The Disney Chronicles 134 members · 5 stories
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Well, she *was* asleep for 500 years. I imagine her humor is very outdated after being in hibernation for so long.

My Little Pony: Disney Chronicles

Magnifico Breakdown (a suggestion)
"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" King Magnifico shouted before shoving Twilight away while dragging Star.

"Twilight!" Her friends exclaimed with concern.

The others try to approach but King Magnifico used Star as a hostage.

"Stay back, stay back! All of you, STAY BACK!! NOT one more step!" King Magnifico told them.

"Let Star go!" Twilight told him.

"I've worked too hard, Twilight… too hard to let him destroy everything!" King Magnifico said.

"He's a wishing star, Magnifico!" Fluttershy said.

"He's a THREAT!! You think I'd let him go to fulfill the wishes of everyone?! And even more of them?! No!" King Magnifico angrily replied.

"You're a coward!" Spike shouted.

"I'm King Magnifico, the greatest sorcerer of all the times!" King Magnifico said.

"You mean the most feared sorcerer of all the times!" Pinkie angrily said.

"They are right! You just want to keep all the wishes for yourself, your actions are putting the Book of Disney and all his worlds in danger! Your days of being the ruler of Rosas' Kingdom are over!" Twilight angrily declared but she was grabbed by the throat by King Magnifico.

"I am the one who's willing to do what it takes to protect my reputation and image… whatever it takes!" King Magnifico angrily said, having enough with Twilight's interference. "There will be no wishing on stars ever again! In fact, there will be no more hope, no more dreams, and no escape. No chance to rise up! No one to tell any tales! No one to challenge me ever again! And no even Magic of Friendship! You... are... NOTHING!"

Magnifico has gone mad, power-hungry mad.

Group Contributor


Winnie the Pooh: Yes, I'm Winnie the Pooh. Pooh for short. But how did you know.

There should be a question mark when Pooh asks how Alice knew him.

Spike: And Owl, Kanga, and Roo!

You forgot to add Gopher for that part.

Group Admin

There we go I fixed it.

Comment posted by Justin Mershimer deleted May 11th

Edit: Added a bit where Diamond Tiria talks to the townsfolk.

Chicken Little

We Didn't Think of That

(After returning home from their adventure, Diamond Tiria apologized to every pony in town for what she did to the CMC during the Gabby Gums fiasco.)

Diamond-I'm sure all of you remember the Gabby Gums Fiasco, because I was the one who forced the CMC to make more of them, I even blackmailed them to keep going when they wanted to quit. (Everypony gasps at that, some of them seeing that they blamed the wrong pony.) I know, surprising, but lately, I've been feeling bad about what I did that time, but I was scared to tell all of you. But a recent adventure I took with my friends helped me learn that you should reveal the truth about yourselves, even when it's hard. So, after hearing all of this, I'm sorry for what I did, and I hope you can forgive me.

(Thankfully, she was forgiven, knowing that the filly has changed for the better.)

Twilight-We're proud of you, Diamond. It takes guts to own up to your mistakes, but it makes you a better pony in the long run.

Diamond-Thanks, Twilight. I was nervous that nopony would forgive me for what I did. But if Ace can stand up and do something right, then I can to.

Silver Spoon-Sounds like a good lesson to remember.

Applejack-Indeed. By the way, we overheard you girls talking to Ace about the Gabby Gums fiasco, and while we forgave you after you wrote that apology, thinking back, we were in the wrong for what we did.

Rarity-I'll take some of the blame, after finding out who Gabby Gums was, I told my friends about it, which might have caused them to resent you.

Sweetie Belle-So, that's how the whole town knew.

Rainbow-Yeah, and sorry for dropping rain on you girls. If anypony was in the wrong that day, it was us.

Fluttershy-Yes, I wished I didn't cry so much to hear you out.

Pinkie-And I shouldn't have thrown cupcakes at you when you passed by.

Spike-You know, now that I think of it, if the editor-in-chief was responsible for putting a paper together, and Diamond was one for the Foul Free Press, why didn't we ask the school who was making the girls write those stories about us?

(The Mane 6 were quiet, they never thought about that at the time, due to them being mad at the Crusaders.)

Rarity-I guess we didn't think about that.

Scootaloo-We also heard you girls talking round that time and learned that Twilight was against the gossip page we did.

Apple Bloom-Yeah. Twilight, if you found out what we did, why didn't you tell us what we did wrong instead of blocking us out?

Twilight-Your right, I probably should've. I guess I was so upset by that story you made about me, I was worried you might make another one.

Sweetie Belle-At least what you did was tame compared to banning us from the School of Friendship without hearing us out.

Diamond and Silver (Shocked)-She did what?

Twilight-Yeah, not one of my proudest moments looking back. It wasn't until Starlight and Cozy told me and the others what happened that made me realize how bad I acted.

Spike-If you girls knew the CMC would be great teachers, why didn't you tell them when they tried to get into the school?

Rarity-Like I said before, we didn't think about that. We thought that snice they know all about friendship, they would find out that they can teach others like we do.

Apple Bloom-We did learn that when helping Cozy at the time, but we wished you'd just tell us why we couldn't enroll.

Twilight-I guess there are times where we're not always in the right, a fact I'm not happy at admitting.

Spike-Like the time when Celestia flew off from her play when you weren't honest with her about her acting?

Twilight (Winced)-Yeah, I view Celestia in such high regard that I didn't want to say she was bad at something.

Silver Spoon-That would explain why we never saw her on stage and earlier when Spike was being thrown with fruit.

Spike-You can blame the other girls for that.

Applejack (Ashamed)-Yeah, sorry bout that, Spike.

Rainbow-We were in the wrong that time as well.

Pinkie-Yeah, we weren't fair to you either.

Diamond-I guess, like Ace, everypony has that moment where they made 'one little slip.'

(Everyone laughs at that, knowing that everyone can slip up once in a while, as long as they find a way to fix what they did.)

“One little slip”…I see the connection you made there with the song in the film’s soundtrack. Could you imagine all the of Mane Six’s mistakes being shown in a montage with that song playing as part of it.

Group Admin

There are many painful moments in one's life, and it just happens to be that daily reminder of all your past mistakes.

Robin Hood

Trip up and down

After robbing Prince John of his gold.

