The Unified Creators Alliance 495 members · 1,845 stories
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There's plenty of fics on the site with Tirek, but there ain't many fics on the site involving his brother Scorpan. I also think that because Scorpan is a character with both unknown and ambiguous power, he can be a character that can be very well written when put into the right hands. With that in mind, I created this.

TBrotherhood and Betrayal
Scorpan didn't want to do this. Tirek deserved the chance. But he refused, and now Scorpan will do what he must.
BradyBunch · 5k words  ·  30  8 · 1.2k views

Focusing on what was going through Scorpan's head when he had to propose the notion of friendship to Tirek, Brotherhood and Betrayal is written in the format of Orson Scott Card, the author of Ender's Game, so don't expect italics to indicate thoughts here. The dialogue between them is natural and feels right to read, and the inevitable refusal by Tirek is painful for Scorpan and leads to Scorpan and Tirek fighting each other, in a thrilling battle of titanic magical power. Give this a read. It will be well worth your time.

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