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The Royal Guards and army did their best, but there wasn’t much they could do. There wasn’t anything anypony could do, really. But that didn’t matter now. Nopony could change the past anyways.

The two hadn’t been here before. But it looked the same as the rest of Manehattan: empty buildings, empty streets. It used to be a lot worse, but after most of the bodies were buried Fiddle found it easier. The smell was still there, but she didn’t mind it.

After all, the two of them were stronger now. In the mind, sure, but mostly in the legs. Day after day, they walked through the city. Hunting, gathering, collecting, and wandering. Searching for nothing. Plotting a course. Learning. Mapping Manehattan.

TMapping Manehattan
Fiddlesticks and Lightning Dust explore a ruined Manehattan.
The Red Parade · 18k words  ·  29  5 · 535 views
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