The group heads back to Robin's hideout.

At Robin's hideout, Spike got the idea to sing a song about Robin.

As Spike sings his song unknown to Spike, he heads for the deep bank of the river.

Robin: Look out, Spike!

But, it was too late as he tripped down the bank while still singing his song until he landed in the river.

Spike: So it trip up and down.

Group Admin

I mean... sure. The detail work is admittedly not very impressive, but I get the reference that you are referring to. I found it a rather enjoyable cartoon.

Group Admin


What happened to the comic strips you drew?!

Group Admin

I guess as it so happens, this seems to be the case. The links suddenly become inoperable and thus we lose a chance to see all the information and details of all the work.

Group Contributor

Chief Bogo: I will give you 48 hours.
Judy: YES!!!!
Twilight: Finally!
Chief Bogo: Thats two days. BUT...
Rarity: But, what?
Chief Bogo: you strike out, you resign!
Judy is shocked, but resolute: Ok. Deal!
Rainbow: WAIT!!!!
All look at her.
Rainbow: I demand one more condition to this deal!
She gets in Bogo's face: she succeeds, YOU resign!
Bogo is stunned, as is everyone present, before he glares.
Bogo: who are you to tell the chief of police what to do?
Rainbow: If you are SOOOOO confident she'll fail, what have you got to lose?
She smirked at him.
Bogo: ok. Deal.
AJ: And mark my words, Chief Horn-head, I'll know if you play dirty during this investigation.

Later, after the predators are found, Judy forgives Bogo his end of the deal.

I admit Chief Bogo was a total A-hole at first, but when Judy proved herself he turned it around.

Group Admin

I admit I did not like Chief Bogo for the way he treated Judy. And if Nick hadn't stood up for her, she would've had to turn in her badge. But later on, when she actually starts proving herself with the help of an unlikely source, we start to see him soften up a bit.

Group Contributor

Sometimes even the hardest heart can be softened

Group Admin

At the very least, one notable example is how they toned him down for one of those shorts when that one officer called him up and Bogo assumed it was for a big case, turned out the big kitty just needed a dance partner for a competition.

Group Admin

Just a little scene where the Disney Heroes are trying to figure out how they will help Twilight and her friends.


Disney heroes trying to figure out a plan

During the evening at the outskirts of Rosas. The Disney characters are trying to figure out how they will help Twilight and her friends.

Aladdin: (sigh) What are we gonna do? Twilight really needs our help. I've should've known this Magnifico guy couldn't be trusted.

Mickey Mouse: There's just gotta be away to help Twilight save the book.

(Genie and Tigger are playing checkers. And Pinkie Pie and Olaf watches them.)

Genie: So, move.

(Tigger does, moving his black peace on top of the board.)

Tigger: King Me!

Genie: That’s a good move. (As Rodney Dangerfield) I can’t believe it--I’m losing to a stuffed Tiger.

Pinkie Pie; Wow! You're good.

Olaf: Very good.

Tigger: Well, my friends, I am the champion of checkers. And I..and I...(groans) I'm not kidding anyone. I just can't stop thinking about Twiliey-Girl and the others. We need a plan to save that book of hers. And get those wishes back from this Magnifico fella. Or something.

Winnie the Pooh: I know what you mean Tigger. Even I can't think of any ideas.

Little John: Ah, come on, Everyone. Climb the castle walls. Sweep them off his feet. Carry them off in style.

Robin Hood: It's no use, Johnny. I've thought it all out, and it just wouldn't work. Besides, how are we going to carry them all at once?

Eugene Fitzherbert: Well for one thing they are magical.

Spike the Dragon: Yeah they sure are.

Applejack: We really appreciate what y'all trying to do. But Magnifico will soon send his guards on patrol of Rosas.

Rainbow Dash: So what? He maybe the king. But that doesn't mean he has an army of villains with them!

Hercules: I wouldn't be to sure Rainbow Dash. If all of us are here. That means some of our enemies will be in Rosas too.

Donald Duck: Well, this is a fine predicament.

Winnie the Pooh: Oh bother. I wish there was something we can do. But what? I don't know either. Think. Think. Think.

Mickey Mouse: Don't worry fellas. We'll think of something. We just gotta.

Group Contributor


I know what you mean Tigger. Even I can't thought of any ideas.

It's actually 'think', not 'thought'.

Basil-Yes, there's always an answer to a problem, just as long as one can think.

Group Contributor


Besides, how are going to carry them all at once?

Forgot to add 'we'.

Group Admin

Everyone contributes in their own way. It's not a matter of who's idea is right or wrong, but rather what idea is most effective.

My Little Pony: The Disney Chronicles: Aladdin

Finding the 'Diamond in the Rough'/Meeting Aladdin

By asking a lot of questions to the people of Agrabah about what the 'diamond in the rough' is, they freaked out when they discovered Twilight and her friends can talk, and they ran or walked away.

Pinkie Pie: (calling out to a person who ran away) Wait, come back! We just want your answer! (she crossed her hooves in disappointment) Well, he's no help either.

Twilight Sparkle: (sighed) That's a big disappointment...

Applejack: I guess asking people some questions won't do any good.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah. Every time we try to ask, they just ran away.

Rarity: That's because they've never seen talking ponies in this story before, Rainbow Dash.

Spike: Or dragons and human-sized cats.

Rainbow Dash: I knew that.

Meanwhile on top of the rooftop, an 18-year old teenage boy named Aladdin rushes up to the edge, carrying a loaf of bread. He almost drops it over the edge.

???: Stop! Thief!

Aladdin looks back and on his tail, Razoul, the captain of the palace guards along with two other palace guards had him trapped.

Razoul: I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat!

Aladdin: (he then looked down the edge and then at the bread) All this for a loaf of bread? (he jumped off the edge) Whoooaa!!

Back to Twilight and the others...

Fluttershy: But there has to be someone we can talk to. Somepony who's very kind that we can ask.

Twilight Sparkle: Fluttershy, I'm sure will find somepony soon. Besides, we still need to know what the diamond in the rough is.

Capper: (he walked besides Twilight) Or who, you know what I mean? It could be a pony, a cat, a person, a place or a thing. Either one of them.

