Equestria ninja girls 100 members · 87 stories
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Here you can pitch quote ideas be it for an actual future story or just for fun. For example, if I were to have the Turtles and the Rainbooms crossover with Sabrina the Teenage Witch 90s sitcom, here's some quotes I'd imagine.

Sabrina: Oh, my gosh. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

Donnie: Wait, you know us?

Sabrina: (blinks) Donatello, why do you sound like Raphael?

(Sabrina meets the Rainbooms)

Sabrina: I'm standing with human versions of the My Little Pony characters.

Rainbow: The what characaters?

Sabrina: (to Rainbow) Wait a minute, Firefly?

Rainbow: The name is Rainbow Dash.

Applejack: How do ya get the name 'Firefly' for her?

Sabrina: Wait, Applejack?

Applejack: Yes?

Sabrina: Wow, you actually have a country accent.

(Spike and Salem)

Salem: Ah! A dog! Please don't eat me (sobs).

Spike: Relax, pal. I'm more of a squirrel chaser than a cat chaser.

Salem: Oh, well, then... My bad.

I remember that show. I use to watch it when I was a kid.

now this is funny.

I loved the sitcom version!


Wasn’t there an animated version of this show?

why yes there is.


It's the one where Sabrina looks like she's thirteen.

yes. yes there is. it would be very fun if she was used.

That would be awesome. I would love to see this crossover with Sabrina The Animated Series.

April: Not surprised with the talking cat, but at least Spike’s got a new friend now.

Casey: (confused) So, who in the world are you anyway?


I watched Sabrina as a kid both live and animated.

And imagine if they wound up in Batman Beyond, seeing old Bruce and Barbara, learning that Gotham is still the same despite it's technological advancements.

The Rainbooms and Turtles are back in the Batcave after falling through a portal.

Fluttershy: The batcave looks different.

Mikey: Yeah, it's got a lot more stuff too.

They saw more display cases, featuring other items and outfits.

Casey: Dudes, it's Scarface!

Pinkie: Harley's costume.

April: And Riddler's.

Leo: We should see Bruce.

???: What're you all doing here?!

The group looked and saw standing in the entrance was a young man no older than the Rainbooms wearing a new bat costume that was all black with a red bat emblem.

Mikey: Batman?

Batman: That's me.

Raph: You look different.

Batman: I don't know how you got in here, but you'll regret it.

Batman shot off from the ground and attacked the Turtles, their allies, and Rainbooms. With every move Leo made, this new Batman dodged, but ended up getting tripped up by Donnie using his staff.

Batman whipped out some new batarangs and threw them, only to get repelled by Rarity's diamond shield. The fashion girl inspected the Batman's costume.

Rarity: Quite an amusing suit you're sporting. Ears are a little too long, and I miss the cape, but otherwise absolutely fabulous.

Batman continued to attack the group, as Casey skated around him while whacking him with a hockey stick.

Batman: What kind of weapon is that?

Casey: What you never heard of hockey?

Before Batman could answer, Twilight and April used their powers and threw Batman all around the cave until a voice called out.

???: Enough, all of you!

Everyone looked to see an old man coming down using a cane, with a dog at his side.

When he reached the bottom he spoke.

???: Rainbooms. Turtles.

The group were shocked upon realizing who they were talking to.

Leo: Bruce?

Bruce: Hello, Leonardo.

Sunset: Bruce Wayne?!

Rainbow: Dude, you're so... (Bruce gives her a stern look) awesome.

Batman: Bruce, you know these guys?

Bruce: They're old acquaintances.

Pinkie: Oh, Bruce, admit it. We're your friends.

April: Bruce, by your time, how long has it been since you've seen us?

Bruce: More than twenty years, April.

Applejack: Whoa, nelly.


And I bet they would meet the Jokerz.

(Meeting Commissioner Barbara Gordon)

In her office was Commissioner Gordon. She was about ready to pack it in, until she sensed something.

Barbara: Did you need something?

Appearing out of thin air was Terry all suited up.

Terry: Sorry, Commissh. But I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time.

Barbara: Another coffee date?

Terry: No, but it does involve more talk from your past.

Barbara was confused, but followed him to the roof.

Barbara: So what did you wanna tell me?

Terry: Actually, I'm not the one to tell you anything, but these guys would.

Barbara looked, and saw some old faces she hadn't seen in years step into the light.

Leo: Hey, Batgirl.

Rainbow: Or do you prefer Commissioner Gordon now?

Barbara: I don't believe it. Leonardo, Twilight, Sunset, Michelangelo?

Sunset: It's us.

April approached and looked her former rival for Donnie down.

April: (smiling) Hi, Barb.

Barbara: (smiling) Hi, April.

Rarity: Barbara, darling, you look wonderful. All things considered.

Barbara: Thanks. You guys don't look like you've aged a day.


When they are in the future, it makes it look like the Rainbooms, The Turtles and alies are immortals.

Because to them not much time has passed since they last saw the Bat Family compared to when the Bat Family last saw them


I see. Although being immortal would be awesome.

Maybe through one POV, but I've seen the downsides to it


You mean the fact that you have to see your love ones die? Yeah I know. But there might be some who are immortal like Discord, Princess Celestia, even The Dazzlings.


The Dazzlings would finally have a man who never ages or dies. (Mainly Adagio.)

Oh, Are you and jebens1 planning on doing an Equestria batgirls beyond?


Not really. Although Batman Beyond would be a perfect home for the Fugitoid.

I'm not sure. He's currently working on another Equestria Ninja Girls project


What is your favorite Japanese Weapon?

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