The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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Group Admin

We've already got the Dazzlings in cahoot with Honest John, Gideon, and the Coachman in Pinocchio. Dinodisneylover1 once said that Chrysalis will return in the Disney Chronicles: Mulan, with a new army of changelings.

But what of the other villain team-ups that will occur in the nearest future?

Any thoughts on the situations that could bring both villains together to meet and team up together in their attempts to take down the heroes?

Remember, the MLP villains need to come in contact with the Book of Disney first, in order to travel to Disney universe to meet the villains and form an alliance.

Group Admin

I'm brainstorming on that. Chrysalis will, without a doubt, appear again before Mulan.

Group Admin

That's what I need to figure out first.

Group Contributor

How about the Little Mermaid? She's just like Ursula.

Group Contributor

Sorry. I didn't mean to. Please forgive me:fluttercry:.

Group Admin

I'll think about it.

Group Contributor

Okay. I was also thinking that Dr. Caballeron or Ahuizotl could be in Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

Group Contributor

Apology accepted.

King Sombra should obviously team up with either Horned King or Scar.

I might know a story where Chrysalis can appear before her appearance in Mulan. How about 'Sleeping Beauty'? Since the guests are Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. I thought Chrysalis might try to take revenge on the couple with the help of Maleficent and her minions.

Group Admin

Not a bad idea actually.

Group Contributor

Not a bad idea!

Group Admin

A new upcoming MLP villain, former main villain of the MLP movie, and according to the concept arts is Princess Celestia’s brother.

Group Admin

I've heard the stories about Celestia having a 'brother', though whether he will be used mainly for the comics canon or be introduced into the possibly final season of the show still remains to be determined. But even so, while I personally don't think that The Storm King wasn't a bad character, the fact his time in the feature was so short and he was more of a joke villain doesn't scream 'threatening' to me. Nowadays, when there is mention of him when the television series continued he's more of an afterthought or something to convince people that they should've seen the movie.

Now getting back to this brother character, I could definitely see some further potential in him but it be advised to wait and see how he turns out before a course of action is taken.

I read those issues online.

Group Admin

I can only imagine to what extent this character might have. Whether he's limited to just appearances in the comics or even a very 'subtle' reference in the final season (I have my doubts on the latter). I will say this, if I were to choose between Cosmos and The Storm King for main villain and I was looking perhaps for a more serious threat... I'd have to side with Cosmos. But I don't pay attention to the comics so I barely have much to work with on this guy. I suppose I'll just take from other peoples' experience to determine if he would've been the better option. Joke villains, for me, are a double edge sword... They can either be entertaining... Or they can just be 'cringe' worthy.

How about humanity in WALL-E? Can you find reasons why us are somewhat villainous in the movie?

Group Admin

Well the feature itself does explain how humans were responsible for all the pollution that happened on the planet thousands of years into the future. As a result of consumerism and population growth, especially when we are talking about a major corporation that's not only taken over most of the businesses but has reached a point where it's C.E.O. is the President of the country. Plus, the President itself was responsible as to why the ship's 'A.U.T.O.' refused to return the humans to the planet under that 'A113' command because he thought that with the failure of the clean-up project it be easier for everyone to just remain on space...

*Sees the scenes with all the fat humans sipping in cups and lounging on the chairs*

Yeah... He did not think this one through. And if it wasn't for the actions of the President, those robots on the ship wouldn't go through all the trouble to dispose of that plant just so the ship would not return to Earth even if that was part of some protocol. I wouldn't think this would be the first time as indicated in the movie... I bet it's happened before.

What do you think about the meeting between Cozy Grow and King Candy (Turbo)? They both similer many ways: manipulative, power-hungry, treacherous, sadistic and arrogant.

Group Admin

Cozy Glow... Not Cozy Grow. Though that would make her seem big and imposing.

But in terms of a meet-up with King Candy a.k.a. Turbo, they bear a few similarities. The persona of King Candy for Turbo basically is near similar to Cozy Glow's seemingly childlike innocence. He comes off as sweet and benevolent, thinking that what he's doing is best for the kingdom. But as we eventually learn, he set himself to be the ruler just so he can have all the attention for himself, to maintain the image that he's the greatest racer in the world even if it meant turning the rightful ruler into a social outcast. It all goes to show that beneath a certain image is the symbol of evil they try so hard to hide. Some don't even try to hide it at all.