Meanwhile, Aladdin landed on two ropes strung between buildings with dried clothes on them. He skis down them, collecting bits and pieces of clothing on him as he goes. Finally, he's nearing the end of the rope at a window, when a woman reaches out and slams the shutters closed. Aladdin slams into the shutters and falls to the street.

Pinkie Pie: You know, Twilight and Capper both had a good point. (she stands in front of Twilight and the others) I could just close my eyes and imagine someone will drop by in a pile of clean clothes. That way, we'll ask him or her who or what the diamond in the rough is.

When all of the sudden, Aladdin continues falling as being broken by numerous awings and the pile of clothes around him as he landed on Pinkie Pie by surprised. The rest of the Mane Six, Spike and Capper gasped in shock.

The Mane Six (except Pinkie Pie)/Spike/Capper: PINKIE!

Pinkie Pie crawled out of the pile of clothes, and shook her head.

Pinkie Pie: (groaned) Oooh... (she rubbed her head) That came out of nowhere...

Fluttershy: Here, Pinkie, let us help you out of there.

The rest of the Mane Six, Spike and Capper helped Pinkie Pie out of the pile of clothes.

Spike: Are you alright, Pinkie?

Pinkie Pie: I'm better than alright! And like I said before, someone will drop by in a pile of clothes. (she looked back at the pile of clothes)

The Mane Six, Spike and Capper glanced at a pile of clothes as they noticed an arm popped out of them. It catches a loaf of bread and popped out Aladdin and he's about to enjoy his snack.

Applejack: Someone like that?

Pinkie Pie: Could be.

Rarity: Sweet Celestia, it's a human boy.

Just then, the palace guards shouted out to Aladdin on the rooftop.

Guard 1: There he is!

Guard 2: You won't get away so easy!

Aladdin: (he looked up to the palace guards) You think that was easy? (he looked at the three women, laughing at him)

Pinkie Pie: (he tapped Aladdin on the shoulder) Excuse me, sir? (Aladdin turned to her) Do you know what the diamond in the rough is?

Aladdin gasped in shock when he heard a pink pony talking to him, but then he noticed the palace guards are now at the bottom, searching for him.

Razoul: You two, over that way, and you, follow me. We'll find him.

Aladdin: (he turned back to Pinkie Pie) Uh... Look, whatever you are, I'm actually in a hurry. (he nervously smiled as he backed away) So... I better be going now. (he turned around, started to leave while he shook off some clothes on him)

Pinkie Pie: (he called out to Aladdin) Hey!

Rainbow Dash: (she stands beside Pinkie Pie) Boy... He got freaked out too.

Fluttershy: He sure is in a rush.

Spike: So, what will we do now?

Twilight looked at Aladdin in curiosity while he's trying to put on his disguise.

Twilight Sparkle: Hmm... Maybe he can help us. I'll bet he knows about what the diamond in the rough really is. (she went after Aladdin)

Applejack: Twilight, wait for us!

Group Admin

Pretty good, I was hoping that Twilight and the others would have meet Aladdin and Abu when they first arrive in Agrabah.

Group Contributor

oh boy, our heroes are about to experience the thrill of the chase!

My Little Pony: The Disney Chronicles: The Return of Jafar

After the Adventure

The Mane Six, Spike and Starlight Glimmer are back in the Castle of Friendship, and they were talking about their last adventure with Aladdin and his friends.

Fluttershy: It's so wonderful to have Iago on our side right after everything he has done with Jafar.

Starlight Glimmer: Like I told him before, he needs to follow the Path of Reformation as I once did when Twilight helped me.

Twilight Sparkle: And you were right all along, Starlight. From now on, Iago will have a better life with Aladdin, and make new friends too.

Pinkie Pie: We're all Iago's new friends, right?

Rarity: (nodded) Indubitably. And with Jafar out of the picture, he'll never bother us again.

Rainbow Dash: That's for sure. Or... is he really coming back?

Applejack: We'll have to wait for the next part of the story in the future.

Spike: (he's in deep thought) Hey, there's something I had in mind I can't stop thinking about.

Twilight Sparkle: What's that, Spike?

Spike: Whatever happened to Abis Mal?

Twilight Sparkle: Let's turn the page in the Book of Disney and we'll find out.

The Mane Six, Spike and Starlight Glimmer gathered around the Book of Disney as Twilight used his magic from her horn to turn the page.

Back at the palace gardens in Agrabah, Abis Mal is still hanging around in the tree right after Jafar's defeat.

Abis Mal: Does this mean I don't get my third wish? (he hung his head in disappointment)

The Mane Six, Spike and Starlight Glimmer laughed at this very moment when Abis Mal didn't get anything for his third wish with Jafar gone.

Rarity: (laughed) Poor Abis Mal.

Rainbow Dash: (laughed) I guess he got what he deserves.

Pinkie Pie: Absolutely nothing!

Starlight Glimmer: Well, this marks the end of this story until the next time when the Book of Disney call for us again.

The Three Caballeros

The group meets the Aracaun Bird

After the group meets Aracaun and later they talking about him.

Spike: He's alive guy and reminder me of somepony.

The other had same thought.

Applejack: He is bird verson of Pinkie

Yeah, Ari sure is one zany bird. I bet both he and Yoyo Dodo from Wackyland will get along just fine.


Foxes, Friends and Dragons, Oh My

Rainbow-I'll get it. (She tries to get the star but misses. She does fly into someone though and they fall to the ground.) Sorry about that.

???-Not to worry, Ms. Dash.

(Rainbow saw that she flew into Robin Hood. The others catch up with the blue pegasus.)

Fluttershy-Are you alright, Rainbow?

Rainbow-More that alright, look who I found.

Twilight-Robin Hood?

Robin Hood (Takes a bow.)-At your service, my dear.

(Just then, Little John, Maid Marian, Skippy, Friar Tuck and Lady Cluck came out.)

Maid Marian-Are you alright, darling?

Robin Hood-Don't worry, my dear. Just met some old friends.

Merida-You know this fox?

Rainbow-Yep! You'll like him, Merida, he's an archer, just like you.

Merida (Liking that fact.)-Is he now?

Robin Hood-Indeed, my dear.

Skippy-Yeah, no one can beat him at archery.

Merida-Well, we'll have to test that later.

