Comments ( 15 )
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Because this is the first wave of administrators, I will never do it like this again.

I invited you all and am asking:

1. Would you like to be an administrator in the Christian Bronies of the Reformation Group?

2. Magistrate, or Senator?

After this, I will never do it like this again, I'm just trying to get it done, and trying to launch the first wave of leaders. After this, magistrates will properly select future senators, and our Republican system can commence. I'm rounding up the last potential contributors right now.

5627673 I'd be more than happy to be a senator, if you'd have me :twilightsmile:

5627673 yes!.... :D

wherever you need me to be, i'll be content!

Magistrate if you please if not I guess senator

5627673 I guess I'll be a magistrate m8

Whatever is needed the most.

I apologize for this one-time travesty of the plan, but this must be done for the first wave to get it launched.

Would you like to be a senator? We need tons of those.


I can be a Senator, I've been watching the National Assembly in my country the whole year. I'm sure I can do this.

I have no clue of either so toss me in a spot, tell me what I gotta do and I will do it.

We're going to need senators, we already have two magistrates and we're probably going to have more members who would prefer that position. We need more senators in proportion to magistrates because the Senators represent
the most important decisions.

5629736 Fair nuff. Wait... are we a Senate or a Parliament?

Basically a senate...basically.

I'm trying to utilize the more successful ideas of Rome, Persia, Venezuela, and America, without being too silly for a website or running the group to the ground.

5629739 Ah. Well chuck me as a Senator then.

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