Flashfic 253 members · 77 stories
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The potion Scootaloo got from Zecora is not a potion that makes one act like a bird or develop general bird abilities/traits, it only gave Scootaloo the ability to fly for a limited time. Which is why I referred to it as a flight potion, not a bird potion. The transformation into a bird, which would naturally come with all the bird traits then, is just an unwanted side effect if one drinks too much of the potion, as Sweetie said at the end.
I can now see a way how I could have made this clearer, after reading your feedback and reading my flashfic again, but I decided against it. I like to write on a higher standard that requires readers to put in some effort and do some thoughts about what they're reading in order to understand what's exactly going on and I have strewn enough hints to figure it all out rather quickly. I don't like making it too easy or convenient for readers.

In general, it is a good idea to give a title to your pieces, even if you can't think of one you like – speaking from experience.

For me, "if you can't think of one you like" would have to be shortened to "you can't think of one". I'm a very creative writer with tons of ideas, but titles for stories and chapters is where my inspiration nearly always leaves me. I have a hard time coming up with titles and since it's not terribly necessary for flashfics (and also harder than with usual fics, coming up with a title for something so short), I usually forego adding a title, unless one comes to me by sudden inspiration.
I might follow your advice anyway, though. Since I want to make an anthology with my flashfic entries, I will soon have no choice but to come up with titles for each of my flashfics I have written since January. Chapters without titles look generic and boring.

Making sure I have your intent correct:
A skit was planned where Scootaloo would play a bird, and she wanted/needed to fly on her own power for the part; so they got a flight potion from Zecora. Scootaloo drank the potion and can fly for now, and that is the only short-term effect. If and only if Scootaloo continued drinking the potion for an extended period of time she would physically transform into a bird, but perhaps not mentally.

If so, then Apple Bloom's concern at the end has no bearing on anything the reader has seen: Scootaloo's actions and appearance are consistent with the baseline character (and, as I suggested, her 'flight' could have otherwise been explained at least two ways without a flight potion). Similarly, the flight potion's existence is not previously unambiguously suggested.

For Apple Bloom's concern to be based in the text, then, it follows that the potion is affecting her in a way that the reader has seen: her flight, and her behavior. If the flight itself is expected, why would it be a cause for alarm? Thus, the reader can only infer that Scootaloo's behavior is related to 'turn[ing] her into a real bird': gobbling down a worm – there's commitment to the part as another explanation, but if that is the reason then why again is Apple Bloom bringing up the potion?

If my above analysis is correct, you have indeed strewn hints, but I at least am connecting them in ways you did not expect.

Time for some slightly late feedback. That still needs to get done before I can move to the September thread. I've only given feedback in two months since I started writing flashfics here, that's something I definitely imagined to be different. I need to improve that quota.


This flashfic is funny, an interesting, new style of humor I haven't seen anywhere else before. And, even though that wasn't the intent here, this flashfic gives me the feeling of living in the countryside and how it must feel to live in Ponyville, specifically, the first paragraph does that. Even though that wasn't intended, I gladly take that feeling. :heart:


Typical Pinkie Pie. And I love the idea of Discord letting something epic only he could create lie around. I'm really surprised he doesn't do that more often.


Most feedback I could give has already been given, so I can't say as much anymore. That Celestia made pancakes with dirt and worms in them for Luna seems pretty random. But I guess Celestia made them actually for Philomena, not Luna, since she could already tell that Luna would be coming too late for breakfast because that has happened often lately, so these pancakes make sense, after all. This was subtly implied, but subtle stories are the best ones.


I think this is my favourite entry this month. I don't like Flash Sentry, because he brings up immediate thoughts of EQG, and I would probably replace him with a different foal here, but the idea works and the tragedy feels great. And since I don't like Flash Sentry, I feel a bit of glee over seeing him in such a situation. A little mean, perhaps, but I think this is the only way how I can tolerate Flash Sentry in a story. xD


The writing style of this is really good, as always with you, though I found two issues in it. The first is, the text does not make clear who Starry Eyes is and also not what his/her purpose in the flashfic is. It is strongly implied that Starry Eyes is a third pony, but then he/she never comes up again.
The second is, by emphasizing on "traditionally pegasine Wonderbolts Academy", you made it sound like the protagonist isn't a pegasus at all, but was somehow let into Wonderbolts Academy anyway. But then you mention "training" and "crashing a lot" later, which then implies he is a pegasus after all, so there is a bit of a contradiction here.
But I love the unique storytelling style here, which is something I generally love about your stories. You are literally the only one who writes like this and it creates a fascinating kind of immersion.