(Applejack, Pinkie and the CMC came in with their Disney friends, including Flynn Rider, Abby, Runt, Fish, Jake (Rescuers), Wendy, John and Michael.)

Sweetie Belle-Hey guys.

Ace-Whoa, never knew you had more friends than us.

Ms. Calloway-You're telling me.

Flynn-I thought you girls were nuts in saying you had more friends, but I guess even I can be wrong.

Applejack-Well, the reunions just keep get bigger.

???-That's nothing.

(Everyone sees Spike and Rarity with their Disney buddies, including the great mouse detective himself, Basil and even Kuzco.)

Rarity-Not only do we have our old friends we made in the past


Spike-But we have one of the biggest friends we ever made.

(Aladar comes out with his lemur family, leaving the others shocked by the dinosaur in front of them.)

Happy-That has to be the biggest thing I've ever seen.

Peter Pan-You got that right.

Mirabel-I may've read about dinosaurs in a book before, but I never thought I'd see one in real life.

Jasmine-I get what you mean.

(Just then, something or someone, got on Applejack's back.)

Applejack-What the?

(She turns to see that it was Gurgi.)

Gurgi-Master, Gurgi found pony friends with many more friends.

(Everybody sees Taran, Eilonwy, Arther, Lilo and Stitch appearing from the woods.)

Taran-Good to see you ponies again.

Twilight-It has been a long time.

(Just then, everyone hears a chewing sound.)

Maurice-Is someone eating something?

Timon-Yeah, I heard it too.

Pumbaa-And for once, it's not us.

Pocahontas-It's sounds close by.



Fluttershy-If it wasn't Stitch, then, who is?

(A rustle from an apple tree gets the groups attention, and Spike figured out who it was.)

Spike-Hey, Elliot.


(Elliot, who was invisible, became visible surprising everyone, as he ate the apples.)

Rainbow-Hey, good to see ya, big guy.

Pinkie-We missed you, Elliot.

Spike-Don't worry guys, Elliot's a nice dragon. He'll never hurt a friend. (Elliot blubbers in agreement.)

Sisu-Well, it's great to meet another dragon that on the hero's side, put her there. (The two dragons share a clawshake.)

Kuzco-This day is getting stranger by the minute.

Arther-You got that right.

Group Contributor

the friends keep coming!

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Rough Playtime

woody left Sunnyside to go back to Andy's after the rest of Andy's toys refused to go with him thinking Andy didn't care for them anymore. But Woody wasn't alone twilight sunset shimmer and applejack left to convince him to go back to his friends. Twilight told the rest of the equestrians to stay and convince the others to change their minds.

Meanwhile bullseye was staring at the door sad that woody left them and told bullseye to stay since he didn't want him alone in the attic.

Bullseye: (whimpering)
Jessie walked towards bullseye trying to comfort him as Fluttershy did the same.

Jessie: Oh it's gonna be okay‚ bullseye.

Fluttershy: Jessie is right bullseye woody will be fine.

Buzz: exactly Woody's going to college with Andy it's what he's always wanted.

Rex: I don't understand why twilight sunset and applejack went with him.

Mr.potato head: Ah‚ they're crazy college is no place for a toy.

Rainbow dash: potato head for the last time Andy was putting you guys in the attic!

As she and potato head argued apple Bloom was staring at door as well waiting for Applejack to return.

Sweetie belle: Are you ok apple bloom?

Apple bloom: I'm fine I just hope my sister comes back.

Buzz: it's ok apple bloom I'm sure she'll come back she even told you she would.

Apple Bloom: (smiles) thanks buzz.

Mrs.Potato head: anyways as me and my husband were saying Toys are for playtime.

Hamm: Oh‚ speaking of playtime they're lining up out there!

scootaloo: Wait Really!?

Buzz: how many?

Hamm: there must be dozens.

Rex: (exclaims) I can hardly wait!

Pinkie pie: (slimes wide) ME TOO!!!!

Buzz: places everyone!

Rex screamed with excitment then The equestrians saw how excited pinkie was they then realized it been awhile since a childs played with them in the toy story world.

Rainbow dash: Weeeell as long as I'm here and it's fun.

Rarity: Might as well enjoy it and who knows maybe the young girls will comb my mane.

Fluttershy: yeah and it was fun when Andy played with us.

But Sweetie belle and apple bloom were confused.

Apple Bloom: Wait rainbow dash what's playtime like here?

Jessie: Trust us apple bloom you'll enjoy it.

The equestrians the CMC and the toys ran to different places as they froze in place while others fell to the ground.

Rainbow dash: Ok apple bloom sweetie belle scootaloo what ever you do don't move when the kids are in here.

The CMC then froze after what rainbow dash told them what to do. But All of a sudden buzz notices that some of the toys that lived in the caterpillar room were starting to hide under a trashcan.

Rainbow dash: Uhhh why are they hiding?

Buzz shrugs his shoulders as he notices more toys were hiding as Fluttershy notices too and gets worried.

Rex and pinkie however we're running towards the door filled with excitment as the bell rings.

Rex: At last! I'm gonna get played with!

Pinkie pie: (hopping) It's been so long!!!!

Buzz and rainbow dash: (worried) Uhhh rex?... pinkie?

Rex: come to Papa.

Suddenly the door swings open launching pinkie and rex as the kids run in screaming like crazy as buzz's helmet shuts.
One of the kids grab buzz and rainbow just before other children grab them but these kids weren't playing nice no they were playing rough and violently with the toys in fact they weren't kids they were hyperactive toddlers!

The other kids grab the other toys including the CMC and the equestrians a boy was slamming Mr potato head as his pieces were falling off two girls were crying fighting over apple bloom as they were tugging and pulling her as they ruin her bow in the process a kid was jumping while sitting on the aliens as rainbow was thrown hard at the wall.

Buzz was grabbed by a girl as she licks his helmet spreading saliva all over it Fluttershy was getting a terrible makeover from 4 girls getting drawn on by markers as they drew on her including her wings as they were cutting her mane.

Meanwhile Jessie and rarity were doing worse as two kids dunk Jessie's head in paint staining her hair as the other dunks rarity's beautiful mane in the paint ruining it as they use them like paint brushes‚ as sweetie belle was getting a horrible bathtime in the classroom sink by one kid as he dunks her in the water while scrubbing her with soap as it ruins her coat.
A girl was biting on Mrs. Potato head's pocket book as a boy stuffs scootaloo's hooves in his mouth getting drool all over it.

