YouTubers of FiMFiction 59 members · 39 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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For me, it's near-impossible to upload anything longer than 5 or so minutes just because my internet from Comcast regularly drops out.

In terms of actually recording, however, I'm perfectly fine, with plenty of power on my PC to spare.

Group Admin

Well, I don't usually record using YouTube. I usually record using Audacity and upload a video I made in WMML to YouTube. For me, it largely depends on the length, which correlates strongly with file size. With my latest video, which was about a minute and a half long, it didn't take very much time. I also uploaded a video that was about seven minutes in length today which I'm holding but didn't take very long, either. The size of the file determines uploading time proportional to the speed of the internet connection while processing takes longer for longer videos generally. That's where they check for stuff worthy of Content ID claims.

5742642 I didn't say anything about having problems with recording. It's a problem with my upload speed. Comcast drops my internet connection almost once an hour, and during times when it's connected, it rarely goes above 2 mb per second.

I used to be able to easily upload videos before I moved, since back then I was with a different small-town ISP called Veracity. But then I moved into a bigger suburb and ended up with only Comcast's Xfinity or Centurylink as my options.

5742588 I have issues all around, slow internet, a computer with a low entry GPU, decent CPU recording wise well. Most base off of my mood, as for editing well I do mostly quick edits but am able to do some complex edits too. With all the issues I post once every week and plan on increasing it to twice a week. Before I moved I posted every day of the week for the most part editing videos the night before they got posted.

5742880 I've already maxed out my 4g data plan two weeks into january. :ajbemused:

5742885 I post gameplay. Your data plan?

5742893 It's technically unlimited but it slows down to 1/4 the speed after passing the limit of around 6 gigs.

5742945 we all doomed. There no.............

5742588 I like to use Audacity when I do my recordings. It can be difficult at times. Especially when you are always worrying about what other people will think of your recordings (like me).

5742996 Links I said before, I have no trouble recording. Just uploading. My internet sucks.

5743026 Oh... well I don't have much input for you there. Youtube can be slow when uploading readings. The last story I uploaded took a full hour to upload and the video was just a little over 12 minutes long and I have good internet.

Its just another youtube thing.

5743033 meh. I've uploaded hour long videos in about 30 minutes before I moved.

But now that I've moved, it takes far past half an hour to upload a 5 minute video, if the internet doesn't cut off first.

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