The Unified Creators Alliance 495 members · 1,845 stories
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Group Admin

A Final Note About My Old Group (The Insane Creators Guild)

I think it is important to discuss some things regarding my motivations for deleting my old group (The Insane Creators Guild).

First of all, I want people to understand that the decision I made to delete my old group was my own.

My primary reason for deleting the group is because of issues I was having with stalking and harassment. The issues I encountered caused me to delete many of my groups here and also a lot of my social media sites.

The situation seems to be resolved at this point but at the time it seemed like the best action to take, given what the people were attempting to do to my groups/ social media sites.

Also, another group was created that had a similar name (Drama Free Insane Creators Guild) to it which came into conflict with a brand (with a YouTube channel and so on) that I am trying to build. It isn't their fault for making the group. They were not aware of what I was trying to do with my brand. So please don't call them out or bother them because they made a new group. Look at it as another place to post and promote things.

The admins of the old group decided to make another Creators Guild in the form of The Not So Cynical Creators Guild. I hope that people can also use this as a resource to post and promote whatever they want.

Next, I want to apologize for any way that I did not run the old group properly. I have been going through a lot of stress at home which has interfered with my ability to manage things properly. I have also been struggling with some health issues which have interfered with my ability to be online for long periods of time. Hopefully I can make a better structured group next time.

I know the group I created wasn't perfect but I just wanted to have a place where people could hang out and post/ promote whatever they want.

It was never about me. It was about helping other people get their stuff out there, a place for people to make friends, and have fun.

I hope that people can understand that my motivations for creating my group were to help other people succeed.

Hopefully people can carry on the legacy of my group through this and others similar to it.

And hopefully I can build a better group next time.

Blessings to you all. :heart:

Group Admin


Could you please not share a link to the other group in here? It would be greatly appreciated if you could unlink it.

Group Admin

6558894 Sure. I will remove the link. :heart:

Group Admin


Thanks, that is greatly appreciated.

Group Admin

6558898 You are welcome.

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