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Group Admin

So A while ago I did a few commissions for some people and they turned out incredibly well. They were, in my opinion, some of the best stories I've ever written. Since then, I even did a commissioned Original story for a friend, and that turned out great.

So these are going to be my permanent commission rules. $10 for a 3,000 word one shot. I truly hope you will give me a thought. Last time it helped me and my family a lot.

Here are the specifics.

Requests I'll Take

Generally? Anything but clop.

It can be as vague or specific as you like, but keep in mind this will be a one-shot story. Don't expect a multi-chapter epic. But again, anything from "A Story About Rainbow Dash" to "A story where Rainbow Dash enters the speedforce and meets The Flash and battles Captain Cold in Central City." Yes, you can take this to mean that I'll do crossovers. But it may take me some time to research a property I don't know about, and if I don't have access to it I may ask you to alter your request.

I also reserve the right to deny service. There are going to be times when these commissions will be closed, or ideas that may be too outside of my wheelhouse.

My Credentials

I'm at least a decently RATED author, with no fic of mine receiving much less than %80 Upvotes to downvotes. The most downvotes I've gotten is 11 on my first story with 79 upvotes to balance it out, coming up behind it is 5 downvotes to 153 upvotes. As of writing I have two stories with no downvotes at all. So there it is in pure numbers, but that hardly means anything.

I've never received a shellacking in the comments, but there's still time, and I've written a bunch of different genres, including Romance, adventure, tearjerker, and even a thriller (that is unfortunately off site, at the moment).

But if you don't know me, the only way you're going to know if you like my writing is to read it. Got a bunch of stories I'm proud of up on my home page, give them a read if you're curious.

Will warn you, my fatal flaw is punctuation. I'm not completely illiterate but I have gotten complaints. Your stories will however, be proofread by my mother, who is a writer in her own right, AND an English teacher.

There are also satisfied customers you can ask! With reviews! From my first customer, Striving for Harmony

At times I forgot that I was reading a fan work. This reads like an official short storybook.

I did say that I was looking forward to your treatment of these characters, and I'm glad to say that you exceeded my expectations.

But I wouldn't dream of not backing it up. You can check out my homepage and the stories labelled "The X Legacy Collection" for more details.

Requests and Payment

Very simple, all you have to do is PM me with a reasonable fanfic request and you will receive confirmation from me with my Email address in order to pay me through PayPal.

While I will need to be paid in full in advance, if your fanfic is not completed within two months of received payment you WILL be refunded. I'm not just going to take the money and run out on you guys.

Thank you for even considering this, and I hope you take advantage of my limited talents!

Group Admin

6594506 You can pin this thread if you want. XD

Group Admin

Thank you! I have. :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

If I do think of any ideas to commission from you, I'll let you know ASAP.

Group Contributor

I have many ideas and willing to pay. i dont have much but if your prices are reasonable ill be throwing you all my story ideas lol

Group Contributor

They are good ideas i swear...

I think I will take this, but we have a problem: I don't have a PayPal yet, because I never needed one until now and doing anything involving computers is kind of a hassle at my place. So if you want to, here's what I ask: I'll give you an idea, and we'll put it on hold until I have a PayPal with enough money for your fees on it. You won't write a single word on the story until I have the money, until I can guarantee that I can pay for it. I just would like a space reservation for me until I do, if that's not unfair. If it is though, feel free to skip over my request! :twistnerd:

Group Admin

$10 per 3,000 word story. That's my price. Feel free to do multiple slots of you want to.

I don't think you need a PayPal to pay via PayPal, but I'm not sure. :rainbowhuh:

I'll keep you in mind.

Group Contributor

Check in the forum for me I have two ideas out there. Sawsome of your work price is good but I want a long read. Pump out as many chapters as possible and I'll pay 15 for every 3k

Group Contributor

I'm a little cautious but I'm willing to pay 15 up front if you decide to take one of my stories

Group Admin

6594627 You might want to post your ideas here as well so he can find them easier. :)

Group Contributor

another idea for a story set in the human world but the main guy starts seeing and hearing things that are not there in a way so heartbreaking you actually want him to kill himself (lol sorry trigger warning) but when he finally goes to sleep under the influence of a few strong sleeping pills he finds a new world full of happy ponies there to great him. he then turns out to actually BE a pony but was put in a coma by some shady dealings in equestria in his past and finds out he used to be a hero, but can he become thaat hero again before equestria is doomed or will he choose to wake in the world of humans and dream forever? is it really a dream, or a waking reality? and can he figure out which is real before ending it all in the wrong reality?

Group Contributor

about a stalion who falls in love with princess lunas night and her right before she becomes nightmare moon. He tries to help her but when he cant keep her from turning into nightmare moon he decides to help her bring eternal night. But even failing that when she gets trapped on the moon ge begs celestia to turn him to atone for as long as she is trapped on the moon. Locked away with his own thoughts to keep him company under the moon in the gardens he slowly goes insane and when he breaks out has comoletely lost his mind and finds luna as a timid regretful soul inatead of the strong and stubborn mare he fell for. Thinking she is brain washed he flees into the everfree forest and plans a way to get her back the way she was before. Luna thinking its her fault too tries to do anything she can to prove she is the real luna and under her right mind

Group Admin


Light, you have some story requests. I am tagging you so you will see.

Group Admin

Okay, I currently am working on the first Commission and it's kind of a big project, and it's kind of stressing me out. I am probably going to switch this to closed until I'm done.

Secondly, you NEED to PM me about these. If you don't know how, go to my page, click mail, and you can figure it out from there. I can't take full requests off of forums, there's a reason I set this up like this.

Group Contributor

Sorry... I'll just ask someone else... Again sorry...

Group Admin


He doesn't mind helping you. He is writing your first story. He is just asking people to send him messages with the story requests so he can keep track of them. :)

Group Admin

Not his, but a story. A long one. I may take others after I'm done, but I just need to set this up the way I need to.

I did not mean to come off surly, trust me. I like money too much to turn you away, I'm guessing you're relatively new here? If there is anything you need help with, just ask me.

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