But you can tell they are similar!

Group Admin

I obviously knew that, thank you. To me, the whole King Candy gimmick is like if the Mad Hatter was secretly a villain.

Which is kind of what they did in 'American McGee's Alice'.

Them! I forget.

Group Admin


Anyways, I almost wonder if some new villains will be introduced to some new villains when those upcoming Disney films arrive. Not that every movie is expected to have an antagonist, and yet I cannot shake this feeling just by looking at what little information we've got. For all we know, that one guard who used to work for Ann and Elsa's grandfather when he was the king, he sounds like a humble captain with close ties to the family yet since we know nothing about him who's to say he's instantly a supporting character?

Heck even when those elf brothers try to find a means to get to know their father, their bound to run into some trouble.

That make more excite to see the future movies!

Group Admin

Who wouldn't be? If all the villains the Mane Six have to deal with in all those Disney features, but should any familiar faces from the MLP series was incorporated into the 'Disney Chronicles', like what we've seen with the 'The Dazzlings', it only makes their adventures that much harder.

Like when the blue fairy send them back, where they came from! Very funny situation.

Group Admin

True the Blue Fairy didn't 'have' to send them back, any other powerful being would've punished them severely. But there is a delicate balance between Disney and MLP and the Dazzlings had already done more than enough. At the time of the story's release, this was long before we'd know how The Dazzlings were faring without their amulets and long before we've seen them live their lives following the events of Sunset's Backstage Pass. If anything, The Blue Fairy did those girls a favor by allowing them to live and remember their failure.

This way knowing that by doing so, even if the Dazzlings may still desire revenge, they'll at least learn from this experience and go about just living in the meantime.

When you put that way.

Group Admin

I merely do so as a means of analyzing any 'consequences' about the fragile balance between two worlds. The book may allow the heroes to remain in the events of the feature until they help the protagonists achieve their goal, but when that point comes the book opens the portal for them to come home. Because if the ponies (And their guests) stay in their world any longer than they need to, who knows what would happen? Thus far we haven't seen many consequences with Jiminy Cricket being in Equestria since his work with Pinocchio is already done, though there may be times he'd want to go back and forth between worlds to ensure Pinocchio is okay, since he got his dream of being a human boy.

But as for the villains in general, the balance is especially delicate due to their actions. If one group of villains stay in their opposite realms far longer than they need to, and vice versa, the consequences of their extended stay would be more disastrous than what either project had planned. Even worse so: You recall how in 'Wreck It, Ralph' they said, 'If you die outside your game, there's no reboot."? Well I'd like to believe the same basic principle can be applied for the villains. If the villains were destroyed whether it's an MLP villain in a Disney movie or a Disney villain in the MLP Universe and because they weren't program to regenerate in those realms as opposed to their company brand, chances are they might not be able to come back... Ever.

So on the note as to why The Blue Fairy had The Dazzlings go back to their world rather than risk any further harm than they already got... Again, she did them a big favor. After all, it's one thing to consider, 'How a villain should 'die' for their misdeeds'. But there's another question to consider:

"How does a villain 'live' when all their attempts to succeed backfired badly?'

How does a villain 'live' when all their attempts to succeed backfired badly......

Like Cozy Glow tried to make all friendship school's students become her friends to become the most powerful, but alll them learn about her treason, and she got caught.

Or all Queen Chrysalis's servants stop fellow her, to become friends with the Ponies. (because Starlight Glimmer, of course)

Or Sombra thought he was so close to won the battle, but Twilight and his friends they put all their love, hope and courage to beat him.

Then what will happen the villains of Disney enter at Equestria!?
That will not cause unbalance between the two worlds , isn't?

Group Admin

I do not know for sure. Most of the Disney villains the ponies will meet will either be dead or vanished after a battle. In recent years, some of the Disney villains as we call them did 'live' if only to atone for the consequences of their actions. Whether it be the Professor who led to the death of Hiro's brother in an attempt to steal his project or the little lamb who proved to be the mastermind behind all the 'predators' going nuts. The only other way for all the most dangerous late villains to return would be through a means of very powerful magic if only to make them stronger than before. But since their attempts to assume the power in either their stories or Disney in general won't work, if they are ambitious enough they may try to venture into Equestria, where no ponies other than the ones the villains encounter know what they are capable of.

