The Sunset Shimmer Appreciation Group 529 members · 621 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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This is the first in what will hopefully be a series of threads discussing different aspects of Sunset Shimmer. These will also hopefully keep interest in the group high enough to last longer so we don't become a dead group within weeks.

First up: Sunset's first days in EQG. Pretty straight forward, so I'll start with what we know canonically to be true: she passed through the mirror.

Unfortunately, that's all we know for sure. The comics show Sunset as a teenager when she passes through, but many don't consider the comics canon. Fortunately, that leaves pretty much everything up to creative minds like ours! How long before Equestria Girls did Sunset pass through? How old is she, and is it different than high-school age? How did she survive her first days? Keep these things and more in mind for your answers.

5260577 Well, assuming that thirty moons is equal to two and a half years, then it's likely that she arrived in the spring. Beyond that, I assume nothing.

5260596 There's nothing, from what I've found, that specifically says it's only been 2.5 years. I personally believe she's been in the EQG world for 5 years to account for the three previous Fall Formal pictures we see in EQG and "My Past is Not Today". Of course, that assumes that none of those are from a Spring Fling.

Shadowmane PX-41
Group Admin

5260577 I believe that when Sunset first appeared in the Equestria Girls world, she too had difficulty adapting to her new form, much like Twilight did, but I think that she eventually came to terms with her new form, built herself up, and spent her freshman years at Canterlot High being, well, a jerk...

But apart from that, I think that the other students were just oblivious to let her walk all over her in the first place, and with the lack of any other bully-type characters like the ones from Flight School back in Equestria, it singled Sunset out as being the school's first actual bully, if that makes sense.

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