The Society of Mildly Annoyed Liberals 57 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 27 )
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Jesse Coffey
Group Admin

There isn't a more important time to ask this question than right now, when triple parenthesis and anti-Semitic jokes are all too common as are anti-semitic misuses of such memes as Pepe the Frog.


Oh Prager U, you never cease to make me laugh. :rainbowlaugh:


5919714 This is actually something that's always confused the living bejeesuz outta me. While I might despise all forms of bigotry, in most cases, can at least understand where the tribalistic hate is coming from.

People who hate homosexuals are either super-religious, not secure in their own sexuality or the image thereof, or 'squiked' to the point of adapting their disgust to an ideology.

When it comes to black people, we're often dealing with culture-clash and negative stereotypes that are grounded in actual instances of gang violence. In the case of African-American hate, it's often fueled by close proximity.

I'm actually someone who comes from a 'sundown town' (look it up, it ain't a pretty term) and started out life only used to white rednecks, but then I moved to a different area with a mixed school. I was raised with a socially liberal mind-set, and this mind-set was put to the test when I was made to realize that, indeed, there's actually a real culture-clash element going on . . . something I quickly got over.

Other people? Not so much, and I think that's a large part of what fuels all the hate.

Jewish people, though? Perhaps this is because I've never been around an area with a significantly large Jewish population, but I've always seen Jewish people as white folks that happen to go to a different kind of church.

When I hear people spew bigots bullshit about black people, it's always paranoid shit about thugs and whatnot. When I hear bigoted shit about Jews, it's always, 'they control the world and every textbook is a Jewish lie.'

Da fuq . . .

I mean, all bigotry is retarded, but there's bigotry that irritates me, and makes me facepalm, and then there's bigotry that makes me want to ask what drug said bigot is taking, and whether or not I can have some.

Jesse Coffey
Group Admin

5921096 I have a few sentences to write whenever I bump into the claim that Muslims are by nature anti-Semitic:

Not all Muslims are anti-Semitic and not all anti-Semites are Muslims.

Take for example David Duke, who takes a dump on Jews every single day and isn't even a Muslim!


as white folks that happen to go to a different kind of church.

Part of it is exactly that 'different kind of church'. Christianity (and Islam) is very antagonistic toward any other faith, and has thus historically encouraged the persecution of Jews.

Another part is the conspiracy theories about Jews controlling the banks and the media to manipulate world markets. While there certainly are elites manipulating the media and the markets, they are not overwhelmingly Jews. But the elites in power often have no problem with redirecting hatred away from themselves and toward the Jewish race instead. Also, it makes for a nice defense against liberal criticisms as well, since they often accuse anyone who speaks out against the elites of being antisemitic.

they hate us cuz they aint us Jesse
whitey is just jealous of our god-tier Semitic genes
>"they are not overwhelmingnly Jews"
Oh dear fucking God, I am impressed. I thought you couldnt get more retarded but you proved me wrong

Jesse Coffey
Group Admin

5925452 Notice how you're in a group where I am an admin. It is because I am the admin that I have the responsibility to ban anyone for potential violation of a group rule. Rule #1 was broken by your comments, for it's put into nothing more than the category of 'Jews control the world.' Now, you said you were part-Jewish at one point. Unless you somehow are a self-hating Jew, you probably should be warned against posting this sort of thing here.


I thought you couldnt get more retarded but you proved me wrong

Considerations are being taken.

The Anti-Semetic slant is also an issue, I believe.

5925485 I have greater issue with his use of "retarded", but I agree with your assessment.

Jesse Coffey
Group Admin

5925452 now has two strikes because of statements made by 5925498; the first strike (5925496) was brought forth because of the aforementioned anti-Semitism; the second strike was brought forth by crisp's use of the word "retarded" which added more insult to injury.

5925499 So, to conclude-
1) Anti-Semetic slant to his argument
2) Use of "retarded" (though, I'd consider this relatively minor)

Jesse Coffey
Group Admin

5925501 You've got it. Crisp will be banned from the group after the third strike for it's one, two, three strikes you're out . . .

Kill yourself, threatening to ban me from this group is not actually intimidating me, its just reaffirming my belief that you are a walking sack of extra chromosomes.
>selfhating Jew
Yes, because I don't hold my race up on some giant pedestal and worship everything we've done even when its clear we were in the wrong.
Go back to waiting for your parents over chimneys.
>anti-semitic slant
Ocalhoun said that Jews did not play a prominent role in the media, I corrected him. If facts are anti-semitic, that just adds more legitimacy to the claims that Jews are up to no good.

"People who hate homosexuals are either super-religious, not secure in their own sexuality or the image thereof"
hahaha people w ho think fags are degenerates are just cryptofags
Look at me, I'm totally a psychoanalyst guise

Jesse Coffey
Group Admin

5925525 I just found a death threat*, that's the third strike, we put it in our notebook and well, you know what to do! BAN CRISP, BAN CRISP . . .

*violates rules 1 and 4

A lovely infographic. Shame that the data it's based on is pretty questionable.

Jesse Coffey
Group Admin

5925501 I just banned Crisp for strike #3 as his reply to my comment was something that in part told me to kill myself and that I am "a walking sack of extra chromosomes" which violates rules 1 and 4. Crisp is now the fourth person this group has dropped the banhammer on, after Hoarse Phuqer, Shameless Autism and Saint Kelly.

You cut out an important third group from that quote.

Jesse Coffey
Group Admin

Please refer to the comment directly below (as well as above) your first.


5925531 I should have put an 'often' in there, but prove me wrong, balls-trippin' Otacon. :moustache:


5925584 Well, phooey.

I do believe we've triggered Crisp!

5925558 See, this is actually a reasonable discussion on the topic.

5925545 Being fair to Crisp, perhaps we were harsh.
But, rules are rules.

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