Comments ( 14 )
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I ship Shadow with a LOT of people.

Sonic, Amy, Tails, Knuckles, Manic, Sonia, Rouge, Maria, Cosmo.

The gender flipped versions of all of these characters.

Basicly, everyone ever wants in Shadow's pants.

5368458 I only really ship him with Sally

Shadow's not the kind of character who gets into relationships, really. He has friends, including Rouge and Omega. ...Why is shipping the first thread?

I agree , I think Shadow may have ship-tease, but I think putting him in a relationship would be out of character.

Btw, can we talk about crossover ships as well?


So Shadow doesn't have sex?

5368753 Good God, no! Heh... fan fiction. It never tries to stay true to the original source material.

5368785 What question were you adressing?

5368795 Oops, my bad! I was responding to Queen of Fools and I must have replied to you by mistake.

Since this is an MLP forum, can we discuss who we ship Shadow with in the show?

I've noticed that many people tend to ship Shadow with Twilight, I don't really understand tbh.

Personally, I'm a fan of Shadow x Pinkie Pie, seeing as those two are polar opposites and I think it'd be fun to see them interact.

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