I don't know what effect it would have on the balance between two worlds. All we can assume is that it's not going to be good.

That makes sense. What about the Book of Disney? Is it magic somehow relatable to teleport anyone into another worlds that they sent and the book magic just kind of change whatever they landed on to adapt it environment to it will, to just help someone or even something else.

P.s sorry for the words are don’t sense, not my best writing skills.:applecry:

Group Admin

It's difficult to say how the magic within the 'Book of Disney' works exactly. Thus far, the power of the book has demonstrated the ability to transport matter from one world to the next almost without limitations. There's been no need for the book to allow the ponies, and their guests, to adapt to any of the worlds they visited thus far considering the early features where it's inhabitants have grown used to magical elements like talking ponies. Now I'm not saying this will apply for all the 'other' movies in the series, but the book itself makes all the calls allowing them to enter as they are for a reason. Either with important intent or malicious behavior. You never know with 'magic'.

Guess your right about that. After all the book might be mysterious and it landed right in the Castle of the Two sisters. The place the Mane 6 first become the start of their journey and learning about friendship.

Wouldn’t that be coincidence? In fact, Spike was there when it crushed landing into the castle in the middle of the Everfree. (Also, Spike is awesome.):moustache:

Group Admin

Based on where we are at this point of the series, the book seem to choose Equestria, of all dimensions, for a specific purpose. Yen Sid himself indicated some history with Princess Celestia at some point, though one must wonder how long it's been either prior to the book's arrival or during the time the book made itself at home amongst the ponies. Yet it seemed the book knew exactly where to go, landing at the exact spot where the ponies truly became friends. As if the book was drawn by some magic that is equivalent of it's own like a magnet. Had Spike not go wandering out into town looking for gems, he never would've saw the book land by that castle or even venture to explore it.

It's almost like the start of a video game when you think about it. The protagonist wandering in town one night, minding their own business, then they see something fall from the sky and go to investigate it themselves.

True, I would have imagined if spike hasn’t went out for the jewels and not find the book rather somepony or something did. Especially with wicked thoughts of it power.

Like Flim and Flam! :flutterrage:

Just kidding!:rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

You do make a rather valid point, almost anyone, or in this case 'any pony', could've gotten the book in their clutches. As we've seen in the events of 'Pinocchio', even kept safe in Twilight's castle, the book can still be vulnerable enough to be discovered by wicked beings like the Dazzlings. Course they weren't initially planning to use the book they returned to Equestria specifically as plot to take over once their amulets were fixed. They only ended up in one of the book's worlds because Sonata was gullible enough to take a peek inside, not knowing the book was more powerful than either of the Sirens thought. And yet, despite them being evil, the book still allowed them to enter as if it 'knew' they were needed to go.

That will be big trouble for the girls, if their villains found out how the book can do, right
(Like Yen Sid said)

Yeah, it kinda did that.

If there’s a scenario that the book got out of Twilight castle, who knows what would find the book and check it to see inside it. Would they be sent like Mane 6 or there a magic lock that stay close? Imagine the hilarious of trying to open the book with tools to break things, but the book remain unscathed,

That will be so hilarious for them to not able enter it.

Group Admin

It depends on how tight the security is for that book. Thus far, it's mainly allowed just anyone to enter through the book when need to be. But I suppose over the course of the series, it may eventually start to evolve in the event something serious happens. That remains to be determined at this time and age.

What about Iron Will the Minotaur, any ideas for what film his hitchhiking on?

Group Admin

Iron Will? Difficult to say.

I wouldn't know if I'd actually call him a 'villain' so to speak. But rather a bad influence.

I just think he's a very passionate guy who tends to send the wrong message or stir some trouble. But I wouldn't say he's a villain per say.

I guess you’re right about that, but he did tried to get the bits from tourists who looking forward for Princess twilight who was on the vacation with her family. In fact, the tourists didn’t know about it, only they read on the advertising papers made by Iron will.

Group Admin

Twilight Sparkle and her family did want to go on vacation since they hardly ever do these kind of things. You can imagine just how tough it is for celebrities who want to take a break from what makes them famous and try to blend in like normal people. But the thing about being a big time celebrity and all that you've accomplished, there's no such thing as being normal. It's all about learning to adapt, rolling with the punches, make do or do without.


Yes, Twilight is a princess now and will bound to have this situation every now and then. I just worry for her sake as some ponies would try exploit or something.

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