As bullseye get ran over by a ball popper Hamm gets dried macaroni and glitter glued on him as a kid rides and jumps on rex breaking his tail off and pinkie was getting stepped on being scrapped on the floor as a kid stuffs mr.potato head parts in his mouth and nose.

As buzz was getting slammed on a wooden shape puzzle a boy steals the girls crown causing her to scream and chase after the boy throwing buzz in the process as someone throws rainbow at the same place buzz lands.

Then buzz and rainbow saw the other toys in the butterfly room getting played with gently and kindly as a boy hugs lotso‚ Buzz and rainbow were confused but then him and her were both grabbed by a boy as chaos breaks loose in the caterpillar room.
This has been the worst playtime ever!!!!

(Writer's note: I literally found out I forgot to add spike in this quote suggestion.

Group Admin

It wouldn't make sense for them to be around when Jafar hired a thug to find the Diamond in the Rough. They would've been informed about the Diamond in the Rough when the 'narrator' was talking to them through the book and 'maybe' they witnessed a suspicious group seeking out the lamp in a cave, but they wouldn't officially meet Jafar until the 'Prince Ali' ordeal. Then they'd have a reason to be suspicious, if not the fact some other guy 'just happens' to know about the cave.

My Little Pony: The Disney Chronicles: The Return of Jafar

The Execution/Iago Saves the Day

The sun has raised in the sky, and Starlight Glimmer is running along the path that leads to the Executioner's Pavilion.

Starlight Glimmer: (running, worriedly) I hope I'm not too late!

Meanwhile at the Executioner's Pavilion, the palace guards pushed Aladdin into the wooden guillotine, and Razoul is trying to behead him until...

Starlight Glimmer: (from the faraway distance) STOP THE EXECUTION!!!

Aladdin, Razoul and the palace guards looked towards the front, and there's Starlight Glimmer running towards them.

Aladdin: Starlight!

Starlight Glimmer: (she stopped to catch her breath) Aladdin didn't murder the Sultan! He's innocent! It was all a setup by Jafar!

Guard #1: A setup?

Guard #2: What is she talking about?

Razoul: (groaned in annoyance) I've had enough of this nonsense. The sultan is dead, the street rat is sentenced to death for his crimes, and it must be done now. (he raised his sword again)

Starlight Glimmer: (she shook her head, nervously) No, no, no! It's a terrible mistake! The Sultan's been taken prisoner along with Jasmine, Genie, Abu and all of my friends! Believe me! Jafar is back to get his revenge on Aladdin! Please let him go!

Just as Starlight Glimmer tries to reason with the palace guards that it was all a frame-up, Jafar appeared in his Jasmine disguise.

Jafar (Jasmine): Wait!

Aladdin: Jasmine! (Jafar in his Jasmine disguise walked up to him) I knew you wouldn't go through with this.

Starlight Glimmer: (she looked at Jafar in his Jasmine disguise in concern until she turned back to Aladdin) Don't fall for it, Aladdin!

Aladdin: (he turned to Starlight Glimmer, confused)) What do you mean?

Starlight Glimmer: That is not Jasmine!

Aladdin: (shocked) What!?

Jafar (Jasmine): She's right, you know. And I just wanted to say goodbye... (he briefly revealing his face to Aladdin) ...STREET RAT!

Aladdin: (gasped) Jafar! (his face is being cover by a head mask, mumbled) It's Jafar...

Starlight Glimmer: (fearfully) No, no! Don't listen to her! (she ran up to help Aladdin) I mean, to him! (but she's being blocked by the palace guards as they grabbed her) Please listen to me! It's Jafar in disguise! (she tries to break free from the palace guards' grasp) He's trying to get rid of Aladdin! Let go of me!

Razoul: That's right, keep the pony still. (he turned back to the head masked Aladdin, holding a sword in his hand) Now for some unfinished business.

Starlight Glimmer: (concerned) Don't do this, Razoul!

Back in the dungeon, Iago is lifting Genie inside the crystal ball higher and higher as he grunts. Twilight and the others watched him from below.

Pinkie Pie: (she shout out to Iago) Higher, Iago, higher!

Twilight Sparkle: We're losing time! We only got fifteen seconds left!

Fluttershy: (worriedly) Hurry, Iago!

Starlight Glimmer is still in the grasp of the palace guards as she reached her hoof out towards Aladdin.

Starlight Glimmer: Let me go! (she reached her hoof out toward Aladdin, groaned) Aladdin!

Aladdin: (under the head mask, mumbled) Starlight!

Jafar who's still in his Jasmine disguise walked down the steps, but looked back for a few seconds before he kept on going.

Rarity: Do you think it's high enough?

Applejack: Just a perfect opportunity. (she shouted to Iago) Now, Iago, drop it!

With enough height of his flight, Iago deliberately dropped the crystal ball as it breaks into pieces, freeing Genie as the Mane Six and Spike smiled in amazement.

Spike: Alright!

Rainbow Dash: YEAH!!!

Razoul raises his sword again as he prepares to behead Aladdin to death.

Starlight Glimmer: NO!!!

When all of the sudden, Genie speeds by and grabbed Aladdin before Razoul slices his head off, much to Starlight's delight.

Starlight Glimmer: I guess this is my cue to leave! (she used magic from her horn to teleport herself out the palace guards' grasp)

Razoul and the palace guards are left in confusion for what happened.

Genie carried Aladdin in his arms while he took the head mask off of him.

Aladdin: Thanks for saving me!

Genie: Oh, come on, Al. You know I had to. Ooh, that no-head look is just not you.

Aladdin: Wait! Where's Starlight?

Starlight Glimmer suddenly appeared on Genie's back due to her teleportation magic.

Starlight Glimmer: Here I am!

Aladdin: Starlight, I'm so glad you're safe.

Starlight Glimmer: And so are you, Aladdin. But I think we need to get back to the dungeon. Our friends are still in there.

Genie: Well, I might be able to do something about that.

Starlight Glimmer: Really?

Genie: That's right. For my next trick...

Back in the dungeon, Jasmine and the Sultan are surrounded by Genie's magic.

Genie: (voice) Bibbidy...