Like Crystalchameleon, you already got all the feedback I could have given. But I like this idea a lot and you managed to express Luna's feelings perfectly, which is an outstanding achievement, that you managed this in only 150 words. Great job!


Unfortunately, the only feedback I can give here is that I have no idea what is going on. :twilightsheepish: But that is probably just my understanding of it, not the way you wrote it. And maybe that was even your intent, in which case you succeeded.


I like the style of this. Though, Twilight feels very OOC here. We know that she can get very obsessed with schedules and that she lets Spike do a lot of work for her. But she also cares greatly about Spike, so waking him up before sunrise for something she could very well do alone and without his help is really not like her. It plays up her obsession too much and ignores her care and her feelings for Spike. She feels like she is purposely annoying Spike by waking him to do something she doesn't need him for and that's definitely something that Twilight wouldn't do.


I like that you wrote a fic for an animal we see in the show. They don't get many fics, if any at all, so it's interesting so see that potential being used by someone. It's also rare to see a fic for one of the early seasons these days, which doubles the enjoyment.


Your first paragraph is correct. Scootaloo wanted to actually fly for the stage performance, so she went to Zecora and got herself a flight potion.
The idea with Applebloom is that she does not know how that flight potion works exactly; all she knows is that Scootaloo got it, that it makes her fly and that it has getting turned into a bird as unwanted side effect, but not when this side effect is going to occur exactly. She only knows that it exists, so she worries that even drinking it just once could turn Scootaloo into a bird. You could also interpret it as Applebloom being worried that Scootaloo could intentionally drink too much of it because she doesn't want to give up her newfound flying ability, but the former is how I envisioned it.
Sweetie Belle's response then answers the question why Applebloom is worried: By specifically explaining to Applebloom that the potion would only turn Scootaloo into a real bird if she would drink it non-stop, it is implied that Applebloom worries about exactly that undesired outcome and that she doesn't know everything about that side effect. Sweetie Belle basically explains it to her and to the reader alike, with this response to Applebloom's question.
The implications aren't too subtle, I think.


And since I don't like Flash Sentry, I feel a bit of glee over seeing him in such a situation.

That's a bit of a relief to hear, because I had people like you in mind when I was writing his character for Final Filly Fantasy. My intent goal with Flash is to treat him the same way haters do and keep driving on that route to the point where the haters start to have sympathy for him.

I'm basing Flash off of Lila Sawyer from Hey Arnold!, where they're the perfect role models for their respective gender who places a positive attitude over themselves to cover the sad life they live in. What better way to treat a character that no one wants than to make it that not even his birth parents wanted him.


The pancakes are not made with literal dirt and worms. It's supposed to be the flavor, dirt and worms; chocolate with gummy worms.

That makes more sense if the pancakes were indeed meant for Luna. Though, dirt and worms aren't common allegories for chocolate and gummy worms, respectively (unless they are and I just never heard of that, which is very possible). How did you come up with the idea of describing chocolate as dirt and gummy worms as literal worms?


My intent goal with Flash is to treat him the same way haters do and keep driving on that route to the point where the haters start to have sympathy for him.

So you have made it your goal to invoke feelings of empathy and sympathy for Flash Sentry in people who hate him. A very tall goal, but if you succeed with that, you will be a master of writing tragic stories. Good luck.

It's not dumb to be fair its easy to assume things that are in pretty much every day vocabulary locally are wider known. I mean we have squashed fly biscuits here but most places know em as Garibaldi. These things can be remedied though little footnote at the end perhaps to help with colloquialism.


A local thing then, I see. No wonder I never heard of it, I live in Europe, as far away from the southern US as one can get. Also, I just realized that there are three flashfics in here that contain gummy worms in some way; Frazzle2Dazzle's, yours and mine. :derpyderp2:
That definitely calls for this wonderful (and very underappreciated) ponification:

They are out there, Twilight.

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