Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
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Can Tempest still use magic, even with her broken horn? Thought I'd dot my Ts and cross my Is for a new project I'm working on.

Well, we know she can at least use her firework like ability, given the end of the movie. And probably shoot off lightning still as well.

Only magic beams, really. She can't do things like levitation and the like

Sort of. she can do attack spells and things but not precise spells like telekinesis

Officially, no. She cannot, because her broken horn renders her magic too unstable to cast traditional spells. This is seen during her song, when she tries to levitate the ball and ends up unleashing her signature electric blast instead. However, one could argue that years of practice and hard work have allowed her to create her own unique list of "Spells" that operate by using the unstable magic of her horn, Such as the aforementioned electric blast and fireworks abilities.

My theory is that she can still use magic, but it's unstable since her horn is broken. That's why her horn sparks uncontrollably when she's mad like a cut cord that's still plugged up, it's still functional, just not on the level as a completely intact cord.

In a more unstable form, so she would more than likely choose not to use it. I'm sure if Twilight was insistent she'd give it a go, but...it wouldn't end well. Like she tries to lift an apple from the table, and instead causes gravity in the entire 100 mile radius to just...turn off....

I think she can technically use magic, but only to blow things up. To use it in a practical, not-killing-ponies-or-doing-property-damage way, she probably has to get creative like with the the fireworks.

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