The Mane Six, Spike, Abu and Carpet are surrounded by Genie's magic as well.

Genie: (voice) ...Bobbidy...

The Mane Six, Spike, Jasmine, Abu, Carpet and the Sultan are teleported on the rooftop of the palace by Genie's magic.

Genie: (voice) ...Boo!

Pinkie Pie: Hey! We're outside. (she brightens a smile) I can't believe it. We're saved!

Twilight Sparkle: (smiled) And I'm glad we're out of that dungeon. (she looked around) But how did we get out here?

Applejack: Hey, y'all! (she pointed at Genie flying towards the group with Aladdin in his arms and Starlight on his back) Look over there!

Genie: Oh-ho, and everybody's safe and sound.

Jasmine: (gladly) Aladdin! (she ran up to Aladdin)

Aladdin jumped out of Genie's arms as he ran towards Jasmine, and they hugged each other.

Abu: (he jumped onto Aladdin's shoulder) Aladdin! (squeaking)

Aladdin: (he turned to Abu) Hah! Good to see you too, Abu.

Jasmine: There's somebody else who wants to talk to you.

Fluttershy: Yeah, someone who freed Genie to save you. (she turned to Iago who's hiding behind Jasmine's pants)

Iago: Hello.

Aladdin: (furiously) You set me up! (he pointed at Iago) How could you show your face? You're nothing but a... (Iago hides behind Jasmine's pants again by his anger state)

Starlight Glimmer: (she used her magic to move Aladdin away from Iago) No, Aladdin, wait!

Aladdin: (being moved by Starlight's magic) Whoa! (he turned to Starlight) Starlight?

Starlight Glimmer: You wouldn't believe me if I told you this. You see, I can see Iago in a guilty state and he wanted to make things right.

Jasmine: Starlight's right, Aladdin. Iago rescued us. He didn't have to, but he did.

Pinkie Pie: (cheerfully) He's a hero!

Rarity: And he freed Genie to save you from being executed too.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, it was so awesome for what Iago did back there to save us.

Aladdin: Rescued? (smiled) Him!?

Iago: Please note... "Did not have to, but did." Now we should be fleeing for our lives if you don't mind!

Aladdin: No! We have to stop Jafar.

Twilight Sparkle: Aladdin's right, Iago. Jafar has to be stopped at all cost. Besides, we already stopped him once, and I'm pretty sure we can stop him again if we all go together.

Applejack: I've gotta admit, they have a good point.

Jasmine: (concerned) But how? He's so powerful!

Fluttershy: (frightened) And he's very good at shape shifting too when he's you in disguise, Jasmine. Much like a Changeling, of course.

Jasmine: (she comforted Fluttershy) Shh... It's okay, Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash: (she paced back and forth) Jafar has to have one weakness. But what? What is his weakness?

Genie: His lamp!

Everyone turned to Genie in surprised and confused state.

Spike: What about the lamp, Genie?

Genie: It's his only weakness, Spike. You destroy Jafar's lamp, you destroy Jafar.

Aladdin: Then that's what we'll do!

Twilight Sparkle: But, it's not going to be easy though. Abis Mal has it, and we need to think of a plan to get the lamp from him.

Aladdin: I know.

Iago: (he tapped on Aladdin's shoulder) Reality check. Jafar is large, and in CHARGE!

Sultan: My, yes. There's no telling what Jafar will do to Agrabah. We have a responsibility!

Iago: Maybe you do, but I don't! I'm only responsible for me, myself and nobody!

Aladdin: I understand, Iago. You've done enough. And thanks!

Aladdin took off on Carpet along with Jasmine, Abu and the Sultan while Genie followed them behind.

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks for everything, Iago.

Pinkie Pie: Yeah, we owe you one!

Spike: But now, we've got a villain to confront.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, that's right. It's time to make him pay for what he was trying to do to Aladdin.

Twilight Sparkle: Grab onto me, everypony! (the rest of the Mane Six, Spike and Starlight Glimmer grabbed onto her as she uses her magic to teleport herself and friends)

Iago: Hey, I did my good deed! I don't owe you a thing! You hear me!? (he flew away) Not a thing.

I gotta admit there are some iconic moments in The Return of Jafar, & that's definitely one of them.

My Little Pony: The Disney Chronicles: The Return of Jafar

How to Convince the Palace Guards

Inside the palace, Twilight and the others are walking quietly across the hall to find Jafar and Abis Mal.

Aladdin: Okay, everyone, we need to find Jafar and Abis Mal, retrieve the lamp and destroy it for good.

Pinkie Pie: And that's hasta la vista to Jafar! How's that?

Aladdin: I don't get what you mean, Pinkie. But... (chuckled) got it!

Pinkie Pie: (happily squeed)

Spike: But they could be anywhere in the palace. But where? Where do we look for them?

Starlight Glimmer still thinking about Razoul and the palace guards still looking forward to capturing Aladdin again for his 'crimes'.

Twilight Sparkle: Is something wrong, Starlight? You're in a deep thought.

Starlight Glimmer: (deeply sighed) I tried to stop Razoul and his men from hurting Aladdin, but they don't even listen to me about what was going on when Jafar framed him for 'murdering' the Sultan. How will I make them understand this whole situation? They're still out there looking to him.

Applejack: So their minds have already made up, huh?

Rainbow Dash: (angrily) That Jafar...! I'll never forgive him for tricking the palace guards like that.

Fluttershy: But how are we gonna try to convince them that Aladdin's innocent? Starlight have already tried, but it didn't go very well.

Rarity: All we need is proof, but we don't have any proof.

Pinkie Pie: Hey, no need to worry, everypony. Besides... (she took out photos she took about Jafar's plans of framing Aladdin) ...I took some pictures of Jafar's evil plans while we were locked up in the dungeon, just in case. That way, we'll show proof to the palace guards and clear Aladdin's name.

Spike: Pinkie, you're a genius! Talk about a quick thinker around here!

Rainbow Dash: (gladly) You really came in prepared before we left Equestria!

Twilight Sparkle: (smiled) Yes indeed! (she uses her magic from her horn to take Pinkie Pie's photos) And I'm sure these pictures are good enough for the palace guards to see.

Starlight Glimmer: And after we show them the pictures, that will prove to them that I was right all along.

