For Those Who Need Help With Anything 59 members · 35 stories
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It can happen anytime, and last from as little as a split second or until I finally cave in and start tearing up. But sometimes, out of the blue, for absolutely no reason and with no context, I will feel a sudden intense desire to cry.

Do I need help?

5383903 It does happen out of the blue. Even the happiest of people/ponies just...feel sad. It could be unnoticed anxieties in your subconscious. Uh, but I'm no professional, so please don't take my word for it.

Talk things out with someone and see how you feel after.

Maii -left-
Group Admin

5383903 This has happened to me as well. Let me tell you this - no matter what it is causing you to feel this way, don't beat yourself up about it and don't ever let others judge you for simply being sad. If you ever feel like tearing up, you can always talk to me and I won't judge you for it. Though I think it would be better for you if you had your own small support network of your own to rely on. By that I mean keeping your friends close and making sure they'll be there for you if this keeps happening. Family. Councillor. Whoever it is you think you can trust, keep them with you.

Like Feral_Gamer_Discord said, it may just be unnoticed anxieties. Anxiety in itself is hard to tackle. It could be the result of some exhausting or harsh experience that still hasn't worn off. It could be depression. It could even just be a chemical imbalance in your brain. It could be any one of those things and many more, but I wouldn't really know. Still, I think you should try talking to someone about it. It helps.

If it's a recurring problem that's been going on for a long time, then you may want to check up on it in the future. It's just a suggestion. I'm not a professional either but I really do care about you and that's why I want to make an effort to help you. Stay strong :heart:

5383903 I don't think so. Most of the time when your eyes water up like that it's because they are dry. But if it's an emotional thing, something nostalgic is being kicked in your memory.

Group Admin

no, but it could be you are still troubled by something in your past.

5383903 don't worry, it happens to the best of us, always at the worst times

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