The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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Group Admin

It's too bad we couldn't have folders in threads, otherwise it would be way more organize in the Quote Suggestions for all of us. So this is the best we can do to help Dinodisneylover1 and all of us with the Disney Chronicles series. This is the best I can do for the next chapters of Disney Chronicles III: Fantasia.

Pastoral Symphony

Dance of the Hours - Ostrich, Hippos, and Elephants
Crocodile Intros
Ben Ali Gator
Ben and Hyacinth

Night On Bald Mountain - Meeting Chernabog

Group Admin

Well, for now this will have to do at the moment. I know this Fantasia project is still a work in progress but I'm sure it'll come along just nicely.

Group Contributor

Me three. I'm waiting for when the next chapter is posted.

Group Admin



I just hope Dino doesn't forget that we're here to help him, if he's hit Writer's Block or something. Or to substitute for him, because of real life issues, or whatever.

Group Admin

We are always more than available to help, so long as our ideas are 'reasonable' and don't feel 'forced in there' so to speak. Maybe that's his big concern at the moment, especially considering some 'questionable' ideas by a certain individual that even has me scratching my head trying to think what's on that person's mind. But nevertheless, so long as he leaves the basic instructions on what he plans for each chapter and we try to keep the vision that he wants while at the same time improving a few details than it'll come out just as good.

If anything, I'm hoping that the story is finished one way or another so a certain user can finally... Stop asking... Urgh.

Group Contributor

Finishing???? He has just scratched the surface! He still has so much more to do! Sorry.

Group Contributor

But he isn't.:applejackunsure::rainbowhuh: if you're talking about the Pastoral sequence itself he still has quite a bit to do

Group Admin

The Pastoral Symphony is one of the longest segments of 'Fantasia', it doesn't surprise me it would take a while. Granted of course, Dino has his own agenda outside of the site whether it's family matters or work outside the site or even quality time with his friends. It's not going to speed up the process of the chapter if he's constantly being asked how his work is doing, like that one friend who keeps asking you OVER and OVER 'Where you going?', 'Where you going?', 'Where you going?'.... URGH! See what I mean?

Anyways, given what I've seen with The Pastoral Symphony growing up, it's going to be a beautiful chapter to read and as Mr. Mario said it doesn't even scratch the surface of the movie as a whole. With everything else that's already done, there's still that sequence with the dancing animals, Chernabog's awakening, and even Ava Marie, one of the most beautiful songs folks have ever heard of. And only when we get through the rest of the feature, 'all' of it... Then will the story be done.

Group Contributor


You took the words right out of my mouth, PJ! - Little John

Group Admin

What can I say? When something's in my head, better to let it out when I can or I'll forget it before I have the chance.

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

Me too. I'm looking forward to reading it too.

Group Admin

Then let us hope and pray it won't take too much longer for the chapter to be released. And when the day comes and it's finally out, maybe it will get somebody to finally 'shut up' and stop asking about the progress of this segment. If it were me, I'd have him blocked especially if he broke out in those annoying temper tantrums. If I were throwing those things, nobody would be so forgiving because all anyone would see is an angry person and nothing more.

As for me, my method of waiting is reading all the 'previous' stories and chapters hoping it'll keep me occupied until I have something new to read.

Group Contributor

Me too. I occupy myself by working on art for Deviantart, reading the other Disney Chronicles, and watching videos on Youtube.

Group Admin

You definitely have my respect on that one.

Group Contributor

I am partially guilty about JDprime22's Infinity Era story as well. Ive been called every name in the book for stating, (at times more than once), that i sincerely hope the Snap either doesn't happen or is altered somehow. I never saw the movie, and think its total trash. No amount of action humor or whatever is worth it when the film ends on such a low note. PERIOD.

Group Admin

Well I've never been accused of being a 'Zorgo' guy up until I came on this site some time ago and all because I disagreed with the idea (Probably more hurtful than being called the 'R' word... Though I might jump back on that). Because of such a comment, I'm not just going to forgive this person so easily even if folks says I should just do so. I always believed that if a person is 'truly' sorry for their rash and ill-thought behavior, it's not enough to just 'say' you are sorry (But it's a start)... You have to 'earn' my forgiveness regardless what you have to do to prove it. Otherwise, things are not going to change between us because of this one action alone even if this group is meant to promote love and tolerance. Even those two matters are a work-in-progress after all.

When it comes to stories, if an idea or concept has value to it and it makes sense for 'everyone' then I wouldn't mind it so much. Otherwise, the only reason these ideas are even around is only because 'they' like it but not everyone is going to enjoy it (Even if they don't speak up about it).

Group Admin

Ah yes, it's been a while since this topic came up. I almost felt the urge to delete this thread seeing as how hardly anyone was really talking on here. I know Dino has mentioned over and over that 'The Dance of the Hours' would be coming soon, we can play that same statement on loop. But given how crazy it's been these past few months, including some bit of controversy from certain people who's names I'd rather not bring up, I don't blame him as to why there's no rush to get this chapter up. It's not even just the online drama that's been going on, I bet there's been a lot happening outside Fimfiction regardless if they've been good or bad moments. It's not like waiting until 2021 for that new MLP movie to come out (After enduring some 4.5 show that may or may not resemble 'Teen Titans Go'), as I've said time and time again the chapter will come out when it's ready.

I only wish 'humans', if we can call those aforementioned users 'human', would be a little more compassion and show a sense of humanity... For once.

Group Admin

As of now, Dance of the Hours is done. Now onto Night on Bald Mountain.

Group Admin

Yep... Dino surely has tons of plans he has in mind for the 'Night on Bald Mountain' segment. One of the darkest shorts in the entire movie, I might add. Only we're not talking metaphorically, I mean 'literally' dark.

It’s going to be so excited! And frightening.

That will be epic! And dark...

Group Admin

It's probably going to be a while before the chapter is ever done. But as I often say, 'Rome wasn't built in a day'. Whatever Dino has in mind when it comes to 'Bald Mountain', I sincerely hope it proves beneficial for the fans.

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