Aladdin: We'll worry about them later. Right now, we need to stop Jafar from taking over Agrabah again. But there's one place in palace that he will be in with Abis Mal, and that's...

Sultan: (gasped in realization) Of course...! The throne room...!

Group Admin

Here's my quote for Aladdin on the scene where Jafar learns about Twilight and her friends arrival in Agrabah.

My Little PonyThe Disney Chronicles: Aladdin
Jafar learns about Twilight and her friends' arrival in Aagrabah

In Jafar's lab. Iago flies into the window where he sees Jafar still trying concentrating to find the diamond in the rough in his books.

Iago: Hey, Jafar!

Jafar: Iago. I don't wish to be disturb! I'm trying to find the Diamond in the Rough.

Iago: Sorry, but I wanted to tell you something this is important.

Jafar: It had better be.

Iago: Well I was flying around the kingdom but suddenly I saw this magical cyclone that looked like a portal.

Jafar: Magic portal?

Iago: Yes, then I saw a bunch of creatures flying out from the sky they look like ponies, two them were pegasi, a unicorn, two earth poines, a baby dragon, a walking talking cat and an alicorn.

Jafar: An alicorn?

Iago: Yes, I thought they were myths and legends. I saw it with my own eyes. And they can talk too like me. But here's another thing. the alicorn she said she's the Princess of Friendship and they are from this some kind of other world called Equestria?

Jafar: Equestria? This is true? Or Are you just making this up?

Iago: No! No! I didn't! It's the truth I swear.

Jafar: (thinking) Hmmm....six ponies, a baby dragon and a cat from another world called Equestria? Interesting...if these creatures are from another world that means they must've have secret from this Equestria world of theirs. Which fits in perfectly with my plan....

Ok, THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone PLEASE put a bullet through his head and/or and arrow through this chest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or at least RIP HIS LIPS OFF!!!!

Group Admin

At ease, stark...

I understand you find a character like Magnifico insufferable for one reason or another. But that kind of talk is going to rub readers the wrong way. I can understand hearing this from another specific user, but please don't add onto the list of people to keep track of. Okay?

Sorry, I just can't stand how much villains run their big mouths

Group Admin

I get it. It's irritating for me too. But at least compared to most people, I've learned to use 'self-control'. It's all about setting a good example in this group or else folks will only see you as an angry person. How would your onsite supervisor at work feel if you said that kind of stuff on shift?

My Little Pony: The Disney Chronicles: The Return of Jafar

The Final Battle - Part 1

In the throne room of the palace, Jafar's evilly laugh echoes the whole area as his plan was a success to rid of Aladdin for good.

Jafar: Now that my revenge is complete, there is one little matter left to resolve.

Abis Mal: Yes! The wish!

Jafar: (he turned to Abis Mal with his eyes glowing red) Indeed. (he walked towards to Abis Mal) You will now wish me... (he takes his lamp as his eyes started glowing red again) ...FREE OF THIS WRETCHED LAMP!

Abis Mal: (he takes Jafar's lamp back) No! My wish! You got what you wanted! Now it's my turn!

Jafar: But you don't need to waste your third wish. You want the sunken treasure of Coeur du Mer? (he used his magic) It's yours!

With Jafar's magic, the ship, Coeur du Mer appeared from above as it falls to the floor with a loud thud. Coeur du Mer is filled with treasure like gold, silver, jewels and jewelry. Abis Mal is very happy and thrilled to have his prize.

Abis Mal: (cheering and laughing excitedly as he started running around Coeur du Mer) Yes, yes, yes, yes! Yes, I love it, I love it! Whoo!

But in front of Coeur du Mer, a mermaid turned out to be Genie in disguise tries to reach for the lamp from Abis Mal by stretching his arm and hand, but he missed.

Abis Mal: (cheered) Silver! Rocks! Rocks of all colors and sizes!

Genie snapped his fingers and teleported himself back to Aladdin, Twilight and the others.

Starlight Glimmer: Did you get it, Genie?

Genie: (shrugged) Sorry, I couldn't get it.

Rainbow Dash: (disappointed) That's just great... (sighed) Any other ideas?

Spike: Psst! (whispered) Hey, you guys, you must take a look at this.

The group walked towards Spike as they peek to look what's going on with Abis Mal.

Abis Mal: So this means I could have... more stuff?

Jafar who's feeling very annoyed, used his magic to make a red ruby appeared.

Abis Mal: Ooh-hoo, I always wanted one of those! (he set Jafar's lamp down on the throne, ran towards the red ruby)

Twilight and the others watched from behind the pillar without being seen, and they were stunned.

Abis Mal: (he held the red ruby close to him) Nice! More! MORE!

Once again, Jafar used his magic to make different kinds of treasure appear.

Twilight Sparkle: (whispered) Go for it, Genie!

Genie: (whispered) Here it goes! (he stretched his arm and hand while dodging treasure still appearing until he can reach Jafar's lamp, but the golden eagle statue and landed on his hand before he can reach for it) Ouch...

Applejack: (she face palmed herself with her hoof, whispered) Dang nabit! So close!

The Sultan walked a little closer to find out what's going on.

Sultan: (stunned) Oh dear!

Jasmine grabbed the Sultan just in time before another batch of treasure landed on top of him.

Pinkie Pie: (whispered) Whoa! It's raining gold and jewels!

Jafar: (he walked up to Abis Mal) Now, if it's obscenely excessive enough, perhaps you'd care to grant my FREEDOM.

Abis Mal: Huh? What? Oh yeah, right. I wish you were free. Sure thing, yeah.

Abu was about to snatch Jafar's lamp until Abis Mal walked back towards, and he hides behind the throne. Abis Mal takes Jafar's lamp and he's ready to make a third wish to set Jafar free.

Abis Mal: I wish for Jafar to be... (Twilight and the others watched in horror as he's about to say 'free', but...) Wait.

Twilight and the others sighed in relief. A very close call before the third wish is made.

Rarity: (sighed) That was a close one.

Fluttershy: A few more seconds and Jafar would've been freed from his lamp.

Twilight Sparkle: We have to get that lamp somehow.

Starlight Glimmer: Yes, but how?

Twilight Sparkle: Hmm... (she turned to Aladdin) I say we do it Aladdin's way. (she walked up to Aladdin) So what do you suggest, Aladdin?

