who's really in charge, Kcharros or Jewelius. When the reality is if he were talking how Kcharros betrayed him like it's all his fault, that's typical behavior on his part: He shifts the blame to the other party so he can try to get off scot-free. They think they are a big success, but I've seen one of the stories Jewelius supposedly did and I saw this same story on another user's channel.

You know if I were to be honest, it pains me to see a bunch of cowards prove our big points. As for me, I've suffered enough pain already. I've had a compulsive hoarding disorder ever since I turned 17 and just losing my sentimental items just gives me pain. In case I forgot We moved to a new rental last October and my hoarding tendencies only got worse, and plus we have sunk in debt. You good people are the only remedies for my problems here and I will not let some ragtag group of "aliens" take it away from me.

Group Admin

Most of which would've been avoided if they had been blocked off entirely, not just pushing the block command alone. But not even responding to 'any' of their comments. And if we must acknowledge what they say, it's only to post ALL their comments in the warning page and 'warn' other users why these people are bad news.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

i feel for you

Group Admin

Same here. Some things about the web just 'never' change.

Yeah. While they're really annoying, they remind me of that ToonEGuy jerk, who's an even bigger, but persistent coward than them. We will never forget the atrocities he's done. Assaulting Disney staff all because of its current animation direction and endless spamming in social media, blocking anybody who criticizes him.

Well, I say Kcharos has that same mindset as Nick. Throwing rages like a toddler when things don't go his vision. He DID NOT like S10 comics, and Season 9 because of stupid reasons.

1. Zecora and her kind should've been introduced earlier.
2. The season ruined Discord. Bitch please, he was a mischievous nihilistic jackass his whole damn life. Though he took things overboard here.
3. Twilight should've ruled Ponyville instead of Equestria, and that Tia and Lulu should retain the crown. Which makes no f**king sense as it would undermine Twilight's character growth through her damn lifetime.

Group Admin

1. The fact her kind is planning to be introduced NOW than never, even in comic form, instead of dwelling on what we didn't get before it is SMART to be thankful that we are finally getting that chance.

2. Discord has always been a beast of mischief, even when he was reformed. It's not to say he's a protagonist, but even the sneaky things he's done that's ultimately helped Twilight and her friends see themselves as more than how they thought he's mostly been successful in that department. True, he went overboard in Season 9, he had no idea this would go wrong but at least the ponies were able to stop this threat and prove NO villain has what it takes to stop them (Even if they did work together).

3. If Twilight were to take her rulership in Ponyville, that's one thing. But the decision for Celestia and Luna to retire was their choice, not because they 'had' to. We forget they've been ruling Equestria for THOUSANDS of years (Celestia for much longer since her sister spent most of her time on the moon). This retirement plan is a chance for the sisters to 'live' as ponies knowing that Equestria will be in good hands, or hooves, by Twilight (Who's grown so much since being that student who's only happiness is found in books). This was planned that Twilight would take over since Lauren Faust said so herself and the fact that her greatest wish came true... That is a long time coming and time well worth spent.

Well. That's what this is. Kcharos and Jeweliu are a part of the Dark Side of the MLP fanbase. Every fanbase (Star Wars, Anime, Comic Books) has a dark side. A dark side so loud that people assume that they are the majority when it's the opposite.

The type that throws hissy fits and antagonizes others for having different opinions, things not going their way, and blindly defends whatnot's flaws.

You know people that are the reason why the MLP haters (who are just horrible) think that all of us are "neckbeards" and "cloppers" or other homophobic slurs they call us for watching a "5-year old show", which is pathetic for them as they're following a thousand-year old standard or stereotype that you good people, brony or not, consider today, bias.

Tim Ribbert
Group Admin

lets just they don't built a death star to blow us up

Group Admin

Given what they nearly tried to do for the three of us, that may only be just the beginning. That's probably why hardly the rest of the group are TOO scared to actually confront the two or block them. Because whether they agree with us or not, they're afraid that if they do this... Those jerks will start nagging on 'them' and then they'll be the ones at risk of losing their spots. That they only think about themselves instead of the team as they claim to.

Group Admin

“Some people just can’t handle change.” — Raphael from TMNT 1987, Turtles Forever.

I’m sorry. I just couldn’t resist.

Group Admin

Believe me, if there's one person who doesn't like change with a passion you're looking at 'em. It's tough even for myself to handle change, whether if it's a last minute change of schedule or change up my workout routine when I have a steady pace going or even if there's a change to a script to add in even though we 'just' posted it on a page like it was meant to be the final draft (Otherwise, if it wasn't ready to begin with, I wouldn't post something if I know it's done... Except if I went back to fix some grammar errors).

Anyways, I do not know where in 'what' universe they feel their lives were 'perfect' when they decided to join this group of ours. Initially, they didn't start out as bad people I'm sure, but then all it takes is one 'bad' moment, just ONE comment with a negative reaction and that's when the concern starts building. I was told they weren't bad people, I was told they were just excited or at least give them a chance. Well I did... I 'wanted' to see some good. But the moment that one user 'stole' one of Dino's projects before he got through what he planned to do... I knew I would never forgive that person. And no amount of apologies in the world would ever change my perspective, even if the government could no longer pay for them and they end up spending their days walking the streets searching for work.

It's a tough set of words, but it all would've been avoided if they tried to 'change' their habits and embrace what it means to be team players. That's the "one" change I'd greatly accept.

Group Admin


Replying to Dramamaster’s points.

1. Right. This is kinda like me feeling disappointed that we didn’t get to see any Asian Dragons (by that I mean the serpentine dragons who can levitate themselves by magic, control the weathers, and carry a magic pearl with them) in the show, before it ended. Not like Discord.

But you don’t see me throwing a fit about it. When you look at it in a more positive approach, this gives us an opportunity to develop on that concept.

2. True.

3. Yes. This was Lauren Faust’s story, so it will end her way. Now that’s commitment. Unlike SOME other studio who thought it’d be best to pull the plug and cut the wrong wire in favor of an EMOJI movie we had the misfortune of wasting our money for.

Group Admin

But you know, that's the thing about people who make these kind of complaints, they find nothing better to do than to find something to nag about hoping someone will actually believe them like they are the only ones who have a say on the matter. No wonder Doug Walker easily pokes fun at those kind of people in some of his old material. But they should try actually working in a studio where they don't always get to tell the stories they want and THEN they'll get a dose of reality as far as how difficult it is to put together something that pleases the fanbase.

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