The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin

Just a little question that's gotten into my mind. Well besides the MLP villains teaming up with some Disney Villains in the future stories. Do you think it's possible that Maleficent will gather some Disney Villains to join forces to have revenge on The Mane Six for teaming up with the heroes?

Group Contributor

Maybe. We should see what the others think.

Group Admin

That was the plan. I'm thinking it would be after Tarzan or, much better, after Ralph Breaks the Internet.

Group Admin

While I have no quarrel over Disney villains teaming together seeking revenge on the Mane Six (And whomever is with them) for their part in all the adventures (In some circumstances, actually altering their efforts to try to secure their goals) there is one issue I have: The problem with bringing villains together is when becomes 'overabundant', too many to keep track of, too many to put the spotlight on, and under some circumstance it becomes distracting to the central part of a fan series. And believe me I've seen users screw it up numerous times on numerous crossovers to know for a fact. Many have fallen victim to the trap of the need to bring in more villains to make the story (Even their own rendition) more exciting than it would need to be and I sincerely hope that it doesn't happen during this series. If it must be done regardless to back up the theory that the actions of the Mane Six may effect the balance the book had pre-set for all it's inhabitants, making characters more self-aware that they were all fated to repeat their actions over and over (Including their deaths) and leading to the villains to suspect if they find a way to alter their fate and claim the book while getting rid of the ponies on the side then I sincerely hope this idea is well thought out before putting it into fruition.

In the end, it is your stories overall, Dinodisneylover1. Whatever path you choose is entirely up to you. As a fan, I encourage you to explore your ideas and prove your determination to add your own taste in already beloved classics. But also as a critic, I sincerely hope you are wise with these decisions and not be too hasty about it.

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