Aladdin: You know me, Twilight, a street rat can do what a street rat can really do. But, I gonna need you and Starlight's help.

Twilight Sparkle: Sure. What is it that you want us to do?

Aladdin: Come closer and I'll tell you. (Twilight and Starlight came closer to him) Okay, here's what you gotta do. (he whispered his plan to Twilight and Starlight)

Abis Mal: How do I know that these things won't disappear once I set you free?

Jafar: The more pressing question is... how will you stay alive if you DON'T!?

Abis Mal: But -- but you said genies can't kill! (Abu came out of hiding and he's about to snatch Jafar lamp, but Starlight waved a him for 'not yet' and he stopped) You said that!

Jafar: You'd be surprised what you can live through.

Twilight Sparkle: Hello, Jafar.

Jafar: (he turned and he saw Twilight in the middle of the throne room, gasped in shock) Impossible!

Abis Mal: It's that little alicorn again!

Jafar: Princess Twilight Sparkle!? How'd you ever get free from the dungeon?

Twilight Sparkle: Ooh, you wouldn't know if I tell you. Let's just say I'm here to make you a deal.

Jafar: A deal, huh? Hmph! This has better be a good one.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay. Listen, you can drain all of my magic as you like. And if you did, you will leave the people of Agrabah alone, right?

Jafar: (he thinks for a minute) Hmm... (he smirked evilly) I like that idea. (he walked towards to Twilight Sparkle)

Abis Mal: (nervously) W-W-Wait a second, Jafar! This could be a trick!

Jafar: (he ignored Abis Mal as prepares to drain Twilight's magic) Princess Twilight Sparkle, your magic will soon be mine once again.

Starlight Glimmer: Hold it, Jafar! (Jafar stopped and saw her coming towards him) You forgot somepony else too.

Jafar: Ah... Another friend of Twilight's, huh? Very well, I will drain your magic as well. Isn't that sweet? Two ponies are joining together.

Abis Mal: B-B-But Jafar-

Jafar: (he prepares to use his staff to drain Twilight and Starlight's magic) Your magic is mine!

Twilight Sparkle: (laughed) I don't think so, Jafar. The real fun is just beginning.

Jafar: (shocked) What!?

Starlight Glimmer: (she turned to Abu who's hiding behind the throne) NOW, ABU!

Abu heard Starlight said 'now!" as he grabbed Jafar's lamp from Abis Mal.

Abis Mal: Huh? (he noticed Abu hanging onto Jafar's lamp) HEY!

Applejack: That's your cue, Aladdin!

Aladdin: Got it! (he ran up to Abis Mal and grabbed Jafar's lamp) I'll take that!

Abis Mal: My lamp! (he and Aladdin pulled and tugged Jafar's lamp to see who gets it) Gimme!

Jafar: (he saw Aladdin still alive) The street rat? Still alive!? (he turned to Twilight Sparkle, angrily) You tricked me...!

Twilight Sparkle: (smugly smiled) What's the matter? You thought your plan to frame Aladdin and get him executed would work?

Starlight Glimmer: Well, too bad. Your plan has been backfired.

Jafar: (he turned back to Aladdin and Abis Mal still tugging on his lamp) No...! My plan...! My glorious plan is ruined! Destroyed! Blasted! (Aladdin and Abis Mal looked towards him in shock) NOOOOO!!! (he conjured up a fireball, and throws it at Aladdin and Abis Mal in rage)

Twilight Sparkle: Aladdin, look out!

The fireball hits dead-center and Aladdin and Abis Mal are blasted onto the balcony, which suddenly starts to crumble.

Starlight Glimmer: Twilight, look, the balcony!

Twilight Sparkle: Hang on, Aladdin! We're coming! (she and Starlight ran towards the crumbled balcony to help Aladdin)

As the balcony gives way under Aladdin and Abis Mal, they jumped across and tried to get off the balcony. Twilight and Starlight were almost there to help save Aladdin and Abu, but they were a few seconds late and they all fall including Abis Mal.

Twilight Sparkle/Starlight Glimmer: ALADDIN!!!

Abis Mal: (falling) Help!

Just as Aladdin and Abu are about to hit the ground, Genie turns into a armchair and catches them, much to Twilight and Starlight's relief. Twilight flew down towards Aladdin, Abu and Genie while Starlight uses her magic from her horn to float herself down to safety.

Aladdin: Thanks, Genie!

Twilight Sparkle: Are you alright, Aladdin?

Aladdin: Yeah, I'm okay.

Starlight Glimmer: (sighed in relief) What a relief...

Rainbow Dash: (from above) Hey, you guys!

Twilight, Starlight, Aladdin, Abu and Genie looked up and saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flying down towards, followed by Jasmine, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie riding on Carpet.

Fluttershy: (worriedly) Is everypony okay?

Rarity: We were really worried about you.

Pinkie Pie: I'm glad nopony got hurt.

Aladdin: (he looked around) But, where's the lamp?

Spike: Hey! (he pointed at Jafar's lamp on top of a tree while Abis Mal tries to reach for it) There it is!

Abis Mal got stuck on the branch of a tree while trying to reach for Jafar's lamp, but he ended up causing it to fall on the ground.

Twilight Sparkle: Come on, everypony! Now's our chance to get Jafar's lamp and destroy it for good!

Group Contributor

Nice work on this scene. Just wanted to let you know about this quote.

Spike: Hey! (he pointed at Jafar's lamp on top of a tree while Abis Mal tries to reach for it) There is it!

It should be 'There it is'.

Group Contributor

Glad I could help.

Group Admin

Wanda already has an 'editor' having to handle with a majority of all the 'grammar' in every suggestion request I've been getting. It's being handled.

But I wonder how will Diamond Tiara say to everypony in Ponyville about the Gabby Gums fiasco before she apologize to them?

Group Admin

Sooner or later that discussion is bound to come up. Folks will definitely be upset with Diamond Tiara, and it is going to take some time to process how they've been blaming the wrong ponies when Diamond Tiara was the one pushing for juicier material in the first place. But then it'll be a matter of determining if she is truly sorry for her actions or just sorry for getting caught.

Just added a bit in the beginning on what I think Diamond might say to apologize.

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